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nowadays the financial crisis has become a serious problem around the Then our company also suffer from the financial We should take measure to deal with the poor enconmy in order to get rid of this bad dream, but what can we do? It is a serious After 2008 financial crisis the econcomy around the world is so bad, our company is struggling with poor business since the financial crisis

theoryOn the financial crisis, the authority of the definition of comparison is by Goldsmith (1982) given that all or most of the financial indicators - short-term interest rates, assets (assets, securities, real estate, land) prices, the number of business bankruptcy and the closure of a number of financial institutions - the sharp, short and ultra-cycle Its characteristics is based on the expected decline in asset prices and a large number of out of real estate or long-term financial assets into the Financial crisis can be divided into currency crises, debt crises, banking crises, such as the In recent years more and more of the financial crisis showed a mixed form of Blessing in disguise, Yan Fu Huo know? The escape came, unable to retain the Nothing in the world are the development of the wave-like, there is bound to have peaks and troughs, there are bound to have peaks and Rare in the face of the economic crisis, many companies have chosen to shrink the front, the defensive; a lot of people tighten up the pocketbook and Enterprises do not only offensive defense, when you prepare defense means that when you start Live at home, hand in half a cent to spend, to save money is in, only more money in order to change the quality of Fear, confusion and helplessness to escape, defense and reduce costs so that you will only make matters worse Only offensive, Endeavor, protest, moving trend is the best choice and to deal






Financial Crisis Affecting Electronics Industry We have noted before on this blog that the electronics industry will not be immune to the downturn in the US Economy and that the financial impact will have some effect on the consumer electronics Business Week recently wrote about the predicted According to Business Week: Spending on electronics and appliances fell 8% in September, compared with 5% in August, according to MasterCard Advisors' SpendingPulse service, which provides data on MasterCard (MA) Electronics retailer Best Buy (BBY) may have had a 9% to 10% sales decline in the second half of September, according to Bernstein Research analyst Craig Moffett, citing company The financial crisis that's crimping interbank lending and dragging down stocks accelerated in the second half of last Sales of big-ticket items such as flat-screen TVs may be in for the biggest drubbing, analysts Rather than pony up for a new high-definition TV set, many consumers with analog TVs may simply opt for sub-$100 digital TV converter boxes as they gear up for the February 2009 deadline for the digital-TV "HDTV sales may be the next shoe to drop," Moffett wrote in a recent That bodes ill for manufacturers like Sony (SNE), Samsung, and LG Fewer TV purchases could in turn have an impact on satellite-TV providers DirecTV (DTV) and DISH Network (DISH), whose sales of service packages are closely linked to new TV purchases, Moffett Makers of high-end laptops also have cause for concern, says Roger Kay, founder of consultancy Endpoint Technologies A Apple said on O 14 that it's shaving $100 off the price of its entry-level MacBook (BusinessW, 10/15/08) Other manufacturers may follow suit or roll out more ultramobile PCs, smaller, less powerful laptops that can cost $50 to $200 less than laptops, Kay So far, that category of machines "has not cannibalized our notebook sales," says Mark Hill, general manager for US Nor has Acer detected a slowdown in demand, he Declines in the consumer electronics industry will definitely impact the entire electronics value Right from the raw material suppliers, through to the PCB manufacturers, chipset manufacturers, silicon foundries, computer manufacturers This value chain is predominant in Taiwan and therefore the negative effect of a worsening global economy may be magnified in T The technology industry in Taiwan is the predominant industry and tech companies make up a large portion of the TAIEX Also, a lot of Taiwanese people have a lot of their wealth invested in the Any decline in the market will significantly impact their desire to No doubt there will be interesting times ahead for many companies here in F Some industries will at a guess consolidate and over the short term there maybe cutbacks and layoffs but, when the economy improves, those companies left standing will have a lot of 第二篇参考网页希望采纳





