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al people, because people feel respected when their customs and behaviors are understood and and by doing things in their way, you become unconsciously a member of them and thus will no long experience culture however, others also have strong reasons to believe that a country should tolerate and embrace foreign in the first place, no country should cling to its old customs and traditions at all cost and expect others to follow-

我大概根据百科的汉语介绍用英文翻译了一下(不是用机器)READERS is a integrated abstract magazine published by Gansu People’s P Its used name is Reader's D It regards carrying forward the human outstanding culture as its own The magazine adheres to its tenet of gathering Chinese and foreign culture's best features and awakening people's thought and broadening people's Its aim is maintaining high grade and hgh quality The great magazine attracts all kinds of different 满意吗?翻译这个太费劲了。希望你能满意。

《国家地理》是1888年10月国家地理协会出版的图书,现在已经成为世界上最广为人知的一本杂志,其封面上的亮黄色边框以及月桂纹图样已经成为象征,同时这些标识也是国家地理杂志的注册商标。杂志每年发行12次,但偶尔有特版发布则不在此限。杂志内容为高质量的关于社会、历史、世界各地的风土人情的文章;其印刷和图片之质量标准也为人们所称道。这也使得该刊成为来自世界各地的摄影新闻记者们梦想发布自己照片的地方。早在20世纪初期,国家地理杂志即已经开始使用一些当时罕见的彩色照片。2013年10月,《国家地理》迎来了创刊125周年纪念,10月号为特别纪念号。美国国家地理杂志创刊于1888年10月,它由美国的一家非盈利科学教育组织——“美国国家地理协会”(National Geographic Society)创办。国家地理杂志近千分之一的选片率虽然显得苛刻,但一大批充满理想和浪漫主义的优秀摄影师、记者在这里诞生,而那些有灵魂有激情的作品则往往代表了一种标准。在大多数读者眼中,国家地理杂志意味着权威、科学性、准官方,它更像是一本百科全书而不仅仅是一本杂志。

楼上抛砖我来引玉The Times is a British daily national newspaper, first published in London in 1785 under the title The Daily Universal Register (it became The Times on 1 January 1788) The Times and its sister paper The Sunday Times (founded in 1821) are published by Times Newspapers Limited, a subsidiary since 1981 of News I News International is in turn wholly owned by the News Corporation group, headed by Rupert M The Times had an average daily circulation in July 2011 of 441,[1] The Times is the first newspaper to have born that name, lending it subsequently to numerous other papers around the world, such as The Times of India (1838), The Straits Times (1845), The New York Times (1851), The Irish Times (1859), the Los Angeles Times (1881), The Seattle Times (1891), The Daily Times (Malawi) (1900), and The Times (Malta) (1935) For distinguishing purposes it is therefore sometimes referred to, particularly in North America, as the 'London Times' or 'The Times of London'[2][3] The paper is also the originator of the ubiquitous Times Roman typeface, originally developed by Stanley Morison of The Times in collaboration with the Monotype Corporation for its legibility in low-tech The Times was printed in broadsheet format for 219 years, but switched to compact size in 2004 partly in an attempt to appeal to younger readers and partly to appeal to commuters using public An American edition has been published since 6 June [2] Though traditionally a moderate newspaper and sometimes a supporter of the Conservatives, it supported the Labour Party in the 2001 and 2005 general [4] In 2004, according to MORI, the voting intentions of its readership were 40% for the Conservative Party, 29% for the Liberal Democrats, 26% for L[5]



你好,首先literary有文学的、文学上的、爱好文学的、从事文学研究的意思,journal有日记、杂志的意思,其次,二者合在一起,我们要选择恰当的含义,即literary journal应翻译为“文学杂志”。

William Dean Howells 豪威尔斯,w,D.(William Dean Howells l837-1920) 小说家、文学批评家。出生于俄亥俄州。父亲是印刷工人。他本人曾任俄亥俄州报记者,因协助林肯竞选总统,为林肯写了一篇传记,因而闻名。1861至1865年任美国驻威尼斯领事。回国后在波士顿、纽约等地创办文学杂志,创作长篇小说。1909年担任美国文学艺术学会第一任主席。豪威尔斯在担任《大西洋月刊》和《哈珀》杂志的编辑时,曾竭力反对当时盛行的浪漫主义小说。他认为小说的首要目的是教诲,而不是娱乐;文学作品应该采用现实主义的创作方法。他写了近40部长篇小说。80年代创作的《一个现代的例证》(1882)写一对年轻夫妇草率结婚,结果酿成悲剧。《塞拉斯·拉帕姆的发迹》(1885)是他的代表作,写一个剥削矿工发财致富的暴发户,批评家认为其中充满了“敏锐的观察”和“善意的批评”。80年代后期,资本主义社会动荡不安,豪威尔斯认为“竞争的资本主义”已不能令人满意,“应代之以社会主义”。在这种思想指导下,他写了长篇小说《新财富的危害》(1890),描写一家杂志的“社会主义者”与华尔街老板在对待工运问题上的“观点上的分歧”。《来自奥尔特鲁里亚的旅客》(1894)倡导空想的社会主义,《穿过针眼》(1907)则鼓吹通过“公民投票”而产生的基督教社会主义。



