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金融领域是Journal of FinanceJournal of Financial EconomicsReview of Financial Economics

经济学实验室(Economic Lab)统计出全球经济学学术期刊级别分类(三个版本):版本version 1:顶尖期刊:American Economic ReviewEconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarterly Journal of EconomicsReview of Economic Studies一流期刊:Economic JournalGames and Economic BehaviorInternational Economic ReviewJournal of EconometricsJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of FinanceJournal of Labor EconomicsJournal of Monetary EconomicsRand Journal of EconomicsReview of Economics and StatisticsJournal of Financial EconomicsReview of Financial Studies二流期刊:American Journal of Agricultural EconomicsAEA Papers and ProceedingsBrookings Papers on Economic ActivityEconometric TheoryEconomic TheoryEuropean Economic ReviewJournal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Business and Economic StatisticsJournal of Comparative EconomicsJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationJournal of Economic Dynamics and ControlJournal of Economic EducationJournal of Economic GrowthJournal of Economic HistoryJournal of Economic PerspectiveJournal of Economics and Management StrategyJournal of Environmental Economics and ManagementJournal of Experimental EconomicsJournal of Health EconomicsJournal of Human ResourcesJournal of Industrial EconomicsJournal of International EconomicsJournal of Law and EconomicsJournal of Mathematical EconomicsJournal of Money, Banking and CreditJournal of Population EconomicsJournal of Public EconomicsJournal of Real Estate Economics and FinanceJournal of Regulatory EconomicsJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJournal of Urban EconomicsSocial Choice and WelfareReview of Economic Dynamics三流期刊:Canadian Journal of EconomicsChina Economic ReviewEconometric JournalEconomic inquiryEconomicaEconomic Development and Cultural ChangeEconomics LettersEconomics of TransitionHealth economicsIndustrial & labor relations reviewInternational Journal of Game TheoryInternational Journal of Industrial OrganizationJournal of agricultural economicsJournal of institutional & theoretical economicsJournal of law, economics & organizationJournal of regional scienceJournal of transport economics & policyLand economicsMathematical Social SciencesNational Tax JournalOxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford economics papersPublic ChoiceReview of Economic DesignReview of Income and WealthScandinavian Journal of EconomicsSouthern Economic Journal四流期刊:其他SSCI经济学期刊(注意不是国内的CSSCI)。不入流期刊:其余期刊均为不入流,比如说《经济研究》、《世界经济》。


顶尖期刊:American Economic ReviewEconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarterly Journal of EconomicsReview of Economic Studies一流期刊:Economic JournalGames and Economic BehaviorInternational Economic ReviewJournal of EconometricsJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of FinanceJournal of Labor EconomicsJournal of Monetary EconomicsRand Journal of EconomicsReview of Economics and StatisticsJournal of Financial EconomicsReview of Financial Studies二流期刊:American Journal of Agricultural EconomicsAEA Papers and ProceedingsBrookings Papers on Economic ActivityEconometric TheoryEconomic TheoryEuropean Economic ReviewJournal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Business and Economic StatisticsJournal of Comparative EconomicsJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationJournal of Economic Dynamics and ControlJournal of Economic EducationJournal of Economic GrowthJournal of Economic HistoryJournal of Economic PerspectiveJournal of Economics and Management StrategyJournal of Environmental Economics and ManagementJournal of Experimental EconomicsJournal of Health EconomicsJournal of Human ResourcesJournal of Industrial EconomicsJournal of International EconomicsJournal of Law and EconomicsJournal of Mathematical EconomicsJournal of Money, Banking and CreditJournal of Population EconomicsJournal of Public EconomicsJournal of Real Estate Economics and FinanceJournal of Regulatory EconomicsJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJournal of Urban EconomicsSocial Choice and WelfareReview of Economic Dynamics三流期刊:Canadian Journal of EconomicsChina Economic ReviewEconometric JournalEconomic inquiryEconomicaEconomic Development and Cultural ChangeEconomics LettersEconomics of TransitionHealth economicsIndustrial & labor relations reviewInternational Journal of Game TheoryInternational Journal of Industrial OrganizationJournal of agricultural economicsJournal of institutional & theoretical economicsJournal of law, economics & organizationJournal of regional scienceJournal of transport economics & policyLand economicsMathematical Social SciencesNational Tax JournalOxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford economics papersPublic ChoiceReview of Economic DesignReview of Income and WealthScandinavian Journal of EconomicsSouthern Economic Journal四流期刊:其他SSCI经济学期刊(注意不是国内的CSSCI)。不入流期刊:其余期刊均为不入流,比如说《经济研究》、《世界经济》。





