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ah, beautiful for centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the the allure and charm of paris captivate all who visit   啊,美丽的巴黎!几世纪来,这个城市吸引了整个世界的崇拜巴黎的诱惑与魅力吸引了所有到此游玩的人   where can you discover the charm of paris for yourself? is it in the legacy of all the french rulers who worked to beautify their beloved city? is it in the famous castles, palaces, statues and monuments, such as the eiffel tower? can you find it in the world-class museums, such as the louvre? perhaps paris' allure lies in the zest and style of the   你在哪里可以找到巴黎对你自己的吸引力呢?是否是在历任的法国统治者们在美化他所钟爱的城市所留下来的遗产里?还是在那些有名的城堡、皇宫雕像和纪念碑例如艾菲尔铁塔之中?你能否在世界一流的博物馆,倒如卢浮宫中找着呢?或许巴黎的诱惑力在于巴黎人的特殊品味和风格   when you visit paris, you don't have to spend all of your time visiting museums and they are certainly worthy of your time, but ignore them for a first take some time to look around and experience life in you'll find it   当你到巴黎游玩时,别把时间全都花在看博物馆和纪念碑上面它们当然很值得你花时间,但今天先忘掉它们首先来四处看看,并体验一下巴黎的生活你会发现它的迷人之处   take a stroll along the seine browse through the art vendors, colorful peek through delicate iron gates at the well-kept watch closely for the french attention to detail that has made france synonymous with good you will see it in the design of a doorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint no matter where you look, you will find everyday objects transformed into works by   沿著塞纳河漫步浏览艺术家们丰富色彩的绘画,透过那些精致的铁门,向内偷窥那些精心照看的花园仔细留心法国人对于细节的留心这使得法国成为“好品味”同义字你可以在门廊或拱门以及小喷泉和古怪有趣的走廊的设计上看见不管你往哪里看,你都可以发现日常物品已经变成了艺术品

The largest number of per capita Urban planning

1 satellite city development strategy and development of satelliteIndustrialization and economic development greatly promoted the development of city driving and, increasingly serious "city", such as traffic congestion, housing and the Because of the severity of the problem and the city scale have close relations, prompting some scholars to shunt flow through the city's population to restrict the development of cities, in order to solve the "(large) city urban disease" They believe that by restrict city scale, to alleviate or at least partially to solve problems, to improve urban living standards, urban residents for urban residents provide good environment, high quality service and efficient This is a satellite of the product under the Its core objective is: hope in the center city development through satellite, closure of the center city population flow, the control center city population growth, Or will the central city of some economic functions (especially the industrial function) transferred to the new Satellite city development strategy sounds very attractive and satellite development in the 1970s, officials and get practitioners, and the city governor response in some cities are carried 2 the positive role of the satelliteEmpirical study found that three aspects of satellite play:One is the control center city development, promote the development of centrifugal " If South Korea's satellite development strategy, and indirectly promoting the development of several biggest city of centrifugal, and have achieved some In 1981 to 1996, Seoul, the population of CBD from 6 to March 2, 1, a total population of rings from 4% to 43, 26, 1% At the same time, on the total population, from within 50 percent to 70 percent,From the perspective of employment, industrial satellite in Seoul, slow employment pressure is very In 1981-1990 period, the traditional Korean industrial city of Seoul, busan taegu, its employment growth rate than the national average 72% of employment growth rate lower by 20 In sharp contrast, the port city at Seoul satellite incheon near the employment growth period for 106%Two is to promote the development of urban transit oriented Such as Singapore, it's public transport system for public transportation allows people to use high strength, 74% of public transportation routes to residents through work (Cervero, 1998) Singapore is on railway Tampines provide transportation service is one of the new town, it not only in the MRT and in the bus interchange service are Further, the city including Singapore development bank, entertainment and business opportunities of As Cervero (1998), "all the houses in the center of the residential area to ten minutes, within walking distance to the school, park, entertainment center is usually only need to take a short public "Three is to provide inner city residents living in another choice, which can improve the quality of Economics theory, more choice can improve the welfare of The Singapore provides cheap and convenient and efficient public transportation, satellite town for urban residents of the housing provided relatively high quality and affordable housing consumption, so as to improve the quality of life in urban From this point, Singapore is





英国的绿色建筑是为了可持续发展而提出的,建筑业对于环境的影响众所周知,而绿色建筑是以推广生态,环保,节能,减排和健康为特征,是治理当前环境危机的关键。 当下,绿色建筑的理念是为了解决自然环境与建筑环境的对立而提出的。




