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《中国工程科学》和《ENGINEERING SCIENCES》杂志反映我国工程科技领域研究动向,记载我国工程科技领域学术成果,探讨我国工程科技领域未来发展。杂志内容涉及国家重大工程技术项目、国家科技攻关项目和自然科学基金课题。《中国工程科学》和《ENGINEERING SCIENCES》杂志是中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)。jinjies(站内联系TA)啥都不收录呀?dale79(站内联系TA)Originally posted by jinjies at 2010-09-21 18:30:28: 啥都不收录呀? 看你说得啥话 不是被《中国科技核心期刊》收录吗袁海滨(站内联系TA)我一直也很觉得奇怪 中国工程院的院刊,竟然都连EI都不被检索 所以,至于40多位院士坐镇,刊物的质量====不好说!lnmlz33(站内联系TA)作者多是业内牛人!!!


《科学引文索引》(Science Citation Index, SCI)是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库,其覆盖生命科学、临床医学、物理化学、农业、生物、兽医学、工程技术等方面的综合性检索刊物,尤其能反映自然科学研究的学术水平,是目前国际上三大检索系统中最著名的一种,其中以生命科学及医学、化学、物理所占比例最大,收录范围是当年国际上的重要期刊,尤其是它的引文索引表现出独特的科学参考价值,在学术界占有重要地位。许多国家和地区均以被SCI收录及引证的论文情况来作为评价学术水平的一个重要指标。从SCI的严格的选刊原则及严格的专家评审制度来看,它具有一定的客观性,较真实地反映了论文的水平和质量。根据SCI收录及被引证情况,可以从一个侧面反映学术水平的发展情况。特别是每年一次的SCI论文排名成了判断一个学校科研水平的一个十分重要的标准。SCI以《期刊目次》(Current Content)作为数据源,目前自然科学数据库有五千多种期刊,其中生命科学辑收录1350种;工程与计算机技术辑收录1030种;临床医学辑收990种;农业、生物环境科学辑收录950种;物理、化学和地球科学辑收录900种期刊。各种版本收录范围不尽相同: 印刷版(SCI) 双月刊 3,500种 联机版(SciSearch) 周更新 5,600种 光盘版(带文摘)(SCICDE) 月更新 3,500种(同印刷版) 网络版(SCIExpanded) 周更新 5,600种(同联机版) 上世纪80年代末由南京大学最先将SCI引入科研评价体系。主要基于两个原因,一是当时处于转型期,国内学术界存在各种不正之风,缺少一个客观的评价标准;二是某些专业国内专家很少,国际上通行的同行评议不现实。 “SCI目前已成为衡量国内大学、科研机构和科学工作者学术水平的最重要的甚至是惟一尺度”。 然而SCI原本只是一种强大的文献检索工具。它不同于按主题或分类途径检索文献的常规做法,而是设置了独特的“引文索引”,即将一篇文献作为检索词,通过收录其所引用的参考文献和跟踪其发表后被引用的情况来掌握该研究课题的来龙去脉,从而迅速发现与其相关的研究文献。“越查越旧,越查越新,越查越深”这是科学引文索引建立的宗旨。SCI是一个客观的评价工具,但它只能作为评价工作中的一个角度,不能代表被评价对象的全部。因此,部分科研工作者将SCI戏称为STUPID CHINESE IDEA。 SCI收录的中国期刊 (2006) 出版地 收录库 刊名 刊期 ISSN 影响因子 中国大陆 SCI ACTA CHIMICA SINICA《化学学报》(中文版) 半月刊 0567-7351 643 中国大陆 SCI ACTA MECHANICA SINICA《力学学报》(英文版) 双月刊 0567-7718 587 中国大陆 SCI ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA《中国药理学报》(英文版) 月刊 1671-4083 884 中国大陆 SCI ACTA PHYSICA SINICA《物理学报》(中文版) 月刊 1000-3290 130 中国大陆 SCI CELL RESEARCH《细胞研究》(英文版) 双月刊 1001-0602 729 中国大陆 SCI CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE《高等学校化学学报》(中文版) 月刊 0251-0790 796 中国大陆 SCI CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY《中国化学》(英文版) 双月刊 1001-604X 592 中国大陆 SCI CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL《中华医学杂志》(英文版) 月刊 0366-6999 393 中国大陆 SCI CHINESE PHYSICS《中国物理》(物理学报一海外版) (英文版) 月刊 1009-1963 347 中国大陆 SCI CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS《中国物理快报》(英文版) 月刊 0256-307X 095 中国大陆 SCI CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN《科学通报》(英文版) 半月刊 1001-6538 593 中国大陆 SCI COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS《理论物理通讯》(英文版) 月刊 0253-6102 666 中国大陆 SCI EPISODES《地质幕》(英文版) 季刊 0705-3797 020 中国大陆 SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES A-MATHEMATICS《中国科学A辑》(英文版) 双月刊 1006-9283 247 中国大陆 SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY《中国科学B辑》(英文版) 双月刊 1006-9291 541 中国大陆 SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES《中国科学C辑》(英文版) 双月刊 1006-9305 440 中国大陆 SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES《中国科学D辑》(英文版) 月刊 1006-9313 801 中国大陆 SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES《中国科学E辑》(英文版) 双月刊 1006-9321 355 中国大陆 SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES G-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY《中国科学G辑》(英文版) 双月刊 1672-1799 未知 中国香港 SCI JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 月刊 0929-6646 418 中国台湾 SCI BOTANICAL BULLETIN OF ACADEMIA SINICA 季刊 0006-8063 506 中国台湾 SCI CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 双月刊 0577-9073 372 中国台湾 SCI CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 季刊 0304-4920 143 中国台湾 SCI JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY 双月刊 0009-4536 475 中国台湾 SCI JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS 双月刊 0368-1653 268



