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“ children, you don't run, a firm foothold to Red, Green Line, Yellow light please Go Tianqiao, line road, intersection, look at the Zebra, Mino, traffic signs to the road, don't fool around, the safety of the most ” chose the sounding of the songs, so that i realized the importance of traffic safety is everyone's obligations, we each personal   p'ei Highway to strangle the life of besposhchadny killer, automotive, motorcycles just like that sharp knife from a wanton and at all, happiness and peace in the traffic problem as is a heavy stones squeeze people's Too many too many incidents so How many families Yoriyuki broken, how much life Yoriyuki formosanum uyun, how many parents have lost their children, how many child does not have husband left the beloved wife, his wife bidding farewell beloved husband, everything more then suddenly, silhouetted, doggz and in the previous incredible! even last, said on the last sentence of the enormous sadness and pain in respect of gloom and doom and repave lived in the original one happy happy families! teary in each mouldable of the person on his face him only 1,440,000 father mother has told a true story: a mother, ayyam at night 8, her home in front of highway stay her in secondary schools on the night samoobrazovanie returned One day chains, she saw children lively pretty anew appear in the road, she as usual, would happily before face, but a car and pitch a tent and for, rushed to her children, panic mother bad and doubtful that, when at their children in the pool of blood one just to the flowering season of life diminishment, a loving mother from this crazy, she was deeply blames and mujin sufferingering, aramsa and the sorrow of serious disruption to Her days tiandi birdwatchers, obstine and her that has never come back to the children   Road traffic safety incidents are still various incidents in the field of “ killer ” a result of the tragedy of an important reason is that we lack of security difaa knowledge, self-protectionism ability to poor, so the children's conduct safety education situation very Some experts pointed out that, by safety education, enhance our primary self-protectionism ability, 80% of the accidental injury incidents can be In order to better promote road safety knowledge, better treasuring primary school students issued initiative: 1, we have to take learning seriously traffic safety laws and regulations, to comply with traffic rules, to enhance safety awareness, traffic safety wenming Kiminori; 2, when we walking in person to vehicles of the road, always stay sober mind, not on feelings of insecurity are; and 3, when we when the road, more skromny - courtesyand patience, not cheum red, PBoC yokochi, propensities for corruption momentary quickly, across the road; 4, non - 12 years of the following students riding a School home must be queued road   Remember that there is a several scholars and a carers 'Scholars asked carers understand what is the philosophy, carers hsiang shaking his scholars have been puttin down: you have lost half a high seas, kobune is brown hair, carers ': “ you will not be swimming? ” scholars unanimously that it will Carers sigh, "said “ that you will lose all of ” 4, non - 12 years of the following students riding a School home must be queued road Although this is only a story, but the philosophy is disaster for everyone, regardless of the gap between the distinctions between noble, regardless of sex Children, students, workers, intellectuals, people's serviteur regardless of theschool language, tomigo cars, regardless of the youngor power, if the missing due vigilance, do not know at least safety, then, the dangerous once come this may escape from the predicament, but will be unexpected, objective, aramsa has   Because of love EPH only the sun and Because cherish, only the Flowers and Make life, a total of 29 ping'an Road and wenming traffic, building happy home is our every good wish, let us together, common encouraged common close to the life of ferryboats in love and responsibility of the proposed under a musarat voice,a nikhat!

