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The financial crisis have affect many different area of the world Asia is one of them since the building of global economy system he economic connection of the world have became more and more close! Now ,the effect of the crisis in develop country is very serious More and more people become jobless Asia have prepared for meeting any any country in Asia want cooperate more close because the effect of the crisis hurt the developing country deeply

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With financial markets being in a state of turmoil, developing countries—often vulnerable to shocks from the outside that are beyond their control—are concerned about possible threats to their own macroeconomic Even as many developing countries show improved resilience to upsets in rich-country financial markets, continuing turbulence—coupled with its dampening effect on world growth—poses a significant risk to developing Many countries have accumulated large foreign reserves to protect themselves against interest and exchange rate fluctuations, as well as short-term funding disruptions, but reserves are only a temporary According to World Bank researchers, the best way forward for developing countries is to develop comprehensive strategies to fight macroeconomic volatility on several fronts, including by improving their ability to absorb external “Action is warranted because macroeconomic volatility is a fundamental development concern,” said Luis Servén, Research Manager in the Bank’s Development Research Group, “It has much higher welfare costs for poor countries than for rich ”In Latin America, for example, the direct welfare loss of straying away from a stable consumption path reaches up to 10 percent of annual consumption in some countries, compared to less than 1 percent in industrial Macroeconomic volatility reduces growth in economic output, and affects future consumption, Servén  This effect is seen most in poor countries that are financially and institutionally weak, and that are unable to adjust their fiscal policies in The chicken or the egg?Click graph to enlarge Macroeconomic volatility is clearly linked to a lack of  Not only does it affect welfare more significantly in developing countries; volatility also occurs more frequently in developing countries than in rich  Small countries like the Dominican Republic or Togo experience volatility, but so do large ones such as China and I Many volatile economies, for example, Ecuador and Nigeria, are predominantly commodity-exporters, but others like Peru are rapidly “It’s a classic chicken-and-egg question,” said Norman Loayza, Lead Economist in the World Bank’s Development Research G “Does volatility result in a lack of development or does underdevelopment reflect itself in macroeconomic fluctuations? ”Analyzing what puts poor countries at greater risk, Serven, Loayza, Rancière and Ventura say that high macroeconomic volatility in the developing world stems from three sources:• bigger external shocks, such as from financial and goods markets• more frequent domestic shocks, including self-inflicted policy mistakes• weaker “shock absorbers” to cushion the effects of disturbances A strategy for stability Coping with these sources of macroeconomic volatility requires a three-pronged strategy for improving economic stability in developing countries, the researchers Put the house in orderAn unstable development process, coupled with self-inflicted policy mistakes, seems to lead to more frequent domestic shocks in developing  In fact, the erratic fiscal policy of governments often triggers macroeconomic  In some instances, governments inadvertently raise volatility through inflationary monetary “In recent research, we have found that social conflict, political instability, and economic mismanagement are the most likely causes of the fluctuations in per capita GDP in many poor countries,” said Claudio Raddatz, also a World Bank For such countries, external shocks—such as those linked to foreign aid, trade, or even climatic conditions—contribute only a small, though still significant share of macroeconomic Policies must be designed to control the level and variability of fiscal spending, to keep monetary and financial policy stable, and to avoid price rigidity, as in the case of pegged exchange rates (which often need to be drastically adjusted)Build resilience through flexibilityWeaker “shock absorbers” in developing countries allow external fluctuations to produce larger macroeconomic  Traditional shock absorbers like stabilization policies and diversified financial markets are frequently lacking in developing Fiscal policy is usually “procyclical” in poor countries, expanding in booms and contracting in  But to absorb external shocks, fiscal policy should be more  This depends on how far governments can reduce public debt to acceptable levels, increase saving in good times, and be seen as responsible Financial markets in developing countries can potentially diversify away the risk posed by external  But they are usually shallow, drying up in times of crisis when they are most  Governments can help deepen these markets by protecting creditor and shareholder “More recently, we have noted that microeconomic policies also play a role,” said Loayza, “When it is difficult for firms to reallocate resources, especially due to labor and financial market restrictions, countries become more vulnerable to economic ”Firms should be able to adjust to shocks by reallocating their resources across facilities, areas, and  While competition and trade provide the basic mechanisms for this to happen, governments can help by reducing the burden of Gear up for stormy weatherThe bigger external shocks experienced by developing countries could come from financial markets (for instance, a sudden cessation of capital inflows) or from goods  Traditionally, governments have had three options—self-protection, self-insurance, and full hedging and • Self-protection (, low trade openness and tightly controlled financial markets) may reduce the vulnerability to external  But it blocks the benefits of global integration and increases the likelihood of distortions that will eventually result in large domestic  Other domestic policies may be more appropriate to reduce vulnerability to foreign  In 2007, Loayza and Raddatz found that labor market flexibility can reduce the output losses of terms-of-trade • Self-insurance involves carrying resources over time, such as by accumulating foreign reserves in times of prosperity or robust  This is a popular option—the ratio of foreign reserves to imports has more than doubled in emerging economies over the past 15  But hoarding liquidity, which also implies sacrificing opportunities to invest, is less efficient than hedging through contingent financial • Full hedging and insurance refers to transferring resources by securing contingent credit lines or trading commodity-linked  Sophisticated hedging options are not yet available to developing countries, but financial markets do provide some hedging opportunities that are preferable to self-“An optimal strategy to prepare for stormy weather would favor the insurance options,” said Servén, “What is most encouraging is that hedging and insurance instruments, once unfeasible for developing countries, are now becoming available to  This is a very hopeful ”