·专著张彤 整体地区建筑[M]南京:东南大学出版社,张彤 绿色北欧:可持续发展的城市与建筑[M]南京:东南大学出版社,ZHANG T THE TONGLI EXPERIMENT—I Function and Meaning in a Chinese Town[M]Zürich:Eidgenössische Technische Hochshule,王建国,张彤 安藤忠雄[M]北京:中国建筑工业出版社,韩冬青,张彤 杨廷宝设计作品选[M]北京:中国建筑工业出版社,张彤,鲍莉 建筑的责任:东南大学援建汶川“5·12”特大地震灾后重建工作纪实[M]南京:东南大学出版社,·论文和书中章节张彤 建筑是地方的—地方建筑学研究初探[J] 新建筑,1997(3) 张彤 钟亭的坐标—对南京大钟亭综合服务楼设计创作的思考[J] 华中建筑,1998(1) 张彤 整体地域建筑理论框架概述[J] 华中建筑,1999(3) 张彤 持续的地区性——东南大学建筑研究所设计实践中地区主义探索[J]建筑师,1999(总第90期) 张彤 场所集结——镇海口海防历史纪念馆建筑设计中的场所性思考[J] 建筑师,2000总第92期) 张彤,齐康 形的转化——中国人民解放军海军诞生地纪念馆设计反思[J]建筑学报,2001(8) 郭华瑜,张彤 紫禁城与凡尔赛——东西方绝对君权制度下的宫殿建筑比较[J] 华中建筑,2001(1) 张彤 真实建筑——彼得·卒姆托的作品与思想[J] 建筑师,2001(总第99期) 张彤(译) 一种观察事物的方法[J]建筑学报,2001(总第99期)张彤 超越设计的完美——保罗·安德鲁建筑思想评析[J] 建筑师,2002(总第100期) 张彤 真实的设计[J]建筑学报,2004(9) 张彤 边界[J] 建筑百家言续篇:青年建筑师的声音北京:中国建筑工业出版社,龚恺,张彤,吴锦绣 借鉴-互动-创新:东南大学建筑学院建筑设计课程中外联合(合作)教学[J] 世界建筑,2005(3) 王建国,张彤 上海世界博览会规划设计[J] 世界建筑导报·设计论坛,2005(4) 张彤 上海世界博览会中国国家馆与地区馆[J] 世界建筑导报·设计论坛,2005(4) 张彤,崔富得 传统与现代――韩国建筑考察论坛记述[J] 室内设计与装修,2005(10) 张彤 光的印刻:天印艺术会馆设计实录[J] 城市建筑,2006(2) 张彤 绿色福利:可持续发展的瑞典城市与建筑[J] 世界建筑,2007(7) 张彤 哈默比湖城的环境信息中心[J] 世界建筑,2007(7) 张彤 卡桑-怀特建筑师事务所办公楼[J] 世界建筑,2007(7) 张彤 中瑞生态建筑研究中心[J] 城市建筑,2008(4) 张彤 绵竹市广济镇灾后重建的规划设计与几点思考[J] 时代建筑,2009(1) 张彤,胡晓明 材料笔迹:对七桥瓮木构亭设计的思考[J] 建筑师,2009(总第139期) 张彤 设计教会我理解生活-建筑师张彤访谈[J] 中国建筑教育,2009(总第2册) 张彤 空间调节:中国普天信息产业上海工业园智能生态科研楼的被动式节能建筑设计[J] 生态城市与绿色建筑,2010春季刊创刊号张彤 Space Conditioning 建筑师的“空调”策略[J] DomusChina,2010(7/8) 张彤、韩冬青、王建国、鲍莉 绵竹市广济镇灾后重建的整体性设计[J] 建筑学报,2010(9) 张彤、职朴、赵玥 绵竹市广济镇卫生院[J] 建筑学报,2010(9) 张慧、张彤 相遇于建筑-东南大学设计课程在第12届威尼斯国际建筑双年展中[J] 建筑学报,2010(12) 现代主义:国际风格中的地区性维度,建筑与地域文化国际研讨会暨中国建筑学会2001年学术年会,2001年12月,北京 回归地域资源的建筑技术,第四届亚洲建筑国际交流会,2002年9月,重庆 Traditional Living in China: The Space and Philosophy, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, J 2007, S Urban Boom and KTH Collaboration, Academic Forum “Sustainable Urban Development” and China-EU Research Cooperation, O2007, 济南 Space-conditioning 从空气调节到空间调节:普天智能生态科研楼设计,中国建筑学会理论与创作委员会年会,2008年7月,呼和浩特 The Rebirth of a Small Town in Sichuan after the Earthquake, Woodbury University, USA, October, 2008, Los A 空间调节:资源与环境自觉的建筑设计,中国绿色建筑与建筑节能委员会2009年年会暨绿色建筑青年委员会成立大会,2009年12月,杭州 空间调节:资源与环境自觉的建筑设计,第六届国际绿色建筑与建筑节能大会,2010年3月,北京 与瑞典皇家工学院联合组织学术论坛Sustainable Urbanism and Architecture ,并做主旨发言SEU-KTH Collaboration on the Research of Sustainable Architecture, Swedish Pavilion, 上海2010年世博会,2010年6月,上海 Eco-Potevio: a Pilot Green Office Project in Shanghai, Knowledge Exchange with Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development, UN Pavilion, 上海2010年世博会,2010年9月,上海 空间调节:资源与环境自觉的建筑设计-兼论东南大学建筑学院在绿色建筑实践与教学方面的探索,“低碳城市与建筑”2010首届中英高端论坛,2010年12月,哈尔滨张彤,1969年03月31日出生于广东广州,1996年毕业于美国哥伦比亚大学,计算机硕士。前美国银行全球债券交易部高级副总裁,前美林证券信用交易部董事。现任广州财略科技有限公司创始人兼CEO,广州民间金融研究院金融创新研究中心主任,暨南大学经管学院客座教授。2015年12月23日,张彤所带领考拉理财获得2000万元的A轮投资。 资源自觉与性能驱动的建筑设计:兼论东南大学建筑学院在绿色建筑实践与教学方面的探索,第七届国际绿色建筑与建筑节能大会,2011年3月,北京