上帝是公平的也是吝啬的,他只赐予每个人一次生命,所以我们必须珍惜。生活中交通安全与我们的关系是非常密切的,它就像我们的朋友。日日夜夜都守在我们的身边,教育我们,劝戒我们。 生命是宝贵的,人的一生就只有一次生命,我们应该爱惜生命。注意交通安全也是爱惜生命的一部分。现在因为交通事故而死于非命的人太多了,难道他们不是死的太冤枉了吗? 我曾经就听说过这样一则交通安全事故:那是一个晴朗的日子,我和妈妈在方塔街上散步。突然,一辆车“唰”地一下擦肩而过,我定睛一看,原来是一个男孩骑着自行车,不知要去哪儿,由于他骑得太快了,差一点儿就撞上了斑马路上的行人。行人劝他不要骑得那么快,可他不听劝告,继续骑他的“飞车”,脸上不时露出得意而急促的神情。我想:这个男孩可能是有什么急事吧!要不然他怎么会骑得那么快呢?但这样很有可能会发生交通事故的。果然不出我所料。我和妈妈在一个拐弯的地方,看见许多人围在路中央,我们就带着好奇心走了过去。“啊”我不禁惊叫起来。这不是刚才骑“飞车”的那个男孩吗,他怎么被车撞了?我听见旁观者议论纷纷,“唉!这孩子这可怜啊!刚才不小心撞上了一辆大卡车,连人带车一起飞了出去。”“如果这个孩子车骑得慢一点,如果那个开车的开慢一点,如果……”可是,再多的“如果”也不能使这朵已经完全凋谢的蓓蕾重新开放。这个男孩的父母不知为这个倒在血泊中的孩子操了多少心,可现在只能眼睁睁地看着自己的孩子离去,让父母悲痛万分…… 现在城市交通繁忙了,像这种悲惨的交通事故在国内多如繁星,因为我国交通事故死伤率居世界第一。所以,无论交警在不在场,我们都要自觉的遵守交通法规。例如:过马路要看清信号灯,红灯停、绿灯行,要走人行横道,不得翻越交通护栏;未满12岁的儿童不得在马路上骑自行车;不能在马路上三五成群地玩耍和嬉戏……我们小学生不仅自己要遵守交通法规,而且发现有人违反了,应及时地批评、劝阻。 让我们把“交通安全”这四个字在心里永远扎下根,让全世界人民都自觉遵守交通规则,让交通事故永远在我们生活中消失,让我们的明天充满鲜花,充满阳光。那么,交通安全便是你最好最好的朋友,它将永远保护着你,带给你幸福。让我们争做文明守法的好少年吧! 第2篇 珍惜生命 安全出行 我们每天都要出门,去上学、上班、买菜……。当我们走在马路上,交通安全是很重要的。有些人问“大热天不系安全带行不行?”“卖瓜农用车咋不让上高速?” 有关人员解释:热天上高速也必须系安全带?一些咨询的司机说大热天上高速系安全带更热,能不能不系?据统计,发生交通事故后,前排司乘人员如系安全带可有效减少70%的伤亡。安全带是为车辆发生意外后专门保护前排乘坐人的生命免受伤害而设计的,能有效地保护前排乘坐人避免二次碰撞。目前天气炎热,一些人在行车时图一时凉快不系安全带,实际上是对自己的生命不负责任。 卖瓜农用车为啥不让上高速?据《高速公路交通管理办法》第四条明确规定,行人、非机动车、拖拉机、农用运输车、电瓶车、轮式专用机械车、全挂牵引车以及设计最高时速低于70公里的机动车辆,不得进入高速公路。农用运输车、两轮摩托车因安全系数低,防护措施差,极易酿成恶性交通事故,所以不能在高速公路上行驶。 孩子是社会未来的接班人,他们能否健康成长,关系到民族的兴衰和社会的进步。育人不仅要进行智力教育,还要进行道德、纪律教育。十年树木,百年树人,交通安全宣传教育工作从幼儿学生抓起,使学生从小就接受交通安全知识教育,达到自己教育自己,自己管理自己,养成自觉遵守交通法规的良好习惯,是能达到一代人和一个社会的良好秩序的百年大计。 新学期一开始,为确保学校师生上放学的道路交通安全,维护校园的教学、生活秩序,与学校一道一方面加强对校园内交通安全教育和管理,另一方面加大学校“绿色通道”的建设和学校周边交通环境的整治。以进一步增强中小学生交通安全意识,提高他们的自防自护能力,遏制交通事故的发生。据了解,每年因各种事故,数以万计天真无邪的儿童少年死于非命,而因交通意识缺乏和淡薄引发的交通伤亡事故,在中小学生伤亡事故中占有较大的比例。中小学生的交通安全牵涉到千万个家庭的幸福,需要交警、学校、家庭和社会共同负责,齐抓共管。 交通法规规定,做到行车安全必须具备两个最基本的条件:一是无牌无证的车辆不能上路,二是年满18岁并考取了相关驾照才有资格驾驶车辆。然而,交警在上路巡逻执勤时发现,有相当部分的车辆“三证”不齐,一些还不符合法定年龄的学生也骑车上街。看来,学生交通安全教育问题任重道远,如何让中小学生平平安安上学,高高兴兴回家呢? 我建议定期或不定期选派民警或教师劝导员在交通复杂的学校门口或路口维持上、放学高峰的交通秩序,保障“绿色通道”安全畅通。同时 将交通安全教育和管理列入学校管理的内容,每所中小学平时就必须按照验收考评标准抓工作,并将交通安全教育纳入素质教育督导评估的内容之一。建议小学生上放学实行“排路队”和戴“小黄帽”的方法,把同路、同方向的学生编排成队,由教师护送过马路,保证学生走路安全;在组织学生外出集体活动或组织春、秋游时,严格规范审批手续,把好审批关,坚决制止病车、超载车运送学生,保证学校师生的交通安全。同时,加强了对学校及周边交通环境的整治,坚决取缔校园门口摆摊设点、占道为市等妨碍学校师生通行的违章行为。为广大师生创造了一个良好的交通环境。 说了这么多,我想大家应该知道交通安全的重要性了。那么,就请大家“保护生命,拒绝违章”,珍惜自己的生命吧!



铁路车站的功能不仅是交流的火车和其他运输形式,而且,例如,地方的商业,社会互动,并有可能,因为司机的城市发展。因此可以说他们是很重要的城市形态和可持续发展。然而,能够审查这些索赔,以及能够提出建议(重新)发展现有的铁路车站,评估的方法是必要的。区分铁路车站在节点和地方的职能已提议。前者描述了连通火车站与其他地方的利益(例如,一些服务的方向,频率的服务,停车场的汽车,自行车) 。后者指的是数量和多样性的可能进行的活动在车站(例如,一些居民,工人人数,一定程度的功能组合) 。本研究的目的是提供一个评估所有瑞士铁路车站在节点和地点的功能,以及加强原始方法,它是基于有限数量的指标,没有提到正在考虑对他们的相对比重。对可持续发展的影响将讨论的中心议题是,两者之间取得平衡的节点和地方的职能,应寻求。

n general, there are two way of traveling, private cars and public Chinese people should regard public transportation as their first traveling First, there are so many people living in this countries that make it so If each chinese people own a car, there will be far more traffic jams and accidents, which increase you Moreover, there will be far more pollution resulted from Once a car started, it release huge amount of dirty gas and heat, which lead to great pollution and result in green house All in all, chinese people should take public transpotation into consideration 这个是比较简单的,网上可以找到更多的啦。




