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Introduction of China's Acrobatics Latest Updated by 2003-07-11 10:10:14 The history of acrobatics in China can be traced back to Neolithic It is believed that acrobatics grew out of the labor and self-defense skills that the people practiced and demonstrated during their leisure By 300 BC, such skills as walking on 3-meter high stilts and juggling 7 daggers at a time had been developed in C As the world economy developed, acrobatics was also developed into a kind of performance Acrobatics became known worldwide through performances presented along the Silk R During the 13th century, the reputation of acrobatics as an impressive art form began to The public didn't respect acrobatics as they had before, and many acrobats found it very difficult to find places to After the sounding of the drum, the acrobatic show would Several benches and a few props was all an acrobat These early acrobatics didn't care so much about giving a beautiful performance, so long as the conveyed a feeling of danger and The life of those fallen acrobats was A lot of acrobatic performers were forced to do farming in Because of their love for acrobatics, acrobatic art was able to survive for Located in Northeastern Plain, Wuqiao County relies on Wandering through small villages here, you can see a lot of people practicing Although, they're not as professional as I Currently, M Jiang is teaching acrobatics to his There are over 400 families who are capable performing They sometimes perform in the other cities The 'Acrobatic Macrocosm' was built for local acrobatic performances by the Wuqiao Municipal There are many other forms of folk art performed Because renting a stage in a big theatre in urban areas is often very expensive, local acrobatic troupes build temporary stages for their These temporary stages not only can save money, but also can be moved and In the early 1980s, the American Education Commission introduced acrobatics into the students' China established two art schools especially for acrobatics-Wuqiao Acrobatic School and the Beijing Acrobatic S To become a competent acrobat, students must begin practicing the basic skills from the time they are only 6 or 7 years Because the techniques employed in acrobatics are extremely difficult and risky, students must endure a good deal of pains for their Handsprings are one of the basic skills in Students must practice Apart from somersaults and handsprings, waist and leg flexibility and headstands are the other basic skills students must The training is long, hard, and Acrobatic students can better illustrate the beauty of human body when they are performing in physique In Europe and North America, Chinese acrobatic performances attract large Acrobatics is an interactive art Whether you are old or young, educated or illiterate, you can appreciate it as long as you can There is no language barrier and cultural Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe was awarded many gold medals during the 'Tomorrow and Future' International Acrobatic Festival in France, which draws the most outstanding acrobats from around the A high level acrobatic program needs excellent technique coaches and much preparation time before it is ready to be performed in Zhou Pinqi, technical coach of Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe, started to practice acrobatics when he was a child and became a He, Zhang Gongli and other four students participated in the Shengyang Acrobatic Troupe in The programs he guided have twice won the highest prize at French Acrobatic F He has his own unique methods of coaching his Because it has an abundance of excellent acrobatic coaches, Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe has trained a group of outstanding The Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe produced the first themed acrobatic gala entitled 'Moon Light Acrobatics' in C The performance matches the theme 'Moonlight Acrobatics' through innovations in stage Acrobatic art has its own The performance itself is very depictive; therefore the requirement for lighting is much stricter than opera and The theme music perfectly coincided with the performance, which made the atmosphere of the event even However, before the rehearsal, the performer gave the director a lot of Ju Yi, director of 'Moonlight Acrobatics', said, 'Most acrobats do not have dancing They don't understand I mean the performance just didn't fully express the emotion of the ' Chinese acrobatic art is still what it was centuries ago in that it does not over emphasize the role of Performers pay more attention to Therefore it takes time for performers to adapt to the 'Moonlight Acrobatics' took eight months to prepare, from planning and rehearsing to the performing the first That was much longer than other stage A successful acrobatic show also requires appropriate Costumes further enhance the beauty of the performance and increase the visual When you watch a Chinese acrobatics show, you are strongly impacted both mentally and It is truly and unforgettable



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Forest resource status analysis based on GIS and its driving force —A case study in Longfeng CountryAbstract: Based on the digital results of forest resource investigation for Xuyong County in 2012, the distribution of forest resource was analized one by one by using the methods of making thematic maps, spatial analysis and attributes extraction provided by ArcGIS The results indicates that……全部是自己翻译的

