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The Industrialization of Agriculture:Policy, Research, and Education Needs DRIVING INDUSTRIALIZATION OF AGRICULTURE: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE GRAIN INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES Present Situation of the Industrialization and Development _science/071/pdfFarm Policy in an Industrialized Agriculture~jab/Library/M00-pdfAgriculture, and developmen on the Road to Industrialization更多:用google搜索industrialization agriculture filetype:pdf用google学术搜索:-CN&lr=

Countries in the world of development of agricultural information (世界各国农业信息化发展) World Agricultural Information technology generally go through three stages: the first stage is 50-60 during the 20th century, radio, telephone communications and science and computer information stage; the second phase is 70-80 during the 20th century, computer data processing and knowledge processing stage; the third stage of the 20th century since the 90's agricultural database development, network and multimedia technologies and agricultural production, such as automatic control of the new stage of At present, the area of information technology in agriculture in the world's leading countries in the United States, Germany and J The United States is the leader in information technology, agriculture, Japan, Germany, followed by France and other developed countries; India and other developing countries, although the late start, but developed rapidly; Vietnam also recognizes the importance of agriculture and information technology, is stepping up its to catch United States of America Since 1844, Morse (SFBMorse) invented the first telegram, the subsequent image transfer technology with the invention, the US audio and video broadcasts of the radio has been the rapid development and popularization of rural areas has been greatly promoted the United States the process of agricultural information; AppleMacintosh series in 1984 launched the commercialization of computer operation and the promotion of practical use to stimulate the building of the US agricultural database, computer network, such as In 1985, the United States published the world's 428 agricultural computerized cataloging These databases is one of the most important agricultural information One of the most famous, most widely used is: The United States National Agricultural Library and co-developed by the US Department of Agriculture A-GRICOLA, its storage magazine articles, government publications, technical reports and so The United States also has a national crop germplasm resources information management system across the country to provide services to the breeding farm; the 20th century, the United States since the 70s of the computer application scope gradually to the By 1985, the United States has 8% of farmers use the computer processing of agricultural production, including some large farms have been Today, computer applications, to the United States, farm management and production control, research and production of high-quality, efficient and cost- Japan MAFF information in rural areas of the building from the mid-50th century farm broadcasting (cable run) to start the By the late 20th century, 60, Japan "GreenUtopia the concept of" response to the news media at that time the trend of information technology for rural development has played a great role in By the late 80's, for a variety of rapidly growing popularity of information technology, network development, information-based policy in rural areas continue to expand in rural areas, the degree of information technology into the rapid development The end of 1998, in the prefectures in Japan with the establishment of agricultural information-related institutions such as the network center 67, an average of 5 for each County Agricultural Information C 90 Japan in the early 20th century established the National Agricultural Technology Information Service online networks, that is, Telegraph and Telephone Company's real-time management system (DRESS), its large-scale electronic computer can be the collection, processing, storage and delivery from all over the country's agricultural technical DRESS County are located in each sub-centers, can quickly obtain information and exchange of information at any Germany In the mid-20th century, 50 to 70 of Germany's agricultural radio, telephone, television and other communication technologies, and universal in rural 70 In the mid-20th century to the mid-80's, a German computer data processing, data storage, such as the establishment of agricultural information technology from the initial stage to mature The mid-80s, the German government commissioned the study in Germany has established a full model of the agricultural economy of the region, later additions and amendments continue to be a very mature to deal with the agricultural information system to provide services for the decision- 80 In the mid-20th century to the early 90s, in this period, Germany in agricultural research and development of database technology has made a lot of work to the Since the mid-90s, the emergence of Internet dissemination of agricultural information to make a fundamental change occurred in the past, large and inefficient data storage facilities, high-performance computer systems have been At present, Germany through a variety of network connectivity, can find information on a variety of professional research, science and technology, management information and economic France Before 1997, the French information technology also is lagging Since 1997, the French government will be the development of the Information Society a priority before, the former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin was launched on "Information Society Project Action (PAGSI)" Through unremitting efforts, France has been in information technology has made gratifying France with the family computer in 1997 and 2000 almost At the end of 2000, the family personal computer equipped with the rate of between 26% -33%, and the growth rate achieved during the period is basically the European average, which also contributed to France's development of agricultural India India in the 20th century, the beginning of the 60's the use of agricultural research in the 20th century since the 90's, the Indian government decided to implement the Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS) project, with information technology for national agricultural research systems, funds from the National Agricultural Research Project F The establishment of agricultural research information system is the main purpose of: agriculture and agricultural research managers to quickly and easily access to information; use of national agricultural research systems to collect the infrastructure, processing, storage, retrieval and use of information; at the national agricultural research system the full realization of the sharing of information resources; improve research project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation South Korea 20th century 80's, South Korea to speed up the process of economic globalization, with the intensification level of agricultural modernization and the improvement of crop yield is also significantly improved, to some extent alleviated the negative effects of reduced arable South Korea in the process of modernization of agriculture, agricultural information up on the Of agricultural information at this stage is characterized mainly in the construction of infrastructure to South Korea launched in 1994 "plan to revitalize agricultural and fishery and agricultural policy reform program" to strengthen the science and technology including information technology, investment in In the process of the revitalization of agriculture, agricultural information technology come into This stage of the characteristics of agricultural information is to strengthen the Government's role in the process of South Korea agricultural information as a late start of the country, of agricultural information to take the "catch up" "Catch up" the State may use the successful experience of developed countries, vis-à-vis the process of industrialization in advance for access to the information age, and in turn the use of information technology to promote and transform the traditional agriculture, and even the formation of "industrialization" and "information-based "The new model This stage the main features of information technology is more focused on the effectiveness of the application of information Vietnam Vietnam's agricultural information of a late start, a wave of information technology in the world under the impetus of the 20th century, late 90's to establish the Internet in 2000, e-ASEAN agreement formally At present, the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the realization of e-management process, the Government has learned from the experience of many countries, plans to carry out four steps: the first step in the establishment of websites, to provide basic information for farmers; the second step to establish and expand the agricultural and rural the development of trade information systems; the third step the establishment of agriculture and rural development for the software industry, to replace imported software and the progressive realization of export their own software; fourth step is to adapt to the needs of technology development, strengthening of agricultural information technology experts


