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One day, the weather was Siu-ming and a group of small partners into a green lawn for They are divided into two teams, one team is red team, a team of the yellow Xiao-Ming Huang team is team S Soon as the whistle, the football from the personal side, crossed the red team's Xiaogang what a Scud, the football played high, and far "Ah, scored a net of the yellow team!" Red team members were excited to cheer for him desperately, and some emotion is so intense it will be Xiaogang high This makes yellow team members were very angry, and Scud-Xiao Ming can be angry it! He played much football kick put the football on the ground Gulugulu to roll forward, Xiao-Ming Qi Gugu, the cheek side of a transparent shed sweat, the mouth pursed, hot pursuit of letting Catching up with her aunt to one of the window, stood on a windowsill that a pot of bright red aunts of the most beloved of the Chinese Xiao-Ming is too angry, and kicked the football kicked the air, soccer-shun straight from the air fall to the sill of the basin of Chinese rose knocked Xiao-Ming, see things were not going to immediately adopt the football to whom Aunt's "Dongdong Dong", Xiao-Ming Qiaoliaojixia door Squeak ----- Suddenly the door opened, and before him stood an aunt, aunts, kindly, said: "Come in", Xiao-Ming for aunt sat on the sofa, Small said: "Auntie, I am sorry, I put you The pot "aunt, said:" Never mind, you are really honest child! "Xiao-Ming Zizi sweet heart, and happily go

Artistic immortal! Two goals from two aliens; one final that will shines in An utterly dominant victory over the British giant Manchester United finally unveiled the ultimate dominator in Euro this season---absolutely brilliant FC BIn my first ever experience watching a European champions league final, I have fortunately witnessed a triumph of artistic Man United has many super stars as Chirstiano Ronaldo, Weane Rooney, Tevez, Rio Ferdinand and Vidic who have reputations all over the They plays absolute collective football with pace and tough defensive What’s more, they have a unique Ronaldo---who often threats the defense and scores unbelievable On the other side, Loniel Messi, Xavi, Iniesta, Eto’o and Henry have been playing the sexiest football across the They show us the essence of this game---attack, attack, and

History of Football 足球运动的历史 Football is the universal language of scores of millions of people around the world, including countless children and Young people play in narrow, urban They play in refugee They play in abandoned swimming In car parks, war zones, on street corners--wherever there are young people, it seems there is Children play football at the launch of the FIFA-UNICEF alliance at United Nations Headquarters in New Y But the sport is more than just a It's a positive It's a way to promote a peaceful approach to conflict It's a tool for wooing a young body away from the lures of drugs, unsafe sex, or It's a way to help ensure that young people grow up healthy, fit and full of self- And, what's more, it's a manifestation of the right to play that the Convention on the Rights of the Child includes as one of the fundamental rights of all 这是World Cup History 世界杯历史(也不错的,可以参考:) -02/htm你尝试一下这几个链接吧: ,1283,1,html

GOALKEEPNG Goalkeeping is a special While the rest of the team can afford to make mistakes, if the goalkeeper makes one, it usually results in a goal for the Above Your Head The best way to catch a ball above your head is by joining the thumbs and forefingers of your hands together so there is a small arch between your Chest or Head Jump off one leg and cradle the ball comfortably to your The ball should rest on your forearms, with your hands holding it from Left or Right Always try to get both hands behind the ball and hold on As soon as you've caught it, bring the ball quickly into the safety of your


