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the real estate market situation of A city Market changes, the operators a matter of To enable readers to understand the multidimensional property, the introduction of words Sinorama special column "market consultation" on one issue related to the property market hot topic of discussion at the dialogue exchanges, current start first "diagnosis" -- a Society general manager of the Beijing Military aviation Recently, the market is favorable to Beijing, the successful Olympic bid, the CBD programme introduced, to determine the schedule and so on, is more But in the excitement at the same time, many people feel that some property sales as smoothly as expected, then, the market situation is a slide? market so bad as we imagine the Beijing Central Plains company marketing director, Central Yin : some developers have recently said : "The nine silver 10," two months off sales Why? My own analysis, this is not This year's real estate sales and in a clear different in previous years, 6, 7, August sell well, September, October sell This year 6, 7, did not think that sell well in August, September and October did not feel particularly good sell, why? I think first, because this will be more numerous, triage "gold 9 silver 10" sales, and is now a project unlike earlier days is concentrated in April and May and September and October, but the rate has dropped, there is no "gold 9 silver " In a sense, this is the adjustment of real estate in Beijing, some policies have been promulgated regulating the market, customer psychology, the market environment has changed, but the Beijing real estate market situation, or very good, according to Shanghai First, the experience with the secondary housing market opening, to Yishoufang market is a promotion; Second, a large number of experienced developers go to the capital of Beijing real estate market are confident that the Beijing real estate market situation or Previously, developers asked us : you will find a concept for what sold the house to go on? Now, developers have started : to design our products into what is required to meet customer needs? Currently, the Beijing real estate market than before project is a good mix of wealth is booming home sales overall trend is super With China's imminent accession to the WTO and Beijing's successful Olympic bid, and other favorable factors, the largest real estate trends from Beijing, Beijing real estate market is not declining, but are still in the stage, but now the market is not as before, "the project is red", but good as possible, the weak weaker, there are relatively strong Why is there such a situation? I think the key lies in the developers themselves are not really the people seldom buy, a