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浅探当代国际贸易新理论对我国对外贸易战略的启示在我国对外贸易规模不断扩大的今天,要想提高我国的国际竞争力,必须重视国际上20世纪70年代以后兴起的国际贸易新理论,实施创新的对外贸易战略,打造具有国际竞争优势的产业。本文通过研究当代国际贸易理论的新发展对我国外贸发展的启示,分析探讨了我国应该如何制定相应的政策,采取相应的对策来促进我国对外贸易的发展。一、当代国际贸易理论的新进展二战后随着科学技术的进步和生产力的不断发展,国际贸易的规模、商品结构和地区分布也发生了很大变化。经济学家在国际贸易理论研究中不断探索,20世纪70年代以来先后出现的影响较大的国际贸易新理论有以下几种:1、战略性贸易政策理论战略性贸易政策理论产生于2O世纪7O年代以来“新贸易保护主义”盛行的背景之下,由美国经济学家保罗·克鲁格曼等人于2O世纪8O年代中期提出,主要内容包括两方面:(1)以内部规模经济为基础的利润转移理论;(2)以外部规模经济为基础的外部经济理论。2、产业内贸易理论20世纪70年代格鲁贝尔和劳埃德等人开创了产业内贸易理论研究,到20世纪80年代初美国经济学家克鲁格曼进一步推动了这一理论的发展。该理论不同于侧重论述产业间贸易的传统贸易理论,代写毕业论文它侧重研究贸易双方在同一产业中既出口又进口同类异质产品的产业内贸易。在不完全竞争产业中,规模经济和产品差异是产业内贸易形成的决定因素。3、产品生命周期理论产品生命周期理论由美国销售学家弗农于1966年首先提出,经威尔斯、赫希哲等人不断完善。产品生命周期理论认为,由于技术创新和扩散,制成品和生物一样具有生命周期。产品生命周期包括五个阶段:(1)新生期;(2)成长期;(3)成熟期;(4)销售下降期;(5)让与期。4、国家竞争优势理论20世纪80年代以来,美国哈佛大学的迈克尔·波特提出并完善了国家竞争优势理论。国家竞争优势理论与传统比较优势理论和要素禀赋理论不同之处在于,该理论认为一个国家之所以能够兴旺发达,其根本原因在于该国的国际竞争优势,这种竞争优势源于一个相互增强的系统,在这个系统中,有四个关键因素影响一国在国际市场上建立和保持竞争优势的能力,这四个因素是:(1)生产要素;(2)国内需求;(3)相关产业;(4)企业战略、组织和竞争度。二、当代国际贸易新理论对我国对外贸易战略的启示1、积极转化国家的竞争优势比较优势是由一国资源禀赋和交易条件所决定的静态优势,是获取竞争优势的条件。竞争优势则是一种将潜在优势转化为现实优势的综合能力的作用结果。比较优势作为一种潜在优势,只有最终转化为竞争优势,才能形成真正的出口竞争力。根据生产要素禀赋,我国一直以来具有劳动力资源的比较优势,但是,在当今国际市场上劳动密集型产品的比较优势并不一定具有国际竞争优势。要确立把比较优势转换为竞争优势的外贸战略。2、高新技术产业发展至关重要由国际产品生命周期理论可以推知:创新国是国际贸易利益的最大获益者。这是因为:在产品的新生期和成长期,创新国以其技术优势垄断了国内和国际市场,因而可以获得大量超额垄断利润;在产品的成熟期进入所谓的“大规模生产”阶段,创新国可以获得巨额规模经济效益;在产品的销售下降期和让与期,创新国在国外投资建厂,输出其知识产权和品牌,延长其产品的生命周期,在国际市场上继续赚取利润。3、发展高层次产业内贸易是提高对外贸易竞争力的重要手段随着国际经济贸易的发展,产业内贸易在给各贸易国带来贸易利益的同时,Probe into New Theory of International Trade Implications of China Foreign Trade Strategy Growing scale of foreign trade in China today, in order to enhance China's international competitiveness, must pay attention to the international community 70 years after the 20th century Xingqi new theory of international trade, the implementation of the Duiwaimaoyi innovation strategy, create an international competitive advantage in the This paper studies the contemporary new development of international trade theory enlightenment for the development of China's foreign trade, analysis of how China should formulate corresponding policies and take corresponding measures to promote the development of China's foreign First, the contemporary theory of international trade, new progress After World War II with the scientific and technological progress and productivity of the continuous development of international trade size, structure and regional distribution of goods, great changes have taken Theory of international trade economist and continuously explore the 20th century, has emerged since the 70's influential new theory of international trade, the following: 1, Strategic Trade Policy Strategic trade policy arise from 7O 2O century since the "new trade protectionism," the prevalence of background, the US economist Paul Krugman, who in the mid 8O 2O century, proposed, mainly including two aspects : (1) internal economies of scale-based theory of profit transfer; (2) based on external economies of scale external economic 2, intra-industry trade theory 20th century 70s Grubel and Lloyd, who created the industry trade theory, to the early 20th century US economist Paul Krugman of 80 to further promote the development of this The theory is different from the focus on inter-industry trade paper the traditional trade theory, on behalf of my thesis research is focused on trade, both sides in the same industry, the export of products they import the same heterogeneous industry Not perfectly competitive industries, economies of scale and product differentiation is the formation of intra-industry trade 3, the product life cycle theory Product life cycle theory Sales Vernon by the United States first proposed in 1966 by Prince, He Xizhe and others Product life cycle theory, as technological innovation and diffusion, and biological products, like life- Product life cycle consists of five stages: (1) Neonatal; (2) growth stage; (3) maturity; (4) decline of sales; (5) for and 4, Competitive Advantage of Nations Since the 80s of the 20th century, Harvard's Michael Porter and improve the Competitive Advantage of N Competitive Advantage of Nations and the traditional theory of comparative advantage and factor endowments theory of difference is, the theory that a country has been able to flourish, and the fundamental reason is the country's international competitive advantage, this competitive advantage derived from a mutually reinforcing system, in this system, there are four key factors that affect a country in the international market, establish and maintain a competitive edge in the ability of