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翻译如下:Because of this very long term and involve a number of professional, so if the problem can be put in place of professional terminology in Chinese, I find the teachers back to solve, other translation you help I study foreign languages to English-illiterate, this is the thesis, is very important to me, it refused to use translation software, I hope not to deceive me, Abstract Digital elevation model (DEM) is a regional land surface digital elevation above sea level of expression, is a digital landscape Since the 50's since the 20th century, concern DEM, DEM has a show because of the diversity of terrain information, the accuracy of a constant, real-time data updates, easily, it is widely used in mapping and remote sensing, civil and hydraulic engineering, agriculture, forestry, planning, scientific research , military, business and other DEM's that are mainly three types of methods, that is, the rules of the model grid, triangulated irregular network model and contour At home and abroad have already triangulated irregular network (TIN) algorithm to generate the depth study has been A large number of experts and scholars on the construction of Delaunay TIN to a large number of studies and several more mature algorithm: sub-rule law, point by point insertion method and triangulation method, such as growth, is now more commonly used algorithms and by sub-rule insertion When large amounts of data, efficiency is lower, since the late 80's has been rarely used; division algorithm using the recursive algorithm as a result of a large number of computer demanding, the traditional point-by-point insertion method when large amounts of data , less time complexity, configuration network is Usually make use of discrete points often encountered when building a TIN need to carry out a large-scale regional digital terrain modeling, since a large amount of data, the traditional point-by-point insertion method and the existence of conformation of the drawbacks of slow network is not conducive to rapid and efficient In order to solve this problem, we need to point by point insertion method to conduct in-depth research, analysis point by point to the existence of the shortcomings of insertion, thereby to improve the This paper summarizes the Delaunay TIN at home and abroad to build a variety of algorithms, and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various algorithms, focusing on the insertion point by point, point by point summary of the principle of insertion, data structure, such as algorithm Insertion point by changing the order of its search and reduce the number of triangular configuration to improve network speed, the final results show that an improved method to calculate point by point insertion speed is ten times the original algorithm, an effective solution to the insertion point by point time complexity than poor, very slow network configuration Improve the use of simple data structure, clarity of the computing process to ensure the practicality of changing This article has the following characteristics: Algorithm to improve the speed of the network structure Cryptographic point interpolation Insertion point coordinates so as to reduce the sorting speed of the search triangle Net automatically display, and can show the order of insertion point Procedures, simple operation 【Keywords】 insertion point by point, digital elevation models, triangulated irregular network (tin), Delaunay triangulation希望能帮助到你!good luck !

A stable and fast growth in the country's economic situation, the formation of highway network is Among them, ganyue expressway is one of the network planning highways significance of traffic This project is ganyue expressway of ganzhou taihe road to a stage of a working drawing In June, Ⅳ sections to subtropical monsoon climate, mild climate, rainfall, sufficient Design for 42 m, starting elevation Destination for 31 m Located in the west bank, gan along the landform features is low, the terrain for meteorological north jiangxi hills, mountains and steep low-alcohol volatile In the design, the first in 1:2000 topographic map route schemes, determine three respectively in graphic design, after the completion of the plan of the preliminary scheme selection and selected two optimization, Then again, the scheme design and cubes, and ultimately selected optimal scheme, Then cross-sectional design, construction, transportation facilities along the cross-sectional design design etc, which include subgrade pavement, drainage design Road is first in three different scheme design scheme, then select the optimal than road Design concept is always in order to ensure safety, comfort, and quickly as possible, under the premise of small quantities, low cost, operation cost, provinces, benefit and construction and maintenance in quantity is increased, as far as possible, by higher design index, In the design scheme for more than, the optimal scheme based on selected, Design and construction photograph with the basic farmland, try to make less cultivated land, and try not to GaoChanTian accounted for, On the engineering geology and hydrogeology, out of road engineering, For bad geological location, try to avoid around, when must pass through, choose appropriate location, narrow scope, and take necessary through the engineering Pays attention to environmental protection, adjust measures to local