careful analysis of client Most people are now getting ordinary people, the bulk of consumption is the lowest, unlike buying clothes so In the face of such obstacles, developers can bring their own houses positioning, how to find ways to meet their demands is very If the developer can not meet the housing needs of people, it is not surprising payment network companies planning manager Lei more pretty woman : unanimous sell good project last year was dangerous, this is Last dangerous sold 18 million, the main selling point is made Soho concept, and this year S sold more than 20 million, one size, the surrounding environment better, a more important cause is a good location, integrated Xingjiebi In addition, they basically sell to the prospective Xianfang In two typical examples and Beijing Most projects sales situation, the Beijing real estate market and no clear market sales decline, but the sale of good and bad selling changes in the structure of the project : Last year, the concept of good houses to sell good, and this year, houses sold product itself good sell things in their own key good or bad is to look at property sales trend, or to see ourselves? Rates in Pakistan does not mean that the slide into the company's general manager of the project marketable District routes : poor has only recently been sold out house, and I was feeling the house is not Poor performance of other sales turnover is less, developers have a psychological gap, think of what the means are not effective marketing, previously not much effort on a project for profit, and now 18 are used as a Wushu not from a macroeconomic viewpoint, the market situation is good decision to two factors : First, the whole country's economic situation is generally optimistic, but not everyone is optimistic, each item is optimistic; Second is the supply-demand relationship is a regional In addition to supply size, but also the maturity developers, developers I think that we now feel bad selling is a good thing, which enables developers to more carefully study customers make better This polarization of the market situation has proved that the case competition era, houses sell good or bad, the key item on the product If each item can achieve high quality and can meet the needs of different customers, the market situation would get Changes in demand for products also changed market trends and the specific situation is not static property, then the sales situation grasp how good or bad? I also changed the environment changed sold 2,008 general Hujianfu : Currently, the Beijing real estate market has three characteristics : the increasing number of projects; Buying more mature people; Buying access is also In this new market situation, there are still some items luck