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Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)是东南大学主办的以机械动力、能源环境、材料科学、电力电气、通信工程、电子工程、计算机工程、自动控制、仪器科学、土木交通和生物医学等专业学科为主的学术期刊。期刊信息主管单位:中华人民共和国教育部主办单位:东南大学主编:毛善锋ISSN:1003-7985CN:32-1325/N地址:南京四牌楼2号邮政编码:210096

《岩土工程技术》《水运工程》(中文核心期刊)出版速度比较快,主要面向港口航道类的《城市环境与城市生态》(中文核心期刊)《强度与环境》统计源期刊《洁净与空调技术》《砖瓦》 建材核心 《水利发展研究》《中国水利》给200左右的稿费《钢结构》《交通企业管理》中国建筑防水》《城市交通》《新型建筑材料》《公路》(中文核心期刊)《综合运输》《建筑材料学报》EI收录,收100元审稿费,无版面费《建筑技术》中文核心期刊《城市公共交通》《施工技术》(如果是高校作者,要交800元版面费)《科学通报》(英文版)SCI收录(中文刊要收一定的版面费)《力学学报》(英文版)SCI收录(中文刊收版面费) 大部分国外期刊都无审稿费+版面费

Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Introduction The so-called large Refers to all and water, soil, culture-related infrastructure-related projects, construction and At present, the civil work projects include: roads, water supply, drainage, flood control works and The past, all non-military use of civilian projects, classified into this category, but with the increasingly vast engineering sciences, many of the original content belong to the scope of civil engineering have been a separate At present, from the narrow definition, is equivalent to the Civil Engineering civil engineering, or construction (or structural engineering) This small- Civil Engineering Introduction Business training objectives: the professional training of various civil engineering disciplines to master the basic theory and basic knowledge in housing construction, underground construction (including mine construction), roads, tunnels, bridges, buildings, hydropower stations, ports and offshore structures and facilities, water supply drainage and ground treatment in areas such as planning, design, construction, management and research, engineering and technical personnel, Operational training requirements: The students mainly study engineering mechanics, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, municipal engineering, water supply and drainage engineering and hydraulic engineering disciplines, basic theory and knowledge, by the engineering drawing, engineering, surveying, computer applications, professional test, structural design and construction practice areas such as basic training, and have engaged in construction, transportation works, water conservancy and hydropower engineering, port engineering, coastal engineering and water supply and drainage: the planning, design, construction, management and related research Graduates should be given the following knowledge and ability to: Natural Science has a solid foundation for a better foundation for the humanities and social sciences and foreign language integrated capacity; Master of engineering mechanics, fluid mechanics, rock and soil mechanics, engineering geology and engineering drawing of the basic theory and