Our nation's state-owned forests occupy the leading position in natural The area of stae-owned forest accounts for 6% of the nation's total forest area, the stock of state-owned forest resources makes up 6% of the total stock of national The achievement of the sustainable development of state-owned forest resources a great significance to the nation's economic development, social progress and ecological However, over a long period of time, the level of development of state-owned forestries has been seriously restricted by existing natures of resources,structure, system of organization,and social The contradiction of system of organization is the most important one among the four contrdictions,and its main manifestation is the lagging behind of the reform of state-owned forestry property right Yichun is our nation's important forestry production base, it faced a double pressures of resources crisis and econimic difficulties towards the later part of 1980, owing to the inflexiblity of the system plus the drying up of forest resources day by day: faced with the situation of having no forest to cut down (tree) as 98% of usable forest resources was depleted, forest stocking capacity was reduced by 55%; workers' incomes in the forestry are low, society lacked the ability to protect, they were both in a relatively poor After 2006, Yichun became the location to launch a pilot project for forestry property right reform, it had huge support from the State Forestry Administration (or Bureau); Helongjian Provincial Party Committee;and the Provincial Government,and it had achieved successes in stages, but many extremely difficult issues still left over due to the many years of restraint on Therefore, Yichun should increase its forestry system reform vigour and continually carry out the reform that is in line with its own actual This thesis analyses the current situation and existing issues of Yichun city's forestry property right's system reform, through the clarification of forestry property right's system structure on the practicality and the foundation of long term interest of the forestry's development,and put forward in this thesis an overall train of thought for the development of Yichun city's forestry, as well as carrying out analysis and putting forward proposals in the light on the issues of forest land reform and certificate of forest right; the limits of authority given to the contract workers when carrying out tending cutting and felling operations;the trading of property right;the optimization and further refinement of qualification and standard of contracting workers on forestland,and the enlargement of the areas for pilot



Abstract In recent years, due to corrosion caused by sulfur oil refining, storage and transportation equipment, such as frequent accidents leaked to the business causing huge economic losses, analyze the cause of the accident found that iron sulfur compounds lead to the spontaneous combustion is the main reason for the Study of different ambient temperature 15 ℃, 25 ℃, 50 ℃, 75 ℃ conditions, oxides of iron sulfide oxidation product of On the tank of sulfur compounds of iron sulfide formation and the oxidation product of burning oil for a theoretical analysis of the principle of sulfur oxidation of iron compounds in the dynamic changes of temperature and iron sulfur compounds the impact of certain factors oxidation system Experimental study has also examined in depth, combined with storage and transportation of oil processing and the actual situation in the process of influencing factors on the oxidation rate of the analysis and discussion, mapping products under different conditions sulfide oxidation temperature The experimental results show that: With the ambient temperature increases,More Fe2O3 reacts with H2S to produce more and higher activity of iron compounds of sulfur and iron sulfur compounds the surface structure of the more intense and So that the product of sulfide oxidation of Fe2O3 enhanced



Figuring out whether the cadavers burnt in the fire were dead before the fire or not can be essential to affirm the nature of the fire murders took for many significant evidences have been burnt to ground during the Thus, based on the importance of it, this paper will analyse and introduce to you some of the differences and similarities between the cadaver burnt before and after the fire according to some real



悬赏分没有!!!!还要3000字!!!!只给了个谢谢!!!!!而且是你老婆!!!!! ______很难

Watercolor painting of color language charm summary: study of for watercolor painting of the Lake and the surrounding languages, for training itself on water and color control ability, improving the color of the shape and color of accomplishment, stimulate their artistic creativity and innovation capacity, rich and perfect watercolor expressiveness has important practical The topics on the language of the surrounding water research, according to their own creative experience of watercolor painting and conceptual features watercolor, origin, development and current status, from watercolors water road, color of two aspects of the language of the charm of the surrounding water color painting, the last to leave the watercolour with Chinese Key words: Watercolour; color; linguistic charm



