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你好,翻译结果如下(绝对不使用网络翻译):The sphere articulation person's shape(Ball-jointed doll, short title BJD) indicates generally its articulation to have a ball pattern can the person of the movable mounting Along with the economic development standard of living exaltation, adult's recreational toy has a proportion rapid growth in toy market place, among them, BJD has already owned a huge consumer(store, fancier) within the sphere of world The BJD product weighty manufacturer mainly distributes in the Asian region, is like the japanese VOLKS company, SOOM company and chinese DZ(Doll Zone) company of KText pass research survey BJD and contacting of traditional puppet in china and deliver to gather, and clothing civilization and BJD clothing of the intimate connection of the mutual impact, mutual accelerate of entity, it decorates sex ground wok up evolved the clothing pitch and propagation dress cultural function The amalgamation will strengthen a real(Augmented Reality, short title AR) technique Be applied to a BJD pitch, in going deep into the ground wok of research vs the valve key technique undertake, set up figure BJD to display Keyword:The BJD costume design strengthens a realistic technique望采纳,谢谢!

BJD ( Ball-jointed doll, referred to as BJD ) refers to the joint with ball type movable With the development of economy the improvement of standard of living, adult leisure toys toy market proportion accounted for rapid growth, which BJD has in the world has a huge user groups ( collections, lovers ) BJD products influential manufacturers are mainly distributed in the Asian region, such as the VOLKS company of Japan, South Korea SOOM company and Chinese DZ ( Doll Zone ) In this paper, through the study of BJD and Chinese traditional puppet contact and intersection, as well as the clothing culture and the clothing BJD exists between the mutual influence, promote each other closely related, its decorative basis for further development of the clothing display and dissemination of dress culture of the And augmented reality ( Augmented Reality, referred to as AR ) technology used in BJD display, on key technology based on the in-depth study, constructing digital BJD display


仔细核对了 望采纳,谢谢!Ball Joint Dolls (Ball-jointed doll, referred to BJD) extensively refers to the joint doll ball-type movable With the improved economic development and living standards, adult leisure toys accounted for the toy market, the proportion of rapid growth, which BJD has a huge user (collection worldwide, enthusiasts) The manufacturer of the the BJD product influential mainly distributed in Asia such as Japan VOLKS company, Korea the SOOM company and DZ (Doll Zone) This paper studies the investigation the contact and the intersection of the BJD traditional Chinese puppet, as well as clothing Culture and the BJD clothing between mutual influence and promote the close relationship with its decorative on the basis of the further development of the clothing display and dissemination of the functionality of the clothing culture And Augmented Reality (Augmented Reality, or AR) technology to BJD's display, in-depth study on the basis of the key technologies to build digital BJD display Keywords: BJD clothing design augmented reality technology。



The problem of poverty is actually becoming quite cumbersome for the world There are several states in the world that exist on the below poverty line with a human development index that puts the rest of us to The problem of poverty, where it is complicated and extreme is also easily solved if we only be more conscientious towards the The amount required to feed millions of people worldwide and to provide them with employment and other benefits is far less than the cost to wage On an average it costs American forces some hundreds of millions of dollars per day to support it's forces that are deployed across the If efforts are to be made to spend money on the poor of the world instead of waging wars and stock piling weapons then we will have more happy people and more peace the world


Abstract in the economic integration across the world in twenty-first Century, the market competition is no longer the single enterprise's competition, but the alliance between the competition, is the competition between supply In the first, the second profit source to obtain cost reduce the increasingly small space today, more and more enterprises begin to put the third source of profit, logistics cost, as the enterprise management activity important fields, turn their eyes to the integrated logistics cost Therefore, clearly under the environment of supply chain logistics cost and control target is With the development of the supply chain management as a starting point, to the whole supply chain as the research object, introduces the supply chain management and logistics cost, and the analysis of enterprise logistics cost composition and the control way, and in the light of our country high logistics cost of this one current situation, discussed enterprise under the condition of Supply Chain Based on inventory, transportation cost, management cost and other aspects of the control, thus effectively reducing the logistics cost method and Key words: supply chain; supply chain management; logistics cost; cost; cost control