学术的:The Journal of Economics PerspectivesQuarterly Journal of EconomicsJournal of Political EconomyAmerican Economy Review大众的:Economists



经济学实验室(Economic Lab)统计出全球经济学学术期刊级别分类(三个版本):版本version 1:顶尖期刊:American Economic ReviewEconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarterly Journal of EconomicsReview of Economic Studies一流期刊:Economic JournalGames and Economic BehaviorInternational Economic ReviewJournal of EconometricsJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of FinanceJournal of Labor EconomicsJournal of Monetary EconomicsRand Journal of EconomicsReview of Economics and StatisticsJournal of Financial EconomicsReview of Financial Studies二流期刊:American Journal of Agricultural EconomicsAEA Papers and ProceedingsBrookings Papers on Economic ActivityEconometric TheoryEconomic TheoryEuropean Economic ReviewJournal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Business and Economic StatisticsJournal of Comparative EconomicsJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationJournal of Economic Dynamics and ControlJournal of Economic EducationJournal of Economic GrowthJournal of Economic HistoryJournal of Economic PerspectiveJournal of Economics and Management StrategyJournal of Environmental Economics and ManagementJournal of Experimental EconomicsJournal of Health EconomicsJournal of Human ResourcesJournal of Industrial EconomicsJournal of International EconomicsJournal of Law and EconomicsJournal of Mathematical EconomicsJournal of Money, Banking and CreditJournal of Population EconomicsJournal of Public EconomicsJournal of Real Estate Economics and FinanceJournal of Regulatory EconomicsJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJournal of Urban EconomicsSocial Choice and WelfareReview of Economic Dynamics三流期刊:Canadian Journal of EconomicsChina Economic ReviewEconometric JournalEconomic inquiryEconomicaEconomic Development and Cultural ChangeEconomics LettersEconomics of TransitionHealth economicsIndustrial & labor relations reviewInternational Journal of Game TheoryInternational Journal of Industrial OrganizationJournal of agricultural economicsJournal of institutional & theoretical economicsJournal of law, economics & organizationJournal of regional scienceJournal of transport economics & policyLand economicsMathematical Social SciencesNational Tax JournalOxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford economics papersPublic ChoiceReview of Economic DesignReview of Income and WealthScandinavian Journal of EconomicsSouthern Economic Journal四流期刊:其他SSCI经济学期刊(注意不是国内的CSSCI)。不入流期刊:其余期刊均为不入流,比如说《经济研究》、《世界经济》。


金融领域是Journal of FinanceJournal of Financial EconomicsReview of Financial Economics


顶尖期刊:American Economic ReviewEconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarterly Journal of EconomicsReview of Economic Studies一流期刊:Economic JournalGames and Economic BehaviorInternational Economic ReviewJournal of EconometricsJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of FinanceJournal of Labor EconomicsJournal of Monetary EconomicsRand Journal of EconomicsReview of Economics and StatisticsJournal of Financial EconomicsReview of Financial Studies二流期刊:American Journal of Agricultural EconomicsAEA Papers and ProceedingsBrookings Papers on Economic ActivityEconometric TheoryEconomic TheoryEuropean Economic ReviewJournal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Business and Economic StatisticsJournal of Comparative EconomicsJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationJournal of Economic Dynamics and ControlJournal of Economic EducationJournal of Economic GrowthJournal of Economic HistoryJournal of Economic PerspectiveJournal of Economics and Management StrategyJournal of Environmental Economics and ManagementJournal of Experimental EconomicsJournal of Health EconomicsJournal of Human ResourcesJournal of Industrial EconomicsJournal of International EconomicsJournal of Law and EconomicsJournal of Mathematical EconomicsJournal of Money, Banking and CreditJournal of Population EconomicsJournal of Public EconomicsJournal of Real Estate Economics and FinanceJournal of Regulatory EconomicsJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJournal of Urban EconomicsSocial Choice and WelfareReview of Economic Dynamics三流期刊:Canadian Journal of EconomicsChina Economic ReviewEconometric JournalEconomic inquiryEconomicaEconomic Development and Cultural ChangeEconomics LettersEconomics of TransitionHealth economicsIndustrial & labor relations reviewInternational Journal of Game TheoryInternational Journal of Industrial OrganizationJournal of agricultural economicsJournal of institutional & theoretical economicsJournal of law, economics & organizationJournal of regional scienceJournal of transport economics & policyLand economicsMathematical Social SciencesNational Tax JournalOxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford economics papersPublic ChoiceReview of Economic DesignReview of Income and WealthScandinavian Journal of EconomicsSouthern Economic Journal四流期刊:其他SSCI经济学期刊(注意不是国内的CSSCI)。不入流期刊:其余期刊均为不入流,比如说《经济研究》、《世界经济》。