文章没有,只有参考文献。一、成立足球社团的目的体育不仅仅是强健体魄,还包括精神状态,心理状态的培养,体育运动提倡的是一种朝气蓬勃的竞争精神,一种一往无前的奋斗精神,一种开放进取的创新精神,参加体育运动,不仅有益身体健康,还会在精神上、心理上产生积极的影响。体育运动和游戏最能培养孩子的自尊心,自信心,激发孩子乐观向上的内在潜质。能够终身参加的体育活动,无意是三大球,而足球是世界第一运动,对一年级的小学生来说,玩足球是一个非常好的锻炼身体,建立自信心和培养情感的运动,在玩耍中,孩子们的身心得到充分的放松,在团队中,孩子交往能力得到提高。尤其是男孩子,有了体育这个特长,就会觉得自己特别酷,这对培养孩子的性情是非常有好处的。足球要从娃娃抓起,我们引进徐州团队之星公司的专业足球人士,带领孩子们认识足球,学习足球,引导学生自觉喜爱和参与足球运动,让更多的孩子从这项运动中获益。二、校园足球的发展潮流教育部部长袁贵仁近日在全国学校体育工作座谈会上透露,教育部将制定并实施校园足球中长期发展规划,今年起逐步建立健全小学、初中、高中和大学四级足球联赛机制,力争校园足球取得重大突破。袁贵仁表示,合理布局小学、中学、大学定点学校,用3年时间把校园足球定点学校由目前的5000余所扩展到2万所。下一步,将把校园足球工作的成功做法逐步拓展到篮球和排球等集体体育项目中。另据了解,在新一轮基础教育课改中,在总课时减少的情况下,小学三至六年级每周3节体育课提高为4节,高中每周2节提高到3节。任何学校不得以任何理由和借口占用体育课时。国家将足球作为学生体育发展的突破口,大力推动足球发展,已经是大势所趋,未来2-3年,足球运动会在中小学校园蔚然成风,越来越多的孩子将投身到这项运动中去。重磅推荐:百度阅读APP,免费看书神器!1/4二、足球社团的发展思路 在足球启蒙的开始阶段,教师根据儿童年龄段生心理特点,利用玩玩练练、练练玩玩、以玩代练的方法,让儿童了解足球,喜爱足球活动,会不会踢球都不重要,玩的开心才是重要的,通过多种无球和结合球的游戏,让儿童尽情玩耍,以培养他们对足球的强烈爱好,提高他们积极参与足球活动的浓厚兴趣,并能从中观察了解儿童的协调、灵敏、速度等素质。普及足球基本技术的基础上,规范足球动作,学习运动防护,在经过半年的时间,每个班选拔5-9名足球小将组建足球队,进行5对5、或9-9的班级比赛。年复一年,周而复始,滚动式提高学校的足球水平。3、由专业少年足球教练为学校免费上足球公开课,普及足球运动,希望在足球方面进一步提高的可以参加矿大科技城的团队之星的足球培训班,训练地点在我校操场。


选修课 足球赏析 留的作业 老师说了 最好关于足球的多点吗?

半夜一点,在随身小纸片上写下这些文字,只因为我爱足球。爱足球不需要任何理由。尽管我分不清前锋与中位,叫不出每一支球队的名字。 足球就两个字——热血。日韩交锋,总能让人兴奋不已。在这特殊的战场上,我看到了一群视足球比生命还重要的人类。他们激情飞扬。有多少话语都化做呐喊,足球此刻便没有了国界,因为,足球就是生命!看那些队员在场上拼杀,会止不住激动落泪,只有足球,才能给人如此强烈的生命的震撼! 爱足球,不需要任何理由。尽管我是女生,尽管我分不清南美与欧洲的球风。 阿根廷,智利,巴西……哪一个不是足球王国?上到老人,下到幼童,足球都是他们的伙伴。 我爱巴乔,他是足球的英雄;我爱罗纳尔多,爱他对足球的投入甚至那可爱的龅牙;我爱欧文,爱他的敬业球德;我爱小贝,爱他的英俊潇洒更爱他球场上的叱诧风云。 爱足球,不需要任何理由。尽管中国足球一次次令球迷失望。 我相信,足球迟早会代替乒乓球成为我们的国球。我始终坚信,迟早有一天,足球也会成为全民运动带领我们向前走。 我相信,没有人能拒绝足球的热力激扬,那阳光下草地青葱,当足球有了灵魂,这便是生命,这便是足球! 足球这最具魅力的运动将绽放在神州! 我看中国足球: 外行看热闹,我就说说“热闹“话。看球不能没反思,于是我们小组的几个同志得出以下结论: 1.话说“一个国家的男足水平代表一个国家的素质“,恩,中国男足责任重大,加把劲。而中国教育厅责任更加重大,“素质“如何,全民的才是真正的。 2.中国球迷欠组织性与纪律性,且容易“叛国“。球迷们且慢发火,这球赛不说,球迷在赛时没有足够坚定的意志,离终场还有一段时间就开始痛哭……我们应向邻邦韩国学习,不到比赛终结,球迷都是一副坚定的表情喊“必胜“。作为中国人,我们有责任相信我们的球队,不论胜败都应给他们有利的支持! 由此所反映出的社会意识问题便是——民众原则性不够强,太易妥协。中国加入WTO,WTO也在侵蚀中国,倘若我们原则性不够强,中国在经贸领域的活力与持久力就会大打折扣。比如东北一牙签厂私自将每吨牙签降价100美元这件事所造成的严重后果便是“私利当前,原则靠边“的典型例子。以此为戒,民众原则性有待加强。 3.球员踢球不能很好进入状态。 这确实是个很严重的问题。 球场上没有足够热情与拼命的劲头,技术又如何?气势便差人一截。一日我那小妹问“为什么他们都没别人猛啊?“作为中国队绝对拥护者,我我无言以对。是啊,为什么,我们没有别人拼命的劲头?中国足球太需要生命燃烧的激情!精神上先输,兵家大忌。 而民众的生活状态也与此相似——生活态度不够硬朗,挣扎在颓废与平庸的边缘。人可以平凡但不可以平庸,没有热情的生命会象没有热情的足球一样平淡无味。我们需要热爱,需要激情。 4.普通民众无法充分认识到足球的重要性,国家对足球的重视程度有待提高。 足球可以带动我国出口贸易额的增长,你信吗?中国足球强大了,中国会差到哪里去?足球是我国体育项目中的弱项,尽管有乒乓球,排球,跳水,花样溜冰等为我们争光,但它们的号召力远不及足球。我是说,在世界范围内的号召力。 中国足球在未来几年中可谓商机无限。 看在足球对全世界号召力如此大的份上,国家就给足球更充分的重视吧。怎么说它都会拉动几个经济增长点吧…… 不看僧面看佛面对不?

On the Cultural Construction of university campus footballAbstract: The construction of the university campus sports culture, has been an important part of the construction of campus culture, Shenyang Normal, discusses the current problems in cultural construction of college campus football and made a number of rationalization proposals, and hope as the construction of the campus football culture to provide some Keywords: Campus football cultureIs a special group of mostly students, the construction of the sports culture has been an important part of campus culture construction, moral, intellectual, physical, and the United States, labor-round development of quality education Of sun movement, is to implement the program of physical exercise have facilities, the construction of the campus sports culture to the campus sports to carry Soccer is the most representative projects of college sports, campus football culture related to the football game, football cheerleaders, football spread, football courses on all aspects of football culture can be good to promote the development of sports culture in (1) the development of the campus football culture significanceChinese football is at a critical moment of the anti-corruption, anti-crime, many scholars of Chinese football is pinning its hopes up in the campus World