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你好,为你提供的下文,是在世界经济衰退背景下,中国经济的表现和何去何从,包括中国经济复苏的迹象等。希望能帮得上你。The Outlook For China's EconomyChina, the world's second largest economy by purchasing power parity, contributed over 10% to global economic output in 2007 and 2008 and is thus a key part of any recovery of the global China faced a severe deceleration of growth in the second half of 2008 based on a number of indicators: GDP, production of electricity, the Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI), weakness of auto sales, a fall in residential home sales, manufacturing data and falling imports and In fact, calculated on a quarter-by-quarter basis like most other countries, Chinese growth (which is reported only on a year-on-year basis) was practically zero and even negative by some private sector However, there are greater signs of economic recovery in March from the depths of the fourth quarter of 2008, and most forward-looking indicators suggest that from the second to the fourth quarter of 2009, growth will accelerate relative to the dismal fourth quarter of 2008 and weak first quarter of The more optimistic outlook for Chinese growth would require a recovery in the global economy, especially the US, in the second half of 2009, a development that seems more likely to come in It seems too soon to point to an economic recovery, particularly in the absence of a rebound in demand from the G-3 economies (the US, European Union and Japan) that absorb most of Chinese There are other risks to this First, the Chinese policy stimulus could turn out to be insufficient, and further stimulus could be Second, if a "drugged" recovery--via easy money, loose fiscal policy and easy credit--leads to further over-capacity (of which there is some evidence), it could result in rising non-performing loans, falling profits or rising Furthermore, although indicators of private consumption like retail sales have remained relatively robust, they are growing at a slower pace compared to the second half of The extent of job losses and falling incomes as well as negative consumer confidence may slow consumption further going forward, particularly in urban areas, despite government Despite the fact that China's aggressive policy response included monetary easing, a scaling up of bank lending and a particularly aggressive scaling up of government investment to offset the contraction in private demand, there is an increased risk that China will grow only in the 5% to 6% range year-on-year in 2009, about half its average growth of the previous five years, and well below Such a growth rate would increase pressures on China's government, as the hard landing has been accompanied by job losses and factory closures as well as implying that Chinese commodity demand could continue to be lower than recent

我向世界展示中国 SHOWING CHINA TO THE WORLD 生长和生活在中国,每一天每一秒,我都拥有着愉快的时光。中国是一个充满活力的国家,五千年的历史文化与各民族的繁荣相呼应。 I enjoy my happy live every second living and growing in C China is an energetic country with 5000 years history and splendid culture of 56 紫禁城、天坛和万里长城这些标志性的建筑,见证着中国的成长。无数的戏院、博物馆,各种各样的餐厅和文化商场,这一切的一切都在时刻回应着外国友人的好奇和疑问。 Symbolic landmarks such as Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven and Great Wall, witness the country Countless theatres, museums, cultural markets and restaurants respond foreigners’ 除了这些,更重的是这里有着13忆友善的人民,热爱与世界各地的人民相处,无论是过去还是现在,我们都期盼着全球化的交流。 We also have 3 billion friendly Chinese people All of us are friendly and willing to communication with the world, no matter now or 朋友们,还记得2008年北京的奥林匹克运动会吗?我们向世界展现了中国杰出的作家、导演和作曲家,讴歌人类的共同理想。(改成:在开幕式上,我们接触的作家、导演和作曲家讴歌了人类的伟大理想) Dear friends, remember the 2008 Beijing Olympic? In the opening ceremony, our outstanding writers, directors and composers expressed great aspirations of 我们用我们独特的方式,基于丝绸之路带来的灵感,传承着火炬的精神,这一永恒不熄实用演讲稿大全演讲稿书写格式演讲稿书写技巧竞聘演讲稿爱国主义教育演讲稿英语演讲稿灭的火炬,跨越了世界最高峰——珠穆朗玛峰,达到过最高的高度,中国的奥运圣火通过西藏,穿过长江和黄河,踏上长城,途经香港、澳门、台湾,在组成我们国家的56个民族中传递。传递着这个民族中每一个人的热情与理想。 Our unique way of the Olympic torch relay was inspired by ancient Chinese Silk Road In China, Olympic flame had climbed the world peak, Everest, crossed Long River and Yellow River, stepped on Great Wall, and also traveled to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan…Olympic spirit had been delivered through 56 nations with passion and 今年,2010年上海世博会,关注“城市” ,关注个体的生存体验,引领人类的目光,重新投注于人本身,中国再一次向世界展示了一种大国的态度 In this year, 2010 Shanghai Expo focuses on ‘city’ and Concerning individual experience of people, once again, China shows its attitude as a great “城市,让生活更美好”中国,我们对于城市的未来,充满了信心和无限向往。 ‘Better city, better life’, we have faith on a wonderful future of our city 700年前,马可波罗曾对中国的美丽有过惊奇的描述。有人问马可波罗,你的有关中国的描述是真的吗?他说,我只不过将我所见到的跟你们描述了一半而已。 女士们,先生们,我相信中国将向全世界朋友们证明,中国,这确是一块神奇的土地。 谢谢大家 700 years ago, Maco Polo described China’s as an astonishing beautiful People asked him, was it real? He said, I have only told you a half of what I have So, ladies and Gentleman, I believe that China can show the whole world that China is a magical Thank you!摘自百度文库,并非原创。满意请采纳祝新年快乐






international trade

international 国际商务如:《国际商务研究》杂志的英文是 International Business Research 国际商业如:国际商业机器公司IBM (International Business Machines)国际贸易是 International trade

在一个相对地即时的连络时代中在横过的组织那表面上地收缩地球, 为什么一应该全然考虑文化的距离吗? 只是因为文化情绪事实上所有人类行为 [5,6] 为例子, 文化有是定义当做 ''软件那思想''[7] 在文化方面的 Hofstede 的 [8] 广泛的研究有帮助使有概念最流行的理论之一文化的类型, 当做证据被井超过 1000个引证从文化的结果在社会科学中报告自从 1980 以后的引证 他的方法到文化最初 iden-tified 四在下面的价值尺寸: (1) 个人主义对集体主义 ,(2) 大的对小力量距离, (3)强壮的对弱不确定避免, 和 (4) 男子气对妇女特质 (第五个尺寸, 长的- 对短期的定方位是附加的更迟)

Negotiators from different cultures have different communication mode, values and thinking mode, this would mean that in international business negotiations to understand different cultures, and familiar with all business activities of the cultural differences is very International business communication research, thereby increasing international business negotiation has many positive This paper in the United States and Japan, for example, mainly discusses the cultural difference to negotiation, negotiation organizational, communication process, decision-making mode, agreement form and interpersonal relationships, etc, this paper analyzes the influence of American and Japanese negotiations with the coping technique and to promote the effective and efficient negotiations


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China market 正确

一楼说的对,是contribute 例句:You can contribute articles about health discoveries you have 另一个用法是submit articles,不过还是没上一个用法那样“热门”。例句:Authors may submit their best quality original articles to gain global exposure