《金融研究》1987年创刊,面向国内外发行。现已成为国内经济金融界的权威性货币信用理论、政策研究月刊。《金融研究》开设的30个栏目全方位反映了国内货币信用理论、政策和实务的发展状况和研究成果,体现了理论与实践相结合的学术观点。在1992年和1996年全国中文社科核心期刊评比中,连续两届被评为货币银行类第一名。《中国金融年鉴》 1986年创刊,1990年开始出版英文版,是我国金融界唯一的大型资料性、历史性、综合性年刊。《年鉴》全面反映了我国经济、金融形势与重要方针政策、各地区的金融业发展状况、金融机构、金融市场、金融工具的改革创新、金融法规的建立和完善等,内容丰富,统计资料翔实。《年鉴》先后由刘鸿儒、陈元任主编,现任主编史纪良,由政府及金融理论界权威人士担任顾问,集权威性、科学性、全面性、实用性、连续性于一体,具有很高的参考价值和史料价值。销量一直保持在两万册水平。 《中国金融展望》 1994年创办的年刊,分中英文两册,每年4月同时出版。《中国金融展望》旨在阐述和宣传中央银行货币政策,使国内外各界对中国宏观经济金融形势得到及时广泛的了解,使改革取得更好的实施效果。该刊编委会由人民银行总行及各有关部门领导组成,由人民银行各有关部门或国家有关部委供稿,由金融研究所组织编辑、修改。该刊分宏观、专题、统计三篇。主要内容包括中国经济形势展望、中国货币政策展望;金融监管专题、金融市场专题、金融对外开放专题及各项经济专题;中央银行资产负债表、各层次货币供应量、利率、机构设置等当年最新的统计数据。在总行领导的直接领导下和各有关司局的通力配合下,该刊以其对中国宏观经济金融形势与货币政策分析及预测的及时性、权威性和准确性,在国内外获得高度评价,并已成为准确了解中国货币政策的重要窗口,是宣传和代表中央银行形象的年刊。《金融研究报告》是中国人民银行的正式内部刊物,由中国金融学会与中国人民银行金融研究所主办。以反映经济金融领域的超前性研究、政策性建议、改革性探讨、微观层面的有普遍性的调研报告为主;兼顾当前国内外经济金融形势分析和发展动态、理论研究动态、重大研讨会议观点综述等方面的反映。其宗旨是向金融决策部门提供最新、最快、最突出的经济金融信息,提出对策、建议、措施与改革效应,同时反映社会对金融问题的不同评论和建议。供决策备选及参考。该刊的服务对象为中国人民银行及各类金融机构二级分行行长以上干部。 此外,研究所还发行《金融研究专刊》、《每日要闻》、《理论专刊》和《网络新闻》等不定期刊物。