power in the world of campus sports as a reserve base of competitive sports, such as the NAB pick of the United States, South Korean football K-League, are from the university, high school draft pick of the campus development of football can promote students' exercise, health promotion, and so involved in the contest to promote football game, game organization, game art, game performance can contribute to the construction of the campus sports culture, to enrich the campus culture, to attract more people to enjoy the football game, so that more into football, the excellent Football Talents for our Campus football Cultural AnalysisShenyang Normal University teachers and students for research and investigation from the aspects of the football programs, football matches, football culture, football promotion, the results are not optimistic that the current campus football there are many problems with the construction of the football 1 Soccer Elective unreasonableCollege Physical Education is the main form of student sports, football lesson is the major elective courses of Physical Education in Colleges, loved by students, but in actual course selection process, but there are some Most colleges and universities in football lesson elective set not by gender to be elective, but students where the faculty's time to set up, the consequences like football lesson, students choose classes, selected classes of students do not like football class, what is more a teaching classes more than 40 people, 38 were girls, this sex ratio is not conducive to the teaching of soccer College football elective settings has become a major obstacle to the development of college 2 football facilities lackShenyang Normal University, the existing two football pitches for the class, the students, an artificial site, a natural grass, artificial site of most of the time for the sport of professional students use public sports students only in sports majors no class use, even if you can use two or three classes with class, more than 100 people shared a football field, soccer teaching quality can be Public sports football lesson most of the time in the natural grassland than the school, while the natural lawn grounds maintenance costs higher, usually the lack of maintenance, resulting in site quality is relatively poor, it is difficult to a football Greatly reduce the football interest of the students is not conducive to the universal development of the campus 3-campus football game to a lack of continuityShenyang Normal University Campus Football League is a lack of continuity, sometimes held once a year, sometimes once every two For students' personal safety reasons, the school is willing to organize a large football This affected the football enthusiasm of the students, the students have a great yearning for the school organize regular football game, game to show their Many colleges have to organize football league, to meet the aspirations of the football game, this form of the league there are certain security Campus football game, is an important part of the campus sports culture, appreciation of the game, the input of the game, the game's fans to participate in campus sports culture can contribute to the development of a regular game and talk about the construction of the football 4 lack of high-level football teamThe construction of high-level sports team can promote the development of the campus football culture, such as the Beijing Institute of Technology football team is a student military organization of the football team, perennial war in the China Football Super League B, and achieved a proud record by the school division favorite of students, rich sports culture of the Beijing Institute of Technology, along with the Northern Polytechnic very naturally think of the North University football team, which is the