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States that the choice of a store’s location is considered to be the single most important decision a retail organization has to make, and that location is seen as a critical factor of Reviews the literature on store location models and how grocery retailers in the UK assess store location sites in terms of site potential and the location models that they apply to these potential Also develops and highlights issues of the use of existing store location models to geographical areas of Eastern and Central E

零售管理(第7版) 作者 : 巴里·伯曼出版社 : 中国人民大学出版社 基业成长 作者 : 鲁宾菲尔德/海明威出版社 : 中国人民大学出版社 富甲美国:沃尔玛创始人自传 作者 : (美)沃尔顿(Walton,Sand Huey,J)出版社 : 上海译文出版社 只放一只羊:零售大王阿尔迪战胜沃尔玛的11大秘密 作者 : (德)布兰德斯出版社 : 电子工业出版社2007-04-02 23:47:42添加 7-ELEVEN零售圣经 作者 : (日)绪方知行出版社 : 科学出版社 零售业 作者 : 冯迪/M哈特/李冬出版社 : 中国人民大学出版社 零售业--哈佛商学院案例精选集(英文影印版)实务系列 作者 : 编写/M哈特等出版社 : 中国人民大学出版社


Shoe Retailing Today is NSRA’s magazine, published bi-monthly in color, in January, March, May, July, September and N Editorial content focuses on shoe retailing issues, business management, industry news and trends, and features on and interviews with people in the footwear Members receive SRT as a benefit of membership; subscriptions are also available to non-members at a rate of $100 per (For information on advertising in SRT, contact )Business Performance R NSRA抯 biennial Business Performance Report is a comprehensive report on the profitability and productivity of the independent shoe retailing Based on a survey of stores whose combined volume wasover $400 The BPR is the industry抯 primary in-depth statistical analysis of shoe retailers?sales and expenses, including their productivity of space, people and It allows retailers to review their businesses against industry norms, and also is invaluable to credit managers, financial officers and people interested in getting into the business of shoe Click here for ordering “NSRA Online” is the Association’s e-newsletter, e-mailed to members “NSRA Online” is published on an occasional basis, as news breaks that is of interest to WISER Sales Training DVD Created for the retail footwear sales associate, this quality training tool addresses both the entry-level and the veteran shoe WISER Sales Training combines the art of professional shoe fitting with the experience of professional shoe The flexible curriculum slices the training process into 揵ites?that can be realistically achieved in a shoe store environment ?even for a part- The DVD抯 6 segments can be completed one segment per shift, and the format allows associates to work at their own pace without sacrificing learning In addition to the DVD, the package includes a workbook for sales associates, a training guide for the mentor/trainer responsible for skills development, self-tests and score Price: $295 to NSRA members, $395 to non- Additional workbooks and mentor handbooks also available ($10 to members, $15 to non-members)Click here for more informationThe Learning Center is NSRA’s mail-order bookstore, stocked with publications on shoe retailing and business While the bookstore is open to all customers, NSRA members receive great discounts on To see the Learning Center Catalog, click Training Manual for Shoe Sales Association – Written by Tony Knapp, founder and president of The Training Consortium and a highly sought-after trainer and consultant to the footwear industry, this 142-page manual is a guide to creating an in-store training program for It can be used by the company’s designated training manager to show new employees how to perform effectively and to help veteran employees stay fresh with their selling Available in paperback or CD Cost $35 to NSRA members, $50 When the Shoe Fits – The Basics of Professional Shoe Fitting is a 2 1/2-hour course in a 2-CD , with a companion reference book, instructor抯 guide and 100-question 搕est?that reviews the 11 instructional Sections cover foot evaluation and measurement, testing for fit, fitting the special foot, foot anatomy and biomechanics, worn shoe evaluation, and It is available to members only, at a cost of $ (NOTE: Currently out of Please check back in early )Professional Shoe Fitting by William A Rossi, DPM and Ross Tennant, DPMThis 160-page manual teaches shoe store employees the fundamentals of fitting customers, from measuring feet to understanding the fitting characteristics of different shoe brands to utilizing fitting aids such as pads, footbeds and other devices to insure a comfortable It is available at a cost of $25 to members, $50 to non- (NOTE: Currently out of Please check back in early )“Ten Tips to GREAT Shoe Fit” is a consumer education brochure NSRA developed that members give away to customers, to begin teaching them the importance of shoe fit to overall mobility and It’s a classic, with color illustrations and ample space on the back to imprint your store name, address and contact Packed in lots of 100, pricing for members is:200 @ $15500 @ $251,000 @ $452,500 @ $755,000 @ $125这是有关鞋子的零售文章。建议你去下面两个网站看下,也许会有帮助。都是介绍有关零售业的。


