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已经被EI收录了。《振动工程学报》是由中国振动工程学会主办,南京航空航天大学出版的全国性核心期刊,创刊于1987年。主要反映我国振动工程的最新研究成果,评介最新科技成就,增强国内外学术信息交流,并鼓励首创精神,倡导优良学风,扶植、推荐优秀人才和作品,为推动振动工程学科的发展,促进我国的社会主义经济建设服务。本刊面向工程实际,理论与实际并重,主要刊登:振动理论与应用,非线性振动,随机振动,模态分析与试验,结构动力学,转子动力学,故障诊断,振动、冲击与噪声控制,动力稳定性,流固耦合振动,动态测试,动态信号分析,机械动力学,土动力学,包装动力学和结构抗振控制等方面的专题论文、综合评述和研究简报。其读者对象为:从事振动工程及其相关学科教学、研究、设计、开发、应用和管理的科技工作者,以及理工科大专院校的教师和研究生。 本刊于1999年和2001年两次获“自然科学基础性高科技学术期刊经费”资助;连续两年(2001年和2002年)荣获 “百种中国杰出学术期刊”;本刊被《中国学术期刊文摘》、《中国科学引文数据库》、《中国科技论文统计与分析数据库》、《中国力学文摘》等收录; 本刊被美国Ei Compendex(光盘版)、美国Applied Mechanics Review、美国The Shock and Vibration Digest 、美国International Aerospace Abstracts、俄罗斯《文摘杂志》等收录。


振动与冲击 EI CSCD核心 见刊至少一年 审稿速度快 录用后出版时间较长噪声与振动控制 CSCD扩展 三个月内审稿 一年内发表振动工程学报 EI CSCD核心 审稿半年 发表一年 中国机械工程 CSCD核心 审稿录用快 易中 见刊至少一年机械工程学报 EI CSCD核心 审稿至少半年 不太好中 见刊至少一年现代制造工程 CSCD扩展 审稿1个月左右 机械设计 CSCD 版面费较贵机械设计与研究 CSCD 审稿较快 较易中动力工程学报 CSCD 审稿快 平均3个月机械科学与技术 CSCD 审稿快 平均3月 较易中以上是我自己总结的,从各论坛里找的信息,希望对你有用




