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希望能给你带来帮助废弃物分类有关环境的节日世界湿地日(2月2日)中国植树节3月12日 世界水日(3月22日)世界气象日(3月23日)世界地球日(4月22日)世界卫生日 4月7日【全国节水宣传周】5月12日~18日世界电信日(5月17日)世界无烟日(5月31日)世界环境日(6月5日)世界防治荒漠化和干旱日(6月17日)中国土地日(6月25日)国际禁毒日(6月26日)环境的定义近年来,国际环境教育界提出了新颖而科学的“环境定义”,主要有两要点:  1) 人以外的一切就是环境;  2) 每个人都是他人环境的组成部分。这一定义有利于公众理解环境问题与自己的关系,从而激发人们去为保护环境而脚踏实地做一些力所能及的事情。 中国面临的环境问题 之一城市垃圾污染日益突出 据统计,1998年我国城市垃圾产生量为4亿吨以上,其中无害化处理率只占10%左右。 包装物和塑料垃圾所造成的“白色污染”相当严重。 在企业当中那我们应该做点什麽呢?做好我们该做的我国环境保护法律介绍 【中华人民共和国固体废弃物污染环境防治法】1) 固体废弃物的防治 a) 单位与个人应防止或者减少固体废弃物对环境的污染 b) 工业废渣和城市(工厂)垃圾应设置专门场所存放 c) 城市(工厂)垃圾应分类收集储存运输和处置2) 危险废弃物污染防治 a) 包括爆炸品、压缩气体、液化气体、易燃气体、易燃固体、自燃物品和遇湿易燃物品,氧化剂和有机过氧化物,有毒品和腐蚀品。 b) 规定统一的识别标志,设置专门的收集场所 c) 由环保管理部门指定的单位处置(废酸,废油墨等)垃圾分类按照合理的顺序施行“5R”的含义Reduce——节约资源,减少污染Reevaluate——绿色消费,环保选购Reuse——重复使用,多次利用Recycle——分类回收,循环再生Rescue——保护自然,万物共存Green Partner——绿色伙伴Green Product——绿色产品我们公司的作法-----废弃物分类在生产过程中发生的报废成品、半成品、尾线、废胶、废料等等废品,由各课各班操作员分开装袋或分类放置在下班前送到指定区域。(按规定程序)办公产生的废弃物(纸类、包装类)下班前送到指定区域。(废品仓库)绝不允许报废线和办公所产生的废弃物进行混放,应按照标识及统一分类进行摆放,以方便後续的处理废品的分类1﹐废品纸类。包括大、小纸板﹐废弃包装箱﹐碎纸片和废PVC料粉袋等。 2﹐废塑料类。包括各类添加剂空桶和胶料包装袋﹐生产线遗弃的绕包膜以及生产部报废的各种废塑盤。(不包括生产中产生的废线和废胶)3﹐金属类。是指工程部加工车间金属废弃物、废铁销和生产线遗弃的不足200米长的铝箔等。4﹐化学品类。是指各类油墨空桶及添加剂空桶。垃圾分类垃圾分类,资源利用 一垃圾分类,资源利用 充分利用现有的物资,减少对自然的索取,避免对自然生态平衡的破坏垃圾分类是世界发达国家的共同举措,已成为世界潮流垃圾分类是文明素责的一种体现每利用1吨废玻璃,可生产1块蓝球场面积的平板玻璃或500克瓶子2万只每利用1吨废钢,可提练钢900公斤;相当节约矿沙3吨每利用1吨废塑料,可再生800公斤石化制品每利用1吨废纸可造纸800公斤;相当于节约木材4立方米垃圾分类,资源利用 二 为什么说垃圾是资源 那就要搞垃圾的分类了,比如说废纸分出来以后,可以把废纸运到造纸厂,利用废纸生产纸张。又如塑料可以再利用,废金属、废玻璃收集起来,都可以进行循环利用。 垃圾分类,资源利用 三什么是可回收垃圾 主要包括纸类、玻璃、金属等可以回收利用的这一类物质。举例来说,纸类的收集,我们按照纸类这种垃圾单独收集之后,就避免了食品垃圾的污染,我们就可以把废纸送到造纸厂,进行再循环利用。比如说塑料,可以再生塑料,制作其他再生塑料的制品,同时可以把塑料通过化学裂解的方式进行炼油。比如说,食品垃圾这一部分,一般比较适合于堆肥,但是堆肥的产品,作为肥料, 垃圾分类,资源利用 四垃圾分类的目的,主要是收集,最终的目的是为了垃圾的处理。目前垃圾处理,基本上是采用填埋、堆肥、焚烧等几种方式,如果是混合收集的话,可能哪一种方式都不可能把垃圾完全的处理掉,或者出现很多问题。比如说玻璃、金属,或者是陶瓷等东西将食品混合在里面,农民是不好进行操作的。再一个例子,焚烧类的热值比较高的垃圾中混合一部分热值不高的垃圾,会造成焚烧起来非常的困难。这说明,垃圾分类的目的是进行分类处理,好处在于可以使垃圾的处理更加专业化,降低处理的成本,同时可以使垃圾处理后产生的资源率更高。垃圾分类,资源利用 五错误的作法错误的做法接下来可回收垃圾纸 张以上分类清楚,方便回收这样的垃圾箱让我们能养成一种好的习惯垃圾生态管理-概念垃圾生态管理-概念11、大自然中废纸的分解约需要( B )个月。 A1-2 B3-4 C5-7 D8-1012、大自然中口香糖的分解约需要( B )年。 A、1-2 B、3-4 C、5-6 D、8-10


哎 我也在找呢 难兄难弟


学术堂整理了一份最新的关于包装设计方面的论文题目,供大家进行参考:  包装设计中的文化与审美  浅析海派文化对老上海食品包装设计的影响  浅析绿色包装设计  论包装设计中图形设计的表现特征  浅谈互动设计在包装设计中的应用  扁平化在现代包装设计中的应用  “零废弃”包装设计案例探析  包装设计中电脑美术设计的综合运用  中国传统文化在现代包装设计中的运用研究  中国传统文化与当代包装设计之漫议  论包装艺术设计生态性发展  试论绿色设计理念在包装设计中的渗透  包装设计中色彩设计的运用  智能化包装设计的方法研究——以老年人智能药品包装为例  浅谈包装设计中的设计策划  水墨画在包装设计上的应用研究  绿色设计思潮对产品包装设计的启示




AbstractThe color is wordless, but it can deposit a mood in one's heart through permeating the The color can arouse the affectivity, which can not be Good coordination of colors can produce the dulcet color environment and the poetic atmosphere, while failure in colors coordination will destroy the entire environment and make In order to make use of interior colors to improve the space effect, and make good use of the physical characteristics of colors and the influence of colors on the people's