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回答 做短视频创作很难绕开的一个问题,如何选题?选题的方向,选题的内容,选题的素材。接下来美工铺子通过选题的方向,选题的原则,选题的维度,以及选题时要注意避免的一些问题,聊聊短视频如何进行选题。 一、短视频选题方面 做短视频创作选题方面大概分类14种类。选题的方面就是在做赛道的选择,不同的赛道有着不同的天花板(粉丝量、变现值)和不同的运营机制 在这些短视频类别的赛道中,剧情、娱乐、影视、生活、商业类占据了大部分的内容领域,也比较容出现一些头部资源大号,这些类别解决了大部分人群的八小时工作中遇到的问题,和八小时生活中的消遣问题。 在整个互联网短视频中有两个比较特殊的领域,财经和健康领域,这两个领域的创作者,平台都会要求有相关领域的资质才能进行内容创作,比如财经领域要求有证券从业资格证等,健康领域要求是三甲医院以上的医生资质。 在所有类别中还有一个共性,就是可以将内容知识化,用知识价值的传递来内容的输出和传播,即内容即是价值,内容即是产品。 二、短视频选题原则 1、 要贴地。选题内容要坚持用户导向,以用户粉丝需求为前提,不能脱离用户粉丝,想要有好的播放量,就应该首先考虑到用户粉丝的喜好和痛点需求,往往越是贴近用户粉丝的内容越是能够得到他们的认可,触发视频的完播率。 2、 有价值。选题内容要输出有价值,内容有干货为目标,输出的内容对用户粉丝有价值,满足用户粉丝的需求,解决用户粉丝的痛点,才能使用户粉丝有传播的欲望,触发点赞、评论、转发等用户行为,从而达到内容的裂变传播。 吴北狱中三年不近女身,新婚一月后美女总裁扶墙干呕,丈母娘炸了广告 乘以贰网络 查看详情 3、 要匹配。选题内容要和我们的定位有关联有匹配,有垂直度,以提升我们在专业领域的影响力,更高的塑造IP,这样才能吸引到精准的用户粉丝,同样提高用户粉丝的持续跟随和黏性。 三、短视频选题维度 1、 频率。选题的内容,在用户粉丝的需求和痛点上是不是存在高频发生率,换而言之就是目标用户粉丝群体的大众话题,只有用户粉丝的高频关注点,才能引发更多播放量。 2、 难易。创作者还应该考虑选题后的制作难易程度,自己或团队的创作能力是否能够支撑起来选题背后内容生产和内容运营,选题、内容、形式都是要考虑的因素,用户粉丝现在对内容的质量要求越来越高。 3、 差异。不论是哪一种类别的选题或者哪一种话题,在短视频领域都有着不少的竞品账号,可以说 3、 标题描述要合理。标题字数要适中,有些平台超过一定字数后,标题就会被自动折叠隐藏起来。格式要标准,数字用阿拉伯数字,尽量用中文表述,避免生僻字和网络词汇,方便机器算法获取识别。句式要合理,很多短视频平台,一般会要求标题为三段式结构,表述清晰,避免出现夸大性词组。 提问 我是做短视频的论文不是短视频的创作,是研究短视频 更多17条 

楼主 你应该去买正版的书看看 毕竟是写论文 不能不重视 我一般回去迅雷搜索文章 给你个地址 你去找找看吧 %e4%b8%87%e6%96%b9&restype=3&id=10000000 %E5%8D%95%E7%89%87%E6%9C%BA&restype=3&id=10000000&ty=0&pattern=0不知道能否帮得了你!


城镇燃气化是城市现代化的重要标志之一。城镇燃气在发展生产、 提高人民生活水平、节约能源、减轻污染、改善环境等方面起着重要作用。 本设计主要是针对开发区进行燃气管网的规划,该设计采用天然气为气源,燃气管道主要采用钢管。首先根据城市的面积及人口情况对开发区的燃气需用量进行确定,然后根据用气量及规划要求进行管网设计。在设计燃气管网时,应全面考虑经济、技术等方面因素,选择经济合理的最佳方案。因此本设计选用了中压一级管网系统。 根据管网的布置和流量,经过水力计算的一系列步骤确定管径;再将管径作为已知条件,再选取调压设施以及用户燃具后满足供应的压力要求,设计具有一定的技术性和经济性。


