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book书,书籍; magzine杂志, journal报纸, newspaper报纸, fiction小说,bulletin 新闻简报; letters 书信,情书 love letter ; bookmark 书签,历史文献/史书historiography;书评 book review; 评论 Comment; Album of painting 画册; catalogue 目录册,lawbook法律书籍,书法 calligraphy,书帖标记designation marks,guillemets 书名号;Book title书名;出版物 publication;Issue; library图书馆, 文库, 图书室; collection of books藏书; 百科全encyclopedia/encyclopaedia;书橱,书柜 Bookcase;书架 bookshelf ; 书柜 book cabinet; 书桌 desk; 说明书 covering letter ; 图画书 picture book ; 旧约全书 old testament ; 教科书textbook ;黄皮书 yellow book ; 工具书 reference book 或者以下书刊名字: China daily 中国日报Global Times环球时报Global daily 环球日报Readers 读者Newsletter 时事通讯Newsweek 新闻周刊Monthly report 月报Monthly novels


这个链接应该满足你的要求:_history 以下是文章的开始,The history of China is told in traditional historical records that refer as far back as the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors about 5,000 years ago, supplemented by archaeological records dating to the 16th century BC China is one of the world's oldest continuous Turtle shells with markings reminiscent of ancient Chinese writing from the Shang Dynasty have been carbon dated to around 1500 BC Chinese civilization originated with city-states in the Yellow River 221 BC is the commonly accepted year when China became unified under a large kingdom or Successive dynasties in Chinese history developed bureaucratic systems that enabled the Emperor of China to control the large China was first united by Qin Shi Huang in 221 BC China alternated between periods of political unity and disunity, with occasionally conquests by foreign peoples, most of whom were assimilated into the Chinese Cultural and political influences from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and assimilation, merged to create Chinese 目录显示每一个朝代都有详细的文献:Contents [hide]1 From hunter-gatherers to farmers 2 Prehistory 1 Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors 3 Ancient history 1 Xia Dynasty 2 Shang Dynasty 3 Zhou Dynasty 4 Spring and Autumn Period 5 Warring States Period 4 Qin Dynasty 5 Han Dynasty 6 Jin Period 7 Southern and Northern Dynasties 8 Sui Dynasty 9 Tang Dynasty 10 Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms 11 Song, Liao, Jin, Western Xia 12 Yuan Dynasty 13 Ming Dynasty 14 Qing Dynasty 15 Modern Era 16 Republic of China 1 Present 17 See also 18 References 1 From hunter-gatherers to farmers 2 Prehistory 3 Xia Dynasty 4 Shang Dynasty 5 Han Dynasty 6 Jin, the Sixteen Kingdoms, and the Northern and Southern Dynasties 7 Sui Dynasty 8 Tang Dynasty 9 Song Dynasty, the Liao and the Jin 10 Ming Dynasty 19 Further reading 20 External links Happy Reading!!



according to 一般是指“根据。。。”而show则表示表明了。。。

documents; records; a bibliography scientific or technical literature

第二种是直译 第一种显得语言有水平 老师批卷的时候比较喜欢第一种


The Gettysburg Address   Gettysburg,Pennsylvania   November 19, 1863    Fourscore and seven years ago,our fathers broughtforth upon this continent a new nation,conceived and dedicated to theproposition that all men are created     Now we are egaged in a great civil war,testingwhether that nation or any nation so conceived and dedicated can long Weare met on the battelfield of that We have come to dedicate a portion ofthat field as a final-resting place for those who gave their lives that thenation might It is altogether and proper that we should do     But, in a larger sense,we can not dedicate,we can notconsecrate,we can not hallow this The brave men,living and dead,haveconsecrated it far above our power to add or The world will little notewhat we say here,but it can never forget what they did It is for us,theliving,rather to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us,that fromthese honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gavethe last full measure of devotion,that the nation shall have a new birth offreedom,that the goverment of the people by the people and for the people shallnot perish from the



book书,书籍; magzine杂志, journal报纸, newspaper报纸, fiction小说,bulletin 新闻简报; letters 书信,情书 love letter ; bookmark 书签,历史文献/史书historiography;书评 book review; 评论 Comment; Album of painting 画册; catalogue 目录册,lawbook法律书籍,书法 calligraphy,书帖标记designation marks,guillemets 书名号;Book title书名;出版物 publication;Issue; library图书馆, 文库, 图书室; collection of books藏书; 百科全encyclopedia/encyclopaedia;书橱,书柜 Bookcase;书架 bookshelf ; 书柜 book cabinet; 书桌 desk; 说明书 covering letter ; 图画书 picture book ; 旧约全书 old testament ; 教科书textbook ;黄皮书 yellow book ; 工具书 reference book 或者以下书刊名字: China daily 中国日报Global Times环球时报Global daily 环球日报Readers 读者Newsletter 时事通讯Newsweek 新闻周刊Monthly report 月报Monthly novels



看用在哪search the literatureMaterials and Methods, Results and Discussion, ReferenceMy bibliography

according to 一般是指“根据。。。”而show则表示表明了。。。



1 英国权利法案《权利法案》,全称《国民权利与自由和王位继承宣言》,是英国宪法中重要的一部法律,由威廉三世于1689年签署,威廉三世被宣布为“光荣革命”之后英国国王的前提就是必须接受由议会所提出的这部《权利法案》。在1701年英国议会又通过了一部《王位继承法》,被看作是《权利法案》的补充,这两个法案确立了英国“议会至上”原则,是迈向虚位君主制度的重要一步,议会逐渐成为国家的最高权力机关。《权利法案》是英国历史上自《大宪章》以来最重要的一部法案之一。2《美国独立宣言》,为北美洲十三个英属殖民地宣告自大不列颠王国独立,并宣明此举正当性之文告。1776年7月4日,本宣言由第二次大陆会议于费城批准,当日之后成为美国独立纪念日。此宣言为美国最重要的立国文书之一。《解放奴隶宣言》是份由美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯公布的宣言,其主张所有美利坚邦联叛乱下的领土之黑奴应享有自由,然而豁免的对象包含未脱离联邦的边境州,以及联邦掌控下的诸州。此宣言仅立即解放少部分奴隶,但实质上强化联邦军掌控邦联的领土后这些黑奴自由的权威性,并为最终废除全美奴隶制度预先铺路。