楼上的GOOGLE翻译 语句不顺改了一下,不过你还得在改1次The international trade is an important impetus in the economic growth and development , many countries and regions developed by the foreign trade In the process of economic development,the foreign trade can optimize the combination of factors of production and economic resources allocation, can convert the physical form and the value ofthe goods, the value of other economic sectors of foreign trade has irreplaceable special While the foreign trade dependence is one of measurement in the national Generally speaking, foreign trade, the higher dependence on foreign economic development that the country's dependence, also shows that the foreign trade in the position of the national with the globalization of the economy the foreign trade in the proportion of the world economy is Between 1980 and 2000, world trade in goods to 1 per cent, with an average annual growth rate and the world economic growth rate for 4% According to WTO and the IMF 1960, the global trade dependence to 4 percent in 1970 for 9%, 1990 to 7%, and2000 to 7% 2003 has close 45% China as a developing country, in the transformation of foreign trade depends also increased year by year


太多了 成不下


Abstract in the economic integration across the world in twenty-first Century, the market competition is no longer the single enterprise's competition, but the alliance between the competition, is the competition between supply In the first, the second profit source to obtain cost reduce the increasingly small space today, more and more enterprises begin to put the third source of profit, logistics cost, as the enterprise management activity important fields, turn their eyes to the integrated logistics cost Therefore, clearly under the environment of supply chain logistics cost and control target is With the development of the supply chain management as a starting point, to the whole supply chain as the research object, introduces the supply chain management and logistics cost, and the analysis of enterprise logistics cost composition and the control way, and in the light of our country high logistics cost of this one current situation, discussed enterprise under the condition of Supply Chain Based on inventory, transportation cost, management cost and other aspects of the control, thus effectively reducing the logistics cost method and Key words: supply chain; supply chain management; logistics cost; cost; cost control




一、中国的疆域 (1)位置半球位置:东半球和北半球海陆位置:亚洲东部、太平洋西岸(2)疆域陆地面积:960万平方千米,次于俄罗斯、加拿大居世界第三位五带位置:大部分在温带、小部分在热带、没有寒带。北回归线穿过台、粤、桂、云四省区优 越 性:纬度位置和南北气候差异,为发展多种农业经济提供条件(3)濒临的海洋领海:海岸基线至12海里的海域,领土的一部分——约300万Km�0�5内海:渤海和琼州海峡海陆位置的优越性:东部深受季风影响,有利农业生产,沿海便于发展海洋事业同海外各国交往,西部陆上交通可同中亚、西亚和欧洲直接往来(4)陆界和邻国陆界:长2万千米中国地势西高东低,山地、高原和丘陵约占陆地面积的67%,盆地和平原约占陆地面积的33%。山脉多呈东西和东北一西南走向,主要有阿尔泰山、天山、昆仑山、喀喇昆仑山、喜马拉雅山、阴山、秦岭、南岭、大兴安岭、长白山、太行山、武夷山、台湾山脉和横断山等山脉。西部有世界上最高大的青藏高原,平均海拔4000米以上,素有“世界屋脊”之称,珠穆朗玛峰海拔43米,为世界第一高峰。在此以北以东的内蒙古、新疆地区、黄土高原、四川盆地和云贵高原,是中国地势的第二级阶梯。大兴安岭一太行山一巫山一武陵山一雪峰山一线以东至海岸线多为平原和丘陵,是第三级阶梯。海岸线以东以南的大陆架,蕴藏着丰富的海底资源。(图片取自国家测绘局网站) 几百万年前,青藏高原隆起,地球历史上此一重大地壳运动形成了中国的地貌。从空中俯瞰中国大地,地势就像阶梯一样,自西向东,逐渐下降。受印度板块与欧亚板块的撞击,青藏高原不断隆起,平均海拔4000米以上,号称“世界屋脊”,构成了中国地形的第一阶梯。高原上的喜玛拉雅山主峰珠穆朗玛峰高达43米,是世界第一高峰。第二阶梯由内蒙古高原、黄土高原、云贵高原和塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地、四川盆地组成,平均海拔1000—2000米。跨过第二阶梯东缘的大兴安岭、太行山、巫山和雪峰山,向东直达太平洋沿岸是第三阶梯,此阶梯地势下降到500米至1000米以下,自北向南分布着东北平原、华北平原、长江中下游平原,平原的边缘镶嵌着低山和丘陵。再向东为中国大陆架浅海区,也就是第四级阶梯,水深大都不足200米。


