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割草机 19世纪以前,人们手握长柄大镰刀来割草。这是一种费力活,而且需要把草弄短的许多技能。 一个名叫托马斯·普拉克内特的英国工程师是第一个想出制造割草机的人。他在1805年获得了第一台割草机的发明专利。那是一台装有环形刀身的笨重机器,而且运转不很理想。 其他发明家看到普拉克内特的机器后,认为他们能够干得更好。最成功的是埃温·巴丁。他是一家纺织厂的工程师,从工厂的某一机械上获得了关于割草机机械结构的想法。他在1830年制造的割草机非常类似于今天使用的那些机器。 割草机由几家公司生产,其中包括一家叫做“伊普斯威奇的兰索姆斯”的商行。1899年,兰索姆斯开始制造机动割草机,由小型汽油发动机提供动力。 长柄大镰刀要能做到有效地割草,草必须是潮湿的。与此相反,如果草是干燥的,那么用割草机来得更好。开始时,人们经常同时拥有一台割草机和一把长柄大镰刀,至于使用时选择哪一种就取决于天气了。 能切割牧草或其他可制成干草的作物,并将其铺放在地面上的畜牧机械。有往复式和旋转式两类。往复式割草机用于生产,起初由畜力牵引,由地轮驱动割刀。20 世纪后发展由拖拉机牵引的割草机,30年代出现拖拉机悬挂往复式割草机。依靠切割器上动刀和定刀的相对剪切运动切割牧草,其特点是割茬整齐,所需功率较小,但对牧草的适应性差,易堵塞,适用于平坦天然草场和人工草场作业。70年代中期开始生产并使用旋转式割草机。依靠高速旋转刀盘上的刀片冲击切割牧草。其特点是工作平稳,对牧草的适应性强,适用于高产草场;但切割不够整齐,重割较多,所需功率较大。



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The research result indicates that: to develop high-yield, high-quality and high-efficiency agriculture is the main source of the increase in farmers' income and the basic approaches; Widen the channel is diversified agricultural production of the increase in farmers' income important way; Promote the processing industry of agricultural products is the development of the increase in farmers' income extension path; To speed up the development of tourism and service is the new way of the increase in farmers' income; Increase the transfer of rural surplus labor force is engaged in non-agricultural industries of the increase in farmers' income basic way; Strengthen rural infrastructure construction and the integration of urban and rural areas construction is an important guarantee of the increase in farmers' The proposed increase the popularization and application of the agricultural science and technology achievements; Take effective measures to actively promote expanded scale farm management, improving farmers' scale economic benefit; Adjust the industrial structure optimization; To speed up the development of new agricultural cooperation organization, promoting the industrialized operation of agriculture, to enhance the agricultural and farmers' market position; The development of the local of high quality characteristic agricultural products, improve the quality of agricultural products; To promote agricultural mechanization, improve agricultural labor productivity other The government at all levels to put forward the urban and rural planning, promoting the industrialization, the urbanization and the agricultural modernization synchronous development; Increasing financial investment, improve the support of a compensation mechanism; To strengthen the agricultural technical service, improve the agricultural product market management; Strengthen the education training, cultivating modern agricultural producers and policy S

High standards of precision fertilization is the fruit production of key technologies, can ensure the most rational distribution of fertilizer in the orchard, fertilizer precise, fertilization uniform sowing depth consistent, you can save a lot of fertilizer, reducing working hours, to ensure high and stable yield Fertilization of fruit trees for the work of China's current labor-intensive, low efficiency By comparing the characteristics of the existing fruit trees, fertilizer equipment, developed a fruit trees, fertilizer machine The aircraft hydraulic system driven through the rotating drill digging, using the soil collector to collect the soil thrown; the same time drive a stepper motor work, start the row of fat device, the quantity of fertilizer into the soil collector until the digging end, to change the drill bit the direction of rotation, while drill lifted, the soil collector in the soil and fertilizer mixture into the pit along the spiral drill to complete the work fertilize fruit trees不知道对不对~~~自己检查一下


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《The Journal of Agriculture》《Agricultral Research》


中国大陆出版的农业类英文期刊有:Agricultural Sciences in ChinaPedosphereJournal of Forestry ResearchAgricultural Sciences in ChinaForestry Studies in ChinaRice ScienceJournal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)Agricultural Science&TechnologyChinese Forestry Science and Technology


