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具体如下:1、被拒稿,我们分两点来说:一是文章的质量差。有的期刊退稿的话可能会给文章提出一些修改意见,有的期刊是没有的。被退稿后,建议跟编辑部打电话联系一下,询问被退稿的原因。只有找到原因,我们才能够有的放矢。二是文章的方向不符合刊物的要求。这个就跟文章的质量没有多大关系了,可能文章质量很高,但是不符合期刊的选题就凉凉了。这种情况下我们换刊重投就OK了。2、修改论文内容主要指对论文引用的材料增加、删节或调整; 材料是文章中的"血肉",它是证明观点的论据,是论点成立的依托。那么对选用材料的基本要求是:一是必要,即选用说明观点的材料;二是真实,即所用的材料必须符合实际,准确可靠;三是合适,即材料引用要恰当,不多不少,恰到好处。在修改论文中,要看引用的材料是否确凿有力;是否有出处;是否能相互配合说明论点;是否发挥了论证的力量;是否合乎逻辑;是否具有说服力。要把不足的材料补足,要把空泛的陈旧的平淡的材料加以调换;要把不实的材料和与主题无关的材料坚决删除。3、修改论文结构结构是论文表现形式的重要因素,是论文内容的组织安排。结构的好坏,直接关系着论文内容的表达效果。结构的调整和校正,关系着全文的布局和安排。调整结构,要求理顺思想,检查论文中心是否突出,层次是否清楚,段落划分是否合适,开头、结尾、过渡照应如何,全文是否构成一个完整的严密的整体。调整的原则和要求,是要有利于突出中心论点,服务于表现中心论点。4、修改语言和标点语言是表达思想的工具,要使论文写得准确、简洁、生动,就不能不在语言运用上反复推敲修改。




具体如下:1、被拒稿,我们分两点来说:一是文章的质量差。有的期刊退稿的话可能会给文章提出一些修改意见,有的期刊是没有的。被退稿后,建议跟编辑部打电话联系一下,询问被退稿的原因。只有找到原因,我们才能够有的放矢。二是文章的方向不符合刊物的要求。这个就跟文章的质量没有多大关系了,可能文章质量很高,但是不符合期刊的选题就凉凉了。这种情况下我们换刊重投就OK了。2、修改论文内容主要指对论文引用的材料增加、删节或调整; 材料是文章中的"血肉",它是证明观点的论据,是论点成立的依托。那么对选用材料的基本要求是:一是必要,即选用说明观点的材料;二是真实,即所用的材料必须符合实际,准确可靠;三是合适,即材料引用要恰当,不多不少,恰到好处。在修改论文中,要看引用的材料是否确凿有力;是否有出处;是否能相互配合说明论点;是否发挥了论证的力量;是否合乎逻辑;是否具有说服力。要把不足的材料补足,要把空泛的陈旧的平淡的材料加以调换;要把不实的材料和与主题无关的材料坚决删除。3、修改论文结构结构是论文表现形式的重要因素,是论文内容的组织安排。结构的好坏,直接关系着论文内容的表达效果。结构的调整和校正,关系着全文的布局和安排。调整结构,要求理顺思想,检查论文中心是否突出,层次是否清楚,段落划分是否合适,开头、结尾、过渡照应如何,全文是否构成一个完整的严密的整体。调整的原则和要求,是要有利于突出中心论点,服务于表现中心论点。4、修改语言和标点语言是表达思想的工具,要使论文写得准确、简洁、生动,就不能不在语言运用上反复推敲修改。