States that the choice of a store’s location is considered to be the single most important decision a retail organization has to make, and that location is seen as a critical factor of Reviews the literature on store location models and how grocery retailers in the UK assess store location sites in terms of site potential and the location models that they apply to these potential Also develops and highlights issues of the use of existing store location models to geographical areas of Eastern and Central E


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[1]AprilD Thames,MichelleS Kim,BrianW Becker,JessicaM Foley,LindsayJ Hines,ElyseJ Singer,RobertK Heaton,StevenA Castellon,CharlesH H Medication and finance management among HIV-infected adults: The impact of age and cognition[J] Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,2011,332:[2]Jianping Yang,Wenjing S Finance Management Based on Value Chain Management[J] International Journal of Business and Management,2009,25:[3]Raymond H An empirical comparison of published replication research in accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing[J] Journal of Business Research,1996,352:[4]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,472:[5]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,468:[6]Eleanor O’Higgins,Bairbre K Comparative Perspectives on the Ethical Orientations of Human Resources, Marketing and Finance Functional Managers[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2005,563:[7]Ann E T Today’s Ethical Issues: A Perspective from Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2007,701:[8]Konstantin E Axenov,Evgeniy Bondarchuk,Isolde B The new retail trade and services and their emerging location pattern in S Petersburg[J] GeoJournal,1997,424:[9]Diggs Schnequa N Health disparities and health care financing: restructuring the American health care [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,384:[10]Robinson Alan,Triesch J Task-specific modulation of memory for object features in natural [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2008,4:[11]Breitmeyer Bruno G,Tapia E Roles of contour and surface processing in microgenesis of object perception and visual [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2012,7:[12]Klemm W R Free will debates: Simple experiments are not so [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2010,6:[13]Bernet Patrick M,Carpenter Caryl E,Saunders W The impact of competition among health care financing authorities on market yields and issuer interest [J] Journal of health care finance,2011,381:[14]Stewart Louis J Analysis of capital spending and capital financing among large US nonprofit health [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,383:[15]John KS Chong,Donald R E Anticipating and dealing with financial crisis[J] Management Decision,1998,3610:[16]Michael Jay Polonsky,Denise G J Rural Outshopping in Australia: The Bathurst-Orange Region[J] European Journal of Marketing,1992,2610:[17]Francisco José Más Ruí Image of suburban shopping malls and two-stage versus uni-equational modelling of the retail trade attraction: An empirical application[J] European Journal of Marketing,1999,335:[18]Justo de Jorge M Efficiency and regulation in Spanish hypermarket retail trade: A cross-section approach[J] International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,2008,361:[19]Darryl G Greer,Michael W K A new model for financing public colleges and universities[J] On the Horizon,2010,184:[20]Peter JMM Krumm,Jackie de V Value creation through the management of corporate real estate[J] Journal of Property Investment & Finance,2003,211:[21]Tanay Kumar Nandi,Ritankar S Foreign direct investment in India with special focus on retail trade[J] Journal of International Trade Law and Policy,2007,62:[22] Making management stay: Funding, development and promotion[J] Development and Learning in Organizations,2005,192:[23]Pedro Cosme Vieira,Aurora A C T Are finance, management, and marketing autonomous fields of scientific research? An analysis based on journal [J] Scientometrics,2010,85:[24]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2010,47:[25]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2009,46:[26]Ivan-Damir Anić RETAIL TRADE AND THE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT[J] Economic Review,2002,539:[27]Anton Glavinić BUILDING OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL IN THE RETAIL TRADE PROCESS ANALYSIS[J] Economic Review,2001,525:[28]Zdenko S Contemporary Management Development Of Retail Trade[J] Economic Journal,2009,1:[29]Zdenko S DEVELOPMENT TENDENCIES AND STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE CROATIAN RETAIL TRADE[J] Economic Review,2005,561:[30]Alan G H Credit Indebtedness and the UK Retail Trade[J] The Service Industries Journal,,114:[31]Tabukeli M R Rural settlement and retail trade business in the Eastern Cape[J] Development Southern Africa,2000,172:[32]Hans Peter H Cultural perspectives on the development of the retail trade, East and West[J] Asia Pacific Business Review,2009,151:[33] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2011,76216:[34] RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; Retail trade turnover inRussia inJanuary-September 2011[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2011,:[35]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE TURNOVER IN RUSSIA IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2009[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[36]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE IN RUSSIA[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[37] Small Business Size Standards: Retail Trade[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75193:[38] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75200:[39]A RETAIL; Retail trade turnover inRussia grows 6% inJuly[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Food & Agriculture Weekly,2011,:[40] Retail Outlook 2012: Uncertainty and Cross-border Shopping Slow Down Retail Trade; Credit Suisse Study on the Outlook for Swiss Retailing[J] M2 Presswire,2012,:




