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Preface Landscape design is an integral part of urban design, but also the face of a city, one of the decisive Landscape design is quite extensive, including a deal with the city space, the use of the characteristics of the original site, and contact between the surrounding environment, plaza, pedestrian street layout, street short as well as settings such as municipal facilities, both with regard to function, it also involves the visual and psychological The concept of traditional landscape design to green-oriented, with the city's modernization and the urban population of the substantial increase in the functional requirements of the landscape is becoming more prominent, at the same time also called for a more aesthetic enrichment and diversification of town so large-scale use of hard landscape, in order to effectively solve the Article in the city constitute a hard on the basic elements of landscape, such as paving, steps, sculpture pieces and so on, through a detailed theoretical introduction, description of specific characteristics of these elements, the use of, and constitute the role of the urban landscape, image, vivid rich and instructive reference for now to carry out large-scale construction of the city has a positive The constituent elements of the urban landscape 1 SURFACES Natural environment from the ground, in the city the ground is always the need to do deal with rigid In addition to meet the required high-frequency, high-intensity use of functions, but also because the pavement is the creation of a city, one of the basic elements of Through the use of different pavement materials, can be divided into different uses of the ground to define the different characteristics of the space, you can identify the way forward, suggesting that the speed and rhythm of tour, at the same time through the pavement design changes, but also to create visual interest, constitute a space Designed to do the ground pavement at the time, need to consider the following factors: First of all, should be guided by the principle of a unified Whether it is the choice of pavement materials, pavement design, or design, and other landscape elements should be considered simultaneously in order to ensure that the pavement on the ground in terms of vision or function have been unified into a Change random pavement materials and designs, will only add to the chaotic sense of space, so a specific purpose in the absence of circumstances, can not transform the pavement adjacent to the form of materials and The second is Function should ensure that pavement strength requirements necessary to ensure surfacing both in dry or wet conditions are the same anti-skid and avoid the risk of pedestrian The third is the appearance, including color, scale and Colors do not want to do is bore neither bleak nor clear to the Change the color or texture, as long as the function to reflect the difference can be used Scale considerations will affect the choice of color and texture, as well as the design of拼缝 Road block size, color and texture and so on, and the venue should have the right relationship between scale, which is an important A lot of ground surfacing materials, primarily asphalt, concrete, tile, natural stone, gravel, , can be made in accordance with the requirements of the different Asphalt surface and low cost, easy construction, commonly used in the driveway, sidewalks, road pavement Color of the use of asphalt pavement can also change the monotony of the Concrete pavement due to its low cost and applicability of a strong and widely Cast-in-place concrete paving settings attention should be paid to expansion joints, and concrete block pavement is more The colorful tile surface, pattern and shape of the degree of freedom, and easy to create a cheerful, gorgeous Commonly used in public facilities in the entrance plaza, walkways, shopping malls and other places of the road Natural stone