自然杂志的介绍,这个杂志外行人不易读懂。 the journalWelcome to Nature, the weekly, international, interdisciplinary journal of Citations and Impact FactorIn 2005 Nature generated nearly 10,000 more citations than in 2004, and 26,000 more citations than its closest competitor, making it the world's most highly citated multidisciplinary science Nature's impact factor for 2005 was 273 (Source: Journal Citaton Reports, 2006, Thomson Scientific) The fall of nearly three points on 2004 was primarily due to the increased numbers of published Aims and scopeNature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider Nature's mission statementFirst, to serve scientists through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of science, and to provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning Second, to ensure that the results of science are rapidly disseminated to the public throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for knowledge, culture and daily Nature's original mission statement was published for the first time on 11 November Nature's first issueRead the full text of the first ever issue of Nature, published on 4 November Sample issueFree online access to the 3 March 2005 issue of NContact the journalProvides contact details for editorial, subscription, librarian and advertising About the editorsLike the other Nature titles, Nature has no external editorial Instead, all editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional Information about the scientific background of the editors may be found A full list of journal staff appears on the Nature family of journalsIn addition to Nature itself, there are three main families of Nature For advertisersInformation on display advertisements in Nature in print and online, or click here for information on classified For librariansInformation for institutions purchasing site licences, other online resources and print 科学杂志 in 1880 on $10,000 of seed money from the American inventor Thomas Edison, Science has grown to become the world's leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research, with the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general-science Through its print and online incarnations, Science reaches an estimated worldwide readership of more than one In content, too, the journal is truly international in scope; some 35 to 40 percent of the corresponding authors on its papers are based outside the United S Its articles consistently rank among world's most cited Science's leading position stems from many factors: the journal's strong tradition of editorial independence; its high standards of peer review and editorial quality (of the more than 12,000 top-notch scientific manuscripts that the journal sees each year, less than 8% are accepted for publication); its Board of Reviewing Editors, consisting of more than 100 of the world's top scientists; its strong connections with the scientific community, which ensures a stream of lively, up-to-date, and authoritative news and commentary in its pages; the dedication of its professional staff in the US, the UK, and other countries, including 26 PD editors, a creative production and art group, and a team of science writers, reporters, and journalists second to none; the support of its publisher, AAAS, the world's largest general-science Today, a century and a quarter after its founding, Science continues to publish the very best in scientific research, news, and Whether you're concerned with AIDS, SARS, genomic medicine, Mars, or global warming, or just want to keep abreast of where the scientific world is and where it's going, you will find something worthwhile in S


回答 宝宝稍等 Science magazine is a comprehensive science magazine with English Name: Science Its science news report, summary, analysis and book review are authoritative popular science The magazine is also suitable for general The main focus of the journal is to publish important original scientific research and scientific research In addition, science also publishes science related news, views on science and technology policies and matters of interest to Unlike most scientific journals that focus on a particular field, science and its rival, nature, cover all According to the Journal Citation Report, the impact factor of Science in 2014 was 更多1条 

美国《科学》杂志为周刊 一年51期当今世界上,许多国家(特别是发达国家)都有名为《科学》(Science)、年代久远、影响卓著的科学刊物。   美国《科学》杂志   英文名:Science Magazine [1] 《科学》是发表最好的原始研究论文、以及综述和分析当前研究和科学政策的同行评议的期刊。   该杂志于1880年由爱迪生投资1万美元创办,于1894年成为美国最大的科学团体“美国科学促进会”——American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)的官方刊物。全年共51期,为周刊,全球发行量超过150万份。   多数科技期刊都要向读者收取审稿、评论、发表的相关费用。但《科学》杂志发表来稿是免费的。其杂志的资金来源共有三部分:AAAS的会员费;印刷版和在线版的订阅费;广告费。   《科学》杂志属于综合性科学杂志,它的科学新闻报道、综述、分析、书评等部分,都是权威的科普资料,该杂志也适合一般读者阅读。“发展科学,服务社会”是AAAS也是《科学》杂志的宗旨。   在全球,《科学》杂志的主要对手为英国伦敦的《自然》杂志,该杂志创办于1869年,曾发表了大量的达尔文、赫胥黎等大师的文章。21世纪的 前4年中,二者为率先发表人类基因排列的图谱而激烈竞争。   《科学》杂志的主编唐纳德·科尼迪毕业于哈佛大学,博士学位,为斯坦福大学第八任校长,著名的环境科学教授。 《Nature》也属于周刊。杂志简介   英国著名杂志《Nature》周刊是世界上最早的国际性科技期刊,自从1869年创刊以来,始终如一地报道和评论全球科技领域里最重要的突破。其办刊宗旨是“将科学发现的重要结果介绍给公众,让公众尽早知道全世界自然知识的每一分支中   取得的所有进展”。《Nature》杂志每星期在全世界发行6万份,大约四分之一发行到图书馆和研究机构。   其中文网站:英国自然杂志《自然》杂志也为周刊。



is, Madge, and now I am talking to you as a physicia

你好,首先literary有文学的、文学上的、爱好文学的、从事文学研究的意思,journal有日记、杂志的意思,其次,二者合在一起,我们要选择恰当的含义,即literary journal应翻译为“文学杂志”。



Wall street Journal (online version), USFinancial Times, UK最主要看你想了解商务哪个领域的,这些应该都可以。如果你觉得难的话,建议去看Financial Times的中英文版,希望会对你有帮助。


包 年 优 品,全年订阅1 9 8,很好的一本杂志吖。荟萃领先理念,提供有速度的商业新知;集纳实用案例,奉献多种问题解决方案等鲜明特点,备受读者欢迎,是当前中国企管精英的一本必读杂志。