Dynamic Interaction of Long Suspension Bridges with Running Trains Journal of Sound and Vibration SCI、EI[1] Dynamic Analysis of Train-Bridge System and Its Application in Steel Girder Reinforcement,Journal of Computers & Structures,SCI,2001[2] Dynamic behavior of high-speed railway tracks Proceedings of ICTTS,EI,2001[3] Dynamic analysis of train-bridge system under random excitations,Stochastic,Structural Dynamics,ISTP,1998[4] Dynamic responses of railway bridges under high speed trains,Advances in Structural Dynamics,ISTP,1995[5]Experimental study on train-induced vibrations of environments and buildings,MCCI2000,ISTP[6] Traffic-induced vibrations and their influences on surrounding environments,MCCI2000,ISTP,2000[7] Vibration Effects of Light-Rail Train-Viaduct System on Surrounding Environment,I Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,2002[8] 车桥耦合系统在随机激励下的动力分析及其应用,工程力学,2002[9] 大跨度悬索桥在风与列车荷载同时作用下的动力响应分析,铁道学报,2002[10] 单室薄壁箱梁考虑偏载影响的活载加载计算分析,土木工程学报,2004[11] 车桥耦合系统在随机激励下的动力分析及其应用,工程力学V20, N3,5[12]Experimental Analysis of High Speed Railway Bridge Under Thalys Trains,Jf Sound & Vibration, 2003 (268), 103-113,SCIEI,10[13]Dynamic Analysis of High Speed Railway Bridge Under Articulated Trains,J of Computers & Structures, 2003 (81), 2467-2478,SCI,10[14] Traffic-Induced Environmental Vibrations and Their Influences on Surrounding Buildings, JSEV,230-241,ISTP,10[15] Problems of railway bridges induced by raising train speed and their treatment,ISSST,EI、ISTP,10[16] Traffic Induced Vibrations in Permafrost Environment of Reshui Coal Mining Site, Permafrost Engineering,ISTP,8[17] Vibration effects of light-rail train-viaduct system on surrounding environments, EASTS, ISTP,10[18] Characteristics of traffic induced vibrations and their effects on environments, TIVC, ISTP, 12[19] Dynamic response of train-suspension bridge under high wind action,TIVC,ISTP,12[20]Traffic-induced ground vibrations and their influences on nearby buildings,Life and Environment,ISTP,9[21]Dynamic Response of Suspension Bridge to high Wind and Running Train, J Bridge E, ASCE V8,N8,1[22]提速列车作用下上承式钢板梁受迫振动实验研究,工程力学V19, N5,10[23]Dynamic Experiment and Analysis of A High Speed Railway Bridge Under Thalys Trains, JSEV, 392-401,ISTP,10[24] Dynamic Analysis Of Cable-Stayed Bridge Subjected To Running Trains And Earthquakes, JSEV, 242-251,ISTP,10[25] Safety and serviceability analysis of high speed railway bridge under thalys trains, ISSST,EI、ISTP,10[26] Dynamic responses of Wuhan Tianxingzhou long Suspension Bridge Scheme under running trains,ISSST,EI、ISTP,10[27] Effect of running train induced vibrations on permafrost environment,ISSST,EI、ISTP, 10[28] Controlling approaches of traffic induced environmental and structural vibrations, ISSEYE,ISTP,10[29] Vibration analysis of Tianxingzhou long span suspension bridge scheme, ISSEYE, ISTP,10[30] Dynamic responses of train-bridge system under earthquakes,TIVC,ISTP,12[31] Seismic response of continuous lame bridges considering constraint torsion effect,TIVC,ISTP,12[32] 车辆与结构动力相互作用(第一版),科学出版社,2002,夏禾,张楠著[33] 车辆与结构动力相互作用(第二版),科学出版社,2005,夏禾,张楠著[34] 直线电机轮轨交通高架结构,中国科学技术出版社,2010,夏禾,郭薇薇,陶毕莲著[35] 交通环境振动工程,科学出版社,2010,夏禾等著[36] HXia, G De Roeck and Jose M G Bridge Vibration and Control [M] NewYork: Nova science publishers, inc, [37] Traffic Induced Environmental Vibrations and Controls: Theory and Application [M] NewYork: Nova science publishers, inc,