mind, we can change the space dimension, scale, and separation to some degree, so as to realize penetrating the space and improving the space Therefore, the color is an indispensable and important factor to the entire design of the office Some pay great attention to the color coordination in the office space and go deep research in the colors; but some show little concern for especially the clerks who make a living by paying so much labour, don't pay attention to the color exertion, so that the clerks work under the uncomfortable environment and tired of visual comfort, and finally influence the psychology of the clerks and the working Nowadays, in such a developing society, the color function in the office space is paid more and more Key words: color psychology, color sentiment, color image, sensorial effect, office space and color


Color using in officeAbstract The color is a wordless expression, but it can be deposited into a mood in one's heart through the The effect that color can arouse one’s affectivity can not be Good coordination in color can produce the dulcet environment and the poetic atmosphere, while failure coordination in color will destroy the entire Making the most of the color’s physical characters and the color effects on mental, we can change the space dimension, scale, and separation by using interior colors to some degree, so as to actualize the space penetrating and Therefore, the color is an indispensable factor in the entire design of the Some users may pay great attention to the color coordination in the office space and may have went deep researches in color; but some, especially the labour clerks, may show little concern for it, But thus would make the clerks working in a humdrum environment, and finally influence both the psychology and the working Nowadays, the color function in the office space will undoubtedly be paid more and more attentions in such a developing Key words: color psychology, color sentiment, color image, sensorial effect, dimension and color in office

白色污染是我国城市特有的环境污染,在各种公共场所到处都能看见大量废弃的塑料制品,他们从自然界而来,由人类制造,最终归结于大自然时却不易被自然所消纳,从而影响了大自然的生态环境。从节约资源的角度出发,由于塑料制品主要来源是面临枯竭的石油资源,应尽可能回收,但由于现阶段再回收的生产成本远高于直接生产成本,在现行市场经济条件下难以做到。面对日益严重的白色污染问题,人们希望寻找一种能替代现行塑料性能,又不造成白色污染的塑料替代品,可降解塑料应运而生,这种新型功能的塑料,其特点是在达到一定使用寿命废弃后,在特定的环境条件下,由于其化学结构发生明显变化,引起某些性能损失及外观变化而发生降解,对自然环境无害或少害。例如淀粉填充塑料,首先其所含淀粉在短时间内被土壤中的微生物分泌的淀粉酶迅速分解而生成空洞,导致薄膜力学性能下降,同时配方中添加的自氧剂与土壤中的金属盐反应生成过氧化物,使聚乙烯的链断裂而降解成易被微生物吞噬的小碎片被自然环境所消纳,同时起到改良土壤的作用。生活垃圾,是指在日常生活中或者为日常生活提供服务的活动中产生的固体废物以及法律、行政法规规定视为生活垃圾的固体废物。垃圾分类是指按照垃圾的不同成分、属性、利用价值以及对环境的影响,并根据不同处置方式的要求,分成属性不同的若干种类。生活垃圾一般可分为四大类:可回收垃圾、厨余垃圾、有害垃圾和其他垃圾。目前常用的垃圾处理方法主要有综合利用、卫生填埋、焚烧和堆肥。可回收垃圾包括纸类、金属、塑料、玻璃等,通过综合处理回收利用,可以减少污染,节省资源。如每回收1吨废纸可造好纸850公斤,节省木材300公斤,比等量生产减少污染74%;每回收1吨塑料饮料瓶可获得0.7吨二级原料;每回收1吨废钢铁可炼好钢0.9吨,比用矿石冶炼节约成本47%,减少空气污染75%,减少97%的水污染和固体废物。厨房垃圾包括剩菜剩饭、骨头、菜根菜叶等食品类废物,经生物技术就地处理堆肥,每吨可生产0.3吨有机肥料。有害垃圾包括废电池、废日光灯管、废水银温度计、过期药品等,这些垃圾需要特殊安全处理。其他垃圾包括除上述几类垃圾之外的砖瓦陶瓷、渣土、卫生间废纸等难以回收的废弃物,采取卫生填埋可有效减少对地下水、地表水、土壤及空气的污染。