I like travelling very much, if I make money, I would like to spend on tourism in seventy Because I like to feel different local conditions and In China, I have been to place, there are two of the most One is the qinghai, the other is a Q In qinghai I went, qinghai lake, taersi, candy Nebraska state forest park, bend, Muslim temple Qinghai lake, is China's most beautiful one of the five great lakes, the other four lake are respectively, kanas lake, you know where it is? Yes, in Lake namco, in T Tianchi lake, in The west lake, in Qinghai lake is a photographer and the artist's I'm in July to the qinghai lake, is YouCaiHua blooming season, very beautiful, In may to can see large groups of migratory birds, and regret that I go to when the migratory birds fly The lake qinghai lake elevation of 3260 The lake have three a shidao, because away from land, is the birds of People, also called the Then I went to the head, he is China Tibetan Buddhism sect, one of six great Architectural style has a characteristic very much, golden roof, gules metope, the white The bother of worship is very devout The number of kowtowing to the banyan tree and the The second day, we came to cabra forest park, here there is peculiar \"danxia\" landform, thick forest vegetation, ancient religious culture, magnificent power station dam, beautiful canyon It is 131 kilometers away from xining city of qinghai Here the weather changes a lot and the mountain side still raining, but on the other side is a sunny Lijiaxia, the upper reaches of the Yellow River is the hydropower station, the largest hydropower station is the northwest, I have to think about is, this is actually, the Yellow River water, very A lot of people like xining has a reason, you know what? The reason is that, even in the summer and no mosquito bites, summer is the hottest also more than 25, 26 degrees C Xining have many snacks, breakfast people eat YangZaS A characteristic of qinghai yogurt, just 5 yuan a There is a famous night market XiaoChiJie, daxing street, people call Red yellow la street, because, the red tent, yellow light bulb, blue This is very cheap We talk about Qingdao Located in shandong peninsula south, east, south on the yellow I in August 2007 went to Q First of all, I went to the It is an important symbol of Q Qingdao pier and zhongshan road Zhongshan road is one of the most prosperous way of Q High tide, the great tide, waving the white aroused waves, attract numerous visitors watch; The tide turned back and ochre reefs and aureate beach out of the water, the beach is full of GanHai pick up the In recent years, Qingdao carried out \"keep gulls\" campaign, when in a calm sea, tens of thousands of seagulls fly freely in Then I went to Qingdao Qingdao badaguan is China's most beautiful one of five big Is the colonists left amorous Is all some western courtyard Modelling is not the The most famous is bulbophyllum andersonii It is the architectural style of Europe of the Because is the granite and pebbles built, its name We live in view of the international youth hostel in xiangshan, every day to listen to the ship's siren, listening to the sound waves, get up with the And that was This is from the view of the xiangshan overlooking scenery! I also went to the ShiLaoRen scenic area, it is a 17 meters high stone pillars, appearance is like the old man sitting in the sea, and said \"ShiLaoRen\" The old man staring out every day, look at the sun rises in the morning, and at night send an evening away sunset, with the ebb and flow of the through the years, don't know how many years This is carved by nature of My experience is introduced to this, a chance to hope and everyone go traveling

一楼说的对,是contribute 例句:You can contribute articles about health discoveries you have 另一个用法是submit articles,不过还是没上一个用法那样“热门”。例句:Authors may submit their best quality original articles to gain global exposure

I like travelling very much, if I make money, I would like to seventy percent is spent on Because I like to feel different local conditions and In China, I have been to place, the deepest impact there are One is the qinghai, the other is a Q In qinghai I went, qinghai lake, kumbum monastery, candy blah national forest park, lijiaxia, pillow talk Muslim Qinghai lake, is China's most beautiful one of the five great lakes, the other four lake is respectively, kanas lake, you know where it is? Yes, in Lake namco, in T Changbaishan tianchi, in The west lake, in Qinghai lake is a photographer and the artist's I am in July to the qinghai lake, is YouCaiHua blooming season, very beautiful, In may to can see large groups of migratory birds, and regret that I go to when the migratory birds fly The surface of the lake qinghai lake elevation of 3260 The lake have big three shidao, because away from land, is the birds of People, also called the Then I went to the kumbum monastery in China, he is a Tibetan Buddhism sect, one of six great Architectural style has a characteristic very much, golden roof, gules metope, the white Did the pilgrimage are devout The number of kowtow to the banyan tree leaves and as The second day, we came to karbala forest park, here there is peculiar "danxia" landform, thick forest vegetation, ancient religious culture, magnificent power station dam, beautiful canyon It is 131 kilometers away from xining city of qinghai Here the weather changes a lot and the mountain side still raining, but on the other side is a sunny Lijiaxia, the upper reaches of the Yellow River is the hydropower station, the largest hydropower station is the northwest, I have to think about is, this is actually, the Yellow River water, very A lot of people like xining have a reason, you know what? The reason is that, even in the summer and no mosquito bites, summer is the hottest also more than 25, 26 degrees C Xining have many snacks, breakfast people eat YangZaS Qinghai has characteristics of yogurt, just 5 yuan a There is a famous snacks night market, daxing street, people call Red yellow la street, because, the red tent, yellow light bulb, blue It's all very cheap We talk about Qingdao Located in shandong peninsula south and east, south is on the brink of the yellow I in August 2007 went to Q First of all, I went to the zhanqiao It is an important symbol of Q Qingdao pier and connected to zhongshan Zhongshan road is one of the most prosperous way of Q High tide, the great tide, arouse the white chairs, attract numerous visitors watch; Tide back and ochre reefs and aureate beach out of the water, the beach is full of GanHai pick up the In recent years, Qingdao launched "retaining the seagull" campaign, when in a calm sea, tens of thousands of seagulls fly freely in Then I went to Qingdao Qingdao badaguan is China's most beautiful one of five big Is the colonists left amorous Is all some western courtyard Modelling is not the The most famous is bulbophyllum It is the architectural style of Europe of the Because is the granite and pebbles built, its name We live in view of the international youth hostel in xiangshan, every day to listen to the ship's siren, listening to the sound of waves, get up with the And that was This is from the view of the scenery on xiangshan overlooking!!!!! I also went to the ShiLaoRen scenic area, it is a 17 meters high of the columns, appearance is like the old man sitting in the sea, and said "ShiLaoRen" The old man staring out, every morning watched the sun rises, the sunset at night send an evening away, with the tide, experienced the vicissitudes of life, don't know how many years This is by nature carving in the My experience is introduced to this, a chance to hope and everyone to go traveling

