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1、我国电子商务展望及发展 [现代情报 Modern Information] 刘凤君 2、我国电子商务现状及展望 The Present Situation of China's E-commerce and Its Future Development [烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版) Journal of Yantai University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)] 翟凤荣 3、我国电子商务支付的现状及展望 The Actuality and Expectation of Electronic Business Payment in China [重庆广播电视大学学报 Journal of Chongqing RTV University] 刘波 4、我国电子商务发展前景展望 [合作经济与科技 CO-Oerativeconomy & Science] 张元慧 , 李少伟 , 许丽红 5、电子商务展望 现代商业 Modern Business 2001年,第11期 6、浅析我国电子商务的现状与趋势 Present Situation and Development of Electronic Commerce 蔺建霞 Lin Jianxia 7、电子商务的发展现状与展望 The Current Development and Prospects for E-Bussiness 许多顶 Xu Duoding 8、我国电子商务发展前景展望 张元慧 李少伟 许丽红 9、我国电子商务环境下CA的发展展望 Development Prospect of Electronic Commerce CA in China 江艳霞 左明 10、电子商务市场现状与展望 The Recent Situation and Trends of EC Market 周智佑 足够了吧 呵呵


Features • CSA/NRTL Approved • Used for non-intrusive configuration and calibration of SEC 2000 gas detectors• Calibrates, checks and correlates data from any SEC detector on the data highway• Bi-directional infrared communication when pointed at any SEC 2000 display board• Intrinsically safe menu driven device • Can communicate with SEC 1500, SEC 2000 and SEC DAIM devicesOperationThe SEC 2500 Hand Held Programmer transmits and receives infrared light from the front of the The infrared light is used to establish non-intrusive communication with any SEC 2000 that is equipped with a display When communicating with the SEC 2000, the SEC 2500 must be pointed directly at the display module of the SEC 2000 which can be up to 15 feet The Hand Held Programmer can communicate with any SEC 2000 gas detector on the same RS-485 network once infrared communication is Data exchange, using the infrared link, occurs at a rate of 300 The programmer has a socket at the bottom of the unit for connecting to a Data Communication Cable (P/N 147-1000C) The Data Communication Cable enables a hardwire communication connection to all SEC Once communication is established, the devices can be checked, calibrated and information can be correlated with a touch of the keypad located on the SEC 2500 Hand Held P The SEC 2500 Hand Held Programmer is certified for use in hazardous The SEC 4100 System Monitor is a multi-channel microprocessor based controller designed to monitor the gas and fire detection Each SEC 4100 System Monitor provides a digital display of each device and alarm level present at each Initiates alarms when any device senses a dangerous The SEC 4100 System Monitor has 2 sets of “Data A” and “Data B” terminals, labeled LAN X and LAN Y This allows the detectors to be connected in a compete The SEC 4100 will transfer communication between the LAN X and LAN Y highway when a communication fault is The SEC 4100 System Monitor can be used with SEC DAIM Modules to add other types of devices to the See SEC 4853 DAIM data sheet for further The SEC 4100 System Monitor can also be used in conjunction with the SEC 4850 Repeater, SEC 4851 Expansion Relay Controller, SEC 4852 High Density Display and SEC Supervision Plus software Other Products Available:Infrared Hydrocarbon Gas DetectorsExplosion Proof Gas DetectorsNon-Explosion Proof Gas Detectors4-20 mA Gas DetectorsData Logging/Graphics Software PackagesOptical UV/IR Flame DetectorsFire Suppression Aerosol GeneratorsPortable Automatic Fire Fighting SystemsHalotron SystemsTwin Agent UnitsDry Chemical Mobile and Stationary Units



汉字LED显示装置的设计论文编号:JD1038 论文字数:19632,页数:51 摘 要随着信息技术的发展,LED显示作为信息传播的一种重要手段,已经广泛的应用于大型商场、车站、码头、地铁以及各类办事窗口等公共场所,并取得了良好的效果。 此装置用以MCS-8051单片机为核心芯片的电路来实现,硬件电路主要由MCS-8051单片机、可编程并行I/O口器件8255、时钟芯片DS12887、LED点阵驱动电路及外扩的存储器M29F040、键盘和串行通信电路组成。此装置能同时显示8个汉字,每个汉字是16×16的发光二极管构成的点阵,共采用32个8×8的LED模块构成发光点阵。LED点阵的驱动电路采用列扫描行驱动;在机内设置了字库,汉字可通过计算机写入或通过按键输入,并存于装置内。显示方式为动态扫描多屏轮换显示,根据汉字字数多少自动识别静止显示或左移动态显示,同时还具有时间显示功能。 关键词: LED显示;单片机;驱动电路;时钟芯片DS12887 Abstract With the development of information technology, LED display as an important tool of information dissemination, has been widely used in major shopping malls, railway stations, docks, subway window and a variety of work and other public places, and have achieved good This device use MCS-8051 microcontroller as the core chip circuitry to realize, hardware circuits mainly by the MCS-8051 microcontroller, programmable parallel I/O port device 8255, the clock chip DS12887, LED dot-matrix drive circuit And the expansion of memory M29F040, keyboard and the serial communication This device can also showed that eight Chinese characters, each Chinese character is 16 × 16 LED dot matrix consisting of a total of thirty two by 8 × 8 LED modules of a luminous The dot matrix LED drive circuit used to drive out scanning in the machines set up a character and write Chinese characters by computer or through the key input, both in the Dynamic scanning for the display of multi-screen rotation, according to the number of Chinese characters Volume Automatic Identification static display or the left dynamic display, and also can display Key words: LED display; Single-chip-microprocessor; Driving circuit; Clock chip DS12887 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 选题背景 2 汉字LED显示装置的设计要求 1 第2章 系统的总体设计 1 主要芯片的选择 2 硬件电路总体设计思路 2 第3章 系统硬件电路的设计与分析 1 单片机最小系统 4 1 8051单片机简介 4 2 存储器接口电路 6 3 8255与单片机的接口电路 2 LED驱动电路 10 1 行驱动电路 10 2 列扫描电路 3 LED点阵显示屏 12 1 LED点阵的显示原理 12 2 LED点阵阵列的构成 4 时钟电路 13 1 时钟芯片DS12887 13 2 DS12887与单片机的接口电路 5 键盘电路 6 串行通信接口电路 19 第4章 系统的软件设计 1 程序设计语言的简介 2 主程序设计 3 键盘子程序设计 4 显示子程序设计 5 部分程序代码 27 第5章 结论 31 参考文献 32 致 谢 34 附录Ⅰ 外文及翻译 35 附录Ⅱ 原理图 45 附录Ⅲ 元件清单 47以上回答来自: -6/htm





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