advocacy role of the high level of Shenyang Normal University football, table tennis, baseball, school team regularly participates in the province, and national contests, and achieved good results, access to wide acclaim, won the honor for the school, but also the promotion of school sports and culture Shenyang Normal University do not have a fixed school football team, are rarely involved in the football game between the universities, which also affects the construction of the campus football culture, reducing the school's football College campus football culture construction 1 on the existing public sports football class reformReform of public sports football class settings, choice of classes, set up a class the proportion of male and female students by gender, boys and girls can also be placement of teaching, which avoids the student election was not in class, but also to enable teachers to teaching, set the reform of public sports football class, more like football, soccer classes, students choose a better development of the campus 2 increase in the football facilities put intoFootball venues and facilities is a prerequisite to carry out by the football schools should make use of the community can use the power of the construction of football pitches, increase investment in football facilities for soccer enthusiasts to provide a good sport, the better to carry out the Also the implementation of specific measures of sun sports, responded to the call to carry out the campus 3 specification Football LeagueCampus Football League is to promote football, the best way to build sports culture, schools should regulate the Football League, Football League has a sustainable development, the establishment of a college characteristics Football L Can also attract some corporate sponsorship of campus football game, the establishment of a school football team on behalf of the school play, and strive for the Chinese football training out of football talent, but also can provide some help for Football Culture C4 SummarySoccer is the universities which are more representative of sports, the construction of the campus football culture plays an important role in the construction of the campus sports culture, the development of college football and football culture there are still many problems, only fully awareness and take reasonable solution, and will promote the development of the campus football 我再打中文参照进去,就发生错误了,如果你需要,把你邮箱发来,我把中文给你发过去,楼主,请你采纳吧,谢谢 楼主我已经发送过去了,标题是coolcoolhe发送校园足球论文,楼主麻烦采纳啊


随着现在足球的发展,当今足球运动逐渐呈现出新的发展趋势。攻防对抗日趋激烈,攻防范围的扩大化,运动员技战术的多样化,使比赛场上各个位置的队员攻防呈现出新的变化,其射门得分的特征也更加鲜明突出。同时,随着世界足球的相互交流与融合,球队之间的差距越来越小,对抗越来越激烈,速度越来越快,但射门得分依然是攻防的焦点,其将永远是世界性的难题。而世界杯、欧洲杯足球比赛是世界上最高水平的足球赛事,其直接体现或引导现代足球的发展方向,是洞察、分析世界足球运动特点和发展趋势的一个重要窗口。 本文通过对2006年第十八届世界杯决赛阶段64场比赛、2004年第十二届欧洲杯决赛阶段31场比赛、2002年第十七届世界杯决赛阶段64场比赛,共计159场比赛385个进球的总体情况,进行观察、统计、分析、归纳和总结,认为这三界大赛在进球进攻上有以下特点: 1这三届杯赛的平均每场进球数都较前一届的平均每场进球数有所下降,呈下滑趋势;上半时进球数量都少于下半时进球数量,在76-90min这个时间段中进球数量最多。2区是进球数量最多的射门区域。中路进攻的进球数量最多,边路进攻的进球数量是最少的,但其在比赛中的作用毫不逊于中路进攻。定位球进攻在比赛中起着极为重要的作用。 2阵地进攻的进球数量最多,快速反击进球的比重正在逐届上升。各种进攻战术得分由中场发起的最多,前场其次,后场最少。任意球进攻战术灵活多变,可以有计划地组织进攻配合,且这种进攻有充分的准备时间。传球配合是全部进攻方式中最主要的得分手段。定位球进攻方式也是现代足球进攻战术中的重要手段之一,是除传球配合以外的又一重要的进攻方式。个人突破、补射、远射、乌龙球等进攻方式获得进球的比例比较小。 3脚内侧、脚背内侧、头部是射门进球的关键部位。其中脚内侧射门进球最多,脚背内侧是准确性和力量结合最好的射门动作,也是定位球射门采用最多的一种方式。直接射门的进球数量最多,运球突破射门和补射进球数量较少;绝大多数的进球是在正常状态下打入的,正常状态和非正常状态进球占全部进球的比例差距越来越小;非直接对抗射门进球数所占的比例远远大于直接对抗射门进球的比例,但直接对抗和非直接对抗的比例成逐年接近趋势。 4直接脚传进球比例呈逐年上升的趋势,而运控突传进球的比例呈逐年下降的趋势,头顶球进球的变化不大。

这是一种将综述型和论辩型两种形式有机结合起来写成的一种论文。学位申请者为申请学位而提出撰写的学术论文叫学位论文。这种论文是考核申请者能否被授予学位的重要条件。  学位申请者如果能通过规定的课程考试,而论文的审查和答辩合格,那么就给予学位。如果说学位申请者的课程考试通过了,但论文在答辩时被评为不合格,那么就不会授予他学位。  有资格申请学位并为申请学位所写的那篇毕业论文就称为学位论文,学士学位论文。学士学位论文既是学位论文又是毕业论文。 学术论文是某一学术课题在实验性、理论性或观测性上具有新的科学研究成果或创新见解的知识和科学记录;或是某种已知原理应用于实际中取得新进展的科学总结,用以提供学术会议上宣读、交流或讨论;或在学术刊物上发表;或作其他用途的书面文件。  在社会科学领域,人们通常把表达科研成果的论文称为学术论文。