basic knowledge; Grasp the building materials, structural calculations, component design, ground treatment, water supply and drainage engineering and computer applications, basic knowledge, principles, methods and skills, has engaged in preliminary design of civil structural engineering and research capabilities; Master construction machinery, electrical engineering, engineering, surveying, construction technology and construction organization, construction monitoring, project budget, as well as aspects of the tendering procedures for the basic knowledge and basic skills, has engaged in preliminary engineering, management and research capacity; Familiar with the construction of various types of civil engineering principles, policies and regulations; Understanding of civil engineering disciplines of the trunk and cutting-edge developments in theory; Master the literature of information retrieval and the basic method of inquiry has a certain capacity for scientific research and practical Major Courses: Trunk disciplines: mechanical, civil engineering, water conservancy Main courses: engineering mechanics, fluid mechanics, rock mechanics with disabilities, the foundation and infrastructure, engineering geology, engineering, hydrology, engineering drawing, computer applications, construction materials, concrete structures, steel structures, engineering structures, water supply and drainage works, construction technology and管理 The main practice teaching links include: engineering drawing, awareness training, surveying practices, engineering geology internship, professional practice or production practice, the structure of curriculum design, graduate thesis, such as design or general arrangement for about 40 The main experiment: the experimental mechanics of materials, experimental materials, structural testing, soil Period of Study: Four years Conferment of academic degrees: Bachelor of Engineering Similar professional: Architecture, Construction Engineering Technology Civil Engineering and Town Planning Building Environment and Equipment Engineering, Civil Engineering to the drainage works to cross the river bridge and road works








国际学术兼职: 国际低平研究会会员兼学报: 副主编(Associate Editor)及特约审稿人(Reviewer) 美国土木学会岩土工程与环境学报: 审稿人(Reviewer) (ASCE Journal of Geotechnical & GeoE Engineering)加拿大岩土工程学报: 审稿人(Reviewer)(Canadian Geotechnical Journal)国际土工织物学报: 审稿人(Reviewer)(International Journal of Geotextile & Geomembrane)参编书籍,土木工程施工(下册)的第二编:同济大学大学出版社,2003,上海。