学术的:The Journal of Economics PerspectivesQuarterly Journal of EconomicsJournal of Political EconomyAmerican Economy Review大众的:Economists



顶尖期刊:American Economic ReviewEconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarterly Journal of EconomicsReview of Economic Studies一流期刊:Economic JournalGames and Economic BehaviorInternational Economic ReviewJournal of EconometricsJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of FinanceJournal of Labor EconomicsJournal of Monetary EconomicsRand Journal of EconomicsReview of Economics and StatisticsJournal of Financial EconomicsReview of Financial Studies二流期刊:American Journal of Agricultural EconomicsAEA Papers and ProceedingsBrookings Papers on Economic ActivityEconometric TheoryEconomic TheoryEuropean Economic ReviewJournal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Business and Economic StatisticsJournal of Comparative EconomicsJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationJournal of Economic Dynamics and ControlJournal of Economic EducationJournal of Economic GrowthJournal of Economic HistoryJournal of Economic PerspectiveJournal of Economics and Management StrategyJournal of Environmental Economics and ManagementJournal of Experimental EconomicsJournal of Health EconomicsJournal of Human ResourcesJournal of Industrial EconomicsJournal of International EconomicsJournal of Law and EconomicsJournal of Mathematical EconomicsJournal of Money, Banking and CreditJournal of Population EconomicsJournal of Public EconomicsJournal of Real Estate Economics and FinanceJournal of Regulatory EconomicsJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJournal of Urban EconomicsSocial Choice and WelfareReview of Economic Dynamics三流期刊:Canadian Journal of EconomicsChina Economic ReviewEconometric JournalEconomic inquiryEconomicaEconomic Development and Cultural ChangeEconomics LettersEconomics of TransitionHealth economicsIndustrial & labor relations reviewInternational Journal of Game TheoryInternational Journal of Industrial OrganizationJournal of agricultural economicsJournal of institutional & theoretical economicsJournal of law, economics & organizationJournal of regional scienceJournal of transport economics & policyLand economicsMathematical Social SciencesNational Tax JournalOxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford economics papersPublic ChoiceReview of Economic DesignReview of Income and WealthScandinavian Journal of EconomicsSouthern Economic Journal四流期刊:其他SSCI经济学期刊(注意不是国内的CSSCI)。不入流期刊:其余期刊均为不入流,比如说《经济研究》、《世界经济》。

国际公认的最有影响力的三大财经杂志《财富》、《福布斯》和《商业周刊》《财富》(Fortune Magazine)是一本由美国人亨利·鲁斯创办于1930年(庚午年),主要刊登经济问题研究文章的杂志。现隶属时代华纳集团旗下的时代公司。《财富》杂志自1954年推出全球500强排行榜,历来都成为经济界关注的焦点,影响巨大。《财富》杂志举办了一系列引人注目的财经论坛,如著名的《财富》全球论坛,即世界500强年会便是其中之一。《财富》全球论坛开始于1995年,其中1999、2001、2005、2013年的年会分别在中国上海,香港,北京和成都举办。《福布斯》(Forbes)是美国一本福布斯公司商业杂志。该杂志每两周发行一次,以金融、工业、投资和营销等主题的原创文章著称。福布斯还报道技术、通信、科学和法律等领域的内容。福布斯杂志总部设于纽约市,它在美国商业类杂志的主要竞争对手是《财富》和《彭博商业周刊》。该杂志因其提供的列表和排名而为人熟知,包括最富有美国人列表(福布斯400)和世界顶级公司排名(福布斯全球2000)。福布斯杂志的座右铭是“资本家工具”(The Capitalist Tool),总编辑是史蒂夫·福布斯,行政总裁是麦克·佩里斯。美国《商业周刊》系全球销量第一之商业类杂志,也是全球最大的商业杂志。该刊中文版创刊于1986年,由中国商务出版社与美国麦格劳-希尔公司合作出版。