On the Cultural Construction of university campus footballAbstract: The construction of the university campus sports culture, has been an important part of the construction of campus culture, Shenyang Normal, discusses the current problems in cultural construction of college campus football and made a number of rationalization proposals, and hope as the construction of the campus football culture to provide some Keywords: Campus football cultureIs a special group of mostly students, the construction of the sports culture has been an important part of campus culture construction, moral, intellectual, physical, and the United States, labor-round development of quality education Of sun movement, is to implement the program of physical exercise have facilities, the construction of the campus sports culture to the campus sports to carry Soccer is the most representative projects of college sports, campus football culture related to the football game, football cheerleaders, football spread, football courses on all aspects of football culture can be good to promote the development of sports culture in (1) the development of the campus football culture significanceChinese football is at a critical moment of the anti-corruption, anti-crime, many scholars of Chinese football is pinning its hopes up in the campus World power in the world of campus sports as a reserve base of competitive sports, such as the NAB pick of the United States, South Korean football K-League, are from the university, high school draft pick of the campus development of football can promote students' exercise, health promotion, and so involved in the contest to promote football game, game organization, game art, game performance can contribute to the construction of the campus sports culture, to enrich the campus culture, to attract more people to enjoy the football game, so that more into football, the excellent Football Talents for our Campus football Cultural AnalysisShenyang Normal University teachers and students for research and investigation from the aspects of the football programs, football matches, football culture, football promotion, the results are not optimistic that the current campus football there are many problems with the construction of the football 1 Soccer Elective unreasonableCollege Physical Education is the main form of student sports, football lesson is the major elective courses of Physical Education in Colleges, loved by students, but in actual course selection process, but there are some Most colleges and universities in football lesson elective set not by gender to be elective, but students where the faculty's time to set up, the consequences like football lesson, students choose classes, selected classes of students do not like football class, what is more a teaching classes more than 40 people, 38 were girls, this sex ratio is not conducive to the teaching of soccer College football elective settings has become a major obstacle to the development of college 2 football facilities lackShenyang Normal University, the existing two football pitches for the class, the students, an artificial site, a natural grass, artificial site of most of the time for the sport of professional students use public sports students only in sports majors no class use, even if you can use two or three classes with class, more than 100 people shared a football field, soccer teaching quality can be Public sports football lesson most of the time in the natural grassland than the school, while the natural lawn grounds maintenance costs higher, usually the lack of maintenance, resulting in site quality is relatively poor, it is difficult to a football Greatly reduce the football interest of the students is not conducive to the universal development of the campus 3-campus football game to a lack of continuityShenyang