医疗废物分类。使用后的一次性医疗器械,不论是否剪除针头,是否被病人体液、血液、排泄物污染,均属于医疗废物,均应作为医疗废物进行管理。使用后的各种玻璃(一次性塑料)输液瓶(袋),未被病人血液、体液、排泄物污染的,不属于医疗废物,不必按照医疗废物进行管理,但这类废物回收利用时不能用于原用途,用于其他用途时应符合不危害人体健康的原则。 球是我们赖以生存的家园,并为我们提供了如此美丽的环境。但是随着社会经济的迅速发展和城市人口的高度集中,生活垃圾的产量正在逐步增加,我们的这个家园正在被垃圾所包围。一般生活垃圾可分为废纸、塑料、玻璃、金属和生物垃圾等五类。垃圾对人类生活和环境的主要危害是:第一、占地过多。堆放在城市郊区的垃圾,侵占了大量农田。垃圾在自然界停留的时间也很长:烟头、羊毛织物1—5年;橘子皮2年;易拉罐80—100年;塑料100—200年;玻璃1000年。第二、污染空气。垃圾是一种成份复杂的混合物。在运输和露天堆放过程中,有机物分解产生恶臭,并向大气释放出大量的氨、硫化物等污染物,其中含有机挥发气体达100多种,这些释放物中含有许多致癌、致畸物。塑料膜、纸屑和粉尘则随风飞扬形成“白色污染”。第三、污染水体。垃圾中的有害成份易经雨水冲入地面水体,在垃圾堆放或填坑过程中还会产生大量的酸性和碱性有机污染物,同时将垃圾中的重金属溶解出来。垃圾直接弃入河流、湖泊或海洋,则会引起更严重的污染。你看:秦淮河水面上漂着的塑料瓶和饭盒,树枝上挂着的塑料袋、面包纸等,不仅造成环境污染。而且如果动物误食了白色垃圾不仅会伤及健康,甚至会死亡。第四、火灾隐患。垃圾中含有大量可燃物,在天然堆放过程中会产生甲烷等可燃气,遇明火或自燃易引起火灾、垃圾爆炸事故不断发生,造成重大损失。第五、有害生物的巢穴。垃圾不但含有病原微生物,而且能为老鼠、鸟类及蚊蝇提供食物、栖息和繁殖的场所,也是传染疾病的根源。


The glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and the container are able to bear corrosivity, but the molding , are able to bear an ageing , assemble steel , iron pipeline and container without exception better than waiting for aspect keeping an expedience in repair in ratio Ceaselessness is perfect with the glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and the container technology , the glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and container industry such as being used for petrochemical industry, metallurgy , being drained away water already broadly are Mount century nineties middle later stage, the technology and equipment having introduced the glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and the container in the homeland already comparatively successfully, play have arrived at important role to childbirth and application and dissemination promoting our country glass pipeline and the As the glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and the container key equipment producing a heavy calibre,large-scale Li steel fibre twines machine coming mainlyBy that steel tube complete sets of equipment studying in a deepgoing way and analysis , we thinking that glass fiber reinforced plastics fibre twines machine to enter port and domestic glass,PC navar optimization designs the key technology being that glass fiber reinforced plastics fibre twines equipment childbirth and For this purpose, the author carries out the several the following aspect research job mainly: Drag the optimization design moving system Loads are big specifically for that equipment , operation is complicated wait for a characteristic, the chief axis has adopted to exchange frequency conversion speed regulation vector control technique, the handcart has adopt the advanced exchange servo control Two is to check systematic Design having accomplished the grating coder computer data collect card mainly, it can adopt two road signals at the same timeThe thesis content is arranged for as follows: The characteristic , significance , content that the problem studies introducing