Published Papers in SCI and Ei indexed JChen, JJ, Wang, JH, Shen, SL, and Zhou, HB(2004) Long-term settlement behaviour of multi-storey buildings on soft subsoil in Shanghai, Tentatively accepted by Lowland Technology International,Shen, SL, Chai, JC, and Hong, Z-S Analysis of field performance of embankments on soft clay deposit with and without PVD-improvement, Tentatively accepted by Geotextiles and Geomemberanes,Shen, SL, Han, J, and Hong, ZS (2005): “Installation effects on properties of surrounding clays by different deep mixing ” Accepted by Geofrontier 2005, ASCE Special Publications, (Ei)Chai, JC, Shen, SL, Zhu, HH, and Zhang, XL (2004) “Analysis of land subsidence due to groundwater drawdown in S” Accepted by Lowland Technology International,Shen, SL, Han, J, Zhu, HH, and Hong, ZS (2004) “A case study of dyke failure caused by pile driving in soft ” Accepted by Journal of the Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCEShen, SL, Han, J, and Miura, N (2004) “Laboratory evaluation of mixing efficiency based on energy ” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, N1868, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, DC, 2004, 23-Shen, SL, Dai, YZ, Liu, JH, and Chai, JC (2004) “Construction of slurry shield tunnel under Huangpu River in S” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 19(2004), 397-Shen, SL, Tohno, I, Nishigaki, M, and Miura, N (2004) “Land subsidence due to withdrawal of deep-” Lowland Technology International, IALT, V6, N1, 1-Chai, JC, Shen, S L, Zhu, HH, and Zhang, XL (2004) “Land subsidence due to groundwater drawdown in S” Geotechnique, ICE, UK, 54(2): 143-Shen, SL, Huang, XC, Du, SJ, and Han, J (2003) “Laboratory studies on property changes in surrounding clays due to installation of deep mixing columns,” Marine Georesources and Geotechnolog, V 21, N1, 15-Shen, SL, Miura, N, and Koga, H (2003) “Interaction mechanism between deep mixing column and surrounding clay during ” C G J, 40(2): 293-Chai, JC, Miura, N, and Shen, SL (2002) “Performance of embankments with and without reinforcement on soft ” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, V39, N4, 838-Chai, JC, Shen, S L, Miura, N and Bergado, DT (2001) “A simple method of modeling PVD improved subsoil,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, V 127, N 11, 965-Shen, S L, and Miura, N (1999), “Soil fracturing the surrounding clay during deep mixing column installation”, Soils and Foundations, JGS, 39(5): 13-


比较好的期刊请对照中文核心期刊2011版,岩石力学与工程学报 2.岩土工程学报建筑结构学报 岩土力学 土木工程学报 城市规划 工业建筑 建筑结构 城市规划学刊 中国地质学报 中国给水排水 空间结构 建筑材料学报 给水排水 重庆建筑大学学报(改名为:土木建筑与环境工程) 混凝土 建筑科学与工程学报 世界地震工程 建筑学报 暖通空调 中国园林 建筑钢结构进展 防灾减灾工程学报 混凝土与水泥制品 西安建筑科技大学学报自然科学版 工程抗震与加固改造 规划师 地下空间与工程学报 沈阳建筑大学学报自然科学版 国际城市规划 建筑科学 施工技术 结构工程师






《岩土工程技术》《水运工程》(中文核心期刊)出版速度比较快,主要面向港口航道类的《城市环境与城市生态》(中文核心期刊)《强度与环境》统计源期刊《洁净与空调技术》《砖瓦》 建材核心 《水利发展研究》《中国水利》给200左右的稿费《钢结构》《交通企业管理》中国建筑防水》《城市交通》《新型建筑材料》《公路》(中文核心期刊)《综合运输》《建筑材料学报》EI收录,收100元审稿费,无版面费《建筑技术》中文核心期刊《城市公共交通》《施工技术》(如果是高校作者,要交800元版面费)《科学通报》(英文版)SCI收录(中文刊要收一定的版面费)《力学学报》(英文版)SCI收录(中文刊收版面费) 大部分国外期刊都无审稿费+版面费

