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[1]AprilD Thames,MichelleS Kim,BrianW Becker,JessicaM Foley,LindsayJ Hines,ElyseJ Singer,RobertK Heaton,StevenA Castellon,CharlesH H Medication and finance management among HIV-infected adults: The impact of age and cognition[J] Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,2011,332:[2]Jianping Yang,Wenjing S Finance Management Based on Value Chain Management[J] International Journal of Business and Management,2009,25:[3]Raymond H An empirical comparison of published replication research in accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing[J] Journal of Business Research,1996,352:[4]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,472:[5]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,468:[6]Eleanor O’Higgins,Bairbre K Comparative Perspectives on the Ethical Orientations of Human Resources, Marketing and Finance Functional Managers[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2005,563:[7]Ann E T Today’s Ethical Issues: A Perspective from Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2007,701:[8]Konstantin E Axenov,Evgeniy Bondarchuk,Isolde B The new retail trade and services and their emerging location pattern in S Petersburg[J] GeoJournal,1997,424:[9]Diggs Schnequa N Health disparities and health care financing: restructuring the American health care [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,384:[10]Robinson Alan,Triesch J Task-specific modulation of memory for object features in natural [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2008,4:[11]Breitmeyer Bruno G,Tapia E Roles of contour and surface processing in microgenesis of object perception and visual [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2012,7:[12]Klemm W R Free will debates: Simple experiments are not so [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2010,6:[13]Bernet Patrick M,Carpenter Caryl E,Saunders W The impact of competition among health care financing authorities on market yields and issuer interest [J] Journal of health care finance,2011,381:[14]Stewart Louis J Analysis of capital spending and capital financing among large US nonprofit health [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,383:[15]John KS Chong,Donald R E Anticipating and dealing with financial crisis[J] Management Decision,1998,3610:[16]Michael Jay Polonsky,Denise G J Rural Outshopping in Australia: The Bathurst-Orange Region[J] European Journal of Marketing,1992,2610:[17]Francisco José Más Ruí Image of suburban shopping malls and two-stage versus uni-equational modelling of the retail trade attraction: An empirical application[J] European Journal of Marketing,1999,335:[18]Justo de Jorge M Efficiency and regulation in Spanish hypermarket retail trade: A cross-section approach[J] International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,2008,361:[19]Darryl G Greer,Michael W K A new model for financing public colleges and universities[J] On the Horizon,2010,184:[20]Peter JMM Krumm,Jackie de V Value creation through the management of corporate real estate[J] Journal of Property Investment & Finance,2003,211:[21]Tanay Kumar Nandi,Ritankar S Foreign direct investment in India with special focus on retail trade[J] Journal of International Trade Law and Policy,2007,62:[22] Making management stay: Funding, development and promotion[J] Development and Learning in Organizations,2005,192:[23]Pedro Cosme Vieira,Aurora A C T Are finance, management, and marketing autonomous fields of scientific research? An analysis based on journal [J] Scientometrics,2010,85:[24]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2010,47:[25]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2009,46:[26]Ivan-Damir Anić RETAIL TRADE AND THE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT[J] Economic Review,2002,539:[27]Anton Glavinić BUILDING OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL IN THE RETAIL TRADE PROCESS ANALYSIS[J] Economic Review,2001,525:[28]Zdenko S Contemporary Management Development Of Retail Trade[J] Economic Journal,2009,1:[29]Zdenko S DEVELOPMENT TENDENCIES AND STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE CROATIAN RETAIL TRADE[J] Economic Review,2005,561:[30]Alan G H Credit Indebtedness and the UK Retail Trade[J] The Service Industries Journal,,114:[31]Tabukeli M R Rural settlement and retail trade business in the Eastern Cape[J] Development Southern Africa,2000,172:[32]Hans Peter H Cultural perspectives on the development of the retail trade, East and West[J] Asia Pacific Business Review,2009,151:[33] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2011,76216:[34] RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; Retail trade turnover inRussia inJanuary-September 2011[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2011,:[35]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE TURNOVER IN RUSSIA IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2009[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[36]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE IN RUSSIA[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[37] Small Business Size Standards: Retail Trade[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75193:[38] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75200:[39]A RETAIL; Retail trade turnover inRussia grows 6% inJuly[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Food & Agriculture Weekly,2011,:[40] Retail Outlook 2012: Uncertainty and Cross-border Shopping Slow Down Retail Trade; Credit Suisse Study on the Outlook for Swiss Retailing[J] M2 Presswire,2012,:




[1]AprilD Thames,MichelleS Kim,BrianW Becker,JessicaM Foley,LindsayJ Hines,ElyseJ Singer,RobertK Heaton,StevenA Castellon,CharlesH H Medication and finance management among HIV-infected adults: The impact of age and cognition[J] Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,2011,332:[2]Jianping Yang,Wenjing S Finance Management Based on Value Chain Management[J] International Journal of Business and Management,2009,25:[3]Raymond H An empirical comparison of published replication research in accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing[J] Journal of Business Research,1996,352:[4]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,472:[5]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,468:[6]Eleanor O’Higgins,Bairbre K Comparative Perspectives on the Ethical Orientations of Human Resources, Marketing and Finance Functional Managers[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2005,563:[7]Ann E T Today’s Ethical Issues: A Perspective from Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2007,701:[8]Konstantin E Axenov,Evgeniy Bondarchuk,Isolde B The new retail trade and services and their emerging location pattern in S Petersburg[J] GeoJournal,1997,424:[9]Diggs Schnequa N Health disparities and health care financing: restructuring the American health care [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,384:[10]Robinson Alan,Triesch J Task-specific modulation of memory for object features in natural [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2008,4:[11]Breitmeyer Bruno G,Tapia E Roles of contour and surface processing in microgenesis of object perception and visual [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2012,7:[12]Klemm W R Free will debates: Simple experiments are not so [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2010,6:[13]Bernet Patrick M,Carpenter Caryl E,Saunders W The impact of competition among health care financing authorities on market yields and issuer interest [J] Journal of health care finance,2011,381:[14]Stewart Louis J Analysis of capital spending and capital financing among large US nonprofit health [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,383:[15]John KS Chong,Donald R E Anticipating and dealing with financial crisis[J] Management Decision,1998,3610:[16]Michael Jay Polonsky,Denise G J Rural Outshopping in Australia: The Bathurst-Orange Region[J] European Journal of Marketing,1992,2610:[17]Francisco José Más Ruí Image of suburban shopping malls and two-stage versus uni-equational modelling of the retail trade attraction: An empirical application[J] European Journal of Marketing,1999,335:[18]Justo de Jorge M Efficiency and regulation in Spanish hypermarket retail trade: A cross-section approach[J] International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,2008,361:[19]Darryl G Greer,Michael W K A new model for financing public colleges and universities[J] On the Horizon,2010,184:[20]Peter JMM Krumm,Jackie de V Value creation through the management of corporate real estate[J] Journal of Property Investment & Finance,2003,211:[21]Tanay Kumar Nandi,Ritankar S Foreign direct investment in India with special focus on retail trade[J] Journal of International Trade Law and Policy,2007,62:[22] Making management stay: Funding, development and promotion[J] Development and Learning in Organizations,2005,192:[23]Pedro Cosme Vieira,Aurora A C T Are finance, management, and marketing autonomous fields of scientific research? An analysis based on journal [J] Scientometrics,2010,85:[24]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2010,47:[25]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2009,46:[26]Ivan-Damir Anić RETAIL TRADE AND THE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT[J] Economic Review,2002,539:[27]Anton Glavinić BUILDING OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL IN THE RETAIL TRADE PROCESS ANALYSIS[J] Economic Review,2001,525:[28]Zdenko S Contemporary Management Development Of Retail Trade[J] Economic Journal,2009,1:[29]Zdenko S DEVELOPMENT TENDENCIES AND STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE CROATIAN RETAIL TRADE[J] Economic Review,2005,561:[30]Alan G H Credit Indebtedness and the UK Retail Trade[J] The Service Industries Journal,,114:[31]Tabukeli M R Rural settlement and retail trade business in the Eastern Cape[J] Development Southern Africa,2000,172:[32]Hans Peter H Cultural perspectives on the development of the retail trade, East and West[J] Asia Pacific Business Review,2009,151:[33] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2011,76216:[34] RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; Retail