ah, beautiful for centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the the allure and charm of paris captivate all who visit   啊,美丽的巴黎!几世纪来,这个城市吸引了整个世界的崇拜巴黎的诱惑与魅力吸引了所有到此游玩的人   where can you discover the charm of paris for yourself? is it in the legacy of all the french rulers who worked to beautify their beloved city? is it in the famous castles, palaces, statues and monuments, such as the eiffel tower? can you find it in the world-class museums, such as the louvre? perhaps paris' allure lies in the zest and style of the   你在哪里可以找到巴黎对你自己的吸引力呢?是否是在历任的法国统治者们在美化他所钟爱的城市所留下来的遗产里?还是在那些有名的城堡、皇宫雕像和纪念碑例如艾菲尔铁塔之中?你能否在世界一流的博物馆,倒如卢浮宫中找着呢?或许巴黎的诱惑力在于巴黎人的特殊品味和风格   when you visit paris, you don't have to spend all of your time visiting museums and they are certainly worthy of your time, but ignore them for a first take some time to look around and experience life in you'll find it   当你到巴黎游玩时,别把时间全都花在看博物馆和纪念碑上面它们当然很值得你花时间,但今天先忘掉它们首先来四处看看,并体验一下巴黎的生活你会发现它的迷人之处   take a stroll along the seine browse through the art vendors, colorful peek through delicate iron gates at the well-kept watch closely for the french attention to detail that has made france synonymous with good you will see it in the design of a doorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint no matter where you look, you will find everyday objects transformed into works by   沿著塞纳河漫步浏览艺术家们丰富色彩的绘画,透过那些精致的铁门,向内偷窥那些精心照看的花园仔细留心法国人对于细节的留心这使得法国成为“好品味”同义字你可以在门廊或拱门以及小喷泉和古怪有趣的走廊的设计上看见不管你往哪里看,你都可以发现日常物品已经变成了艺术品

In ancient times Yueyang was called 'Baling or Yuezhou' and is a historic and cultural city with a long history of more than 2,500 Located at the northeast of Hunan Province, neighboring Jiangxi Province in the east and Hubei Province in the north, Yueyang was a hinterland of military importance during the past Nowadays, renowned for so many historic interests, Yueyang is ranked as one of the 'China's Top Tourism Destination Cities'Yueyang City's governance covers 3 municipal districts (Yueyang Lou District, Junshan District, Yunxi District), 4 counties (Yueyang County, Huarong County, Xiangyin County, Pingjiang County) and 2 county-level cities (Miluo City, Linxiang City) In Yueyang, the white and beautiful gardenia is its city flower while the flourishing Duying (Long-flowered ehretia) tree is its city The flowers and the trees add a charming lustre to YHowever, Yueyang's real charm rests with human cultural relics as well as the natural The well-known Yueyang Pavilion (Yueyang Lou) is one of the three famous pavilions in South C China's second largest freshwater lake Dongting Lake is a good tourist destination in Y On the lake is located an island called Junshan Hill and is also a good tourist From a cultural aspect, the Miluo River is worthy of a visit because it is the place where the story about 'Qu Yuan (339BC-278 BC) Drowning in the Miluo River' Yueyang is prolific in natural resources due to its rich soil: Yueyang is the agricultural products base for producing high-quality grain, cotton, pigs, fish The agricultural by-products like organic tea, organically grown vegetables and high-quality fruit, Dongting Lake shrimp sell well on the Moreover, the freshwater resource is plentiful and advantageous for the development of the plant industry, freshwater fisheries industry and the shipping Yueyang is a burgeoning industrial city: The Petroleum and Chemical Industry is flourishing, which makes Yueyang the biggest petroleum and chemical base in the mid-south area of China; paper-making, the textile industry and the machine industry are also well Yueyang boasts of Dongting Ramie Textile Printing and a Dyeing Mill which is the biggest in Asia with the textiles being sold to the countries in Southeast Asia and the OIn Yueyang, tourists need no worries in regard to Tourists can reach Changsha Huanghua International Airport which is only 130 kilometers (78 miles) from Yueyang and takes about one hour's ride on the high-speed motorway to Y The high-speed motorway system for road transportation has been long established in Yueyang and radiates in all Transportation by water is also convenient in Yueyang because Yueyang is the only port in Hunan Province which is beside the Yangtze R