these four factors are: (1) factors of production; (2) domestic demand; (3) related industries ; (4) business strategy, organizational and competitive Second, the contemporary theory of international trade on China's foreign trade strategy for new inspiration 1, the positive transformation of the national competitive advantage Comparative advantage in natural resources by a country and trading conditions determine the static strengths are the conditions for competitive Competitive advantage is a way to advantage the potential into real ability to effect the comprehensive Comparative advantage as a potential advantage, only the final into a competitive advantage, to form a real export According to the production factor endowment, along with China's comparative advantage in labor resources, but in today's international market, the comparative advantage of labor-intensive products do not necessarily have an international competitive To establish the comparative advantages into competitive advantages in foreign trade 2, high-tech industries vital to the development By the international product life cycle theory can be deduced: Innovation is the international trade interests of the country's biggest This is because: the product of Neonatal and growth, innovation and technical superiority of its state monopoly of domestic and international markets, and thus get a lot of excess monopoly profits; in product maturity into the so-called "mass production" stage, innovation States can get huge economies of scale; in product sales were down period and give and of innovation invest and build factories in foreign countries, the output of its intellectual property and brand to extend its product life Zhou Qi, in the international market continue to make a 3, the development of high-level intra-industry trade is to improve the competitiveness of an important means of foreign trade With the international economic and trade development, intra-industry trade in all trading nations to bring trade interests, 翻译为:



一、电子商务对国际贸易的影响1(一) 电子商务的内涵与特点1(二) 电子商务对国际贸易的影响6二、中国发展电子商务的现状及存在的问题11(一)我国电子商务的发展现状11(二) 存在的问题12(三) 中国对外贸易的重新定位15三、中国利用电子商务促进对外贸易的策略17(一) 电子商务在出口贸易中的效益体现17(二)开拓新的国际市场要求发展无纸贸易17(三)迎接挑战的对策19结论23致谢24参考文献25附录一26附录二31摘 要在向信息经济世界的转变过程中,传统商务由于存在太多的弊端,已经不能胜任现时条件下的贸易环境。电子商务作为因特网技术发展日益成熟的直接结果,是未来商业发展的新方向。电子商务(Electronic Commence)是一种以电子数据交换EDI和Internet网上交易为主要内容的全新商务模式。其体现的开放性、全球性、地域性、低成本和高效率等内在特征,在符合商业经济内在要求的同时,还使其超越了作为一种新的贸易形式所具有的价值。它不仅改变了企业本身的生产、经营、管理,而且对传统的贸易方式带来冲击。其最明显的标志就是增加了贸易机会、降低贸易成本、提高贸易效益。在带动经济结构变革的同时,对整个现代经济生活产生了巨大而且深远的影响。对此,中国作为经济正在发展的贸易大国,在电子商务的挑战之下,要同时面对其带来的压力和机遇,进行自我调整,以求跟上其快速变革的步伐。要大力发展电子商务,在今后的贸易竞争中占据主动,应拿出自己的举措,以赢得和发达国家站在同一起跑线上的机会。关键词 电子商务 数据交换 因特网 国际贸易AbstractIn the shifting to information economy, traditional commerce is out of the steps of time because of its lot As the direct result from the development of cyber internet technology, EC (Electronic Commerce) is the new direction of future EC includes EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and business on It is a definitely new business Its inner nature such as global, regional, low cost and high efficiency make it more valuable than its virtual value as a new business At the same time, it is also accord with demands from EC not only changes producing, management, but impact on traditional commerce The most obvious symbol is increase business opportunities, decrease of trading cost, and getting more business It leads profound affection to the whole economic life when it changes economic China wants to be a great developing trading It is necessary to act We need making strategy to face EC, to face the impact, the pressure and chances in order to control our foreign business Justify by us in order to follow EC steps in That is the right way for us to challenge with other developed Key word Electronic Commerce Electronic Data Interchange Internet International trading(三)中国对外贸易的重新定位中国的贸易必须在世界贸易从传统贸易向国际网络贸易转化中重新为自己定位,就是使中国贸易从传统贸易转化为网络贸易。为此,我们要积极推进中国贸易从传统贸易向国际网络贸易的革命性的转化,这一推进要通过市场与政府有效结合的方式来进行。值得指出的是,中国已经初步地“尝到了网络贸易的甜头”,1998年1~5月份,中国的出口本来应该受亚洲货币金融危机的影响而有较大幅度的下降,但是,1998年1~5月份中国的外贸进出口却保持着增长,据海关统计,1998年1~5月份,中国外贸进出口总值达1 9亿美元,比去年同期增长4%,其中出口1亿美元,增长6%,进口8%亿美元,增长5%,其中一个重要的决定因素就是,中国在1998年的春季广交会上,利用互联网向全球2 000多家外商发出了电子邮件,这使得在东南亚金融危机后的这次广交会的出席人数达5万人,为历年广交会人数最多的一次。在这次广交会上,中国同东南亚和韩国达成的交易额下降了60%,而同欧洲、美洲、中东、非洲的交易额则增长20%~30%。占中国出口四成的本次广交会出口成交额比上年增长10%以上。据海关统计,1998年1~4月份,中国对亚洲出口增长8%,对亚洲出口的比重比去年同期下降了6%,而对欧洲、美国、非洲、南美的出口却分别增长了6%、7%、9%、1%,它们占中国外贸出口的比重也有一定幅度的增加,很显然,中国外贸的这一变化是与对国际互联网电子邮件利用密切相关的。中国外经贸部宣布“中国商品市场”已于1998年7月8日正式进入因特网,它将成为目前因特网上最大的中国商品数据库,向外商展示中国商品信息,这为许多企业进入网络,提供了新机会。