with the old design, the old way of real, marketable is not environment changed, the project must follow the change to meet market Project changes include product design, marketing strategy, services improve quality Ken Park manager Chendeqing : currently in Beijing for at least more than 800 projects last year and the year before were not digest into the plate this year, and by more than 300 sites, and many developers have hands, that is to say, Many potential In this situation, if we do not improve the quality of individual projects, it would be difficult to Stones from other mountains can be made into jade article NoLIta gold sales manager Hebei red Hin : before developers before, is how to amend the Internal Strength and improve the competitiveness of products house, and not blindly Open to all sales channels, we can draw on other industries sales methods, such as like Unilever had, but also enhance its services, strengthen communication, to individuals who want to think for a sales clerk who Beijing 170,000 sales by customer center manager Zhanghaimin : I think that the house did not sell or sold, the key to your house Many customers complained to me, not I do not buy, but I have never bought Housing, the project so much, what is good and what is not good, not good We conducted a survey and the general consumer spending power in the house from 400,000 to 600,000 yuan between; Another, more attention to consumer brands; Third, the more mature clients, and a client of a contract I have discussed for two In this situation, developers must think of ways in our product details, target customers by strengthening product












视听》 《新闻研究导刊》 《新闻传播》 《新闻前哨》 《新闻天地》 《传播与版权》 《今传媒》 《新闻爱好者》等



大多数报刊杂志都有相对稳定的作者群和稿源,要在激烈的用稿竞争中获胜,为自己争得一席之地,使自己的作品尽可能变成铅字,让你的研究成果为更多的人认可和受益,也让大家与你共同分享成功的喜悦,投稿时须注意以下5个问题: 投稿要对路 每种报刊杂志都有自己特定的办报(刊)方针和宗旨,有自己的读者对象,投稿前必须先对此进行了解,搞清它的发行出版周期是双月刊、季刊、月刊还是半月刊、周刊,如果是报纸的话,是日报、周二报、周报还是半月报、月报,接下来要了解各种报刊都开设了哪些栏目,各栏目都发表些什么样的文章,可能的话还应该了解一下报刊的办刊历史,看看近年都发表过什么样的文章,对照一下你研究的问题以及撰写的论文原来有没有人研究过写过,研究现状如何,原来发表过的此类文章是从哪些角度写的,你的文章有无创新发展。此外,还应对报刊的发稿动态和走向以及下一步热点稿件是哪一类进行研究,最后看看你撰写的文章适合于哪些报刊的哪些栏目,投寄时最好在信封上注明栏目名称,以便于编辑人员及时准确地处理稿件。要做到这一点,平时对有关报刊必须多看、多翻阅, 至少对近期目录做到心中有数,这样投稿时才能做到有的放矢,不致于把中学化学教学方面的稿件寄给适合小学生阅读的报刊。 例如:中学化学教学研究的权威杂志——《化学教育》是中国化学会主办的综合性学术月刊。经常在每年第一期刊登《化学教育》栏目简介,《化学教育》征稿简则。如果要向这家杂志投稿,就必须仔细研究这两篇文章。其它几家杂志如:中学化学教学参考、中学化学等也会对其读者对象、投稿要求、杂志栏目等方面进行介绍。 注意把握时机 教研论文按时效性大体可分为两类:一类时效性强,与教学进度配合(例如《中学化学教学参考》的新教材教学参考,各种同步练习等),另一类时效性不强,与教学进度无关。后者什么时候投稿都行, 而前者必须掌握一定的提前量,到底提前多长时间投稿,一般报刊都会通过报刊启示提醒读者和作者。正常情况下,如果报刊没有规定,与教学进度配合的稿件,双月刊、月刊应提前4—6个月。总的说来,新闻类稿件越及时越好,报刊发行周期越短,提前量相应要小些。投稿最忌讳“马后炮”,一般不是很出色的稿子,“马后炮”是很难发表的,比如:与下学期一开学要学的内容有关的稿件, 一般在上学期期末最迟在假期当中就要发,这样才能给教师备课提供借鉴和参考,如果你等到教完这部分内容后再写出来投出去,那就成了“马后炮”,这类稿件不是极有价值一般不会保留到第二年再发。