materials, especially granite paving, can often create a solemn, calm atmosphere, most important for the city In order to avoid large-scale rigid pavement caused by environmental problems, at the possible conditions, can also be combined with green, forming grass pavement 2 level, and curb ramp Space in urban environment, natural causes or because of the various functions required, usually to change the floor height changes, and changes in floor height also tend to produce a rich and beautiful landscape of the One of changing the floor there is a high level of landscape design, and geo-stone Steps and the main function of the ramp is to make pedestrians from a high floor to another floor height, but at the same time the site has highlighted the great potential of environmental When the level is designed to narrow and touches the heart, sometimes there is a wide sense of grandeur can be closed and mysterious, you can open and They will gradually spectacular, dramatic way to induce perception of pedestrian arrival means an excellent Stone is a kind of geopolitical ensure the safety of pedestrians, traffic guidance, soil and water, the protection of plant, as well as the distinction between road pavement and set boundaries in the driveway and sidewalk, the road and the green boundaries, the different pavement surface, such as the location of the boundary Stone road, many different types of fate, there is pre-cast concrete, brick, natural stone and so on, modeling is also very 3 Sculpture Pieces Sculpture is an important element of the urban landscape, which with its rich modeling language, to convey thoughts and feelings are Sculpture and the urban environment of the geographic landscape, garden landscape and the landscape architecture of mutual infiltration and often constitute the characteristics of the city or community The type of town a lot of sculpture, which belong to a class of short-type sculptures, most of its subject matter to people's lifestyles and animal and plant-based, pay attention to reflect the characteristics of folk customs and Sculpture in order to achieve harmony with the environment should be in the planning, design, production and other aspects of serious The first is the layout: the location of sculpture and architecture with the surrounding natural environment is in harmony, composition at the landscape in which the status of the location of sculpture and the relationship between road The second is modeling: modeling how sculpture occupies space appropriate and what form "language" to attract passers-visual and psychological impact of their Third, body mass scale: in particular types of small-scale sculpture, with the view to maintain cordial The form of sculpture is usually divided into two categories, as with the Because of the sculpture as a direct acceptance for people, they are often more than an abstract sculpture, but many excellent image of an abstract sculpture sculpture as more than an image, more generally, a more concise, more typical, and, therefore, more interesting, people lost in Traditional sculpture in stone, copper-based materials, but the development of modern science and technology for the sculpture provides a means to enrich the model with a dynamic arts, as the magic arts, electronic art, art lighting and sound performance of the novel art sculpture better meet the needs of people at different levels to enjoy the Conclusion Designed in a modern urban landscape of the course, it is necessary to fully from a scientific point of view of the status of the urban Want a comprehensive understanding of the scientific landscape design elements of city property and other characteristics of natural and urban ecological balance mechanism, the use of modern art theory and creative way to create a higher than that derived from the natural landscape of the city to meet the aesthetic needs of However, a lot of cities in the modern landscape design similar to a very serious situation, and