Dynamic Interaction of Long Suspension Bridges with Running Trains Journal of Sound and Vibration SCI、EI[1] Dynamic Analysis of Train-Bridge System and Its Application in Steel Girder Reinforcement,Journal of Computers & Structures,SCI,2001[2] Dynamic behavior of high-speed railway tracks Proceedings of ICTTS,EI,2001[3] Dynamic analysis of train-bridge system under random excitations,Stochastic,Structural Dynamics,ISTP,1998[4] Dynamic responses of railway bridges under high speed trains,Advances in Structural Dynamics,ISTP,1995[5]Experimental study on train-induced vibrations of environments and buildings,MCCI2000,ISTP[6] Traffic-induced vibrations and their influences on surrounding environments,MCCI2000,ISTP,2000[7] Vibration Effects of Light-Rail Train-Viaduct System on Surrounding Environment,I Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,2002[8] 车桥耦合系统在随机激励下的动力分析及其应用,工程力学,2002[9] 大跨度悬索桥在风与列车荷载同时作用下的动力响应分析,铁道学报,2002[10] 单室薄壁箱梁考虑偏载影响的活载加载计算分析,土木工程学报,2004[11] 车桥耦合系统在随机激励下的动力分析及其应用,工程力学V20, N3,5[12]Experimental Analysis of High Speed Railway Bridge Under Thalys Trains,Jf Sound & Vibration, 2003 (268), 103-113,SCIEI,10[13]Dynamic Analysis of High Speed Railway Bridge Under Articulated Trains,J of Computers & Structures, 2003 (81), 2467-2478,SCI,10[14] Traffic-Induced Environmental Vibrations and Their Influences on Surrounding Buildings, JSEV,230-241,ISTP,10[15] Problems of railway bridges induced by raising train speed and their treatment,ISSST,EI、ISTP,10[16] Traffic Induced Vibrations in Permafrost Environment of Reshui Coal Mining Site, Permafrost Engineering,ISTP,8[17] Vibration effects of light-rail train-viaduct system on surrounding environments, EASTS, ISTP,10[18] Characteristics of traffic induced vibrations and their effects on environments, TIVC, ISTP, 12[19] Dynamic response of train-suspension bridge under high wind action,TIVC,ISTP,12[20]Traffic-induced ground vibrations and their influences on nearby buildings,Life and Environment,ISTP,9[21]Dynamic Response of Suspension Bridge to high Wind and Running Train, J Bridge E, ASCE V8,N8,1[22]提速列车作用下上承式钢板梁受迫振动实验研究,工程力学V19, N5,10[23]Dynamic Experiment and Analysis of A High Speed Railway Bridge Under Thalys Trains, JSEV, 392-401,ISTP,10[24] Dynamic Analysis Of Cable-Stayed Bridge Subjected To Running Trains And Earthquakes, JSEV, 242-251,ISTP,10[25] Safety and serviceability analysis of high speed railway bridge under thalys trains, ISSST,EI、ISTP,10[26] Dynamic responses of Wuhan Tianxingzhou long Suspension Bridge Scheme under running trains,ISSST,EI、ISTP,10[27] Effect of running train induced vibrations on permafrost environment,ISSST,EI、ISTP, 10[28] Controlling approaches of traffic induced environmental and structural vibrations, ISSEYE,ISTP,10[29] Vibration analysis of Tianxingzhou long span suspension bridge scheme, ISSEYE, ISTP,10[30] Dynamic responses of train-bridge system under earthquakes,TIVC,ISTP,12[31] Seismic response of continuous lame bridges considering constraint torsion effect,TIVC,ISTP,12[32] 车辆与结构动力相互作用(第一版),科学出版社,2002,夏禾,张楠著[33] 车辆与结构动力相互作用(第二版),科学出版社,2005,夏禾,张楠著[34] 直线电机轮轨交通高架结构,中国科学技术出版社,2010,夏禾,郭薇薇,陶毕莲著[35] 交通环境振动工程,科学出版社,2010,夏禾等著[36] HXia, G De Roeck and Jose M G Bridge Vibration and Control [M] NewYork: Nova science publishers, inc, [37] Traffic Induced Environmental Vibrations and Controls: Theory and Application [M] NewYork: Nova science publishers, inc,


国际旋转机械振动会议组织委员会委员,International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation副主编,《航空学报》,《振动工程学报》,《应用力学



振动与冲击 EI CSCD核心 见刊至少一年 审稿速度快 录用后出版时间较长噪声与振动控制 CSCD扩展 三个月内审稿 一年内发表振动工程学报 EI CSCD核心 审稿半年 发表一年 中国机械工程 CSCD核心 审稿录用快 易中 见刊至少一年机械工程学报 EI CSCD核心 审稿至少半年 不太好中 见刊至少一年现代制造工程 CSCD扩展 审稿1个月左右 机械设计 CSCD 版面费较贵机械设计与研究 CSCD 审稿较快 较易中动力工程学报 CSCD 审稿快 平均3个月机械科学与技术 CSCD 审稿快 平均3月 较易中以上是我自己总结的,从各论坛里找的信息,希望对你有用



该杂志是核心期刊,2017版)复合影响因子:433   (2017版)综合影响因子:311,审稿时间一般是1~2个月,不过如果没有采用意向的话,很快就会告知退稿,《工程数学学报》是数学的理论与现代工程技术相结合的综合性学术刊物。其宗旨是及时报道有应用背景的数学创新性论文,和数学在国民经济、工程技术中的应用方法与成果