这一“中国商品市场”就利用网络发布信息这一形式而言,与中国已有的在网络上建立站点发布信息的企业一样。很明显,对于它们都有或将有从发布信息,深化到销售产品和以网络为基础的企业业务往来、企业间培训、客户培训、售后服务等商务活动的必要。这也是应该挖掘网络收益的一个取向,既要利用网络来捕捉更多的贸易机会,扩大市场的范围,又要通过网络来使得比较优势和竞争优势升级。另外,一定要注意网络安全问题。还有,也是至关重要的,中国应对网络贸易立法,且对已存在的对外贸易法进行修改。有理由相信,随着中国外贸逐步地从传统贸易转化为网络贸易,中国网络贸易的发展必然使中国的贸易呈现出一种新的局面英文是:With economic development and the progress of the times, people of the original concept of marriage constantly being challenged, while the concept of legal system is further Due to various reasons, divorce cases each year are on the rise, the husband and wife in a divorce case and deal with common property that has become increasingly difficult, reflected by the status of more and more important, it has a bearing on social stability and unity, and economic construction can proceed Debt Settlement of joint processing and housing is dealt with divorce, division of property compared the two main issues, the 2001 Marriage Law, promulgated and implemented the new sound of the old Marriage Law of the many deficiencies, but its institutional division of property in a divorce there are still some Therefore, the perfect family property system and properly handle the divorce, division of matrimonial property has strong practical

浅探当代国际贸易新理论对我国对外贸易战略的启示在我国对外贸易规模不断扩大的今天,要想提高我国的国际竞争力,必须重视国际上20世纪70年代以后兴起的国际贸易新理论,实施创新的对外贸易战略,打造具有国际竞争优势的产业。本文通过研究当代国际贸易理论的新发展对我国外贸发展的启示,分析探讨了我国应该如何制定相应的政策,采取相应的对策来促进我国对外贸易的发展。一、当代国际贸易理论的新进展二战后随着科学技术的进步和生产力的不断发展,国际贸易的规模、商品结构和地区分布也发生了很大变化。经济学家在国际贸易理论研究中不断探索,20世纪70年代以来先后出现的影响较大的国际贸易新理论有以下几种:1、战略性贸易政策理论战略性贸易政策理论产生于2O世纪7O年代以来“新贸易保护主义”盛行的背景之下,由美国经济学家保罗·克鲁格曼等人于2O世纪8O年代中期提出,主要内容包括两方面:(1)以内部规模经济为基础的利润转移理论;(2)以外部规模经济为基础的外部经济理论。2、产业内贸易理论20世纪70年代格鲁贝尔和劳埃德等人开创了产业内贸易理论研究,到20世纪80年代初美国经济学家克鲁格曼进一步推动了这一理论的发展。该理论不同于侧重论述产业间贸易的传统贸易理论,代写毕业论文它侧重研究贸易双方在同一产业中既出口又进口同类异质产品的产业内贸易。在不完全竞争产业中,规模经济和产品差异是产业内贸易形成的决定因素。3、产品生命周期理论产品生命周期理论由美国销售学家弗农于1966年首先提出,经威尔斯、赫希哲等人不断完善。产品生命周期理论认为,由于技术创新和扩散,制成品和生物一样具有生命周期。产品生命周期包括五个阶段:(1)新生期;(2)成长期;(3)成熟期;(4)销售下降期;(5)让与期。4、国家竞争优势理论20世纪80年代以来,美国哈佛大学的迈克尔·波特提出并完善了国家竞争优势理论。国家竞争优势理论与传统比较优势理论和要素禀赋理论不同之处在于,该理论认为一个国家之所以能够兴旺发达,其根本原因在于该国的国际竞争优势,这种竞争优势源于一个相互增强的系统,在这个系统中,有四个关键因素影响一国在国际市场上建立和保持竞争优势的能力,这四个因素是:(1)生产要素;(2)国内需求;(3)相关产业;(4)企业战略、组织和竞争度。二、当代国际贸易新理论对我国对外贸易战略的启示1、积极转化国家的竞争优势比较优势是由一国资源禀赋和交易条件所决定的静态优势,是获取竞争优势的条件。竞争优势则是一种将潜在优势转化为现实优势的综合能力的作用结果。比较优势作为一种潜在优势,只有最终转化为竞争优势,才能形成真正的出口竞争力。根据生产要素禀赋,我国一直以来具有劳动力资源的比较优势,但是,在当今国际市场上劳动密集型产品的比较优势并不一定具有国际竞争优势。要确立把比较优势转换为竞争优势的外贸战略。2、高新技术产业发展至关重要由国际产品生命周期理论可以推知:创新国是国际贸易利益的最大获益者。这是因为:在产品的新生期和成长期,创新国以其技术优势垄断了国内和国际市场,因而可以获得大量超额垄断利润;在产品的成熟期进入所谓的“大规模生产”阶段,创新国可以获得巨额规模经济效益;在产品的销售下降期和让与期,创新国在国外投资建厂,输出其知识产权和品牌,延长其产品的生命周期,在国际市场上继续赚取利润。3、发展高层次产业内贸易是提高对外贸易竞争力的重要手段随着国际经济贸易的发展,产业内贸易在给各贸易国带来贸易利益的同时,Probe into New Theory of International Trade Implications of China Foreign Trade Strategy Growing scale of foreign trade in China today, in order to enhance China's international competitiveness, must pay attention to the international community 70 years after the 20th century Xingqi new theory of international trade, the implementation of the Duiwaimaoyi innovation strategy, create an international competitive advantage in the This paper studies the contemporary new development of international trade theory enlightenment for the development of China's foreign trade, analysis of how China should formulate corresponding policies and take corresponding measures to promote the development of China's foreign First, the contemporary theory of international trade, new progress After World War II with the scientific and technological progress and productivity of the continuous development of international trade size, structure and regional distribution of goods, great changes have taken Theory of international trade economist and continuously explore the 20th century, has emerged since the 70's influential new theory of international trade, the following: 1, Strategic Trade Policy Strategic trade policy arise from 7O 2O century since the "new trade protectionism," the prevalence of background, the US economist Paul Krugman, who in the mid 8O 2O century, proposed, mainly including two aspects : (1) internal economies of scale-based theory of profit transfer; (2) based on external economies of scale external economic 2, intra-industry trade theory 20th century 70s Grubel and Lloyd, who created the industry trade theory, to the early 20th century US economist Paul Krugman of 80 to further promote the development of this The theory is different from the focus on inter-industry trade paper the traditional trade theory, on behalf of my thesis research is focused on trade, both sides in the same industry, the export of products they import the same