Expertise 专家意见D Xiaochun Wang is both a meteorologist and an oceanographer with over twenty years 王晓春博士不但是一个气象学家还是一个有二十多年经验的海洋学家。 He received his PD in meteorology to study the dynamics of Pacific decadal variability and ENSO which are the ocean-atmosphere coupled 经十年对太平洋气候变化和厄尔尼诺现象(海洋和空气耦合现象)的海洋和空气动力学研究,他获得了气象学博士学位。 Before he joined the Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering, a joint institute between University of California, Los Angeles and Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech, he worked as a senior physics engineer for Raytheon Technical Services C在他加入区域地球系统科学和工程学联合会、加利福尼亚大学,洛山基和美国喷气推进实验所/加利福尼亚大学理学院的联合研究院之前,他在美国雷声技术服务公司工作,任高级物理工程师。 He has been involved in a JPL group to develop tidal-resolving, coastal ocean real-time data assimilation and forecasting system for the past eight years and plays a leading role in implementing tides in Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), validating model tidal solution using in situ and altimetry observations, investigating the interaction of tides and stratification, and analyzing model output in 他曾经参与了美国喷气推进实验所(JPL)组织的科研项目,该项目旨在分析过去8年的海洋潮汐运动规律,开发沿海潮汐实时数据采集和预测系统。在海洋区域模型系统的潮汐模拟,原地和高山观测模拟潮汐的解决方案,探究潮汐和地层的相互作用等方面起到了主导作用,并给出了供进一步分析的一般模拟数据。 His current funding is for the development of a more direct and accurate upwelling index for California 他目前创办的基金是为了获取更直接更精确的加利福尼亚海岸的海洋上涌指标参数。 He has numerous publications in the topics of weather and climate of China, statistical methods in climate research, Pacific decadal variability, sea surface salinity variability, and tidal simulations using ROMS 在中国的气象与气候、气候研究的统计学方法、太平洋十年间的气候变化规律、海洋表面盐度的变化规律,以及利用海洋区域模型系统ROMS所做的潮汐模拟等方面发表了大量的著作和论文。 For community service, he serves as a reviewer for J of Climate, J of Physical Oceanography, G R L, NSF proposals and hosts summer 为了服务社会,他被聘为气候杂志、海洋物理学杂志、地球物理学研究所、美国国家科学基金会项目等审稿人,并且接纳了暑期研究生。《山城之子翻译》