Supporters of floating exchange rates this explanation: the adjustment under the Bretton Woods system is not fair, fixed exchange rate system called "solved" the issue of international coordination of monetary policy is only to the United States a leading position, while the United States eventually has abused this Under the floating exchange rate system, countries have gradually realized the importance to international Hezuo, and actively explore new ways of international cooperation to strengthen international cooperation after the floating exchange rate system Hui Shi De 经济 better (Pro, you give if the translation and a half articles, I gave chase ) (5) the illusion of greater autonomy Critics argue that floating exchange rates: domestic monetary policy is not entirely free, is also affected by changes in the exchange rate For example, when a country increases the money supply, devaluation of the currency makes imported goods prices rise in order to ensure standard of living does not drop, the workers will be demands for more money to promote more inflation, in addition, imports of intermediate inputs for production, The devaluation makes the production costs, increase The floating exchange rate would accelerate the rise in the price In addition, critics also believe that: a floating exchange rate isolated the role of foreign inflation is For example, foreign inflation, foreign output increase, while foreign output will increase while the increase in foreign demand for domestic goods, increasing their Supporters of floating exchange rates this explanation: States can be a managed floating exchange rate to reduce the above 5, since 1973 the experience of floating exchange rate system 1, the experience of running a floating exchange rate system is neither fully support the agreed point of view it does not confirm the Makes the economy insulated from inflation point of view the long term is important, in the short term but may not be set The role of the exchange rate as macroeconomic objectives in the floating exchange rate system makes the central bank enjoys autonomy under the No empirical data for the "vicious cycle" to provide Flexible exchange rate would hamper international trade and investment point of view is not supported by credible Durable fixed exchange rate may not be achieved unless the creation of a single 2, but draw a clear conclusion: International cooperation is We use the "two-model" (HH-FF model) to illustrate how the behavior of a country affect its trading partners over the economy, from which you can see the importance of coordination of national Domestic product market equilibrium (HH curve): Y = C (Y-T) + I + G + CA (EP * / P, Y-T, Y *- T *), Y is national output, T is the national tax , C (Y-T) is consumption, I investment, G is government purchases, E is the currency exchange rate, P is the domestic price level, P * is foreign price level, Y * is the foreign output level, T * is the foreign tax , CA (EP * / P, Y-T, Y *- T *) is the national current account Foreign goods market equilibrium (FF curve): Y *= C * (Y *- T *) + I * + G *- CA (EP * / P, Y-T, Y *- T *) / (EP * / P), C * (Y *- T *) is the foreign consumer, I * is foreign investment, G * is the foreign government purchases Combining these two (Figure 11) Its expansionary monetary policy (Figure 12) The increase in money supply, market equilibrium level of national output increased, reduction in the level of foreign output market equilibrium, a solemn act known as "beggar thy neighbor" policy, the cost of damage to neighboring countries to improve their own Its expansionary fiscal policy (Figure 13) Both domestic and foreign output increased, and the cycle of long-term good: Y up -> Y * up -> Y up, a country expansionary fiscal policy will boost the world economy and achieve a good win-win A country's economic policies have spillover effects which affect the economies of other countries, that is the interdependence between countries, because of this dependency, national policy coordination in promoting the sound development of world economy has a very important 6 Conclusion: the direction of the floating exchange rate reform Fixed exchange rate system in the near future is unlikely to Maintain the fixed exchange rate because the long term need for strict control of capital flows, and such efforts are doomed to a lack of credibility, not for So hard to bring its fixed exchange rate system supports the benefits they With the national policy coordination between the increase in the operation of a floating exchange rate system would be more Enhancing international cooperation and coordination is the current floating exchange rate system reform and the overall direction of the main