heterogeneous industry Not perfectly competitive industries, economies of scale and product differentiation is the formation of intra-industry trade 3, the product life cycle theory Product life cycle theory Sales Vernon by the United States first proposed in 1966 by Prince, He Xizhe and others Product life cycle theory, as technological innovation and diffusion, and biological products, like life- Product life cycle consists of five stages: (1) Neonatal; (2) growth stage; (3) maturity; (4) decline of sales; (5) for and 4, Competitive Advantage of Nations Since the 80s of the 20th century, Harvard's Michael Porter and improve the Competitive Advantage of N Competitive Advantage of Nations and the traditional theory of comparative advantage and factor endowments theory of difference is, the theory that a country has been able to flourish, and the fundamental reason is the country's international competitive advantage, this competitive advantage derived from a mutually reinforcing system, in this system, there are four key factors that affect a country in the international market, establish and maintain a competitive edge in the ability of these four factors are: (1) factors of production; (2) domestic demand; (3) related industries ; (4) business strategy, organizational and competitive Second, the contemporary theory of international trade on China's foreign trade strategy for new inspiration 1, the positive transformation of the national competitive advantage Comparative advantage in natural resources by a country and trading conditions determine the static strengths are the conditions for competitive Competitive advantage is a way to advantage the potential into real ability to effect the comprehensive Comparative advantage as a potential advantage, only the final into a competitive advantage, to form a real export According to the production factor endowment, along with China's comparative advantage in labor resources, but in today's international market, the comparative advantage of labor-intensive products do not necessarily have an international competitive To establish the comparative advantages into competitive advantages in foreign trade 2, high-tech industries vital to the development By the international product life cycle theory can be deduced: Innovation is the international trade interests of the country's biggest This is because: the product of Neonatal and growth, innovation and technical superiority of its state monopoly of domestic and international markets, and thus get a lot of excess monopoly profits; in product maturity into the so-called "mass production" stage, innovation States can get huge economies of scale; in product sales were down period and give and of innovation invest and build factories in foreign countries, the output of its intellectual property and brand to extend its product life Zhou Qi, in the international market continue to make a 3, the development of high-level intra-industry trade is to improve the competitiveness of an important means of foreign trade With the international economic and trade development, intra-industry trade in all trading nations to bring trade interests, 翻译为:


你可以参考如下文献资料:   1、 杨良宜著:《信用证》,中国政法大学出版社1998年版   2、 韩德培主编:《国际私法新论》,武汉大学出版社1997年版   3、 薛兆诚著:《信用证实务大全》,香港万源财经资讯公司1986年版   4、 王江雨译:《美国统一商法典---信用证篇》,中国法制出版社1998年版   5、 杨良宜著:《外贸及海运 货物索赔新发展》,大连海运学院1994年版   6、 顾民著:《最新信用证操作指南》,对外经济贸易大学出版社2000年版   7、 陈正云著:《金融欺诈及其防治》,法律出版社1997年版 ------------------------------ 贸茂白菜萝卜 贸茂网-合众外贸帮助团-以振兴中华贸易为己任。

浅探当代国际贸易新理论对我国对外贸易战略的启示在我国对外贸易规模不断扩大的今天,要想提高我国的国际竞争力,必须重视国际上20世纪70年代以后兴起的国际贸易新理论,实施创新的对外贸易战略,打造具有国际竞争优势的产业。本文通过研究当代国际贸易理论的新发展对我国外贸发展的启示,分析探讨了我国应该如何制定相应的政策,采取相应的对策来促进我国对外贸易的发展。一、当代国际贸易理论的新进展二战后随着科学技术的进步和生产力的不断发展,国际贸易的规模、商品结构和地区分布也发生了很大变化。经济学家在国际贸易理论研究中不断探索,20世纪70年代以来先后出现的影响较大的国际贸易新理论有以下几种:1、战略性贸易政策理论战略性贸易政策理论产生于2O世纪7O年代以来“新贸易保护主义”盛行的背景之下,由美国经济学家保罗·克鲁格曼等人于2O世纪8O年代中期提出,主要内容包括两方面:(1)以内部规模经济为基础的利润转移理论;(2)以外部规模经济为基础的外部经济理论。2、产业内贸易理论20世纪70年代格鲁贝尔和劳埃德等人开创了产业内贸易理论研究,到20世纪80年代初美国经济学家克鲁格曼进一步推动了这一理论的发展。该理论不同于侧重论述产业间贸易的传统贸易理论,代写毕业论文它侧重研究贸易双方在同一产业中既出口又进口同类异质产品的产业内贸易。在不完全竞争产业中,规模经济和产品差异是产业内贸易形成的决定因素。3、产品生命周期理论产品生命周期理论由美国销售学家弗农于1966年首先提出,经威尔斯、赫希哲等人不断完善。产品生命周期理论认为,由于技术创新和扩散,制成品和生物一样具有生命周期。产品生命周期包括五个阶段:(1)新生期;(2)成长期;(3)成熟期;(4)销售下降期;(5)让与期。4、国家竞争优势理论20世纪80年代以来,美国哈佛大学的迈克尔·波特提出并完善了国家竞争优势理论。国家竞争优势理论与传统比较优势理论和要素禀赋理论不同之处在于,该理论认为一个国家之所以能够兴旺发达,其根本原因在于该国的国际竞争优势,这种竞争优势源于一个相互增强的系统,在这个系统中,有四个关键因素影响一国在国际市场上建立和保持竞争优势的能力,这四个因素是:(1)生产要素;(2)国内需求;(3)相关产业;(4)企业战略、组织和竞争度。二、当代国际贸易新理论对我国对外贸易战略的启示1、积极转化国家的竞争优势比较优势是由一国资源禀赋和交易条件所决定的静态优势,是获取竞争优势的条件。竞争优势则是一种将潜在优势转化为现实优势的综合能力的作用结果。比较优势作为一种潜在优势,只有最终转化为竞争优势,才能形成真正的出口竞争力。