王晓春博士是气象学家和海洋学家,有二十多年工作经验。他通过研究太平洋海水年代变化趋向动力学和ENSO(即海洋和大气的相互作用现象)获得气象学博士学位。在他加入区域性地球系统科学与工程联合研究所(由加利福尼亚大学,洛杉矶大学以及喷气推动力实验室组成的共同机构)之前,他在Raytheon Technical Services 公司里担任高级物理工程师。在过去的八年里,他参加了一个喷气推动力实验室小组,研究潮汐解决方案、沿岸海洋实时数据分析及预测系统,并在区域性海洋模型系统里制造潮汐、利用就地测高观察方法确认模型潮汐解决方案、研究潮汐和分层的相互作用以及模型输出的概要分析等方面发挥领导作用。目前他的资金主要用于研究更为直接和更精确的加州海岸海水的上升指数。他在中国的天气及气候,气候调研中的统计方法,太平洋海水年代变化趋向,海水表面盐份浓度变化,以及使用区域性海洋模型系统模拟潮汐等方面都有大量的论文出版。在社会公众服务方面,他担任 J of Climate, J of Physical Oceanography, G R L, NSF proposals and hosts summer students的评论员。应该比较准确。希望加分。

王晓春博士是一位有20多年经验的气象学家和海洋学家。他因研究气象学中的太平洋年代际振荡和ENSO(赤道厄尔尼诺与南方涛动)而获得博士学位。他曾是雷神技术服务公司的高级物理学工程师,后来加入了区域地球系统科学与工程联合研究所。区域地球系统科学与工程联合研究所是一所由加州和洛杉矶的大学与加利福尼亚理工学院联办的研究机构。在过去的八年里,他参加了JPL(喷气推进实验所)小组进行潮汐解析,沿岸海洋实时数据分析及预测系统,并在以下方面起到关键作用:在区域性海洋模型系统里制造潮汐,利用就地测高观察方法确认模型潮汐解决方案、研究潮汐和分层的相互作用以及模型输出的概要分析。目前他正资助发展一个更直接更准确的加州海岸上升流索引。他发表了许多有关中国天气气候,气候研究的数据统计方法,太平洋年代际振荡,海表面盐分可变性 ,以及用区域海洋建模系统模拟潮汐等主题的刊物。为了服务社会,他为气候杂志,物理海洋学,生物学研究杂志做评论家,向国家自然科学基金建议并且接待夏季学生。

中国汉字人名的翻译,可采取的方法推荐如下:还是以光头强的名字来举例。首先应该按照汉语拼音来拼写汉字,然后按照英语姓名的顺序排列,而且应该区分汉字的音节,那么就光头强的英语姓名应该写成:tou-qiang guang。在填表或比较正规场合使用的时候,为了更加清晰,可以写成guang,tou-qiang。如果要简写,可以写成T-Q guang,这样就没有任何歧义了。


Mechanical engineering, machinery and power generation with a relevant engineering Machinery and equipment industry is to provide the basis for the national economy, industry, the development of science and technology with a (This the most important and must be translated)Mechanical engineering is the science of natural science and technology based on the theory, combined with technical experience in the production practice, research and resolve in the development, design, manufacture, installation, use and repair of all machinery in the application of theoretical and practical issues (This is also very important)Mechanical engineering is the science of natural science and technology based on the theory, combined with technical experience in the production practice, research and resolve in the development, design, manufacture, installation, use and repair of all machinery in the application of theoretical and practical issues Machinery of modern society the five elements of production and services (people, money, energy, materials and machinery) of, and participation in energy and materials (This is more important)My father was in 1984 and graduated from Shandong University of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering, and then assigned to the machinery factory A child I often see him inside the factory of his work for him after work, at the time of the machine had a strong By then my father for my education, I learned that engineering profession, it is a good combination of theory and practice of professional, not only have a wealth of theoretical knowledge, but also have a strong practical ability and practical ability, to the the use of learned to do a perfect My father once said to me: "School of Engineering who not only smart, but also have superior practical " From then on, I set out to study engineering, studied mechanical Now, after these days in Shandong University, studying mechanical engineering knowledge, I have a more profound Shandong University, students of mechanical engineering education in the footsteps of Shandong University of Technology, under the premise of education, combined with the 21st century facing new situations, through a series of reforms, the formation of a unique teaching Shandong University, trained to professional students can adapt to mechanical needs of the community, promote social progress and contribute to Mechanical engineering students, and all engineering majors, not only taught by professional teachers a wealth of theoretical knowledge, as well as specific practical courses, requirements to practice engineering training In addition, one year before graduation, the school will organize the students to the factory specialized training to fully understand the actual situation, to know how to properly apply the knowledge and strengthen their ability in In addition, through these years of understanding and information through Internet I understand that China's overseas engineering students engineering education and health education is still a lot of Although with these different, but this is because different countries have different national conditions of the Every seat in the midst of the University at the same time, but also according to their national conditions to determine which specific educational programs to cultivate a real talent for the At this point, Shandong University, to do very well, mechanical professional teachers teaching the basic theoretical knowledge but also teach the most advanced knowledge, and according to China's specific national conditions and arrangements for the plan most suitable for mountain college students, so that Hill College full and comprehensive development, so that after graduation they contribute to the motherland