按中文文献处理。  一篇文章的引用参考部分包括注释和参考文献两部分,注释是作者自己的解释(转引的参考文献也可以放在注释里),参考文献仅需列出参考书或论文的名称、作者、出版社或发表的期刊、著作时间或期刊期数等。注释用圆圈1 2标注,放脚注,参考文献用[1][2]标注,放尾注。  有的刊物要求注释和参考文献都要在内文标注,有的刊物对参考文献不要求内文标注,在尾注列出就行。按最新的CNKI规范的要求应是前者。为保险起见,你还是都标吧。注:参考文献如是著作要标页码,论文只要标出期刊是第几期。  例:  参考文献:  [1]金福海论建立我国的惩罚性赔偿制度[J]中国法学,1994,(3)  [2]杨立新“王海现象”的民法思考——论消费者权益保护中的惩罚性赔偿金[J]河北法学, 1997,(5)  [3]金福海消费者法论[M]北京:北京大学出版社,2005:  [4]闫玮完善我国<消费者权益保护法>中的惩罚性赔偿制度[J]太原师范学院学报,2007,(1)  [5]梁慧星<消费者权益保护法>第49条的解释适用[J]民商法论丛,2001,(3)  [6]王堃论我国<消费者权益保护法>中的惩罚性赔偿[J]现代商业,  [7]梁慧星关于<消费者权益保护法>第49条的解释适用[N]人民法院报,2001-3-  [8]孔祥俊公平交易执法前沿问题研究[M]北京:工商出版社,1998:  仅有中介文献信息的“转引自”类文献  例: (8)转引自杨兴培:《危险犯质疑》,载《中国法学》2000年第3期。  如“转引自”类文献中有原文献,应将其原文献列入文后参考文献。  2 外文文献  各类外文文献的文后参考文献格式与中文示例相同;为了计算机检索方便,建议题名的首字母及各个实词的首字母大写,期刊的刊名等可用全称或按ISO 4规定的缩写格式。为了减少外文刊名引用不规范所造成的引文统计及链接误差,建议以(SXXXX-XXXX)格式在刊名后加ISSN号。例:  [24]JONES R MMechanics of Composite Materials[M]New York:McGraw Hill Book Company,  [25]Marcel MSociologie des Relations Internationales[M] 4th Paris: Dalloz,  [26]CHERNIK B E Introduction to Library Services for Library Technicians[M] Littleton,C:Libraries Unlimited,Inc,  [27]International Federation of Library Association and Institutions.Names of Persons:National Usages for Entry in Catalogues[M] 3rd London:IFLA International Office for UBC,1977�  [28]Klaus HDas Drite Reich[M]Müchen:Bund-Verlag GmbH,  [29]Григорян С ВРудничная Геохимия[M]Москва: Недра,