根据学术堂的了解,英文摘要的内容要求与中文摘要一样,包括研究内容、目的、方法、结果和结论五部分但是,英文有其自身特点,最主要的是中译英时往往造成所占篇幅较长,同样内容的一段文字,若用英文来描述,其占用的版面可能比中文多一倍因此,撰写英文摘要更应注意简洁明了,力争用最短的篇幅提供最主要的信息  具体措施:  1、对所掌握的资料进行精心筛选,不属于上述"四部分"的内容不必写入摘要  2、对属于"五部分"的内容,也应适当取舍,做到简明扼要,不能包罗万象




根据学术堂的了解,论文的摘要是在整篇论文中是作为一个独立文体存在的论文摘要主要表述论文课题研究和学习的方法,研究体系,研究过程中有何重大发现,重要问题的发现与解决等用相对简单明确扼要的词句对论文全篇内容加以概括  论文摘要撰写时,要注意几个要点一是要用精准的的关键词描述出你此次研究的目的是什么,指示出这次研究课题所涉及的研究范围与研究结果的重要性;二是简单扼要的表述一下此次将研究项目的设计理念,是如何通过基本的课题设计得到其结果的;三是简单的总结出此次研究的结果,比如此次研究有哪方面的突出贡献,有什么新的研究发现,罗列出准确的研究数据并指出其学术价值等等  前面说了,论文摘要是一个独立的文体,要有单独写作思想,摘要单独拿出来可以着重的反映出作者研究的重点在哪,让读者不用通读论文就能明白你的研究方向摘要应做到客观事实,不能夹杂空谈评论,没有任何的自我表扬或自我批评(摘要不用自我发扬风格,想要发扬风格或自恋一番在论文结尾写)切记不要用词含糊不清,没有重点,有模棱两可的观点现象出现,让读者读完摘要不知道你要研究的是什么  还有一点要注意,论文的摘要要用第三人称的格式来撰写,不能用第一第二人称来写摘要是站在第三方立场对论文内容做出结构严谨,语义精确,简明扼要的总结,着重突出作者研究重点如果出现第一或第二人称的陈述主语势必会影响到论文摘要表述的客观性,严谨性

题记】简单的来讲,论文摘要就是整篇文章和浓缩预览,它被排放在论文的首要位置。论文摘要是文章的灵魂,很多老师审稿时没有时间查看论文正文内容,往往是通过文章的摘要了解论文的研究内容及研究层次,因此,写好论文摘要无比重要,今天小编给大家带来非常简单的论文摘要写作方法,让你一分钟看懂哦!摘要主要要包括论文的六个要素,即: 题目 目的 方法 结果 结论 关键字提示各位同学,上面6个要素,缺一不可,一篇好的论文全看摘要文字的浓缩水平,切记,切记!一般学术期刊小论文和本科毕业论文的摘要字数控制在300字以内,硕士和博士的毕业论文摘要控制在1000字以内。提示各位同学,摘要文字切莫冗繁拖沓,直抒胸臆即可,千万不能为了凑字数而是降低整篇文章的层次,比喻一下,整篇论文是一个人的话,摘要就是人的脸面,可千万不能打脸哦!有论文需要的童鞋关注公众号哲匠文案设计




据学术堂介绍论文摘要一般应说明研究工作目的、实验方法、结果和最终结论等.而重点是结果和结论。中文摘要一般不宜超过300字,外文摘要不宜超过250个实词。除了实在迫不得已,摘要中不用图、表、化学结构式、非公知公用的符号和术语。摘要可用另页置于题名页(页上无正文)之前,学术论文的摘要一般置于题名和作者之后,论文正文之前。  论文摘要又称概要、内容提要。摘要是以提供文献内容梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。其基本要素包括研究目的、方法、结果和结论。具体地讲就是研究工作的主要对象和范围,采用的手段和方法,得出的结果和重要的结论,有时也包括具有情报价值的其它重要的信息。摘要应具有独立性和自明性,并且拥有与文献同等量的主要信息,即不阅读全文,就能获得必要的信息。摘要不容赘言,故需逐字推敲。内容必须完整、具体、使人一目了然。英文摘要虽以中文摘要为基础,但要考虑到不能阅读中文的读者的需求,实质性的内容不能遗漏。