Intangible assets accountant theory and reality are sure to be in recent years financial accounting field hot spot discussing In the times competing for gradually fierce economy currently,gigantic change happened in the intangible assets accountant for every aspect such as conforming to the requirements of the times , revealing in meterage , the The financial affairs headquarter has announced new "enterprise system of account " on February 15 , 2006 , 6th number intangible assets criterion and accountant in 2001 criterion among them have compared, to the intangible assets accountant handling big modification having been in Special behaviour has removed goodwill on definition , has loosened to studying the capitalization developing cost's has appeared on problem, no longer blindly aspect such as handling , handling as well as amortizing to intangible assets being in progress cost-Besides, think that ceaselessness to economic globalization course accelerates , the new intangible assets criterion tends towards step by step with international accounting standards a The main body of a book is discussed specifically for new intangible assets relevance problem is in progress, the thought embodying the new intangible assets criterion with the high limit , actual business condition , change and effect revealing the new intangible assets criterion and according to every famous


Content summary This text is reform into the background a new round of basic education course in the country, is initiated thinking by the result of questionnaire investigation of an " existing problem in English teaching of the middle and primary schools ", from " accumulate over a long period, take among primary school English teaching practice for a few years, " these four respects train pupils to " speak " the ability of English in activity, living, language environment, the practice result shows: " building of the four modernizations " of English teaching of primary school can let students open one's mouth and speak English, obtain knowledge, improve the ability quality of English easily happily Therefore summarize: The educator wants to train pupils to " speak " the ability of English, should permeate the new lesson and mark the idea in educational teaching, carry on " the building of the four modernizations " to English, this not merely helps to improve the pupil's spoken ability in an all-round way, and can consult as one at the time of teaching activity of practical education for the teaching workers of other English, therefore promote the new course reform correctly, raise the English teaching result of primary school and have universal significance, hope to make use of this thesis to discuss together in order to draw every colleague's interest how to improve pupils and " speak " this question of the ability of English, thus can slightly try humble effort best in order to promote the English teaching of primary Keyword: Accumulate over a long period and melt Activity Living Language environment



摘要哪里翻译不同 请明示 工作量太大了

Middle minitype non-governmentally operated enterprise core competition structures that exploring Xi studying [Abstract] that core competition is that middle small enterprise grows up is hit by the most forceful the mainest driving force , is that small enterprise competes for predominant wellhead in How out of mini enterprise oneself characteristic and individuality start off , strengthen core competition In ought to become a nowadays, small enterprise priority considers a Small enterprise core competition defines the main body of a book out of starting off , is in motion and do business by analysing our country middle minitype non-governmentally operated enterprise's current situation, brings forward the problem that whose core competition is short of, and by studying middle minitype non-governmentally operated enterprise misses area, and its opportunity , advantage and inferior position in managing aspect's, problem suggesting that our country is hit by minitype non-governmentally operated enterprise way out and

中小型民营企业核心竞争力构建之探析研究Small and medium-sized private enterprises core competitiveness of exploring study C【摘要】核心竞争力是中小型企业成长中最有力最主要的驱动力,是提升中小型企业竞争优势的源泉。如何从中小型企业自身特点和个性出发,增强核心竞争力应当成为当今中小型企业重点考虑问题。本文从中小型企业核心竞争力定义出发,通过分析我国中小型民营企业的运营现状,提出其核心竞争力缺乏的问题,并通过研究中小型民营企业在管理方面的误区、以及它的机遇、优势和劣势等,提出我国中小型民营企业的出路及趋势以及如何构建其核心竞争力的问题。探讨在如今这个激烈的市场竞争中,生命周期加剧缩短的情况下,如何提高中小企业的整体素质、增强其可持续发展能力。这己经成为当前中小企业面临的突出问题。【Abstract】 core competence is the most powerful in the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, is the main driving force of ascension and the source of enterprise competitive From small businesses to its own characteristics and personality, enhance core competitiveness should be current smes key In this paper the definition of small enterprise core competitive power, through the analysis of the small and medium-sized private enterprises in China, and puts forward the operation status of the core competitiveness of the problem, and small and medium-sized private enterprises through research in the aspects of management, and its advantages and disadvantages, opportunities as small private enterprises in China, and put forward the way to construct and trend and the core competitiveness of the In the fierce market competition, the life cycle of circumstances, increased to improve the overall quality of the small and medium-sized enterprises, and enhance their ability of sustainable It has become the glaring problems of small and medium-sized 【关键词】中小型企业 核心竞争力 管理误区 机遇 挑战 对策[key] small and medium-sized enterprise core competitive power management Opportunity challenge