根据生产要素禀赋,我国一直以来具有劳动力资源的比较优势,但是,在当今国际市场上劳动密集型产品的比较优势并不一定具有国际竞争优势。要确立把比较优势转换为竞争优势的外贸战略。2、高新技术产业发展至关重要由国际产品生命周期理论可以推知:创新国是国际贸易利益的最大获益者。这是因为:在产品的新生期和成长期,创新国以其技术优势垄断了国内和国际市场,因而可以获得大量超额垄断利润;在产品的成熟期进入所谓的“大规模生产”阶段,创新国可以获得巨额规模经济效益;在产品的销售下降期和让与期,创新国在国外投资建厂,输出其知识产权和品牌,延长其产品的生命周期,在国际市场上继续赚取利润。3、发展高层次产业内贸易是提高对外贸易竞争力的重要手段随着国际经济贸易的发展,产业内贸易在给各贸易国带来贸易利益的同时,Probe into New Theory of International Trade Implications of China Foreign Trade Strategy Growing scale of foreign trade in China today, in order to enhance China's international competitiveness, must pay attention to the international community 70 years after the 20th century Xingqi new theory of international trade, the implementation of the Duiwaimaoyi innovation strategy, create an international competitive advantage in the This paper studies the contemporary new development of international trade theory enlightenment for the development of China's foreign trade, analysis of how China should formulate corresponding policies and take corresponding measures to promote the development of China's foreign First, the contemporary theory of international trade, new progress After World War II with the scientific and technological progress and productivity of the continuous development of international trade size, structure and regional distribution of goods, great changes have taken Theory of international trade economist and continuously explore the 20th century, has emerged since the 70's influential new theory of international trade, the following: 1, Strategic Trade Policy Strategic trade policy arise from 7O 2O century since the "new trade protectionism," the prevalence of background, the US economist Paul Krugman, who in the mid 8O 2O century, proposed, mainly including two aspects : (1) internal economies of scale-based theory of profit transfer; (2) based on external economies of scale external economic 2, intra-industry trade theory 20th century 70s Grubel and Lloyd, who created the industry trade theory, to the early 20th century US economist Paul Krugman of 80 to further promote the development of this The theory is different from the focus on inter-industry trade paper the traditional trade theory, on behalf of my thesis research is focused on trade, both sides in the same industry, the export of products they import the same heterogeneous industry Not perfectly competitive industries, economies of scale and product differentiation is the formation of intra-industry trade 3, the product life cycle theory Product life cycle theory Sales Vernon by the United States first proposed in 1966 by Prince, He Xizhe and others Product life cycle theory, as technological innovation and diffusion, and biological products, like life- Product life cycle consists of five stages: (1) Neonatal; (2) growth stage; (3) maturity; (4) decline of sales; (5) for and 4, Competitive Advantage of Nations Since the 80s of the 20th century, Harvard's Michael Porter and improve the Competitive Advantage of N Competitive Advantage of Nations and the traditional theory of comparative advantage and factor endowments theory of difference is, the theory that a country has been able to flourish, and the fundamental reason is the country's international competitive advantage, this competitive advantage derived from a mutually reinforcing system, in this system, there are four key factors that affect a country in the international market, establish and maintain a competitive edge in the ability of these four factors are: (1) factors of production; (2) domestic demand; (3) related industries ; (4) business strategy, organizational and competitive Second, the contemporary theory of international trade on China's foreign trade strategy for new inspiration 1, the positive transformation of the national competitive advantage Comparative advantage in natural resources by a country and trading conditions determine the static strengths are the conditions for competitive Competitive advantage is a way to advantage the potential into real ability to effect the comprehensive Comparative advantage as a potential advantage, only the final into a competitive advantage, to form a real export According to the production factor endowment, along with China's comparative advantage in labor resources, but in today's international market, the comparative advantage of labor-intensive products do not necessarily have an international competitive To establish the comparative advantages into competitive advantages in foreign trade 2, high-tech industries vital to the development By the international product life cycle theory can be deduced: Innovation is