Mechanical engineering, machinery and power generation with a relevant engineering Machinery and equipment industry is to provide the basis for the national economy, industry, the development of science and technology with a (This the most important and must be translated) Mechanical engineering is the science of natural science and technology based on the theory, combined with technical experience in the production practice, research and resolve in the development, design, manufacture, installation, use and repair of all machinery in the application of theoretical and practical issues (This is also very important) Mechanical engineering is the science of natural science and technology based on the theory, combined with technical experience in the production practice, research and resolve in the development, design, manufacture, installation, use and repair of all machinery in the application of theoretical and practical issues Machinery of modern society the five elements of production and services (people, money, energy, materials and machinery) of, and participation in energy and materials (This is more important) My father was in 1984 and graduated from Shandong University of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering, and then assigned to the machinery factory A child I often see him inside the factory of his work for him after work, at the time of the machine had a strong By then my father for my education, I learned that engineering profession, it is a good combination of theory and practice of professional, not only have a wealth of theoretical knowledge, but also have a strong practical ability and practical ability, to the the use of learned to do a perfect My father once said to me: "School of Engineering who not only smart, but also have superior practical " From then on, I set out to study engineering, studied mechanical Now, after these days in Shandong University, studying mechanical engineering knowledge, I have a more profound Shandong University, students of mechanical engineering education in the footsteps of Shandong University of Technology, under the premise of education, combined with the 21st century, facing new situations, through a series of reforms, developed a unique teaching Shandong University, trained to professional students can adapt to mechanical needs of the community, promote social progress and contribute to Mechanical engineering students, and all engineering majors, not only taught by professional teachers a wealth of theoretical knowledge, as well as specific practical courses, requirements to practice engineering training In addition, one year before graduation, the school will organize the students to the factory specialized training to fully understand the actual situation, to know how to properly apply the knowledge and strengthen their ability in In addition, through these years of understanding and information through Internet I understand that China's overseas engineering students engineering education and health education there are still many Although with these different, but this is because different countries have different national conditions of the University of each block, while in line with international standards, but also according to their national conditions to determine which specific educational programs to cultivate a real talent for the At this point, Shandong University, to do very well, mechanical professional teachers teaching the basic theoretical knowledge but also teach the most advanced knowledge, and according to China's specific national conditions and arrangements for the plan most suitable for mountain college students, so that Hill College full and comprehensive development, so that after graduation they contribute to the


