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inquiry about the quality of the product

Would rather not prior inspection after reworkOne hundred people busy everyone careful oversight more smoothlyMake products packaging job security products final qualityUndertake the responsibility to solve the problems of the safety is life, violate the source of an accident

论文可以吗?第一篇:谈产品质量管理On product quality management and improvement [Abstract] modern society, the quality of mechanical products is particularly important here for the quality of products, as well as measures to improve the management of the program was [Key words] product quality management to improve the quality of I Overview And improve the quality of the sound system and maintain its effective operation of the fundamental purpose is to improve the quality of management and the quality of products, improving economic efficiency, reduce waste and maximize meet the needs of To achieve this goal, one of the main ways and means is to carry out continuous quality improvement, including its quality system and improve the product quality This article talk about the product quality control measures and Second, product quality control measures (A) customer requirements In accordance with ISO9000-2000, in the eight quality management principles, the first principle of "customer-focus of " The requirements of customers, including product features, performance requirements, the current and future needs are to be taken into To meet the requirements of customers, products will have a true sense of (B) regulations Product development and manufacturing, first of all, it should be noted that the "safety" It is to protect the safety of production, workers and the safety of state property security, the prevention of major accidents and In addition, countries should also pay attention to environmental protection laws and regulations on the (C) standards Product development and manufacturing must follow the national standard, the provisions of the subject by the national testing agencies authorized by the check only after the production and sale of (D) specific standard products of control Comply with the People's Republic of China Standardization Law, in the absence of a specific product or industry standards for national standards, the development of enterprises should be the The standards must be reported to local enterprises standardized administrative departments for the Standard products are product design, development, production, the basis for Product standards, taking full account of customer requirements, regulations and safety standards on the basis of the technology should also be given to the advanced nature of economic rationality and the protection of the (E) control of product design Control of product design, including design input, design output and design review, design verification, to confirm the design and design to improve ① designed to control the importation, which is based on standard products based on the formation of the Design is the importation of products that meet customers, laws and regulations required by the root, it should review the design input, and there is a written Design and Design ② output control assessment, design output is the product of design Design of output assessment should be carried Assessment of its compliance with the standards, advanced technology, economy, technology and Accreditation should have a written Design output should be approved before ③ design verification control products in the formation of the appropriate phase of the implementation of the verification to prove that the input and design ④ confirmed that the design control, to verify the records and running to prove that the product is expected to meet the ⑤ sent to the national mandate for the inspection agency ⑥ to change the design of control, either from outside or within the requirements changes should be authorized to carry out the assessment and approval before the implementation of (F) raw materials, quality control ① suppliers selected by the Ministry of Technology, Engineering, procurement department, QC 4 responsible for the supply of test makers, the assessment confirmed that ② suppliers must have a quality assurance system, supply capacity, to deal with complaints and service capabilities in order to be included in the assessment of ③ through the assessment of the use of qualified suppliers to send samples, a small number of trial, low-volume trial, the bulk of the trial all qualified and have the capacity to supply over the conditions of manufacturers in order to be included in the procurement unit ④ raw materials into the plant QC must be in strict accordance with the procurement of raw materials and a list of technical standards for testing and inspection records storage in order to eliminate sub-standard storage of raw materials, into the production ⑤ raw materials to achieve reasonable, in the right place, clearly Compliance with the principle of FIFO, to prevent the stock too long and ⑥ ensure a well-ventilated warehouse, and at any time to monitor the storage temperature and humidity control, and so (Vii) the production process of quality control ① control document processing technology, where the technology is right or not affect the quality of the product should be formulated to guide the operation of the Workers should be able to access the ② control officers, who devoted a special process to be involved in the operation, the operator should be trained by the successful test, post card holders post Equipment control ③ equipment, production enterprises in the manufacturing process, equipment plays a huge role, is related to product quality control and management of the Management control of the good or bad is directly related to product quality and improving the Production of all equipment used in the need for strict control device to control the use of the main points is a reasonable, well-maintained, regular inspection, maintenance time and, if necessary, and should adjust its determination of mechanical ability, so that the mechanical ability to be able to meet the quality of the ④ control over the quality of work, quality of work is good or bad, is to ensure that the key to the quality of ⑤ process control, process control, including: in line with the requirements of the processing equipment; equipped with the necessary testing and inspection equipment; strict disciplinary process, not stop the process according to the paper's operation; rigorous process between order to test and record; failure Pieces can not be order, and strictly (H) quality control ① inspection process control, strict manufacturing processes to each of the inspection process, and to make records, logo and, if necessary, can be traced ② control product testing, product development patterns should be Test type of qualified products, in the form of the life test, not an exceptional circumstance, only to test ③ control of the factory test (C8), the factory inspection must be carried out after the completion of the inspection Factory inspection can be successful accounting, Those who fail tests should be quarantined To accept concessions, the customer should be signed and to inform the relevant (I) storage products quality control Storage products to ensure good ventilation, temperature and humidity control to Neatly stacked Storage products in strict accordance with the principle of FIFO, put an end to long storage time, the impact on the quality of Product packaging must comply with the requirements of Third, improve the quality of management (A) clear objectives and requirements To the relevant departments and personnel are involved in the process of improving the quality of preparation, we should first determine the quality improvement projects and goals, identify activities to improve the quality of the background and analysis of the current situation and the possibility to achieve in order to clear their needs, scope and , Before the implementation of quality As a result, on the need to improve the quality of the products for For example, a product from design shape after the second groups have produced in the production process more quality, product reliability is not high level, and long production After the delivery of users, more user responses, mainly in the stability of the product for shorter working hours, that is, the low level of reliability (MTBF only a few dozen hours) In less than a year, three times in a row to send dozens of technicians for on-site technical services to users and equipment maintenance, economic losses are To this end, the leadership of the unit, with the support of departments in the quality of technology, production and other departments concerned, the user response on the product quality and production problems that exist and the emergence of serious quality problems, identify the main problems and reasons, A clear improvement projects, and part of the goal and (B) the development of plans and measures to improve According to the need to improve the project, location and the objectives and requirements of the development of plans and measures to improve and implement, the deadline to If (1) by the head of product re-establishment of "quality assurance framework", further defined the production process and quality control Stresses on the use of local components of the sophisticated screening; Denso Denso to strictly enforce quality control procedures; debugger to debug the implementation of strict quality control procedures, and must do a good job in the process of debugging records; End debugging stand-alone machine to submit joint trial before the Environmental Stress Screening, and so (2) to improve the development of the project to improve the implementation of the program and organize experts to carry out the assessment on the implementation of the program, the assessment can be after the passage of the implementation of the (3) manufacturing process technology strict discipline to further strengthen the management and control In the manufacturing sector to carry out the quality of competition Denso, Denso million welding points, error-free competition and ensure the quality of Denso (4) because of some quality problems due to improper use caused, in product improvement should be based on the user's situation to strengthen the operation of the user's use of technical In the delivery of the product users, for users to operate the use of technical training, focusing on product features, principles, methods of operation in order to reduce the use of improper operation caused by quality (C) of the plans and measures to improve the supervision and inspection In order to improve the planning and implementation of effective measures, the quality of the sector should be strengthened to monitor the quality of the production process and quality inspection, according to the improvement plan, targeted to do a good job in improving the quality of the process and the implementation of the measures of supervision and (D) the results of treatment Quality inspection departments will be timely feedback to the production sector, work on improving the process of debugging or inadequate measures, the inspection process, the quality of the sector in the production sector organizations, such as technicians for analysis to determine whether they are "common" failure , And if so, to improve the development of plans and programs continue to