Normal University Campus Football League is a lack of continuity, sometimes held once a year, sometimes once every two For students' personal safety reasons, the school is willing to organize a large football This affected the football enthusiasm of the students, the students have a great yearning for the school organize regular football game, game to show their Many colleges have to organize football league, to meet the aspirations of the football game, this form of the league there are certain security Campus football game, is an important part of the campus sports culture, appreciation of the game, the input of the game, the game's fans to participate in campus sports culture can contribute to the development of a regular game and talk about the construction of the football 4 lack of high-level football teamThe construction of high-level sports team can promote the development of the campus football culture, such as the Beijing Institute of Technology football team is a student military organization of the football team, perennial war in the China Football Super League B, and achieved a proud record by the school division favorite of students, rich sports culture of the Beijing Institute of Technology, along with the Northern Polytechnic very naturally think of the North University football team, which is the advocacy role of the high level of Shenyang Normal University football, table tennis, baseball, school team regularly participates in the province, and national contests, and achieved good results, access to wide acclaim, won the honor for the school, but also the promotion of school sports and culture Shenyang Normal University do not have a fixed school football team, are rarely involved in the football game between the universities, which also affects the construction of the campus football culture, reducing the school's football College campus football culture construction 1 on the existing public sports football class reformReform of public sports football class settings, choice of classes, set up a class the proportion of male and female students by gender, boys and girls can also be placement of teaching, which avoids the student election was not in class, but also to enable teachers to teaching, set the reform of public sports football class, more like football, soccer classes, students choose a better development of the campus 2 increase in the football facilities put intoFootball venues and facilities is a prerequisite to carry out by the football schools should make use of the community can use the power of the construction of football pitches, increase investment in football facilities for soccer enthusiasts to provide a good sport, the better to carry out the Also the implementation of specific measures of sun sports, responded to the call to carry out the campus 3 specification Football LeagueCampus Football League is to promote football, the best way to build sports culture, schools should regulate the Football League, Football League has a sustainable development, the establishment of a college characteristics Football L Can also attract some corporate sponsorship of campus football game, the establishment of a school football team on behalf of the school play, and strive for the Chinese football training out of football talent, but also can provide some help for Football Culture C4 SummarySoccer is the universities which are more representative of sports, the construction of the campus football culture plays an important role in the construction of the campus sports culture, the development of college football and football culture there are still many problems, only fully awareness and take reasonable solution, and will promote the development of the campus football 我再打中文参照进去,就发生错误了,如果你需要,把你邮箱发来,我把中文给你发过去,楼主,请你采纳吧,谢谢 楼主我已经发送过去了,标题是coolcoolhe发送校园足球论文,楼主麻烦采纳啊