城镇燃气化是城市现代化的重要标志之一。城镇燃气在发展生产、 提高人民生活水平、节约能源、减轻污染、改善环境等方面起着重要作用。 本设计主要是针对开发区进行燃气管网的规划,该设计采用天然气为气源,燃气管道主要采用钢管。首先根据城市的面积及人口情况对开发区的燃气需用量进行确定,然后根据用气量及规划要求进行管网设计。在设计燃气管网时,应全面考虑经济、技术等方面因素,选择经济合理的最佳方案。因此本设计选用了中压一级管网系统。 根据管网的布置和流量,经过水力计算的一系列步骤确定管径;再将管径作为已知条件,再选取调压设施以及用户燃具后满足供应的压力要求,设计具有一定的技术性和经济性。







城镇燃气化是城市现代化的重要标志之一。城镇燃气在发展生产、 提高人民生活水平、节约能源、减轻污染、改善环境等方面起着重要作用。 本设计主要是针对开发区进行燃气管网的规划,该设计采用天然气为气源,燃气管道主要采用钢管。首先根据城市的面积及人口情况对开发区的燃气需用量进行确定,然后根据用气量及规划要求进行管网设计。在设计燃气管网时,应全面考虑经济、技术等方面因素,选择经济合理的最佳方案。因此本设计选用了中压一级管网系统。 根据管网的布置和流量,经过水力计算的一系列步骤确定管径;再将管径作为已知条件,再选取调压设施以及用户燃具后满足供应的压力要求,设计具有一定的技术性和经济性。

据学术堂了解,所谓广告设计是指从创意到制作的这个中间过程。广告设计是广告的主题、创意、语言文字、形象、衬托等五个要素构成的组合安排。广告设计的最终目的就是通过广告来达到吸引眼球的目的。以下是关于广告设计的论文题目,欢迎大家阅读。  1、浅析长沙开福万达广场设计管理  2、基于功能的H5广告研究  3、浅谈色彩在广告设计中的应用  4、户外广告的文明传承与创新研究  5、基于无线传输的LED广告屏设计  6、浅析数字媒体艺术发展的观念创新及表现形式  7、浅谈创意广告设计  8、户外广告效果评估的研究综述  9、基于数字媒体技术的影视广告设计--评《影视广告设计》  10、基于视觉传达设计下的计算机图形图像设计  11、广告设计方向专业人才培养质量标准研究  12、从国人传统思维到现代设计研究--字说广告的起源、发展、标准探析  13、广告设计的新理论--评《新形态广告设计》  14、新时期平面设计中视觉审美元素的应用研究  15、工业产业经济中汽车广告设计策划研究




我多年前在充了值,还没花光,算你远气好! 帮你下载一篇!

楼主 你应该去买正版的书看看 毕竟是写论文 不能不重视 我一般回去迅雷搜索文章 给你个地址 你去找找看吧 %e4%b8%87%e6%96%b9&restype=3&id=10000000 %E5%8D%95%E7%89%87%E6%9C%BA&restype=3&id=10000000&ty=0&pattern=0不知道能否帮得了你!



燃气轮机的工作介质为空气,在高沙尘环境下工作时,空气中往往含有大量不同粒径的砂粒。我校研究的高效率滤清器系统中的旋风级对于分离过滤砂粒具有显著效果,本文即是对除砂目的高性能船用燃机进气滤清器中的旋风级进行除砂性能研究,同时创新性提出双层叶片旋风分离器的思路,通过数值模拟和实验研究加以验证和结构初步改进,为高性能船用燃机进气滤清器的设计制造提供旋风级的理论基础和技术支持。旋风分离器的两个主要指标是阻力和分离效率,本文通过数值模拟与实验研究相结合的方法对其进行研究,主要进行了如下几个方面的工作: 对现有母型旋风分离器模型进行单相流和两相流的数值模拟,考察旋风分离器内部流场分布形式,不同工况下阻力特性及对不同粒径颗粒的分离效率。 在母型旋风分离的基础上基于引射定理提出双层叶片结构的新型旋风分离器的思路,数值模拟流场分布考察不同结构改变对其性能的影响。 利用风洞试验台分别对母型旋风分离器和双层叶片旋风分离器进行阻力和效率的实验研究,结果表明母型旋风分离器具有较高除砂滤清效果,与数值模拟结果基本吻合;通过数值模拟设计的双层叶片旋风分离器结构存在不合理处,受到“气膜”影响。 根据实验结果对双层叶片旋风分离器进行改进,改进后阻力基本不变,效率上升明显,证明了双层叶片的设想存在可行性,为旋风分离器优化提供了新的思路。关键词:除砂;新型旋风分离器;数值模拟;实验研究Gas turbine working medium for the air, in high-dust environment, the air often contains a lot of sand of different particle I am a high school study the efficiency of the cyclone filter system-level filter for the separation of a significant effect of sand, this article is Desanding that is the purpose of high-performance marine gas turbine inlet air filter in the Tornado class for Desanding Properties, at the same time put forward innovative ideas double cyclone leaves, through numerical simulation and experimental studies to validate and improve the structure of the initial, high-performance marine engines for the intake filter to provide the design and manufacture of Tornado-class theoretical foundation and technical Cyclone is the two main indicators of resistance and separation efficiency, the paper by numerical simulation and experimental study of a combination of methods to study, mainly the following aspects: The mother of the existing cyclone model type single-phase flow and two-phase flow numerical simulation to study the distribution of flow field inside cyclone form of resistance characteristics under different conditions and different size particles on separation In the home-based cyclone separator based on the theorem proposed based on injection of the new two-tier structure leaves the idea of cyclone, numerical simulation of flow field study of different structural changes in its The use of wind tunnel test-bed for the mother, respectively, and double-blade-type cyclone cyclone resistance and to study the efficiency of the experimental results show that the higher the mother Desanding cyclone-type filter effects, and numerical simulation results anastomosis; through numerical simulation of the design of the double-leaf structure unreasonable Department cyclone by the "film" According to the experimental results carried out on a double-decker cyclone blade improvement, the improved resistance is essentially the same, the efficiency increased significantly, evidence of the existence of double the feasibility of the idea leaves for cyclone optimization a new way of Key words: Desanding; new cyclone; numerical simulation; Experimental Study