the international trade interests of the country's biggest This is because: the product of Neonatal and growth, innovation and technical superiority of its state monopoly of domestic and international markets, and thus get a lot of excess monopoly profits; in product maturity into the so-called "mass production" stage, innovation States can get huge economies of scale; in product sales were down period and give and of innovation invest and build factories in foreign countries, the output of its intellectual property and brand to extend its product life Zhou Qi, in the international market continue to make a 3, the development of high-level intra-industry trade is to improve the competitiveness of an important means of foreign trade With the international economic and trade development, intra-industry trade in all trading nations to bring trade interests, 翻译为:


感觉相关的就行吧,这是我今天刚交老师的Solidarity tradeThe current fair trade movement was shaped in Europe in the Fair trade during that period was often seen as a political gesture against neo-imperialism: radical student movements began targeting multinational corporations and concerns that traditional business models were fundamentally flawed started to The slogan at the time, “Trade not Aid”, gained international recognition in 1968 when it was adopted by the UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) to put the emphasis on the establishment of fair trade relations with the developing The year 1965 saw the creation of the first Alternative Trading Organization (ATO): that year, British NGO Oxfam launched "Helping-by-Selling", a program which sold imported handicrafts in Oxfam stores in the UK and from mail-order In 1969, the first Worldshop opened its doors in the N The initiative aimed at bringing the principles of fair trade to the retail sector by selling almost exclusively goods produced under fair trade terms in “underdeveloped regions” The first shop was run by volunteers and was so successful that dozens of similar shops soon went into business in the Benelux countries, Germany, and in other Western European Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, important segments of the fair trade movement worked to find markets for products from countries that were excluded from the mainstream trading channels for political Thousands of volunteers sold coffee from Angola and Nicaragua in Worldshops, in the back of churches, from their homes, and from stands in public places, using the products as a vehicle to deliver their message: give disadvantaged producers in developing countries a fair chance on the world’s market, and support their self-determined sustainable The alternative trade movement blossomed, if not in sales, then at least in terms of dozens of ATOs being established on both sides of the Atlantic, of scores of Worldshops being set up, and of well-organized actions and campaigns attacking exploitation and foreign domination, and promoting the ideals of Nelson Mandela, Julius Nyerere, and the Nicaraguan Sandinistas: the right to independence and self-determination, to equitable access to the world’s markets and 团结贸易现今公平贸易运动形塑于1960年代的欧洲,公平贸易于这时期通常被视为一种反抗新帝国主义的政治姿态,基进的学生运动开始关注跨国公司,并出现了一种认为传统商业模式基本上是有缺陷的共识,那时的口号“贸易,而非援助”(Trade not Aid),被1968年所召开的联合国贸易及发展会议(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,简称UNCTAD)所采用,并得到国际认同,会议中强调与发展中世界建立公平的贸易关系。1965年诞生了第一个另类贸易组织(Alternative Trading Organization,简称ATD):那年,英国的非政府组织乐施会(Oxfam)发起了”以销售来帮忙”(Helping-by-Selling)的活动,一个以邮购及在乐施会商店销售进口手工艺品的计划。1969年,第一个“世界商店”在荷兰开张,这个开创性的构想,是以销售符合公平贸易规则的“发展中区域”的产品,将公平贸易的法则带入零售部门,第一个商店由志工营运,非常成功,之后数十个类似的商店开始在比利时、荷兰、卢森堡及德国等其他西欧国家开始营业。在1960和1970年代,公平贸易运动里很重要的部份是,为那些因为政治因素而被排斥于主流贸易管道的国家,协助他们的产品寻找市场。数千名志工在教会后面和世界商店销售来自安哥拉及尼加拉瓜的咖啡豆,以这些产品从家里和公共场所的摊位传达一个讯息:给那些来自发展中国家的弱势生产者一个公平的机会,就是支持他们自主的永续发展。另类贸易活动的盛行,若不从贸易量来说,至少以在数量上,有数十个另类贸易组织(ATO)在大西洋两岸成立,同时随着世界商店的扩张,有许多计划性的行动与专案,抨击国际间的剥削与支配的现象,宣扬著曼德拉、朱利叶斯•尼雷尔及尼加拉瓜桑定政权的理念:自主及独立的权利,与接触全球市场及消费者的公平管道。