这便产生了矛盾,因为大多数与教学进度有关的稿件都是在教学后发现了问题才研究撰写出来的,而此时已经错过了投稿时机。怎么办?笔者的经验是可以先写出来慢慢加工仔细斟酌,到第二年合适的时候再投出去,这样经过冷加工后,稿件会更成熟。有些报刊采用期长达几个月甚至半年,即使只有一个月,由于不能一稿多投,等到收到答复,再投给其它报刊也已错过了时机。这种情况下也可以采用上述办法,只是最好有个发稿记录,记下何时发给谁?结果如何?再投稿时心中有数。 注意格式要规范 如果稿件是手写的,要注意书写认真规范,整洁清楚,无错别字,标点符号准确无误,而且必须使用方格稿纸誊清,注明每页字数。如果是打印稿,还应注意字不可太小,一般正文部分以三号字或小三号字为宜,页脚须注明页数与字数,便于编辑排版时参考。一般报刊编辑部都不收复写稿和复印稿。不少报刊编辑部对稿件格式都有详细而明确的要求,投稿前要认真研究。正规论文的格式应该是标题、标题之下是通讯地址、通讯地址之后是加小括号的邮政编码,然后空格后是作者姓名。较长的论文在正文之前应有200—300字的“摘要”,和不超过5个的关键词,以便于编辑阅稿时节约时间,了解要点,通常正文之后还应注明“引文出处”或“备注”以及主要参考书目,参考书目要写清书名、出版社名、版本、编著者等。如果是第一次投稿,最好文后加“作者简介”,以方便编辑了解情况,建立作者档案,同时这也是自我推销的需要。当然,简介必须实事求是,不可海吹,因为稿件最后能否采用,不是看你的简介来决定,关键还是稿件的质量,提高命中率的根本还在于稿件质量。 适当控制字数 不同的刊物,对论文字数的要求不同,而且差别很大,有的喜欢长篇大论,有的喜欢短小精悍,投稿时应对各刊物发表的文章进行研究,总结归纳出一些规律,这样投稿才有针对性。一般说来,寄给报刊发表的文章,应尽量短些,选题最好小一点,内容实用些,可操作一些,让别人看了能受到启发教育或拿过来就可以用;而参加评选的论文,理论性应强些,选题可稍大点,字数亦应适当多一些,这样才能将问题说清说透。通常组织论文评选的部门下通知或发启示时,对论文选题、格式、字数都有明确要求,撰写时应充分注意,如果没有要求,笔者以为参加评选的论文字数以3000- 5000字为宜,一般不要少于3000字,也不要多于7000字,根据选题只要论述清楚了就行,不必把过多的注意力放在字数多少上。就发表的文章来看,字数多少的差别亦很大,这主要与选题性质、报刊容量、些读者对象等因素有关,一般理论性较强的选题可稍长些,应用性较强的选题应短些,投给杂志的稿件可稍长些,而投给报纸的稿件应尽量短些,面向教师及研究工作者的论文可稍长些,面向学生的作品应尽量短些,选题较大的、学术性强的论文可稍长些,选题很小、学术性不强的、普及性的作品应尽量短些。这里的“稍长”或“稍短”是相对而言,没有严格规定,在笔者看来,“稍长”一些的文章可掌握在 3000-5000字之间,当然,如果1500-2000字能解决问题则最好;“ 稍短”一的文章以不超过2000字为宜,如果500-1000字顶多1500 字能说清问题则最好。不论哪类文章,在控制字数的同时应十分注意文章的科学性和可读性。所谓科学性是指文章的观点不能出错,引用的论据资料应准确无误,论证过程应经得住推敲;所谓可读性主要是指文字表述要让人喜闻乐读,一看题目就想看内容,一看内容就让人爱不释手,非一口气读完不可,当然这不是一日之功,需要长时间磨炼,文字功底是练出来的。 例如:《化学教育》的“化学与社会”栏目字数应在5000字以内,“复习指导”字数应在3000字内,“调查报告”字数在3000字内,“实验教学与教具研制”字数在500—2000。 讲究投稿策略 刚开始投稿的人,将稿子投出后总希望尽快得到编辑部的回音。事实上,由于编辑部每天要处理的稿件无以数计,所以,不少刊物收到稿件后常常连收稿通知都懒得发,这挫伤了不少作者的积极性,甚至有人从此不再写稿。还有个别刊物大量地照顾“关系稿件”,眼睛只盯住几个“名人”,结果使很多新人退避三舍。但应该承认,任何刊物都会考虑自己的信誉,真正有生命力的刊物在用稿上一定会坚持认稿不认人的原则,只要稿件对路时机合适,质量属于上乘之作,任何编辑部都没有舍优求次的道理。基于这种考虑,从撰稿者角度出发,笔者以为,投稿时应注意以下策略:一是持之以恒,管寄不管发,即经常投稿,投出后就不要再去想它,不要指望它一定能发表,压低期望值,用不用让编辑部去考虑,事实上你想也没有用;二是猛打猛冲,以多取胜,越不发越寄,时间长了,编辑就会有印象,特别是一些稿源充足级别较高的刊物,很可能你寄的稿子连仔细看都未来得及就提出了处理意见,“屡投屡退,屡退屡投”就可能感动上帝,如果你写的稿件确有水平,不用说,只仔细看一次就可能改变你的命运,甚至连你以前投的稿子都会引起编辑的注意; 三是认准的路走到底,只要你感到你的稿件确有价值,就可以反复投,也可以转投其它同类刊物,相信是金子就一定有被人发现认可的时候;四是由低到高,循序渐进,一般来说,刊物的级别越低,发行范围越小,稿源越不足,同样质量的稿件投给这样的刊物就可能增加命中的机会,刚开始写稿打知名度的新人尤其应注意这一点,梦想一鸣惊人一口吃成个胖子是不现实的;五是趁热打铁,即收到刊物的采用通知后马上再寄,趁编辑部对你的稿子还有印象,继续开拓。六是注意对准档次,即投稿时注意稿件的质量与刊物的级别影响对应一致,这可以分为两种情况:第一种情况是原来发表过文章有一定知名度的作者,可以“好稿子”对“高级别”刊物,这样可以扩大影响、创牌子、打名声,提高知名度,当然作品一定是“ 拳头产品”,如刊物多次发表过你的稿子属于“熟门熟路”,可采取中档稿子对高级刊物的策略;第二种情况是原来未发表过文章,没有什么名气,门路不熟,属于淌路子的作者,可采用“田忌赛马”的办法,以好对中、以中对低,如此可取得“三局二胜”的效果。 最后说一下“一稿多投”。各刊物都有自己的规定,都反对“ 一稿多投”,都要求过了采用期之后再改投它刊。但是很多稿子时效性很强,特别是配合教学进度的稿件常常是“过了这个村就没那个店”了。在这种情况下,有两个办法:一是按规定办,过期改投或留待明年再投,二是采取变相的“一稿多投”,变通的办法就是作好投稿记录,收到采用通知后立即通知其它刊物,不要再发。一般说来,知名度不大、刚开始写稿的作者,特别是质量一般的稿件,即使一稿多投,也很少会出现几家刊物同时采用的情况。从这个角度出发,从维护作者权益的角度出发,笔者赞成第二种办法,各报刊杂志编辑部似亦不应反对这种办法。要说责任的话,作者写稿很不容易,你不用又不及时通知作者,耽误了用稿时机,这个责任编辑部应该负,不知笔者的看法是否正确。


