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Women under the distorted human tragedy- Women of the tragic fate of Zhang AilingAbstract: The history of Chinese literature in the twentieth century, Zhang is a strange cultural figures, and she used to "cold look at the world situation", his tone touched the depths of all the hidden corners of human As for the tragic fate of women in old age description is an event in her novels, Zhang good at using the unique female perspective to describe the fate of women, her unique sense of the tragedy of these characters have a strong natural areas From the "Golden Lock" in the Cao Qiqiao to "Eighteen Springs" in the Guman Lu, who inFrustrated under the cruel life was life, and then embarked on the destruction of others to destroy the devil of the Based on the Guman Lu Zhang Ai Cao Qiqiao and analysis of two typical perspective of the women in Zhang Ailing typical female Key words: Cao Qiqiao; Guman Lu; women; tragedy


In the twentieth century Chinese literary history, zhang ailing is a peculiar cultural character, she used to "cool detachment see world", will own style touch all secret comer deep But for the new and old age female tragedy destiny in zhang ai-ling's novels described is absorbing, zhang ailing is good at using unique female perspective to describe the destiny of female, she exclusively tragedy consciousness, make these characters have strong naturally zone of a From the "the cao written up seven artful to" half life fate ", they GuManLu inCruel life often frustrated by life, under again after the destruction of the devil onto the road to destroy This article through to zhang ailing's cao GuManLu this two seven artful and typical female ? the points




Literature Era

First, the Old English period of English Literature (499-1066)  1, Beowulf  2, Alfred the Great: Father of British prose  Second, the Middle English period of English literature  1, allegory is very popular body  2, Romance began to rise to a certain height  3, Willian Langlaud "Pierce's phantom farmers"  4, Thomas Marlowe ceremony, "The Death of King A"  Third, the Renaissance English Literature (Elizabethan) (14-16 century)  1, Thomas Moore, "Utopia"  2, Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard introduced sonnet  3, Philips Sidney "The defense of Poesie"  "Arcadia" to describe rural life; pioneer of the modern novel  4, Spencer "Cassiopeia," the poet of poets; Spencer poetry section;  5, Shakespeare:  Long narrative poem: "Venus and Adonis," "Lucy Cox humiliated in "  Four Tragedies: Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth  Fourth, the Enlightenment (18th century)  1, John Milton: "Paradise Lost", "to argue for the British "  2, John Bunyan: "Pilgrim" religious allegory  3, John Dryden: British outstanding representative of neoclassicism, the poet laureate;  "On the dramatic "  Fifth, Victorian English Literature (19th Century)  1, William Wordsworth: Poet Laureate; "Wandering alone," "lonely woman Reaper"  "Lyric Songbook" the most outstanding poems;  "Overture";  2, Coleridge: "Yong Ancient Mariner" "Kublai Khan", "Chris Bell"  3, show competition: Poet Laureate; "Thalaba the destroyer" is the show's long epic game one of the most important; one of the "Granma's curse"  4, George Gordon, Lord Byron: "Don Juan"  5, Shelley: "A Duoni" in tribute to Keats, the United Kingdom in the history of one of the most outstanding elegy;  "West Wind Song," "liberated Prometheus," "To the Skylark," "Poetry Debate" (A defence of poetry);  Sixth, the 20th century English literature  1, the angry youth: Kingsley, Amis (lucky Jim); Allen, West off (Saturday night and Sunday morning); John Osborne (angry review);  2, Yeats: Irish people "reed wind" "Kurt wild swans" "towards Byzantium"

文艺复兴时期文学 16世纪中叶至17世纪初主要是伊丽莎白女王时代,英国开始文艺复兴运动。学者纷纷翻译意大利和 法 国学术 、文 学 名著 并 自行著 述 ,以托马斯 · 莫尔(1477~1535)的《乌托邦》最有价值 。英国文艺复兴文学最突出的是诗歌和戏剧 。西 德 尼( 1554~1586 )的十四行诗、斯宾塞的《仙后》都是诗歌方面的代表作。在剧本中运用重韵体诗的文体,促使诗歌和戏剧两方面都达到空前的成就。莎士比亚将这种诗剧发展到登峰造极的地步,他还擅写十四行诗和长篇叙事诗。稍晚的本·琼森(1572~1637)擅写社会讽刺诗剧。16世纪末至17世纪初,文艺复兴渐趋尾声,所谓骑士派的贵族有闲者的爱情诗流行一时;同时出现了以多恩为代表的玄学派诗人,以善于表达活跃躁动的思绪和蕴含哲理而独树一帜。 伊丽莎白一世是英格兰女王,在位时间是1559年11月17日至1603年3月24日。



投稿可以找出版社,不过有一定概率,你的作品风格,以及编辑的口味,很难说的。如果编辑是你的二舅舅或者表兄弟,你的投稿就更好办。投稿不能代替你在生活中的职业,业余投稿是可以的。科幻小说平机王带着朋友微笑路过,和网友略谈粉丝现象。你怎么看? 看卡通习练者的科幻小说平机王,年轻读者朋友回味青春时代诸多难忘的经典游戏,很有意思的。 科幻小说平机王是作者卡通习练者工作之余专程为你们创作的,讲述了青春时代的经典游戏的故事,永久免费,永不断载,等过了最近一段时间,必将更新。科幻小说平机王讲述经典游戏文化,思考生活哲理的给力,作者和你们一起交流,共同进步。作者卡通习练者还正在为你们录制一系列经典游戏解说视频,正在慢速更新中,永久免费,永不断载。 你怎样看粉丝现象?在生活中,你是某位名人的粉丝吗?或许你是球迷,崇拜某位或某几位球星;或许你是影迷,崇拜一些影视演员或电影导演制片人等影视圈的名人;或许你崇拜体育明星,或许你崇拜企业家,或许你崇拜其他类型的名人,你是他们的粉丝。 还有一种可能,你不崇拜任何人,你不是任何人的粉丝。相信这样的人很少见。 朋友,你怎样看粉丝现象?你怎样看你崇拜的名人?你怎样看你是某些名人的粉丝这一现象?你怎样看和粉丝文化现象有关的方方面面? 生活中,有些朋友在网上加你粉丝,是因为给你面子。有些人加你为粉丝,则是觉得你有可取之处,有值得借鉴和学习的地方。有的人加你为粉丝,纯粹是漫无目的乱加。你怎样看加你粉丝的这些人,他们的不同点和相同点? 粉丝现象,无论是你加别人粉丝,还是别人加你粉丝,这其中,都很有意思的。 或许,你在生活中的朋友加你粉丝,比你加大牌球星或影星为粉丝,要现实以及真实得多;你是否想过,要更加努力,变得更给力,让更多网友加你为粉丝?粉丝,对于你的生活意义的比重,究竟有多大? 科幻小说《平机王》作者卡通习练者还将为各位朋友创作一系列其他小说和连环画,讲述大宇宙科幻战争题材,以及生活题材,并以朋友的善意微笑关怀,和各位读者交流,必将和你们见面,敬请期待。 朋友,今天你也思考过和粉丝现象有关的问题了吗?你加了哪些人粉丝?哪些人加了你粉丝?很给力不是吗?