关于上海轨道交通建设的英语文章SHANGHAI METRO LIGHT RAIL SYSTEM, CHINAThe economic boom in Shanghai, which has a population of 15 million, had unleashed such a surge in traffic by the end of the 1980s that the transportation system was facing The city's authorities, who were increasing happy to seek advice from Western Europe and North America, decided in favour of a 40-year phased programme that would include 11 metro lines covering over Although still in its relatively early stages with only three routes clearly mapped out, Metro has cut cross-city travel times in some cases from over an hour to a few A million journeys a day are expected by THE PROJECTAfter six years of construction and preparation work, Line 1 opened to considerable fanfares in April 1995, connecting the northern and southern districts of the city, and a 25km extension was added in The early projects were delivered under a comprehensive contract between the corporation and its chosen consortium, comprising Adtranz (now Bombardier) and S The contract with the two manufacturers covered the design, production, delivery and introduction into service of the rolling stock, traction power supply, overhead line system, station and telecommunications equipment, and signalling control and data analysis Finance was provided by a soft loan of DM 460 million from the Federal Republic of G The first phase of Line 2 was inaugurated on 13 June 2000, and when the whole section is finally completed it will link Hong Qiao International Airport and the new Pudong International A The 25km Line 3, known as the Pearl Line, opened for revenue service in INFRASTRUCTURELine 1, which has 16 stations, starts in the southern district at Xin Zhuang, and travels underneath the city centre to the central railway The first 4km-long underground section of Line 2 runs from Zhongshan Park to Longdong Road Station in Pudong, and opened in September 1999, in time for the 50th anniversary of the People's Republic of C When finally complete, Line 2 will be 55km long and stretch from Hong Qiao Airport, passing under a number of residential areas, public parks and the Huangpu River, to Pudong International A Line 3, the 19-station Pearl Line also has the main station as its focal point, but loops northwards on elevation from Shanghai South station to Zhongshan Park and terminates at Jiangwan Z Starting with 25km and 19 stations, it will eventually be 62km in The interiors of stations aim to make it easy for passengers to distinguish between Hanging lamps and lattice flooring are constant themes but different styles of beams and columns, and individual styles of decoration have been Power for the system is fed from the city's 110kV main supply, via two infeed stations, which feed seven sub-stations along the ROLLING STOCKThe trains for Line 1 were supplied by another consortium, the German Shanghai Metro Group, which, along with Adtranz and Siemens, also includes brake equipment manufacturer AEG Westinghouse, and coach body builder D The vehicles were designed especially to meet specifications laid down by Shanghai Metro Corporation covering the anticipated passenger numbers per hour and The trains usually operate in formations of six cars with capacity for 1,860 passengers, but these can be increased to eight cars, with the