经济类核心期刊:F 综合性经济科学经济研究 管理世界 经济学动态 改革 经济学家 世界经济 财贸经济 财经研究 经济科学 宏观经济研究 财经问题研究 经济评论 当代财经 当代经济科学 经济管理 当代经济研究 经济理论与经济管理 南开经济研究 经济问题 经济问题探索 现代财经 上海经济研究 财经科学 国际经济评论 外国经济与管理 经济社会体制比较 经济纵横 中国经济问题 经济与管理研究 中国经济史研究 经济经纬 福建论坛经济社会版 中南财经大学学报(改名为:中南财经政法大学学报) 生产力研究F11 世界经济世界经济 世界经济与政治 世界经济研究 国际经济评论 外国经济与管理 国际贸易问题 国际贸易 当代亚太 亚太经济 世界经济与政治论坛 现代国际关系 东欧中亚研究(改名为:俄罗斯中亚东欧研究) 世界经济文汇F12,F2 中国经济,经济计划与管理改革 数量经济技术经济研究 上海经济研究 峰 中国人力资源开发 经济体制改革 中国经济管理 特区经济 开放导报 南方经济 宏观经济调控 中国改革 中国劳动 城市发展研究 城市问题 国际经济合作 改革与战略 中国流通经济 中国物资流通(改名为:中国物流与采购)F23 会计会计研究 审计研究 财会月刊 财务与会计 财会通讯 审计与经济研究 中国审计 中国农业会计 广西会计 中国会计电算化 财会研究(兰州) 事业财会 财经理论与实践 会计之友F3 农业经济中国农村经济 农业经济问题 中国农村观察 农业现代化研究 农业技术经济 林业经济 中国土地科学 林业经济问题 生态经济 农业经济 调研世界 乡镇企业研究 中国农垦经济 农村经济 乡镇经济 中国乡镇企业会计 农村合作经济经营管理(改名为:农村经营管理) 世界农业 农村经济导刊F4/6工业经济(含F27)中国工业经济 管理世界 经济管理 经济研究 改革 外国经济与管理 经济问题探索 经济理论与经济管理 企业管理 企业经济(南昌) 汽车与配件 中国建材 煤炭经济研究 中国电业 建筑经济 中国地质矿产经济(改名为:中国国土资源经济)企业活力 上海企业 集团经济研究 管理现代化 经营与管理 国有资产管理 企业家(改名为:财智文摘) 工业技术经济 电力需求侧管理 铁道经济研究 交通企业管理 旅游学刊 邮电企业管理(改名为:通信企业管理)F7 贸易经济国际贸易问题 商业研究 国际贸易 商业经济与管理 财贸经济 北京工商大学学报社会科学版 消费经济 国际经贸探索 商业时代 国际经济合作 国际商务研究 价格理论与实践 中国商贸 商场现代化 江苏商论 销售与市场 商业经济文荟 中国物价 中国市场 财贸研究 价格月刊F81 财政国家财政税务研究 财政研究 税务与经济 中央财经大学学报 财贸经济 中国财政 中国财经信息资料 财经问题研究 涉外税务 财经论丛 财经研究 中国税务 当代财经 财经科学 江西财税与会计 财会研究(兰州)F82/83/84货币/金融、银行/保险金融研究 国际金融研究 证券市场导报 投资研究 金融论坛 保险研究 金融理论与实践 上海金融 财经理论与实践 金融与经济 浙江金融 武汉金融 中国金融 西南金融 南方金融 现代金融 农村金融研究 国际金融 银行家