1 期刊作者题名[J]刊名,出版年,卷(期):起止页码  2 专著作者书名[M]版本(第一版不著录)出版地:出版者,出版年起止页码  3 论文集作者题名[C]//编者论文集名出版地:出版者,出版年起止页码  4 学位论文作者题名[D]保存地点:保存单位,年份  5 专利文献题名[P]国别,专利文献种类,专利号出版日期  6 标准标准编号,标准名称[S]  7 报纸作者题名[N]报纸名,出版日期(版次)  8 报告作者题名[R]保存地点:年份  9 电子文献作者题名[电子文献及载体类型标识]文献出处,日期  二、文献类型及其标识  根据GB3469 规定  ①期刊[J]  ②专著[M]  ③论文集[C]  ④学位论文[D]  ⑤专利[P]   ⑥标准[S]  ⑦报纸[N]  电子文献载体类型用双字母标识,例如:



按GB/T7714-2005《文后参考文献著录规则》采用顺序编码制著录,依照其在文中出现的先后顺序用阿拉伯数字加方括号标出。尽量避免引用摘要作为参考文献。确需引用个人通信时,可将通信者姓名和通信时间写在括号内插入正文相应处。不得引用未公开发表的文章作为参考文献。参考文献中的作者,第1~3名全部列出,3名以上只列出前3名,后加“,等”或者其他与之相应的文字(如:西文加“,et al”;日文加“,他”)。外文期刊名称用缩写,以《Index Medicus》中的格式为准;中文期刊用全名。参考文献为期刊者均须著录起止页。电子文献要标注文献类型与文献载体标志并置于方括号内,如:数据库[DB];计算机程序[CP];电子公告[EB];联机网络[OL]。参考文献必须由作者核对无误,按文内引用先后顺序排列于文后。举例:  [1] 彭卫生,王英年,肖成志新编结核病学北京:中医药出版社,1994:85-  [2] 石瑞如,张建源,刘新,等链霉素耐药结核分枝杆菌临床分离株gidB基因突变研究中国防痨杂志,2008,30(3):197-  [3] Datta M,Radhamani MP,Selvaraj R,et Critical assessment of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients after   chemotherapy under the district tuberculosis Tuber Lung Dis,1993,74(3):180-

关于农业产业化论文开题报告的写法由学术堂整理提供:  1、提出问题注意"层次"  选题是撰写学术论文的第一步,选题是否妥当,直接关系到论文的质量,甚至关系到论文的成功与否不同于政策研究报告,学术文章聚焦理论层面、解决理论问题有的学生的选题不具有新颖性,内容没有创新,仅仅是对前人工作的总结,或是对前人工作的重复在选题时要坚持先进性、科学性、实用性及可行性的原则在提出问题时,要以"内行"看得懂的术语和明确的逻辑来表述选题来源包括:1、与自己实际工作或科研工作相关的、较为熟悉的问题;2、自己从事的专业某问题发展迅速,需要综合评价;3、从掌握的大量文献中选择反映本学科的新理论、新技术或新动向的题目  所选题目不宜过大,越具体越容易收集资料,从某一个侧面入手,容易深入  2、瞄准主流文献,随时整理  文献资料是撰写好学术论文的基础,文献越多,就越好写,选择文献时应选择本学科的核心期刊、经典着作等,要注意所选文献的代表性、可靠性及科学性;选择文献应先看近期的(近3~5年),后看远期的,广泛阅读资料,有必要时还应找到有关文献所引用的原文阅读,在阅读时,注意做好读书卡片或读书笔记  整理资料时,要注意按照问题来组织文献资料,写文献综述时不是将看过的资料都罗列和陈述出来,而是要按照一定的思路将其提炼出来只有这样,才能写出好的文献综述,也才能写出好的论文开题报告,进而为写出好的论文打下基础  3、研究目标具体而不死板  一般论文开题报告都要求明确学位论文的研究目标,但笔者认为,研究目标不宜规定得太死板,这是因为,即使条件一定,目标是偏高还是偏低,往往难于准确判断,研究工作本身,涉及求知因素学位论文选题和研究目标体现了研究工作的价值特征


