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the magazine covers

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The National Geographic Magazine, later shortened to National Geographic, is the official journal of the National Geographic S It published its first issue in 1888, just nine months after the Society itself was It has become one of the world's best-known magazines and is immediately identifiable by the characteristic yellow border running around the edge of its There are 12 monthly issues of National Geographic per year, plus additional map On rare occasions, special editions are also It contains articles about geography, popular science, history, culture, current events, and The current Editor-in-Chief of National Geographic Magazine is the renowned photographer, Chris Johns, who has photographed extensively in A The foreword to Johns' own illustrated book on Africa was written by Nelson MSociety Executive Vice President John Q Griffin, and President of the Magazine Group, has overall responsibility for the English language magazines at National G Terry B Adamson, Society Executive Vice President who also is the Society's chief legal officer and heads governmental relations, has overall responsibility for the Society's international With a worldwide circulation in all languages of nearly nine million, more than fifty million people read the magazine every In May, 2007, National Geographic magazine won the American Society of Magazine Editors' prestigious General Excellence Award in the over two million circulation category and the best photography award for three issues of the magazine in 国家地理杂志》(National Geographic Magazine,或简称为《国家地理》)是美国国家地理学会的官方杂志,在国家地理学会1888年成立后的9个月开始发行第一期。现在国家地理杂志已经成为世界上最广为人知的一本杂志,其封面上的亮黄色边框及月桂纹图样已经成为其象征,同时这些标识也是国家地理杂志的注册商标。国家地理杂志每年发行12次(此杂事为月刊),每刊带有辅助地图。但偶尔有特版发行则不在此限。杂志的内容包括地理,科普文章,历史,文化, 实事和照片。杂志现在的首席主编是著名的摄影记者克里斯•约翰斯(Chris Johns),他曾经拍摄了大量的关于非洲的照片。原南非总统纳尔逊•曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)曾经为克里斯的书撰写了前言。约翰•格里芬,美国国家地理学会的行政副总裁和国家地理杂志的主席主要负责本杂志英文版的所有事物。泰瑞•阿达姆森,另一名美国国家地理学会专门负责法律事务和政府公关的行政副总裁主要负责杂志的国际版所有事务。国家地理杂志每个月以各种不同的语言出版9 百万册,并拥有超过5百万的读者。

封面是 cover;封底是back cover ;扉页是head


目前为止令我印象深刻的杂志封面应该是我在学校为我们班级制作的杂志,同时快要毕业了,我们班老师想要给我们留下一些特殊的记忆,然而我从小对画画就特别喜欢,所以老师就让我制作属于我们班级的杂志的封面。 我记得当时为了制作这个封面,我花费了一周的时间,也画了很多次封面,最后一次自己满意了,杂志出来之后的效果也特别棒。

我国市场上的杂志封面设计基本类型包括四种:一是肖像类封面,多数是照片,这种封面图片突出强调人性,几乎所有的女性杂志和时尚杂志都是这样来设计封面。二是组合类封面,由符号、文字、图示等元素组成;三是文字类封面,只使用文字构成也能设计出封面,也能够创造出丰富多彩的风格,如计算机类杂志越来越趋向于封面只使用汉英文字和数字来构成设计主题。四是绘图型封面。与图片的泛滥和照片的单调相比,用电脑绘制和其他艺术绘制创作的主图总是充满艺术性和个性化色彩,特别适合表现杂志的独到面貌。 那么,一个好的杂志封面设计,有哪些基本要素呢? 1.立意新颖 构形典雅 封面设计构形的意义,一是指图案或图片结构,二是指文字安排,三是指图文等元素之间的配合。俗称“摆得好看”。 电脑时代,封面设计的文字有各种各样的创意。通过电脑特效处理可达到千变万化的效果。但不管怎么变,都应该让封面文字服从整体设计的大局,俗称大效果要好。文字是封面的眼睛,具有传递信息表达感情的作用,在封面构形中是整个设计的“主件”。文字的选用和处理安排,是整个封面设计成败的最关键因素。不但要看上去构形典雅,更要让人一目了然。 色彩清新 在杂志封面设计中,色彩的运用是不能忽视的重要方面。有关平面设计的色彩问题,是一门很专业的学问,这里不可能展开谈。对此有兴趣的同行们可以找相关书籍看一看,我这只简单说几句。 色彩是吸引人的视觉之第一关键所在,也是一本杂志封面设计的重点,富有个性的色彩,往往更能迅速抓住读者的视线,色彩通过结合具体的形象,运用不同的色调,让观众产生不同的情感反应和心理联想,树立起你这本杂志的形象,产生悦目的亲切感。