浅探当代国际贸易新理论对我国对外贸易战略的启示在我国对外贸易规模不断扩大的今天,要想提高我国的国际竞争力,必须重视国际上20世纪70年代以后兴起的国际贸易新理论,实施创新的对外贸易战略,打造具有国际竞争优势的产业。本文通过研究当代国际贸易理论的新发展对我国外贸发展的启示,分析探讨了我国应该如何制定相应的政策,采取相应的对策来促进我国对外贸易的发展。一、当代国际贸易理论的新进展二战后随着科学技术的进步和生产力的不断发展,国际贸易的规模、商品结构和地区分布也发生了很大变化。经济学家在国际贸易理论研究中不断探索,20世纪70年代以来先后出现的影响较大的国际贸易新理论有以下几种:1、战略性贸易政策理论战略性贸易政策理论产生于2O世纪7O年代以来“新贸易保护主义”盛行的背景之下,由美国经济学家保罗·克鲁格曼等人于2O世纪8O年代中期提出,主要内容包括两方面:(1)以内部规模经济为基础的利润转移理论;(2)以外部规模经济为基础的外部经济理论。2、产业内贸易理论20世纪70年代格鲁贝尔和劳埃德等人开创了产业内贸易理论研究,到20世纪80年代初美国经济学家克鲁格曼进一步推动了这一理论的发展。该理论不同于侧重论述产业间贸易的传统贸易理论,代写毕业论文它侧重研究贸易双方在同一产业中既出口又进口同类异质产品的产业内贸易。在不完全竞争产业中,规模经济和产品差异是产业内贸易形成的决定因素。3、产品生命周期理论产品生命周期理论由美国销售学家弗农于1966年首先提出,经威尔斯、赫希哲等人不断完善。产品生命周期理论认为,由于技术创新和扩散,制成品和生物一样具有生命周期。产品生命周期包括五个阶段:(1)新生期;(2)成长期;(3)成熟期;(4)销售下降期;(5)让与期。4、国家竞争优势理论20世纪80年代以来,美国哈佛大学的迈克尔·波特提出并完善了国家竞争优势理论。国家竞争优势理论与传统比较优势理论和要素禀赋理论不同之处在于,该理论认为一个国家之所以能够兴旺发达,其根本原因在于该国的国际竞争优势,这种竞争优势源于一个相互增强的系统,在这个系统中,有四个关键因素影响一国在国际市场上建立和保持竞争优势的能力,这四个因素是:(1)生产要素;(2)国内需求;(3)相关产业;(4)企业战略、组织和竞争度。二、当代国际贸易新理论对我国对外贸易战略的启示1、积极转化国家的竞争优势比较优势是由一国资源禀赋和交易条件所决定的静态优势,是获取竞争优势的条件。竞争优势则是一种将潜在优势转化为现实优势的综合能力的作用结果。比较优势作为一种潜在优势,只有最终转化为竞争优势,才能形成真正的出口竞争力。根据生产要素禀赋,我国一直以来具有劳动力资源的比较优势,但是,在当今国际市场上劳动密集型产品的比较优势并不一定具有国际竞争优势。要确立把比较优势转换为竞争优势的外贸战略。2、高新技术产业发展至关重要由国际产品生命周期理论可以推知:创新国是国际贸易利益的最大获益者。这是因为:在产品的新生期和成长期,创新国以其技术优势垄断了国内和国际市场,因而可以获得大量超额垄断利润;在产品的成熟期进入所谓的“大规模生产”阶段,创新国可以获得巨额规模经济效益;在产品的销售下降期和让与期,创新国在国外投资建厂,输出其知识产权和品牌,延长其产品的生命周期,在国际市场上继续赚取利润。3、发展高层次产业内贸易是提高对外贸易竞争力的重要手段随着国际经济贸易的发展,产业内贸易在给各贸易国带来贸易利益的同时,Probe into New Theory of International Trade Implications of China Foreign Trade Strategy Growing scale of foreign trade in China today, in order to enhance China's international competitiveness, must pay attention to the international community 70 years after the 20th century Xingqi new theory of international trade, the implementation of the Duiwaimaoyi innovation strategy, create an international competitive advantage in the This paper studies the contemporary new development of international trade theory enlightenment for the development of China's foreign trade, analysis of how China should formulate corresponding policies and take corresponding measures to promote the development of China's foreign First, the contemporary theory of international trade, new progress After World War II with the scientific and technological progress and productivity of the continuous development of international trade size, structure and regional distribution of goods, great changes have taken Theory of international trade economist and continuously explore the 20th century, has emerged since the 70's influential new theory of international trade, the following: 1, Strategic Trade Policy Strategic trade policy arise from 7O 2O century since the "new trade protectionism," the prevalence of background, the US economist Paul Krugman, who in the mid 8O 2O century, proposed, mainly including two aspects : (1) internal economies of scale-based theory of profit transfer; (2) based on external economies of scale external economic 2, intra-industry trade theory 20th century 70s Grubel and Lloyd, who created the industry trade theory, to the early 20th century US economist Paul Krugman of 80 to further promote the development of this The theory is different from the focus on inter-industry trade paper the traditional trade theory, on behalf of my thesis research is focused on trade, both sides in the same industry, the export of products they import the same heterogeneous industry Not perfectly competitive industries, economies of scale and product differentiation is the formation of intra-industry trade 3, the product life cycle theory Product life cycle theory Sales Vernon by the United States first proposed in 1966 by Prince, He Xizhe and others Product life cycle theory, as technological innovation and diffusion, and biological products, like life- Product life cycle consists of five stages: (1) Neonatal; (2) growth stage; (3) maturity; (4) decline of sales; (5) for and 4, Competitive Advantage of Nations Since the 80s of the 20th century, Harvard's Michael Porter and improve the Competitive Advantage of N Competitive Advantage of Nations and the traditional theory of comparative advantage and factor endowments theory of difference is, the theory that a country has been able to flourish, and the fundamental reason is the country's international competitive advantage, this competitive advantage derived from a mutually reinforcing system, in this system, there are four key factors that affect a country in the international market, establish and maintain a competitive edge in the ability of these four factors are: (1) factors of production; (2) domestic demand; (3) related industries ; (4) business strategy, organizational and competitive Second, the contemporary theory of international trade on China's foreign trade strategy for new inspiration 1, the positive transformation of the national competitive advantage Comparative advantage in natural resources by a country and trading conditions determine the static strengths are the conditions for competitive Competitive advantage is a way to advantage the potential into real ability to effect the comprehensive Comparative advantage as a potential advantage, only the final into a competitive advantage, to form a real export According to the production