glass fiber reinforced plastics material mainly reach 1st chapter with problem relevance technology development 2nd chapter has introduced that fundamental handicraft and main equipment that fibre twines develop condition mainly, and has introduced that fibre intertwines with glass fiber reinforced plastics the relevant basic law and basic And overall plan that 3rd chapter charges for introducing navar, PC controls the systematic design train of thought and design 4th chapter introduces that the originally systematic software designs 5th chapter introduces system debugging and defend, have given systematic main part out electricity principle picture and the connection Keywords: Glass fiber reinforced plastics twines equipment declining


The glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and the container are able to bear corrosivity, but the molding , are able to bear an ageing , assemble steel , iron pipeline and container without exception better than waiting for aspect keeping an expedience in repair in ratio Ceaselessness is perfect with the glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and the container technology , the glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and container industry such as being used for petrochemical industry, metallurgy , being drained away water already broadly are Mount century nineties middle later stage, the technology and equipment having introduced the glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and the container in the homeland already comparatively successfully, play have arrived at important role to childbirth and application and dissemination promoting our country glass pipeline and the As the glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and the container key equipment producing a heavy calibre,large-scale Li steel fibre twines machine coming from Europe State marketplace, but the person price mainly highly , operation upkeep is pretty difficult and , domestic the same kind equipment still has but the certain gap in the field of reliability and controlling twining handicraft comparing with introducing Therefore, to the heavy calibre, glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and the container production facility and their navar optimization designs the research problem being that are one By that steel tube complete sets of equipment studying in a deepgoing way and analysis , we thinking that glass fiber reinforced plastics fibre twines machine to enter port and domestic glass,PC navar optimization designs the key technology being that glass fiber reinforced plastics fibre twines equipment childbirth and For this purpose, the author carries out the several the following aspect research job mainly: Drag the optimization design moving system Loads are big specifically for that equipment , operation is complicated wait for a characteristic, the chief axis has adopt the control technique exchanging