there is also a city is not in accordance with the natural conditions of the original city, other cities can emulate the style of the This is a very serious question, on the one hand it reflects the weak sense of innovation throughout society, will create a lot of rubbish One of the reasons, first, the urban landscape was designed by the government officials decided that the pursuit of its political achievements, it is rarely considered the reasonableness of the landscape design; On the other hand, because a lot of landscape designers is not happy under the site, at least lack of initiative, and a lack of communication with construction personnel, and ultimately the design of the outcome of a lot of regret on the Thus, the city from the basic elements of landscape design to start, government officials, designers and construction personnel to fully communicate, to create a character and reflect the city has the characteristics of the urban





A construction-led design process for tubular trussesDesign Studies, Volume 15, Issue 3, July 1994, Pages 248-259Walid MK Tizani, Gwynne Davies, Timothy J McCConstruction design and management safety regulations in practice—progress on implementationInternational Journal of Project Management, Volume 18, Issue 1, February 2000, Pages 33-40Tony Baxendale, Owain Jones Design and construction of a concrete floating berthEngineering Structures, Volume 18, Issue 11, November 1996, Pages 837-841P Starr, D A WDesign, construction and testing of an air-cycle refrigeration system for road transportInternational Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 27, Issue 5, August 2004, Pages 503-510Stephen W T Spence, W John Doran, David W Artt Design, construction and performance prediction of integrated solar roof collectors using finite element analysisConstruction and Building Materials, Volume 21, Issue 5, May 2007, Pages 1069-1078Marwa M Hassan, Yvan Beliveau



毕业设计论文施工组织设计文献综述  施工组织设计的作用是对拟建工程施工的全过程实行科学的管理的重要手段。通过施工组织设计的编制,可以全面考虑拟建工程的各种施工条件,扬长避短,拟定合理的施工方案,确定施工顺序、施工方法、劳动组织和技术经济的组织措施,合理地统筹安排拟定施工进度计划,保证拟建工程按期投产或交付使用;也为拟建工程的设计方案在经济上的合理性,在技术上的科学性和实施工程上的可能性进行论证提供依据;还为建设单位编制基本建设计划和施工企业编制施工计划提供依据。施工企业可以提前掌握人力、材料和机具使用上的先后顺序,全面安排资源的供应与消耗;可以合理确定临时设施的数量、规模和用途;以及临时设施、材料和机具在施工场地上的布置方案。  如果施工组织设计编制的合理,能正确反映客观实际,符合建设单位和设计单位的要求,并且在施工过程中认真地贯彻执行,就可以保证工程的顺利进行,取得好、快、省和安全的效果,早日发挥基本建设投资的经济效益和社会效益。  60年代我们的施工组织措施采用的苏联的管理模式,随着我国的经济的增长,我们建筑业的发展,我们的施工项目管理也不断的更科学,70到80年代施工组织设计在我国全面的推广,经过我们不断的实践、探索、研究,使之我们现在的施工组织更科学更协调,经济上更合理  以往我们强调工程开工前必须有施工组织设计,否则不得开工,但有相当多的工程虽然编制了施工组织设计,但实际执行却不如人意,甚至有的根本无法实施。许多年来,施工组织设计的编制往往是由个别人编写,在很大程度上造成与材料、机械、劳动力等部门的脱节,使施工组织设计开始就先天不足,到项目实施过程中,由于编制者与实施者的分离,无法起到指导作用的施工组织设计只能束之高阁。所以我们认识了不足之处对于实施方案的编制组织,现在我们采取各部门共同参与的方法,并由项目技术负责人主编,使施工组织设计真正起到指导工程施工的作用。施工部署由单1转向了全面统筹工程的后续开展更顺利。  正 文  杨太生《地基与基础》-北京:中国建筑工业出版社,  本书内容是根据本课程的教学基本要求并按照国家颁布的有关设计新规范、新标准编写的。全书共分十章,包括土的物理性质及工程分类,地基中的应力计算,土的压缩性与地基沉降计算,土的抗剪强度与地基承载力,土压力与土坡稳定,建筑场地的工程地质勘察,天然地基上浅基础设计,桩基础设计,地基处理,区域性地基等内容。本书可作为土建学科高等职业学校、高等专科学校建筑工程专业及相关专业的教学用书,也可作为相关工程技术人员的参考书。  徐 蓉《工程造价管理》 上海:同济大学出版社,2005  本书以贯彻国家法规、规范为指导思想,从基础理论和实践应用人手,主要介绍 工程造价管理的相关理论和计算评价方法。本书共9章:第一章介绍工程造价概论, 解释了价格、造价的基本概念;第二章介绍工程造价的组成和计价方法,及工程量清 单计价规范的有关内容;第三章至第七章分别介绍了工程项目决策、设计、招标投标、 施工和竣工决算等不同阶段中,建设过程中工程造价确定和管理的实际操作内容;第八、九章介绍工程财务和工程造价管理相关法规的内容,这是作为从事工程造价管理工作的工程师们所必需掌握的基本知识。  尹怡林《建筑工程计量与计价》 天津:天津大学出版社,2003,  本书针对建设工程清单时期广大预算人员的学习需要,介绍了建筑工程预算书的编制内容和步骤,全面叙述了消耗量定额与清单计价的定额说明及工程量计算规则,重点阐述了应用例题的详细解答与完整的建筑工程的消耗量定额预算书和工程量清单投标报价书。内容共分三部分,包括:绪论,上篇——建筑工程消耗量定额计量与计价,下篇——建筑工程工程量清单计量与计价。本书逻辑清晰,图文并茂,强调理论与实践的关联,充分结合施工组织的实际,辅以大量实例,注重例题的合理化,支持启发性与交互式教学,力求实用。  本书与《建设工程计价依据与方法》配套使用,学习过程中需配备参考文献所列书籍。  本书可作为高职高专院校建筑类专业的选用教材,也可作为建筑企业管理培训教材,还可作为企事业单位中高层管理人员与技术人员的参考用书。  姚刚土木工程施工技术北京:人民交通出版社,2005,3  土木工程施工是土木工程专业的一门主干课。其主要任务是研究土木工程施工技术和施工组织的一般规律;土木工程中主要工种工程施工方法和工艺原理;施工项目科学的组织原理以及土木工程施工中的新技术、新材料、新工艺的发展和应用。新的《土木工程施工》教材阐述了土木工程施工的基本理论及其工程应用,在内容上力求符合国家现行规范、标准的要求,反映现代土木工程施工的新技术、新工艺及其新成就,以满足新时期人才培养的需要;在知识点的取舍上,保留了一些常用的传统工艺方法,注重纳入对工程建设有重大影响的新技术,突出综合运用土木工程施工及其相关学科的基本理论和知识,以解决工程实践问题的能力培养。教材在结构体系上有新的突破,具有创新和鲜明的时代特色。