摘要是论文的重要组成部分,撰写论文的摘要,是为了把研究工作的主要内容以最简练的文字予以介绍,协助读者对该工作的目的、设计及研究结果较快地得出概括性的理解。目前科技期刊的论文摘要一般要求按结构式摘要的格式书写,即明确写出目的、方法、结果、结论四部分。结构式论文摘要具有固定格式,其撰写格式与科研设计思维方法相一致,有助于作者理清思路,准确表达,甚至可促使作者在实验设计开始时就明确各项内容,使各部分更趋严密、合理,以得出正确结论,便于转载和传播。因此,摘要写得好坏直接影响读者对论文的理解,影响论文被利用的程度,论文作者必须重视摘要的写作。不同期刊对论文摘要的写法有不同的要求,《中国烟草学报》采用的是结构式摘要。现针对本刊部分来稿在摘要撰写中存在的问题,对结构式摘要的书写方法和注意事项介绍如下。1论文摘要写作中存在的问题1摘要过于简单,信息量不足,不能反映出论文的主要内容; 2摘要不精炼,条理不清,结构混乱; 3摘要内容表达不确切,摘要中出现对论文内容的主观见解、解释或评论; 4未按国家标准要求书写,如句子中出现“本文"、“作者"等第一人称做主语;……。 2 摘要的结构目的:应简要说明研究的背景和目的,一般用1~2句话简要概括,不宜太过冗长。目的部分的文字最好不是对文题中已有信息的简单重复。 方法:应简述研究的材料(对象)、方法、设计方案、资料的收集处理和统计学分析方法等。 结果:应简要列出主要的结果,描述结果要尽量用具体数据,不要过于笼统。尽可能不用“高于"、“低于"、“大于"、“小于"等笼统表达方法,应用具体数字说明是多高或多低,并注明统计学分析结果。 结论:应根据研究的目的和结果,得出客观适当的结论,并指出研究的价值和今后有待探讨的问题。 3 书写摘要注意事项撰写论文摘要应注意的问题:① 客观如实地反映所做的研究或工作,不加作者的主观见解、解释或评论;② 着重反映新内容和作者特别强调的观点;③ 排除在本学科领域已成常识的内容;④ 不要用第一人称如“本文"、“我们"、“作者"等作为主语,而应采用第三人称的写法,如 “对……进行了研究"、“报告了……现状"、“进行了……调查"等记述方式;⑤ 采用规范化名词术语(包括地名、机构名和人名);⑥ 缩略语、略称、代号,除非本专业读者能清楚理解,否则首次出现时不论中、英文均应给出全称;⑦ 应采用国家颁布的法定计量单位;⑧ 注意正确使用简化字和标点符号;⑨ 一般不用引文(除非论文证实或否定了他人已发表的著作);⑩ 一般不分段落。 论文摘要的字数要得当,书写论文摘要的主要目的是为了便于读者用最短的时间获得有关研究的主要信息。字数少了难以说明问题,字数多了又无必要,故论文摘要的字数应该适当。一般而言,中文摘要一般不超过300字,英文摘要可适当长一些,因为英文摘要主要是给非汉语国家和地区读者看的,他们大多没有能力阅读中文全文。英文摘要内容可较中文摘要稍详细一些,字数一般不超过400个英文单词。中英文摘要各项内容要基本相同。

据学术堂了解,摘要又称概要、内容提要。摘要是以提供文献内容梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。具体地讲就是研究工作的主要对象和范围,采用的手段和方法,得出的结果和重要的结论,有时也包括具有情报价值的其它重要的信息。  中文摘要一般不宜超过300字,外文摘要不宜超过250个实词。除了实在迫不得已,摘要中不用图、表、化学结构式、非公知公用的符号和术语。摘要可用另页置于题名页(页上无正文)之前,学术论文的摘要一般置于题名和作者之后,论文正文之前,与关键字置于上下。