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The financial crisis have affect many different area of the world Asia is one of them since the building of global economy system he economic connection of the world have became more and more close! Now ,the effect of the crisis in develop country is very serious More and more people become jobless Asia have prepared for meeting any any country in Asia want cooperate more close because the effect of the crisis hurt the developing country deeply

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国际刊号 ISSN: 2044-1398创刊时间 First publish year: 2007Start cooperation with Emerald since 2010出版周期 Frequency: 4 issues per year(季刊,每期6篇)海外合作出版商 Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing读者对象 Audience: 学术研究人员、金融从业者、政策制定者以及对中国和其他发展中经济体的金融市场感兴趣的其他个人和机构愿景——打造中国金融学科国际话语权的英文学术期刊目前的数据库收录情况:Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)-since 2016Scopus-since 2016FMS Journal Rating Guide (ranked 34/78, Finance )Business Source Premier (EBSCO)The Chartered Association of Business Schools' (ABS) Academic Journal Guide 2018The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Quality Journal ListABI/INFORM Complete, ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Professional AdvancedCabell’s Directory of Opportunities in Publishing in Accounting, Economics and Finance一些代表性的高水平文章:•Textual analysis for China’s financial markets: a review and discussion by Alan Huang, (University of Waterloo), Wenfeng Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) and Tong Yu (University of Cincinnati), V 10 N 1 •Ownership identity and corporate donations: evidence from a natural experiment in China by Chun-Keung (Stan) Hoi (Rochester Institute of Technology), Jun Xiong (City University of Hong Kong) and Hong Zou (University of Hong Kong), V 10 N 2 •Implicit and explicit norms and tools of safety net management by Edward Kane (Boston College), V 10 N 3 •FinTech and household finance: a review of the empirical literature by Sumit Agarwal (National University of Singapore) and Yeow Hwee Chua (National University of Singapore), V 10 N 4•Consumer finance / household finance: the definition and scope by Jingjian Xiao (University of Rhode Island) and Chunsheng Tao (Minzu University of China), V11 N 12017年至2020年,CFRI期刊投稿平均接受率在5%左右2019年的模拟影响因子在WOS中相当于在Business& Finance领域中的Q2分区期刊截止目前CFRI被SSCI/ESCI期刊引用418次,施引期刊含Review of Finance、Journal of Financial Economics 、Accounting & Finance、Pacific-Basin Finance Journal等金融学科顶尖期刊,以及自然科学,工程学,数学等领域的优质期刊



nowadays the financial crisis has become a serious problem around the Then our company also suffer from the financial We should take measure to deal with the poor enconmy in order to get rid of this bad dream, but what can we do? It is a serious After 2008 financial crisis the econcomy around the world is so bad, our company is struggling with poor business since the financial crisis

theoryOn the financial crisis, the authority of the definition of comparison is by Goldsmith (1982) given that all or most of the financial indicators - short-term interest rates, assets (assets, securities, real estate, land) prices, the number of business bankruptcy and the closure of a number of financial institutions - the sharp, short and ultra-cycle Its characteristics is based on the expected decline in asset prices and a large number of out of real estate or long-term financial assets into the Financial crisis can be divided into currency crises, debt crises, banking crises, such as the In recent years more and more of the financial crisis showed a mixed form of Blessing in disguise, Yan Fu Huo know? The escape came, unable to retain the Nothing in the world are the development of the wave-like, there is bound to have peaks and troughs, there are bound to have peaks and Rare in the face of the economic crisis, many companies have chosen to shrink the front, the defensive; a lot of people tighten up the pocketbook and Enterprises do not only offensive defense, when you prepare defense means that when you start Live at home, hand in half a cent to spend, to save money is in, only more money in order to change the quality of Fear, confusion and helplessness to escape, defense and reduce costs so that you will only make matters worse Only offensive, Endeavor, protest, moving trend is the best choice and to deal