教材注重土木工程各专业领域知识的融合,使之成为一个有机的整体。教材层次分明、条理清楚、结构合理,既考虑了大土木工程专业的整体性,又结合现阶段课程设置的实际情况,在土木工程的框架内,建筑工程、道路工程、桥梁工程、地下工程等自成体系,便于组织教学。  钱昆润等建筑施工组织与计划南京:东南大学出版社,2009  本手册内容分为4大部分:一、建筑施工基础知识,包括建筑构造、施工测量、建筑材料、施工 实用结构计算;二、建筑施工技术,包括土建土施工及水暖、卫生、电器设备工程施工;三、建筑施工管理,包括定额与预算、施工组织设计、企业管理;四、建设监理知识及工程招标投标与合同管理。最后在附录中给出了施工常用资料及数据。  中华人民共和国建设部建设工程工程量清单计价规范北京:中国计划出版社,2003  本 规范是根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》、建设部第107号《建设工程施工发包与承包计价管理办法》,按照我国工程造价管理改革的要求,本着国家宏观调控、市场竞争形成价格的原则制定的。 本规范在编制过程中,总结了我国建设工程工程量清单计价试点工作的经验,并借鉴了国外工程量清单计价的做法。本规范批准发布前广泛征求了有关施工单位、建设单位、工程造价咨询机构和工程造价、招标投标管理部门的意见,对其中主要问题进行了多次讨论和修改。 本规范共分五章和五个附录,包括总则、术语、工程量清单编制、工程量清单计价、工程量清单及其计价格式等。  Park Yj and A H-SMechanistic Seismic Damage model for reinforced CJournal of Structural Engineering,ASCE,111,No4,2005  The progressive collapse of the building structures due to accidents has become a hot research topic of civil engineering all around the The researches and designs on progressive collapse are based on accurately simulation for the failure process of whole structural However, due to the complicated material and geometric nonlinearity and large computational workload in collapse simulation for a real reinforced concrete (RC) structure, normal finite element (FE) analysis with solid elements are not feasible in collapse Hence, a fiber beam model is proposed in this work to simulate the collapse of RC The fiber beam model is firstly verified with a collapse test of a planar RC And then following the design process proposed in DoD 2005, the collapse processes of two typical Chinese 8-story RC frames with and without slabs respectively are simulated and The influence of slabs on the progressive collapse behavior of structures is studied and the result proofs that the slabs can greatly improve the progressive collapse resistance of   DAVIDMLEVINSON Budget busts: The influence of demand in the construction market[J]Received 25 A  A new normalized damage index for evaluation of structural damage of reinforced concrete was developed based on the relation of demand and The proposed formulation combines two sources of damage: permanent deformation and strength deterioration due to cyclic loading during dynamic The new damage model is first verified for single Based on the compressive strains in the core concrete, tensile strains in the transverse hoops and a good photographic record of the component during stages of testing, damage limit states for serviceability, repairability/irrepairability and collapse are identified and correlated with the damage A global damage index is also proposed based on individual member damage indices, which uses a weighting scheme that assigns importance as a function of gravity Finally, an inelastic design spectra is recommended for code development wherein the relationship between the natural period of the structure and the response reduction factor is quantified in terms of incurred structural   结 论  建筑施工组织设计必须扩大深度和范围,对设计图纸的合理性和经济性做出评估,实现设计和施工技术的一体化。施工企业要建立施工组织设计总结与工法制度,扩大技术积累,加快技术转化,使新的技术成果在施工组织设计中得到应用。  目前已是知识经济时代,信息技术在工程项目中已起到越来越大的作用,建筑施工企业应大力发展与运用信息技术,重视高新技术的移植和利用,拓宽智力资源的传播渠道,全面改进传统的编制方法,使信息在生产力诸要素中起到核心的作用,逐步实现施工信息自动化、施工作业机器化、施工技术模块化和系统化,以产生更大的经济效益,增强建筑施工企业的竞争力,从而使企业能在日益激烈的竞争中获得更好的生存环境。  参考文献  【1】 杨太生《地基与基础》-北京:中国建筑工业出版社,  【2】 张雅麟《建筑施工手册》-2版。北京:中国建筑工业出版社,  【3】 姚谨英《建筑施工技术》-2版。北京:中国建筑工业出版社,11  【4】 张 建《建筑材料与检测》-北京:化学工业出版社,  【5】 李晓光《建筑工程定额与预算》中国电力出版社,2005,  【6】 李 泉《浅谈如何准确编制概算、有效控制投资》工程经济,  【7】 姚 刚《土木工程施工技术》北京:人民交通出版社,2005,3  【8】 徐 蓉《工程造价管理》 上海:同济大学出版社,2005  【9】 钱昆润 建筑施工组织与计划南京:东南大学出版社,2009  【10】 尹怡林《建筑工程计量与计价》 天津:天津大学出版社,2003,  【11】 刘伊生《工程造价管理与控制》 江苏:东南大学出版社,2004,  【12】 徐大国《 工程造价的与控制》 北京:计划出版社,2005  【13】 姚 冰《与国际接轨的全过程造价控制》 北京:建筑工业出版社,2005,  【14】 中华人民共和国建设部 建设工程工程量清单计价规范北京:中国计划出版社,2003  【15】 DAVIDMLEVINSON Budget busts: The influence of demand in the construction market[J]Received 25 A  【16】 Park Yj and A H-SMechanistic Seismic Damage model for reinforced CJournal of Structural Engineering,ASCE,111,No4,2005

参考答案: 人不快乐的原因就是把自己关在一个跑不掉的地方。