contribute 他经常向一家物理杂志投稿。He contribute regularly to a physics



一、稿件类别:本刊主要刊登中文稿件,酌量刊登海外学者的英文稿件。二、本刊对来稿实行专家匿名评审。审稿周期为三个月,三个月后未接到用稿通知,请自行处理稿件。本刊有权对来稿进行编辑加工。三、投稿方式:请将电子文稿以附件形式发送至电子信箱。不便使用电子邮件发送者,请邮寄至:北京市阜外百万庄大街24号《中国翻译》编辑部,邮编:100037。请勿重复使用两种方式投送同一稿件。四、字数要求:来稿一般以5000-8000字为宜,长文应控制在10000字以内;书评及访谈类文章应在5000字以内为宜。五、稿件以Word格式排版,段落格式及标点使用须规范,请在第一页附上作者信息:姓名、工作单位/通信地址、邮编、电话、电子信箱、职称及研究方向;正文请勿标注任何个人信息。六、5000字以上的论述性文稿请附中英文摘要、英文标题和关键词、作者单位英文名称。七、文章格式体例请参照本刊文内引文标注、注释及文后参考文献体例。八、来稿文责自负,请勿一稿多投。九、请自留底稿,恕不退稿。十、任何个人或组织以任何形式转载、摘编本刊文章,须经本刊同意,并注明出处。诚挚感谢译界同仁多年来对本刊的厚爱与支持,欢迎赐稿! 本刊来稿要求首发,切勿一稿多投。向本刊投稿者,应当保证作品著作权的完整性、合法性,作品及内容不得侵犯他人合法权益。来稿如被采用,除非另有约定,将被发表在本刊、本刊合订本、本刊合作网络数据库及由本刊授权的其他出版物。来稿在本刊发表后,除非另有约定,作者即已授权给本刊处理转载事宜。凡以转载、转摘、复制、翻译等方式使用该作品者,必须征得本刊同意。凡向本刊投稿,即视为同意上述条款。

具体如下:1、被拒稿,我们分两点来说:一是文章的质量差。有的期刊退稿的话可能会给文章提出一些修改意见,有的期刊是没有的。被退稿后,建议跟编辑部打电话联系一下,询问被退稿的原因。只有找到原因,我们才能够有的放矢。二是文章的方向不符合刊物的要求。这个就跟文章的质量没有多大关系了,可能文章质量很高,但是不符合期刊的选题就凉凉了。这种情况下我们换刊重投就OK了。2、修改论文内容主要指对论文引用的材料增加、删节或调整; 材料是文章中的"血肉",它是证明观点的论据,是论点成立的依托。那么对选用材料的基本要求是:一是必要,即选用说明观点的材料;二是真实,即所用的材料必须符合实际,准确可靠;三是合适,即材料引用要恰当,不多不少,恰到好处。在修改论文中,要看引用的材料是否确凿有力;是否有出处;是否能相互配合说明论点;是否发挥了论证的力量;是否合乎逻辑;是否具有说服力。要把不足的材料补足,要把空泛的陈旧的平淡的材料加以调换;要把不实的材料和与主题无关的材料坚决删除。3、修改论文结构结构是论文表现形式的重要因素,是论文内容的组织安排。结构的好坏,直接关系着论文内容的表达效果。结构的调整和校正,关系着全文的布局和安排。调整结构,要求理顺思想,检查论文中心是否突出,层次是否清楚,段落划分是否合适,开头、结尾、过渡照应如何,全文是否构成一个完整的严密的整体。调整的原则和要求,是要有利于突出中心论点,服务于表现中心论点。4、修改语言和标点语言是表达思想的工具,要使论文写得准确、简洁、生动,就不能不在语言运用上反复推敲修改。




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