addition of two extra motor cars to cope with extra loadings at peak Each car also has five pairs of pneumatically operated pocket sliding doors on each New trains introduced for Line 2 services incorporated technological improvements over their predecessors, and were based closely on vehicles for Guangzhou, which closely followed Shanghai in building a new light rail Enhancements incorporated in the new trains include more efficient air conditioning and larger When Line 3 first opened, the fleet of 28 Alstom Megapolis six-car trains had not arrived, so stock was borrowed from the other lines to offer a limited In May 2002, Siemens won an order for 28 trains for the Pearl Line, with an option for another ten, while Bombarder is bulding ten new six-car train sets in Cuina for Line 1, with bogies from the UK and propulsion equipment from S SIGNALLING/COMMUNICATIONSSignalling installations are being provided by Alstom under the terms of the comprehensive contract it has been awarded for the development and construction of Line The motor car of each train has equipment which can detect and monitor faults, and pass on such information to the The diagnostic signals are also stored so that these faults can be easily pinpointed when a train returns to the maintenance The original ticketing system has not proved successful and, from 2003, a new plastic single-journey ticket has replaced the old magnetic and paper Small chips are embedded in the new tokens so passengers only need to hold them near the check-in machines while entering a subway station and throw them into the check-out machines while THE FUTUREAn ambitious plan adopted by the Shanghai Metro Corporation for 2025 envisages a comprehensive network of 11 lines over 325km, supported by seven light rail routes (136km) Line 1 is being further extended from the current terminal at Shanghai railway station to Baoshan district in the northern part of the The Pearl Line will link Minghang District in the southwest and Baoshan District in the Metro Lines 4 and 5 are expected to link southwest and northeast parts of the city, Pudong New Area and Line 6 will be a comparatively short line linking the downtown area and Pudong New Area, and planners are still considering whether to extend the line further westward to Pudong International A Lines 10 and 11 will encircle the



School is our home,we are all live and study In order to make ourselves safe,as a student,we should obey the school rules,we should go to school on time and be never late We must obey the traffic rulers, mustn’t go swimming we shouldn’ t chase(追) each other in the hallway and in the school yard;we should get on well with others and should not fight with others;we should not eat the food that goes bad and some junk food;we do not drink;we mustn’t be allowed to smoke, must keep away from cigarettes/smoking/drugs ;when you have questions to ask you may ask the teachers for specially,when you meet someone asks for money,you needn‘t be afraid you report to the teacher or call 110/120 We are required that students break away from these bad habits and be polite to We must obey the traffic rulers, mustn’t go swimming I hope we have a good time everyday学校是我们的家,我们都在这里学习和生活。为了使自己安全,作为学生,我们应该遵守学校的规定,我们应该准时上学,从不迟到。我们必须遵守交通规则,不能单独去游泳。我们不应该老是互相追逐(追)在走廊里,在学校里,我们应该和别人相处得很好,不应该和别人打架;我们不应该吃这个食物,坏账和一些垃圾食品;我们不喝,我们不能抽烟,必须远离香烟/吸烟/药物;当你有问题要问。你可以向老师寻求帮助。特别是,当你遇到某人问你要钱,你不必害怕。你的报告给老师或者叫110/120。我们要求学生摆脱这些坏习惯,礼貌待人。我们必须遵守交通规则,不能单独去游泳。我希望我们有一个很好的时间日常