让我觉得印象非常深刻的杂志封面就是去年时尚芭莎的年关时节的杂志封面,因为当时这个方面上面有非常多的演艺界的明星,每一个人的造型都非常的独特,所以给我留下了非常深刻的印象。 之所以对他印象深刻,也是因为当时网络上一直流传着这张图片,所有的娱乐界的大咖都站在整个图片的中心位置,而一些其他的新出道的明星都在边远的位置,也让人感感慨了一下,拍照片也是能够看出人的地位的。



比尔盖茨的英文简历及介绍 Bill Gates is the head of the software company Microsoft and one of the world's wealthiest Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in the 1970s, though Allen left the company in Gates oversaw the invention and marketing of the MS-DOS operating system, the Windows operating interface, the Internet Explorer browser, and a multitude of other popular computer Along the way he gained a reputation for fierce competitiveness and aggressive business During the 1990s rising Microsoft stock prices made Gates the world's wealthiest man; his wealth has at times exceeded $75 billion, making Gates a popular symbol of the ascendant computer geek of the late 20th Extra credit: Gates married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, on 1 January The couple have three children: daughters Jennifer Katharine ( 1996) and Phoebe Adele ( 2002) and son Rory John ( 1999) Gates's personal chartiable initiative, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has focused on global health issues, especially on preventing malaria and AIDS in poor countries; in 2005, ABC News reported that he had given away over six billion dollars in the previous five

检举| 2011-10-06 18:38苹果”电脑创始人之一斯蒂夫·乔布斯 英文名:Steve Paul Jobs“苹果”电脑的创始人之一,1985年获得了由里根总统授予的国家级技术勋章;1997年成为《时代周刊》的封面人物;同年被评为最成功的管理者,是声名显赫的“计算机狂人”。企业类型:计算机业。成长记录:他是一个美国式的英雄,几经起伏,但依然屹立不倒,就像海明威在《老人与海》中说到的,一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打倒。他和斯蒂夫·沃茨创造了“苹果”,掀起了个人电脑的风潮,改变了一个时代,但却在最顶峰的时候被封杀,从高楼落到谷底,但是12年后,他又卷土重来,重新开始第二个

比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),全名威廉·亨利·盖茨三世,简称比尔或盖茨。1955年10月28日出生于美国华盛顿州西雅图,企业家、软件工程师、慈善家、微软公司创始人。曾任微软董事长、CEO和首席软件设计师。比尔·盖茨13岁开始计算机编程设计 ,18岁考入哈佛大学,一年后从哈佛退学,1975年与好友保罗·艾伦一起创办了微软公司 ,比尔盖茨担任微软公司董事长、CEO和首席软件设计师。Bill Gate (Gates Bill), the full name of William Henry Gates III, referred to as Bill or G October 28, 1955 was born in Seattle, Washington, USA, entrepreneur, software engineer, and founder of Microsoft C Former chairman of Microsoft, CEO and chief software Bill Gate, 13, began a computer programming design, 18 years old admitted to Harvard University, one year after the withdrawal from Harvard, in 1975, Paul Alan and his friends founded the Microsoft Corp, Bill Gates as chairman of Microsoft Corp, CEO and chief software

Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (born February 24, 1955) is an American businessman, and the co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple I Jobs previously served as CEO of Pixar Animation Studios and is now a member of the Walt Disney Company's Board of DIn the late 1970s, Jobs, with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Mike Markkula and others, designed, developed, and marketed some of the first commercially successful lines of personal computers, the Apple II series and later, the M In the early 1980s, Jobs was among the first to see the commercial potential of the mouse-driven graphical user After losing a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985, Jobs resigned from Apple and founded NeXT, a computer platform development company specializing in the higher education and business NeXT's subsequent 1997 buyout by Apple Computer I brought Jobs back to the company he co-founded, and he has served as its CEO since In 1986, he acquired the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm Ltd which was spun off as Pixar Animation S He remained CEO and majority shareholder until its acquisition by the Walt Disney Company in Jobs is currently a member of Walt Disney Company's Board of DJobs' history in business has contributed much to the symbolic image of the idiosyncratic, individualistic Silicon Valley entrepreneur, emphasizing the importance of design and understanding the crucial role aesthetics play in public His work driving forward the development of products that are both functional and elegant has earned him a devoted Beginning in mid-January 2009, Jobs took a five-month leave of absence from Apple to undergo a liver Jobs officially resumed his role as CEO of Apple on June 29,