trade turnover inRussia inJanuary-September 2011[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2011,:[35]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE TURNOVER IN RUSSIA IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2009[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[36]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE IN RUSSIA[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[37] Small Business Size Standards: Retail Trade[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75193:[38] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75200:[39]A RETAIL; Retail trade turnover inRussia grows 6% inJuly[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Food & Agriculture Weekly,2011,:[40] Retail Outlook 2012: Uncertainty and Cross-border Shopping Slow Down Retail Trade; Credit Suisse Study on the Outlook for Swiss Retailing[J] M2 Presswire,2012,:


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[1] 作者姓名,作者姓名参考文献题目[J] 期刊或杂志等名称,年份,卷(期数):页码 [2] 刘凡丰 美国研究型大学本科教育改革透视[J] 高等教育研究,2003,5(1):18- 没有卷的就直接写2003(1)(本条为期刊杂志著录格式) [3] 谭丙煜怎样撰写科学论文[M]2版沈阳:辽宁人民出版社,1982:5-(本条为中文图书著录格式) [4] 作者姓名 参考文献题目[D]南京:南京农业大学,2002:页码(本条为硕士、博士论文著录格式) [5] 作者姓名 参考文献题目[N]人民日报,2005-06-(本条为报纸著录格式) [6] 作者姓名 参考文献题目[C]// 作者姓名论文集名称城市:出版单位(社),年代:页码(本条为论文集著录格式) [7] 外国作者姓名 参考文献题目[M]译者(名字),译城市:出版单位,年代:页码(本条为原著翻译中文的著录格式,多个译者可写为:***,***,***,等译)





零售是一系列的商业活动,它通过向消费者出售供个人及家庭使用的产品和服务来创造价值。通常,人们认为零售只是在商店里出售商品。事实上,零售也包括提供服务,如在汽车旅馆的住宿,医生进行的体检,理发,录像带的出租或者外卖比萨等。并且,零售活动也不全是在商店中进行的。非店面零售的例子如CD-NOW公司在网上出售CD唱片,玫琳凯直销化妆品,由比恩和巴塔哥尼亚公司提供的目录销售等 参考文献:美国迈克尔•利维和巴顿•韦茨的《零售管理》



[1]AprilD Thames,MichelleS Kim,BrianW Becker,JessicaM Foley,LindsayJ Hines,ElyseJ Singer,RobertK Heaton,StevenA Castellon,CharlesH H Medication and finance management among HIV-infected adults: The impact of age and cognition[J] Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,2011,332:[2]Jianping Yang,Wenjing S Finance Management Based on Value Chain Management[J] International Journal of Business and Management,2009,25:[3]Raymond H An empirical comparison of published replication research in accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing[J] Journal of Business Research,1996,352:[4]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,472:[5]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,468:[6]Eleanor O’Higgins,Bairbre K Comparative Perspectives on the Ethical Orientations of Human Resources, Marketing and Finance Functional Managers[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2005,563:[7]Ann E T Today’s Ethical Issues: A Perspective from Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2007,701:[8]Konstantin E Axenov,Evgeniy Bondarchuk,Isolde B The new retail trade and services and their emerging location pattern in S Petersburg[J] GeoJournal,1997,424:[9]Diggs Schnequa N Health disparities and health care financing: restructuring the American health care [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,384:[10]Robinson Alan,Triesch J Task-specific modulation of memory for object features in natural [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2008,4:[11]Breitmeyer Bruno G,Tapia E Roles of contour and surface processing in microgenesis of object perception and visual [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2012,7:[12]Klemm W R Free will debates: Simple experiments are not so [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2010,6:[13]Bernet Patrick M,Carpenter Caryl E,Saunders W The impact of competition among health care financing authorities on market yields and issuer interest [J] Journal of health care finance,2011,381:[14]Stewart Louis J Analysis of capital spending and capital financing among large US nonprofit health [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,383:[15]John KS Chong,Donald R E Anticipating and dealing with financial crisis[J] Management Decision,1998,3610:[16]Michael Jay Polonsky,Denise G J Rural Outshopping in Australia: The Bathurst-Orange Region[J] European Journal of Marketing,1992,2610:[17]Francisco José Más Ruí Image of suburban shopping malls and two-stage versus uni-equational modelling of the retail trade attraction: An empirical application[J] European Journal of Marketing,1999,335:[18]Justo de Jorge M Efficiency and regulation in Spanish hypermarket retail trade: A cross-section approach[J] International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,2008,361:[19]Darryl G Greer,Michael W K A new model for financing public colleges and universities[J] On the Horizon,2010,184:[20]Peter JMM Krumm,Jackie de V Value creation through the management of corporate real estate[J] Journal of Property Investment & Finance,2003,211:[21]Tanay Kumar Nandi,Ritankar S Foreign direct investment in India with special focus on retail trade[J] Journal of International Trade Law and Policy,2007,62:[22] Making management stay: Funding, development and promotion[J] Development and Learning in Organizations,2005,192:[23]Pedro Cosme Vieira,Aurora A C T Are finance, management, and marketing autonomous fields of scientific research? 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