factor endowment, along with China's comparative advantage in labor resources, but in today's international market, the comparative advantage of labor-intensive products do not necessarily have an international competitive To establish the comparative advantages into competitive advantages in foreign trade 2, high-tech industries vital to the development By the international product life cycle theory can be deduced: Innovation is the international trade interests of the country's biggest This is because: the product of Neonatal and growth, innovation and technical superiority of its state monopoly of domestic and international markets, and thus get a lot of excess monopoly profits; in product maturity into the so-called "mass production" stage, innovation States can get huge economies of scale; in product sales were down period and give and of innovation invest and build factories in foreign countries, the output of its intellectual property and brand to extend its product life Zhou Qi, in the international market continue to make a 3, the development of high-level intra-industry trade is to improve the competitiveness of an important means of foreign trade With the international economic and trade development, intra-industry trade in all trading nations to bring trade interests, 翻译为:



对外贸易对经济增长的贡献主要表现在长期贡献上,因而采取有效措施,提高对外贸易的长期贡献度具有更加重要的现实意义。提高对外贸易的长期贡献度,就是要增强对外贸易对要素供给和全要素生产率的影响,使对外贸易在促进投资增加、提高就业水平、加快技术进步和产业结构调整等方面更有效地发挥作用。实现这一目标可以从以下几个方面着手:  一、按市场经济原则改革外贸管理体制  提高对外贸易对大连市经济增长长期贡献度的前提,是确保外贸企业经营行为的理性化。这就是严格按照市场规律办事,什么时候进口(或出口)以及进口(或出口)什么商品,完全根据市场情况而定。要使外贸企业达到这一要求,就需要改革现有的外贸管理体制。改革的重点有两个:  (一)改革外商经营审批制度,变审批制为登记制  这是消除当前外贸企业经营行为扭曲,提高对外贸易对经济增长长期贡献度的一个重大举措。现在有人担心,一旦外贸经营权全部放开,外贸企业的竞争一定会出现无序现象,当前的削价竞争状况会愈演愈烈。实际上,从短期来看这种担心可能是必要的,但从长期来看,经营权放开只会减少而不会增加无序竞争的现象。因为在经营权放开之后,优惠政策也会逐步减少,这时每个企业在决定是出口还是内销,是进口还是内购时,将会完全根据自身的实力和每种销售方式盈利情况来决定。过去那种自身实力不强,但依靠经营特权和特殊优惠成长起来的外贸企业会在激烈的市场竞争中被逐步淘汰,而真正有实力经营进出口贸易的企业则会逐渐壮大,此消彼长之后,经营秩序将会逐步走向有序竞争的正轨,而不再可能出现“弱势企业驱逐强势企业”的不正常竞争现象。  (二)改革外贸企业的调控方式  现在的外贸企业,名义上已被解除了诸如“创汇指标”等指令性指标的束缚,然而实际上,它们现在依然要受到这些指标的制约。这些指标的存在,不利于外贸企业经营行为的理性化,也制约了对外贸易长期贡献度的提高。在这种情况下,取消指令性指标任务,变行政杠杆调控为经济杠杆调控,给外贸企业更大的经营自主权,便成为外贸管理体制改革的一个重点。  二、加强进口关税制度改革,充分提高进口对经济增长的长期贡献度  提高进口对经济增长的长期贡献,应是今后一段时间外贸改革的重点所在。提高进口的长期贡献度,关键在于加快进口关税制度的改革步伐。这将涉及两方面的改革:一是降低税率,二是调整关税结构。进口税率水平,与其他发达国家和部分发展中国家相比仍然偏高,还有进一步降低的必要。从关税结构来看,目前进口原材料、半成品、制成品的平均名义税率分别为25%, 28%和54%。由于原材料税率过高,这不仅在相当程度上抵消了高关税对国内制成品的有效保护,而且也降低了国内制成品在国际市场上的竞争力。关税结构调整应该向“倒梯形”方向发展,即原材料的关税水平应低于半制成品的关税,半制成品的关税应低于制成品的关税,但级差不宜过大。  三、优化进出口商品结构,提高对外贸易对国内产业结构升级的拉动作用  对外贸易的发展能否带动产业结构的优化和提升,是衡量对外贸易对经济增长长期贡献度的一个重要方面。对外贸易对产业结构优化的促进作用,主要是通过进口的“推力”和出口的“拉力”实现的。也就是说,进口商品结构要偏向为未来的高新产业提供要素和技术支持,出口商品结构要偏向为这些高新产业提供销售市场。在目前的进出口商品结构中,尽管初级产品的比重逐渐下降,工业制成品的比重逐步提高,但工业制成品中劳动密集型产品比重也在逐年上升。这对于提高对外贸易对产业结构调整的促进作用显然是不利的。进出口商品结构优化的目标,就是要提高资本和知识技术密集型商品在总贸易额中的比重。加快出口商品结构升级存在两方面的现实困难:首先,劳动密集型商品是目前比较优势商品,资本和知识技术密集型商品是目前比较劣势商品;其次,劳动密集型商品出口对提高的就业水平关系大,如果这些商品的出口下滑,必将导致大量失业。面对这两方面的现实困难,当前最重要的措施,就不在于减少仍具有比较优势的劳动密集型产品的出口,而在于抓紧采取必要的进口保护和国内产业持扶政策,以逐步实现比较优势由劳动密集型产品向资本、技术密集型产品转变,同时引导社会就业由劳动密集型行业向知识技术密集型行业过渡,这才是优化出口商品结构的当务之急。与此同时,提高出口商品的附加价值含量也应得到必要的重视。目前的进口商品结构呈现以下特点一是原材料进口比重较高,技术进口比重较低;二是高附加值原料材料进口较多,低附加值原材料进口较少;三是技术设备进口用于加工行业的较多,用于原材料工业的较少。这种进口商品结构是由现有的产业结构和消费结构决定的,同时也将对今后产业结构的升级和消费结构的改善形成阻碍。因为这种进口结构将使现存的不合理的产业结构得以保持和强化,加大产业结构进一步升级的难度。长期下去,不仅现己落后的原材料工业必将徘徊不前,利用进口技术较多的加工工业的发展也将因技术进口不足而受到制约。为此,一方面需要尽快提高进口商品的技术含量,另一方面需要对急需进口技术的原材料工业实行政策倾斜。这一目标能否顺利实现,取决于进口关税制度的改革与完善能否尽快完成。  四、加强对加工贸易的宏观调控,提高一般贸易在总贸易额中的比重  在贸易方式构成中,加工贸易比重最大,但加工贸易相对于整体经济运行而言,基本上属于“体外循环”,亦即这种贸易方式与国内经济的联动效应差。因此,无论是加工贸易进口还是加工贸易出口,其对经济增长的拉动作用都要小于一般贸易。从提高对外贸易长期贡献度的角度看,加工贸易的比重不宜过大。但考虑到目前加工贸易在提高相关省市(如广东省)就业水平方面所发挥的重要作用,现有的加工贸易税收优惠政策不能过快取消,否则将导致加工贸易在短期内出现大幅度下降,这将对对外贸易的稳定发展和相关地区的社会就业产生诸多不利影响。当前的重点,一是要加强针对加工贸易的监管工作,坚决堵住监管不力所导致的走私行为;二是要引导加工贸易由半成品加工向原材料加工转变,延长加工贸易在大连境内的生产链条;三是要鼓励来样加工,限制来件、来料及进料加工,以促使加工企业多使用国产原材料。如果以上措施得以实施,将在限制加工贸易过快增长的同时,提高这种贸易方式对大连经济增长的贡献度。此外,由于一般贸易的发展对经济增长的长期贡献更大,需要通过政策倾斜,加大对一般贸易的扶持力度。当然,一般贸易在总贸易中的比重能否提高,关键还在于从事一般贸易的外贸企业的竞争实力能否得到加强。  五、政策实施中的几点注意事项  (一)要处理好短期增长与中长期结构优化的关系  在当前的国内外经济环境下,保持短期经济的适度快速增长是十分必要的。首先,这有利于扭转企业亏损、扩大社会就业,从而增加居民收入、刺激私人消费;其次,这有利于增加国家的财政收入,从而确保政府投资的资金来源。以上两点,事关社会稳定、世人信心,不可不保。但是,如果我们过于强调短期经济增长的速度目标,忽视经济发展的中长期结构优化问题,则可能造成经济增长的低质量和低效益。这既不利于长期经济增长目标的实现,也不利于对外贸易的可持续发展。因此,在制订利用外贸易促进经济增长的短期政策和中长期政策时,应将二者结合起来,即在提高对外贸易对经济增长的短期贡献度的同时,要也充分重视对外贸易对长期经济增长的贡献,切实采取措施,以外贸为纽带促进国内的产业结构优化,提高长期经济增长的质量和效益。  (二)要处理好相关政策之间的协调与配合  在政策目标上的一致性是保障各项政策形成合力;其次,各政策制订部门之间定期交流与沟通,有利于统一认识,及时发现问题,统一采取行动,相互协调和配合,获得良好的政策效果。  (三)要处理好政策安排与体制变革的相互衔接与呼应  不论短期政策抑或中长期政策,都是以一定的管理体制为背景和依托来实施的,而大连市的管理体制改革正处于逐步深化的过程中,政策方面的安排既要借助体制来贯彻,又要与体制的变革和创新融合、衔接,至少不为长期的深化改革设置障碍。以外贸促增长的各项政策选择,需要在深化改革的动态过程中的相互呼应地合理把握。