点击edit里面的 output styles中的 edit "chinese std GBT7144(numeric)" ,打开bibliography中的author name 里面,把capitalization改为as is,就可以了。


一、中文全文数据库主要是万方(Wanfang)、中国知网(CNKI)、维普(VIP)数据库。经过更新,这三大数据库都已经能够直接导出Endnote格式的参考文献,所以不再需要对应的过滤器(Filter)来导入文献。从这三个数据库向Endnote导入中文参考文献的流程如下:1,选中相应文献2,点击与“导出参考文献”意思类似的按钮3,导出的参考文献格式选择“Endnote”,:4,点击“导出”,将相应TXT格式文件保存至电脑5,点击Endnote Import按钮,按下图对相应选项进行设置6,点击“Import”按钮,成功 二、中文文摘数据库主要是Sinomed(原CBM)。Sinomed数据库还未能导出Endnote格式的参考文献,需要特定的filter。楼主制作了一个,放在附件里,下载后解压,将CBMf放在安装路径\Endnote\Filters文件夹里,例如Endnote安装在C盘Program Files里的,具体路径就是C:\Program Files\Endnote\Filters。 从Sinomed向Endnote导入中文参考文献的流程如下:1,选中相应文献2,点击“结果输出”按钮,对应选项按下图设置3,点击“确定”,将相应TXT格式文件保存至电脑4,点击Endnote Import按钮,按下图对相应选项进行设置5,点击“Import”按钮,成功总结:对于Wanfang、CNKI、VIP三个中文全文数据库,直接导出Endnote格式的参考文献,用Endnote自带的Endnote Import做为过滤器导入。而对于Sinomed这个中文文摘数据库,导出“文摘”格式参考文献,用楼主提供的CBM过滤器导入。两者“Text Translation”均选“No Translation”。

一、中文全文数据库主要是万方(Wanfang)、中国知网(CNKI)、维普(VIP)数据库。经过更新,这三大数据库都已经能够直接导出Endnote格式的参考文献,所以不再需要对应的过滤器(Filter)来导入文献。从这三个数据库向Endnote导入中文参考文献的流程如下:1,选中相应文献2,点击与“导出参考文献”意思类似的按钮3,导出的参考文献格式选择“Endnote”, WanfangCNKIVIP4,点击“导出”,将相应TXT格式文件保存至电脑5,点击Endnote Import按钮,按下图对相应选项进行设置6,点击“Import”按钮,成功�0�2二、中文文摘数据库主要是Sinomed(原CBM)。Sinomed数据库还未能导出Endnote格式的参考文献,需要特定的filter。楼主制作了一个,放在附件里,下载后解压,将CBMf放在安装路径\Endnote\Filters文件夹里,例如Endnote安装在C盘Program Files里的,具体路径就是C:\Program Files\Endnote\Filters。 从Sinomed向Endnote导入中文参考文献的流程如下:1,选中相应文献2,点击“结果输出”按钮,对应选项按下图设置3,点击“确定”,将相应TXT格式文件保存至电脑 4,点击Endnote Import按钮,按下图对相应选项进行设置5,点击“Import”按钮,成功 总结:对于Wanfang、CNKI、VIP三个中文全文数据库,直接导出Endnote格式的参考文献,用Endnote自带的Endnote Import做为过滤器导入。而对于Sinomed这个中文文摘数据库,导出“文摘”格式参考文献,用楼主提供的CBM过滤器导入。两者“Text Translation”均选“No Translation”。


