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The core technology of future success

Time contributes to future

core technological support

Core technologies support


core technical support

借鉴核心竞争力这个词的英语表达--core-competitiveness这里可以用一个合成词core-tecnology support

As a technology-intensive enterprises, technological progress is our survival and development of the The company's products and rely on technological innovation in the production process of accumulation of proprietary technology and to master and manage the technology research and development, technical personnel and key management The leakage of core technologies, core technology and key management personnel will be the loss of the company's normal production and sustainable development have adverse Accordingly, the company can not make the existing core technology, technical backbone and key management personnel team remained stable, or can not continue to absorb and train companies to develop the necessary technical and managerial personnel, the Company will be on the future development of a certain talent R

core technological support


bring forth new blaze new trails



创新原理是对现有事物构成要素进行新的组合或分解,是在现有事物基础上的进步或发展,是在现有事物基础上的发明或创造创新原理是人们从事创新实践的理论基础和行动指南创新虽有大小、高低层次之分,但无领域、范围之限只要能科学地掌握和运用创新的原理、规律和方法,人人都能创新,事事都能创新,处处都能创新,时时都能创新 如果满分的文化是100分的话,创新就是101分的文化,最后的那个1分就是人无我有,人有我精的东西。


技术的英文翻译是:technology;technique重点词汇:technology读音:英 [tekˈnɒlədʒi] 美 [tekˈnɑːlədʒi]释义:技术;工艺;工业技术;设备;机器;技术学;工艺学technique读音:英 [tekˈniːk]  美 [tekˈniːk]释义:技巧;技术;工艺;技能;技艺;手段;方法短语:intermediate technology  中间技术information technology  信息技术technology transfer  技术转让例句:Most of the newcomers are employed in developing the technology into a      大多数新来的人都在从事将这项技术转化为产品的工作。We offer free technical       我们免费提供技术支持。

Support by core technology

技术的英文是technology,具体释义如下:读音:[tekˈnɒlədʒi] 表达意思:科技,技术;技术设备,先进机器;技术学,工艺学;术语。词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。例句:1、Our superior technology is our ace in the  我们的优越技术是我们手中的王牌。2、We employ an expert to advise on new  我们聘用了一位专家担任新技术顾问。3、They had the foresight to invest in new  他们有投资新技术的先见之明。

Programmable Controller (PLC) is a computer technology, automatic control technology, communication network technology to new integrated control Its superior performance, has been widely used in industrial control the various PLC control has become an area of the trend, with the level of China's science and technology development, and improving PLC technology in China will be more comprehensive promotion and For a long time, production machinery automation technology mainly by the "relay logic circuit called RLC (Relay Logic Circuit) to practical application, level of skills and PLC circuit own characteristics, RLC circuit makes it difficult to overcome some RLC replace the use of PLC, will be able to overcome the above Along with the development of electric technologies, PLC technology to become engaged in the electrical technicians one of the essential Germany's Siemens (Siemens ) Company production is the production of high and low voltage electrical internationally renowned enterprises, PLC is the company's leading S7 PLC with their compact structure, high reliability, all functions, communications functions , in the field of automatic control and holds an important S7 PLC including three series : Micro PLC (S7-200), and small-scale performances of the PLC (S7-300), high-performance requirements of the PLC (S7-400) S7-200 Series PLC is the super-small PLC that it applies to all industries, all kinds of occasions, the automatic detection, S7-200 PLC whether it functions in single operation or connected network can realize the complex control PLC has four different basic models with eight C PU, for users to This design is used to achieve the S7-200 central air-conditioning control system The main design using a PID control system to achieve refrigeration, heating, humidification; through the converter input signal to control air Keywords : PID; converter;


首先生物技术研究的内容微生物(发酵)工程: 通过微生物(细菌、放线菌、蓝细菌、古菌、真菌等)培养,获得生物材料、药物、酶、化合物、食品 、饮料、饲料、农药、燃料等产品的技术;基因工程(生物技术的核心技术):DNA重组,基因操作,获得具新遗传特征的菌种/细胞;酶工程:酶的生产改造及应用酶催化反应 进行的各种生产技术;生化工程:应用化学工程的原理和方法,将生物技术的研究成果进行产业规模开发的学科。--物质的生物合成制备、分离纯化的工程;细胞工程:在细胞水平进行生物技术开发;从研究的内容来看,无论是微生物工程、基因工程、酶工程、生化工程还是细胞工程,他们的主要平台都是基因工程。微生物工程要对微生物进行鉴别,改造等式肯定要进行基因操作的。获得新菌种也是要人为地改变微生物的基因。基因工程就不用说了。酶工程里面主要是要得到高活性,抗逆性强的酶,所以这也要通过基因操作来实现。生化工程的最基本的也是要得到转基因产品,其实就是将目的产物在转基因后实现了高效高产后进行工厂化生产。细胞工程也很常需要用到转基因技术来改造细胞,另外对细胞某种蛋白的功能的分析也需要用到基因技术。