比尔盖茨的英文简历及介绍 Bill Gates is the head of the software company Microsoft and one of the world's wealthiest Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in the 1970s, though Allen left the company in Gates oversaw the invention and marketing of the MS-DOS operating system, the Windows operating interface, the Internet Explorer browser, and a multitude of other popular computer Along the way he gained a reputation for fierce competitiveness and aggressive business During the 1990s rising Microsoft stock prices made Gates the world's wealthiest man; his wealth has at times exceeded $75 billion, making Gates a popular symbol of the ascendant computer geek of the late 20th Extra credit: Gates married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, on 1 January The couple have three children: daughters Jennifer Katharine ( 1996) and Phoebe Adele ( 2002) and son Rory John ( 1999) Gates's personal chartiable initiative, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has focused on global health issues, especially on preventing malaria and AIDS in poor countries; in 2005, ABC News reported that he had given away over six billion dollars in the previous five 中文, 意下如何 威廉(比尔)H盖茨是全球个人计算机软件的领先供应商-微软公司的创始人、前任董事长和 首席执行官,盖茨的资产净值:564 亿美元。 盖茨出生于1955年10月28日,他和两个姐妹一起在西雅图长大。他们的父亲William HGatesII是西雅图的一名律师。他们的已故母亲Mary Gates曾任中学教师、华盛顿大学的校务委员以及United WayInternational的女主席。 盖茨曾就读于西雅图的公立小学和私立湖滨中学,在那里,他开始了自己个人计算机软件的职业经历,13岁就开始编写计算机程序 。 1973年,盖茨进入哈佛大学一年级,在那里他与Steve Ballmer住在同一楼层,后者目前是微软公司总裁。在哈佛期间,盖茨为第一台微型计算机-MITSAltair开发了BAS IC编程语言。BASIC语言是John Kemeny和Thomas Kurtz于六十年代中期在Dartmouth学院开发的一种计算机语言。 三年级时,盖茨从哈佛退学,全身心投入其与童年伙伴Paul Allen一起于1975年组建的微软公司。他们深信个人计算机将是每一部办公桌面系统以及每一家庭的非常有价值的工具,并为这 一信念所指引,开始为个人计算机开发软件。 盖茨有关个人计算机的远见和洞察力一直是微软公司和软件业界成功的关键。盖茨积极地参与微软公司的关键管理和战略性决策,并 在新产品的技术开发中发挥着重要的作用。他的相当一部分时间用于会见客户和通过电子邮件与微软公司的全球雇员保持接触。 在盖茨的领导下,微软的使命是不断地提高和改进软件技术,并使人们更加轻松、更经济有效而且更有趣味地使用计算机。微软公司 拥有长期的发展战略,这一点可以从本财政年度26亿美元的研究与开发投资中得到反映。 1995年,盖茨编写了《未来之路书》,在书中,他认为信息技术将带动社会的进步。该书的作者还包括微软公司首席技术官Na than Myhrvold以及PeterRinearson,它在《纽约时报》的最畅销书排名中连续7周位列第一,并在榜上停留了18周 之久。 《未来之路》在20多个国家出版,仅在中国就售出40多万册。 1996年,为充分利用Internet所带来的新的商机,盖茨对微软进行了战略调整,同时,他又全面修订了《未来之路》,在新 版本中,他认为交互式网络是人类通讯历史上一个主要里程碑。再版平装本同样荣登最畅销排行榜。盖茨将其稿费收入捐给了一个非盈利 基金,用于支持全世界将计算机与教学相结合的教师。 除计算机情结之外,盖茨对生物技术也很感兴趣。他是ICOS公司的董事会成员以及英国Chiroscience集团及其位于 华盛顿州的全资子公司-ChiroscienceR&D公司?前身是DarwinMolecular)的股东。他还创立 了Corbis公司,该公司正在开发全球最大的可视化信息资源之一,提供全球公共与私人收藏的艺术和摄影作品的综合性数字文档。 盖茨还与蜂窝电话的先驱者CraigMcCaw共同投资了Teledesic公司,该公司雄心勃勃地计划发射数百个近地轨道卫星 ,为全世界提供双向宽带电信服务。 在微软公司上市的12年时间里,盖茨已向慈善机构捐献8亿多美元,包括向盖茨图书馆基金会捐赠2亿美元,以帮助北美的各大图 书馆更好地利用信息时代带来的各种新技术。1994年,盖茨创立了William HGates基金会,该基金会赞助了一系列盖茨本人及其家庭感兴趣的活动。盖茨捐献的四个重点领域是:教育、世界公共卫生和人 口问题、非赢利的公众艺术机构以及一个地区性的投资计划-Puget Sound。 盖茨1994年1月1日与Melinda French Gates结婚,他们有一个孩子Jennifer Katharine Gates,1996年出生。盖茨是一个读书迷,而且很喜欢打高尔夫和桥牌。

magazine cover

例句:三年前《时代周刊》杂志的封面人物是“你”,每一个互联网用户,足以证明互联网深刻改变现代社会。 3 years ago " times weekly " magazine's cover character is " you " , each Internet user , enough proves Internet profundity changes modern society