Study the summary in methodology of building project management: The construction project is a plentiful, most typical " project ", practice of building project management is one of the important origins of the management theory of the project, the project management theory of merging the system of the practical experience of the project management has offered the theory tool for building project management, so as to build project management day by day systematizedly, Keyword: Project management Project1, Proposition and current situation survey project management of problem become one modern society solve effective tool a kind of job qualification of " lump-sum problem ", employ and develop in the social affairs, economic course rapidly extensively, lie in it offers a new The modern social total supply and demand is increasing constantly, economic globalization, information-based trend are being strengthened day by day, development accelerates, the course is complicated, new trade, field are appearing constantly, products development period is shortened, cause more and more " disposable ", appearance of task that have no precedent to follow, especially the governments of enterprises and the social public affairs of management, face complicated various problems from the market and domestic and international affairs day by day even more, there are more and more factor, the interests main body involved, these management with regular problem is difficult to solve or solve satisfactorily, And the project office procedures from fields such as construction project and military, space exploration, are promoted as management theory of the project and thought, have offered and solved the unconventional problem means in social economic Can think, development and application of the project management lie in its It is a thing in recent years that it is popularized that the project management is popularized in China extensively, in the ascendant, and the focal point which we introduce, popularize, should not be tedious theory, concept, procedure, and should be the concise, applicable, effective No matter how economic structure changes, project construction is still the main carriers of economic development of our In the well-off society of comprehensive construction at present of our country, develop the Northwest, revitalize the background of the Northeast, important means that project construction becomes a lot of regional economy and Some city put forward slogan of " event revitalize city " Mainly depend on the new scientific and technological application of results, rely on the intension type to expand, depend on the situation of the knowledge innovation in economic progress, it is not a means to revitalize the economy suitable by extensive type project construction, our country has been paying the enormous cost for the fault of the investment decision all the time too, so utilize the scientific method to manage construction project, including assess, prove, important terms that project construction will you please achieve the nticipated The office procedure of the project is not only a concrete method, but also include the The Third Plenary Session of the 16th Party Central Committee of the party puts forward the human-oriented, sustainable scientific development view, " human-oriented ", " sustainable " a basic content is the developing in harmony of science and technology, the economy, environment, society, project construction is done in order to develop the economic important means, not merely costly, have to surrounding environment influence more, so must meet sustainably and coordinating the demand for development, this is one of the important guidelines of project management Methodology is the study on Comprehensive construction well-off society, develop the Northwest, revitalize the Northeast realistic background might raise the upsurge of new round of engineering construction, sustainable and developing the scientific development view in harmony and proposing the macro-control sure to restrict to project construction, this should implement on the method to build project The purpose of project management not only realizes the concrete goal (time limit, quality, expenses), should accomplish the coordination of project construction and environment, the society too, otherwise may have followed the investment fault, unwise track of an overturned cart out of control in the This is that an office procedure of a project rises to one of the meanings of " methodology " The theory of the project management can be already said to be very complete so far, this not merely displays if the emergence of various project management books (including translating) in the rich and varied theory achievement, display and have one's own " knowledge system " in this field even more, if the project management association of USA (PMI) put forward in 1987 and " managerial knowledge system of the project " that revised through 1996, 2000, the international project management association put out" administrative staff's ability basis of the project " in 1997, China pairs of law research association project management research committee put out" managerial knowledge system, event of China, " on 2001 Every knowledge system described above divides the managerial knowledge of the project into several fields, key element, module, knowledge system of China have " method and tool " concept, other system independent special topic about the method, but run through at each stages of project management, course, Various project management works lay particular emphasis on the argumentation at project management content, stage, procedure, organizing, more too, the special argumentation to the method is Certainly this does not mean the neglect of the method, summary, concentrate on, study with improving project management role of popularization and application to facilitate project management give full play to in 2, Time limit when the level narrowly-defined project management of the office procedure of the construction project is being limited, quality, expense go on comprehensive management to the project by realizing the predeterminated target of event in the goal, but this only management that project construct, influence, strengthen with scale of investment, enlargement, investment source diversification, project of field to environment, economy, project management has not been limited to implementing the course yet, but expand to and safeguard overall management from setting up to making available to the users, implementation of project develop from constructing and contracting to project management too, project always person who contract various As to a concrete project, its goal has already not merely been control in quality, time limit, expenses, with capital collection, risk analysis, use, it maintains to be and economy, environment, connected with where one occurs ground, the goal, management of the projects should all be considered according to " broad sense " Unless the project management one method, besides concrete methods technical,whose name is to before and after appraisal of issue extend, take, consider sustainable, coordinated development that central authorities put forward, reflect thought In sum, this text divides the office procedure of the project into two levels: Ideological content method and technical method, in other words, project management thought and 3, Ideological content method to build project management


《中国工程科学》和《ENGINEERING SCIENCES》杂志反映我国工程科技领域研究动向,记载我国工程科技领域学术成果,探讨我国工程科技领域未来发展。杂志内容涉及国家重大工程技术项目、国家科技攻关项目和自然科学基金课题。《中国工程科学》和《ENGINEERING SCIENCES》杂志是中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)。jinjies(站内联系TA)啥都不收录呀?dale79(站内联系TA)Originally posted by jinjies at 2010-09-21 18:30:28: 啥都不收录呀? 看你说得啥话 不是被《中国科技核心期刊》收录吗袁海滨(站内联系TA)我一直也很觉得奇怪 中国工程院的院刊,竟然都连EI都不被检索 所以,至于40多位院士坐镇,刊物的质量====不好说!lnmlz33(站内联系TA)作者多是业内牛人!!!