the frequency conversion speed regulation vector , the handcart has adopt the advanced exchange servo control Two is to check systematic Design having accomplished the grating coder computer data collect card mainly, it can adopt two road signals (photoelectricity coder pulse signal respectively linking up with the chief axis and the handcart output axis) to be feedback amounts at the same time , have and functions, and structure simplicities such as direction identification , step-by-step Three are that the chief axis and the handcart harmonize under the control of tactics design and The factor disturbing indeterminacy specifically for system runs an environment is many , system builds the characteristic of model difficult to wait, "controller having designed mixing up that the double mode takes to amendment a factor", and by the biax modules such as the adjustment under the control of drifting about , speed school nuclear control designing that , the tracking under the control of having accomplished the handcart and the chief axis fairly Newly designed PC machine , inner lining machine , deciduate machine controlling system but intertwining with each other being used for glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and container , not only, price is low and operation upkeep is more reliable compared with abroad the same kind The thesis content is arranged for as follows: The characteristic , significance , content that the problem studies introducing glass fiber reinforced plastics material mainly reach 1st chapter with problem relevance technology development 2nd chapter has introduced that fundamental handicraft and main equipment that fibre twines develop condition mainly, and has introduced that fibre intertwines with glass fiber reinforced plastics the relevant basic law and basic 3rd chapter charges the train of thought and design plan introducing that navar overall plan, and PC control systematic 4th chapter introduces that the originally systematic software designs 5th chapter has introduced system debugging and the upkeep , has given systematic main part out electricity principle picture and the connection Keywords: Glass fiber reinforced plastics twines the equipment PC navar vector controlling the data collect exchanging a servo

科技小论文 月食是由月月食是一种特殊的天文现象,指当月球运行至地球的阴影部分时,在月球和地球之间的地区会因为太阳光被地球所遮闭,就看到月球缺了一块。 也就是说,此时的太阳、地球、月球恰好或几乎在同一条直线地球在太阳与月球之间,因此从太阳照射到月球的光线,会被地球所掩盖。 以地球而言,当月食发生的时候,太阳和月球的方向会相差 180 度。古代月食记录有时可用来推定历史事件的年代。中国古代迷信的说法又叫做天狗吃月亮。月食可分为月偏食、月全食及半影月食三种。当月球整个都进入本影时,就会发生月全食;但如果只是一部分进入本影时,则只会发生月偏食。月全食和月偏食都是本影月食。 在月全食时,月球并不是完全看不见的,这是由於太阳光在通过地球的稀薄大气层时受到折射进入本影,投射到月面上,令到月面呈红铜色。视乎月球经过本影的路径及当时地球的大气情况,光度在不同的月全食会有所不同。 有时月球并不会进入本影而只进入半影,这就称为半影月食。在半影月食发生期间,月亮将略为转暗,但它的边缘并不会被地球的影子所阻挡。不过看月全食必须在晚上看,而且观看月食的机率比日食的机率少的多。 关于月食,还有一个故事:16世纪初,哥伦布航海到了南美洲的牙买加,与当地的土著人发生了冲突。哥伦布和他的水手被困在一个墙角,断粮断水,情况十分危急。懂点天文知识的哥伦布知道这天晚上要发生月全食,就向土著人大喊,“再不拿食物来,就不给你们月光!”到了晚上,哥伦布的话应验了,果然没有了月光。土著人见状诚惶诚恐,赶快和哥伦布化干戈为玉帛。