首先最好是能针对某个行业、某个地区、甚至是某个企业的经济现象做出调查、分析、论述、研究,然后提出相应的对策即解决方法的题目:如下:以汽车行业为例 贸易自由化背景下中国汽车产业国际竞争力的分析产业国际竞争力的度量方法以 及作者提出的衡量产业国际竞争力的指标框架。第四章以中国的汽车产业为例,就贸易自由化背景卜汽 车产业的国际竞争力进行了分析 中国服务贸易国际竞争力研究 与住房、旅游、汽车、教育、信息服务等消费热点相 关的服务业特别活跃。① 中国服务贸易的开放状况 在加入WTO之前,中国的制造业已经先行开放。制造业在竞争中迅速发 展壮大,使服务业相对短缺。 国际贸易与技术进步 随着国际贸易的发展,现代国际贸易理论认为国际贸易不仅包括国际间的商品贸易、技术贸易、其他旅游、通讯等方面的劳务和服务输出,还包括了劳动力和资本的跨国流动。 本文所引用的国际贸易均为广义概念。 (二)国际技术贸易 绿色壁垒与国际贸易 日益增多的贸易摩 擦和不断出现的因绿色贸易壁垒导致的贸易冲突对国际贸易的发展和贸易的 格局产生了深远的影响。 在此形势下,国际贸易中的绿色壁垒问题越来越成为世人关注的焦点。因 此,本文将从国际贸易与环境问题入手,从经济学的角度分析绿色 环境政策对国际贸易的影响研究 而这些国际环境公约又从各个方面对国际贸易的结构和规模产生着这样那样的影响;其二,在众多的国际贸易条约中,涌现出许多环境条款,从而使国际贸易活动受到更多的非经济因素的影响和约束。 关于环境政策与贸易的关系问题,经济学家们从不同角度 日本汽车产业国际竞争力研究 汽车产业由弱到强,在国际汽车产业的市场竞争中占据了一席之地。 1955年,日本发表了《经济自立五年计划》,在资金、税制、外汇等方面扶植各汽车厂家引进底特律大批量自动生产线,进行了大规模的设备投资,加速实现国 论国际贸易与环境保护的协调 接下来研究了国际贸易对环境保护的影响以及环境保护对国际贸易的影响,从而得出结论:国际贸易与环境? 跨国公司内部贸易与国际竞争优势 跨国公司跨国界的内部贸易(以下简称跨国公司内部贸易)已经占到世界贸易的1/3,约80%的技术转让费支付发生在跨国公司内部,跨国公司的内部贸易以其巨大的规模及其特有的方式影响着东道国、投资国,乃至整个世界经济。而跨国公司内部贸易是跨国公司追求国际竞争优势的必然结果 电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策 自己逐个主观的阐述清楚 提高汽车工业国际竞争力的策略研究 加入WTO意味着中国经济将真正融入世界经济,成为全球化经济的一部分。作为WTO的一员,中国在享受其权利的同时,也必须履行其承诺和义务。随着我国汽车市场的全面开放,中国汽车工业将直面国际挑战。为此,研究外国大型汽车集团在华的竞争战略,研究如何在过渡期内提高我国 我希望我只是给你提供参考也希望你自己写因为那才是自己的本事

国际金融业的电子化与我国商业银行的发展在国际金融市场一体化和金融创新浪潮推动下,西方商业银行出现全面改革。他们长期实施的是以提高盈利为宗旨的服务竞争机制,随着银行间竞争日趋激化,金融风险增大,银行现代化改革出现重大变化,即国际金融业的电子化势在必行。我国商业银行在不断开放的环境中,与国际接轨,在国际金融市场中竞争、求生存,势必要熔入国际金融业的电子化时代,为客户提供不断创新的电子金融服务。 在西方,金融业与工商业有惊人的相似之处,都注重市场营销,将市场营销观念作为指导银行业务经营的基本思想。对于金融机构而言,顾客才是最重要的财富。早期银行的市场营销,基本上以联系与争夺客户、获取最大利润为目的。随着银行之间兼并加剧,竞争激化,单纯用礼貌、周到的服务,已较难进一步拓宽顾客渠道。银行为了在信息技术时代求生存首先也是要争取顾客,尽可能为他们提供优质服务。客户对银行服务的需求,促使银行服务手段现代化。银行致力于采用新技术,为银行与银行间以及银行与客户间的联系增加了新的内容,同时也促进了银行内部管理的电子化。 一、建立客户综合服务网络 客户综合服务网络是针对金融行业这种特定行业的相关服务而设计建设的,客户通过一定的通讯手段(电话、传真、计算机通讯等)与服务网络中心取得联系并得到身份确认后,即可享受系统所提供的相应金融行业信息服务及有限定范围的账户操作服务,如获取金融行业政策、法规、业务办理通知信息,查询新业务开办方法,客户账户往来查询,查对用户相关社会服务行业收费账单,用户进行限定范围的账户转账和指定收费单位的简单付费,以及其它某些相关行业特别业务操作,等等,也有人把它称之为银行服务呼叫中心(BANK SERVICE CALL CENTER)。