和传统的昨天告别,向规范的未来迈进。 只有步入国际标准的轨道,才有无限延伸的空间。 雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。 立足新起点,开创新局面。 质量是成功的伙伴,贯标的质量的保障。| ISO9000--效率、效益之源 跨过ISO9000的门廊,步入21世纪的殿堂。 ISO9000--主客共享乐在其中。 ISO9000--跨世纪的通行证。 ISO9000--企业腾飞的翅膀。 贯标九千,飞越二千。 贯彻ISO9000标准,树企业新形象。 实施ISO9000标准,规范企业管理行为。 发挥ISO9000科学效应,促进企业走上新台阶。 建有质量文化的质量体系,创造有魅力、有灵魂的质量。 完善体系,深化管理,提高质量。 坚持质量第一原则,确保体系有效运行。 体系有效运行,销售蒸蒸日上。 走进质量天地,带来无限商机。 构造质量、环境、安全一体化的管理体系。 增强品质意识,强化安全观念。 环境优雅,造福大家。 安全做的好,生命有保障。 安全、节能、高效、优质。 贯标出质量,认证树形象。 开展体系认证,塑造一流企业。 质量求生存,认证得市场。 ISO9000认证,企业二次创业捷径。 筑质量长城,兴中华经济。 跨越今日的视野,扩展21世纪的眼光。 筑质量大堤,迎世纪挑战。 21世纪 一质量领先者的世纪。 未来的成功属于质量领先者 百尺竿头,更进一步。 铸造辉煌,唯有质量。 优质灌溉,缔造将来。 忧患图自强,荣誉思奋进。 立优质精神,构世纪蓝图。 五彩缤纷的生活世界,来自至高的品质境界。 时代精神演绎灵魂,优质精神构筑时代精神。 转变观念,转变作风,让企业文化生生不息。 正视危机,增强信心,艰苦奋斗,再创辉煌。 质量是企业永恒的主题。 质量存在于人类生存的一切地方 人类生活在质量的呵护之下。 质量--带给您看得见的未来,说不尽的精彩。 质量--恒古不变的致胜之道。 质量--价值与尊严的起点。 质量创造生活,庇护生命,维修系生存。 质量就是效益。 质量是提高企业效益的保证。 质量是第一竞争力。 质量:信誉的基石 质量是企业的生命 质量是水,企业是舟;水能载舟,也能覆舟。 质量,立业之本,管理,强业之路;效益,兴业之源。 今日的质量,明日的市场。 以科技为动力,以质量求生存。 以质量求生存,以质量求发展,向质量要效益。 质量出效益,点滴成江河。 效益来源于服务社会的回报。 日复一日,精益求精;年复一年,效益满赢。 建质量效益之路,创质量效益之业。 长风破浪终有时,质量效益兴鸿业。 企业精神,品质第一。 品质第一,客户至上;相辅相成,共创繁荣。 创造有魅力的质量,造就忠实顾客群体。 顾客至上,改革求实,以人为本,团结进取。 人的能力是有限的,而人的努力是无限的。 质量安全,企业生命之源。 不论生产多忙,安全不忘;不论产量多少,品质不忘。 效率是生命,质量是根本。 立安思危,创优求存。麻烦采纳,谢谢!