Gas turbine working medium for the air, in high-dust environment, the air often contains a lot of sand of different particle I am a high school study the efficiency of the cyclone filter system-level filter for the separation of a significant effect of sand, this article is Desanding that is the purpose of high-performance marine gas turbine inlet air filter in the Tornado class for Desanding Properties, at the same time put forward innovative ideas double cyclone leaves, through numerical simulation and experimental studies to validate and improve the structure of the initial, high-performance marine engines for the intake filter to provide the design and manufacture of Tornado-class theoretical foundation and technical Cyclone is the two main indicators of resistance and separation efficiency, the paper by numerical simulation and experimental study of a combination of methods to study, mainly the following aspects: The mother of the existing cyclone model type single-phase flow and two-phase flow numerical simulation to study the distribution of flow field inside cyclone form of resistance characteristics under different conditions and different size particles on separation In the home-based cyclone separator based on the theorem proposed based on injection of the new two-tier structure leaves the idea of cyclone, numerical simulation of flow field study of different structural changes in its The use of wind tunnel test-bed for the mother, respectively, and double-blade-type cyclone cyclone resistance and to study the efficiency of the experimental results show that the higher the mother Desanding cyclone-type filter effects, and numerical simulation results anastomosis; through numerical simulation of the design of the double-leaf structure unreasonable Department cyclone by the "film" According to the experimental results carried out on a double-decker cyclone blade improvement, the improved resistance is essentially the same, the efficiency increased significantly, evidence of the existence of double the feasibility of the idea leaves for cyclone optimization a new way of Key words: Desanding; new cyclone; numerical simulation; Experimental Study仅供参考

Gas turbine working medium for the air, in high-dust environment, the air often contains a lot of sand of different particle I am a high school study the efficiency of the cyclone filter system-level filter for the separation of a significant effect of sand, this article is Desanding that is the purpose of high-performance marine gas turbine inlet air filter in the Tornado class for Desanding Properties, at the same time put forward innovative ideas double cyclone leaves, through numerical simulation and experimental studies to validate and improve the structure of the initial, high-performance marine engines for the intake filter to provide the design and manufacture of Tornado-class theoretical foundation and technical Cyclone is the two main indicators of resistance and separation efficiency, the paper by numerical simulation and experimental study of a combination of methods to study, mainly the following aspects: The mother of the existing cyclone model type single-phase flow and two-phase flow numerical simulation to study the distribution of flow field inside cyclone form of resistance characteristics under different conditions and different size particles on separation In the home-based cyclone separator based on the theorem proposed based on injection of the new two-tier structure leaves the idea of cyclone, numerical simulation of flow field study of different structural changes in its The use of wind tunnel test-bed for the mother, respectively, and double-blade-type cyclone cyclone resistance and to study the efficiency of the experimental results show that the higher the mother Desanding cyclone-type filter effects, and numerical simulation results anastomosis; through numerical simulation of the design of the double-leaf structure unreasonable Department cyclone by the "film" According to the experimental results carried out on a double-decker cyclone blade improvement, the improved resistance is essentially the same, the efficiency increased significantly, evidence of the existence of double the feasibility of the idea leaves for cyclone optimization a new way of Key words: Desanding; new cyclone; numerical simulation; Experimental Study