【杂志名称】机械科学与技术【杂志文章包含专业】理论研究 设计计算机构分析 工艺设备材料 实验研究 CAD/CAM/CAE【投稿费用】审稿费100,版面费每页约200-250,图片另收费(好像是10/张)【杂志级别】中文核心期刊中国科技论文统计源期刊 EI源【稿酬回报】按字数不同,大约每页不到50【投稿感受】只要有新意,比较容易投中,本人投了几篇,保持全中。只是发表周期有些长(从投到发1-5年),【其他】以前该刊在机械行业比较牛,但这两年有点下滑。不知是太牛了没和EI搞好关系,还是咋得,近两年一直没被收录,在唯EI是瞻的今天大大影响了吸引力。但在许多老教授心中其魅力依旧,所以可以投。此外,该刊态度可以。【杂志名称】核电子与探测技术【杂志文章包含专业】主要包括核技术、电子类等【投稿联系方式】北京8800信箱,100020【投稿费用】每页140元,要想提前发表需每页再多交几十元,不收审稿费【杂志级别】核心(EI收录)【稿酬回报】200元左右【投稿感受】投稿录用率很高,一般一两个月就可以知道是否录用,很少作修改,EI收录的概率很高,如果为了发表EI收录的,可以向该刊物投稿。【杂志名称】数据采集与处理【杂志文章包含专业】主要涉及信号处理、通信、数据采集等内容【投稿联系方式】南京御道街29号,210016【投稿费用】每页160元,审稿费100元【杂志级别】核心,EI收录【稿酬回报】200元左右【投稿感受】投稿时可以在寄两份打印费时同时寄出审稿费100元,以加快审稿速度,审稿很认真,不管是否录用都回寄审稿意见,只要文章有些创新就可以录用,审稿周期在三个月左右。【其他】很多重点大学都很认可该刊物,在它还不是核心期刊时,就得到西安交大等学校的公认,是核心类期刊中比较正规、稿件质量较高的刊物之一。【杂志名称】系统工程与电子技术【杂志文章包含专业】计算机应用、电路设计、电子、信息等【投稿联系方式】北京142信箱32分箱,100854【投稿费用】版面费600元,审稿费100元【杂志级别】核心,EI收录【稿酬回报】100-200元【投稿感受】投稿录用率较高,是电子信息类投稿较容易的期刊之一,发表周期在6-10个月。【杂志名称】电波科学学报【杂志文章包含专业】电磁场、电波传播、电子信息类等【投稿联系方式】河南省新乡138信箱3分箱,453003,【投稿费用】审稿费200元,版面费我还没交,不能确定【杂志级别】核心,EI核心收录【稿酬回报】【投稿感受】直接投电子稿到投稿信箱,对论文的格式要求较严格,在格式不符合要求时,编辑部会给你一份稿件要求的格式及所需材料说明等,审稿周期在三个月左右。【其他】编辑部态度很好。【杂志名称】 计算机应用研究【杂志文章包含专业】建模,仿真,网络,人工智能,比较杂。【投稿费用】250元/页【杂志级别】国家一级期刊,全国中文核心期刊【稿酬回报】无【投稿感受】录用率非常高,如果有牛基金支持的话几乎不审稿,半个月内有消息。整体感觉就是太贵,想上增刊,交钱就行(250元/页)。无审稿费,2~3月就知道结果了!编辑态度差!【其他】可以网上投稿【杂志名称】 通信学报【杂志文章包含专业】主要在通信领域,信号处理和网络均可【投稿费用】【杂志级别】国家一级期刊,全国中文核心期刊,据说与EI闹翻,故未被EI索引【稿酬回报】【投稿感受】审稿时间超长,严格3审,大约搞了8个月【其他】杂志名称】 中国电机工程学报【杂志文章包含专业】主要报道电机工程领域的新理论、新方法、新技术、新成果。【投稿费用】500元/页【杂志级别】国家一级期刊,全国中文核心期刊【稿酬回报】有【投稿感受】据说录用率始终保持在18%以下。但是投稿审稿很快,2~3月就知道结果了!编辑态度很好!【其他】可以网上投稿【杂志名称】 高校化工学报【杂志文章包含专业】化工、环境等。【投稿费用】版面费不知【杂志级别】国家一级期刊,EI核心【稿酬回报】不知【投稿感受】录用率低,编辑部工作效率低下,态度差【其他】可以网上投稿【杂志名称】传感技术学报【杂志文章包含专业】传感器、自动检测、电子学等【投稿费用】无审稿费,版面费500【杂志级别】EI Compendex【稿酬回报】80【投稿感受】我投过几次,都中了,编辑态度很好。录用快(1个月左右),发表快(6~8个月)。在EI收录的期刊中,无论是收费和态度来说,我认为都是相当好的。【其他】Email投稿的同时要寄一份有全部作者签名和单位公章的打印稿。【杂志名称】计算机工程与应用【杂志文章包含专业】主要栏目:博士论坛学术探讨 产品、研发、测试 网络、通信与安全数据库与信息处理 工程与应用。【投稿费用】先交审稿费70元【杂志级别】核心期刊【稿酬回报】【投稿感受】审稿周期比较长,一般得3个月以上,投稿难易程度中【其他】可以网上投稿,编辑部态度不错【杂志名称】农机化研究【杂志文章包含专业】主要栏目:农业发展新视点、农机化工程、农业机械理论与设计制造农业机械试验研究计算机与信息技术在农业机械中的应用。【投稿费用】无审稿费,版面费280/页【杂志级别】核心期刊【稿酬回报】无【投稿感受】审稿周期比较短,一般一个月以内,投稿容易,一般一投即中【其他】编辑部态度不错【杂志名称】 湖南大学学报 (自然科学版)【杂志文章包含专业】生物技术、化学化工、材料科学与工程、机械工程、电气工程、土木工程、数理科学、计算机科学和管理。【投稿联系方式】邮寄投稿,打印稿一式两份【投稿费用】审稿费50,版面费200/页【杂志级别】核心,EI Compendex来源期刊【稿酬回报】100【投稿感受】审稿周期较长,EI收录率高,主要收本校文章,但外校也接受,感觉还好发【其他】编辑部态度一般【杂志名称】计算机应用【杂志文章包含专业】计算机应用技术【投稿费用】约200元/页(投稿6个版面,版面费1257元,不知道怎么算的)【杂志级别】中文核心期刊,中国科技论文统计源期刊【稿酬回报】有【投稿感受】三审,审稿速度较快,二~三个月就有结果,半年可发表,编辑态度不错,回复也很及时【其他】网上投稿,审稿费50元,版面费不便宜(无基金)【杂志名称】 哈尔滨工业大学学报【杂志文章包含专业】综合性自然科学学术类期刊:机械、能源、动力、材料、电气、电子、信息与控制、计算机、化工、生物工程、建筑、交通、管理、数学、物理、工程力学及有关交叉性学科【投稿联系方式】邮寄投稿,打印稿一式3份【投稿费用】审稿费(100元)待论文录用后与发表费一同收取版面费150/页【杂志级别】核心,EI Compendex来源期刊【稿酬回报】100【投稿感受】审稿周期3个月,EI收录率高,主要收本校文章,选择地发表校外及海外作者省部级以上基金课题的优秀论文【其他】编辑部态度好