[1]AprilD Thames,MichelleS Kim,BrianW Becker,JessicaM Foley,LindsayJ Hines,ElyseJ Singer,RobertK Heaton,StevenA Castellon,CharlesH H Medication and finance management among HIV-infected adults: The impact of age and cognition[J] Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,2011,332:[2]Jianping Yang,Wenjing S Finance Management Based on Value Chain Management[J] International Journal of Business and Management,2009,25:[3]Raymond H An empirical comparison of published replication research in accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing[J] Journal of Business Research,1996,352:[4]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,472:[5]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,468:[6]Eleanor O’Higgins,Bairbre K Comparative Perspectives on the Ethical Orientations of Human Resources, Marketing and Finance Functional Managers[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2005,563:[7]Ann E T Today’s Ethical Issues: A Perspective from Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2007,701:[8]Konstantin E Axenov,Evgeniy Bondarchuk,Isolde B The new retail trade and services and their emerging location pattern in S Petersburg[J] GeoJournal,1997,424:[9]Diggs Schnequa N Health disparities and health care financing: restructuring the American health care [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,384:[10]Robinson Alan,Triesch J Task-specific modulation of memory for object features in natural [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2008,4:[11]Breitmeyer Bruno G,Tapia E Roles of contour and surface processing in microgenesis of object perception and visual [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2012,7:[12]Klemm W R Free will debates: Simple experiments are not so [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2010,6:[13]Bernet Patrick M,Carpenter Caryl E,Saunders W The impact of competition among health care financing authorities on market yields and issuer interest [J] Journal of health care finance,2011,381:[14]Stewart Louis J Analysis of capital spending and capital financing among large US nonprofit health [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,383:[15]John KS Chong,Donald R E Anticipating and dealing with financial crisis[J] Management Decision,1998,3610:[16]Michael Jay Polonsky,Denise G J Rural Outshopping in Australia: The Bathurst-Orange Region[J] European Journal of Marketing,1992,2610:[17]Francisco José Más Ruí Image of suburban shopping malls and two-stage versus uni-equational modelling of the retail trade attraction: An empirical application[J] European Journal of Marketing,1999,335:[18]Justo de Jorge M Efficiency and regulation in Spanish hypermarket retail trade: A cross-section approach[J] International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,2008,361:[19]Darryl G Greer,Michael W K A new model for financing public colleges and universities[J] On the Horizon,2010,184:[20]Peter JMM Krumm,Jackie de V Value creation through the management of corporate real estate[J] Journal of Property Investment & Finance,2003,211:[21]Tanay Kumar Nandi,Ritankar S Foreign direct investment in India with special focus on retail trade[J] Journal of International Trade Law and Policy,2007,62:[22] Making management stay: Funding, development and promotion[J] Development and Learning in Organizations,2005,192:[23]Pedro Cosme Vieira,Aurora A C T Are finance, management, and marketing autonomous fields of scientific research? An analysis based on journal [J] Scientometrics,2010,85:[24]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2010,47:[25]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2009,46:[26]Ivan-Damir Anić RETAIL TRADE AND THE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT[J] Economic Review,2002,539:[27]Anton Glavinić BUILDING OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL IN THE RETAIL TRADE PROCESS ANALYSIS[J] Economic Review,2001,525:[28]Zdenko S Contemporary Management Development Of Retail Trade[J] Economic Journal,2009,1:[29]Zdenko S DEVELOPMENT TENDENCIES AND STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE CROATIAN RETAIL TRADE[J] Economic Review,2005,561:[30]Alan G H Credit Indebtedness and the UK Retail Trade[J] The Service Industries Journal,,114:[31]Tabukeli M R Rural settlement and retail trade business in the Eastern Cape[J] Development Southern Africa,2000,172:[32]Hans Peter H Cultural perspectives on the development of the retail trade, East and West[J] Asia Pacific Business Review,2009,151:[33] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2011,76216:[34] RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; Retail trade turnover inRussia inJanuary-September 2011[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2011,:[35]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE TURNOVER IN RUSSIA IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2009[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[36]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE IN RUSSIA[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[37] Small Business Size Standards: Retail Trade[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75193:[38] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75200:[39]A RETAIL; Retail trade turnover inRussia grows 6% inJuly[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Food & Agriculture Weekly,2011,:[40] Retail Outlook 2012: Uncertainty and Cross-border Shopping Slow Down Retail Trade; Credit Suisse Study on the Outlook for Swiss Retailing[J] M2 Presswire,2012,:


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