Traffic SafetyWith the rapid development of the society, people can live a better life in So because of the improvement of people' s living standard, more and more people own Traffic jam comes to While people in order to be punctual, they often ignore the cars crossing on the This behavior will easily bring traffic On the other hand, the car owner also want to be on time and then regardlss the traffic rules, which is also easy to have traffic Both the driver and people themseves' behaviour leads to Those accidents may take people's lives It's so Therefore, for the sake of life, the driver and the pedestrian should obey the traffic regulation as we have only one 交通安全Traffic Safety随着社会的快速发展,人们总体上都能过上更好的生活。由于人们生活水平提高了,越来越多的人拥有私家车。这就有了交通堵塞。人们为了准时往往忽略了在马路上的汽车。这种行为会带来交通事故。另一方面,车主也为了准时,而不顾交通规则,这也容易发生交通事故。司机和行人自身本身的行为都会导致事故。这些事故可能会带走人们的生命。这是很可怕的。因此,看在生命的份上,司机和行人都应当遵守交通规则因为我们的生命只有一次。求采纳~~~~~~


你好,xtl2000126很高兴回答你的问题!How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic?Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining about the heavy It has seriously influenced people's daily life and economic To solve the problem, some pieces of advice are put Some people suggest that more streets and roads should be In this way,the traffic density can be redncedi hence speeding up the flow of buses and But the new roads and streets will be filled with many cars and buses Some people advise to limit the number of bikes and This can decrease the traffic But on the other haad, this will affect the consumption and make buses more In my opinion, the number of private cars should be put under And at the same time, buses should have their own special routes which cannot be used by other Besides, underground train and city train should be developed ( 151 words)怎样解决交通拥挤问题现今,许多大城市的人们都在抱怨交通拥堵。它已经严重地影响了人们的日常生活和经济发展。为了解决这个问题,人们提出了一些建议。有人建议修建更多的道路。通过这种方法,可以减小交通密度,因此公共汽车与小汽车的速度就可以提上来。但是不久,新的道路又将被更多的公共汽车与小汽车所塞满。有人建议限制自行车和汽车的数量,这可以减少交通的流量。但是另一方面,这会影响消费并使公共汽车更加拥挤。我认为,应该控制私家车的数量。同时,公共汽车应该有自己的线路,这些线路不能被其它交通工具所占用。此外,应快速发展地铁和城市铁路。有问题请追问,没问题请及时采纳为最佳答案,答题不易,谢谢!

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Traffic SafetyWith the rapid development of the society, people can live a better life in So because of the improvement of people' s living standard, more and more people own Traffic jam comes to While people in order to be punctual, they often ignore the cars crossing on the This behavior will easily bring traffic On the other hand, the car owner also want to be on time and then regardlss the traffic rules, which is also easy to have traffic Both the driver and people themseves' behaviour leads to Those accidents may take people's lives It's so Therefore, for the sake of life, the driver and the pedestrian should obey the traffic regulation as we have only one 交通安全Traffic Safety随着社会的快速发展,人们总体上都能过上更好的生活。由于人们生活水平提高了,越来越多的人拥有私家车。这就有了交通堵塞。人们为了准时往往忽略了在马路上的汽车。这种行为会带来交通事故。另一方面,车主也为了准时,而不顾交通规则,这也容易发生交通事故。司机和行人自身本身的行为都会导致事故。这些事故可能会带走人们的生命。这是很可怕的。因此,看在生命的份上,司机和行人都应当遵守交通规则因为我们的生命只有一次。求采纳~~~~~~


