
> 论文期刊知识库

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dfhfdlhyf fdsayfdsfdsu fsayrfhfhdsfhhusdsakyrtcbvq tejgdjdcmjcfjfk hfdskfdsfdsffsd


our school have a sports so we need a PE Do you like playing sport? Can you play basketball ? Can you play volleyball and soccer very well?can you swim? And,can you be good with kids? then come and joing us! call sb(某人) at 1234567


I was a member of the sports club, we have five basketball here, seven tennis, volleyball, three three football, eight ping-pong, nine table tennis racquet, but there were no tennis racket, but this does not affect our Can also take a shower after motion is over, you want to join our sports club I enjoy the feeing of doing risky Besides, I have two years' experience of extreme sports and I often participate in the rocking If I have the honor to be a part of the club

Dear Lucy, Hi,I am Lin TI am in our sports I like In this club,I have two The boy is 人名He likes He plays basketball every His favorite color is Ather boy is 人名He can play volleyball very His favorite color is black,Please write Best wishes, Lin Tao


dfhfdlhyf fdsayfdsfdsu fsayrfhfhdsfhhusdsakyrtcbvq tejgdjdcmjcfjfk hfdskfdsfdsffsd


I was a member of the sports club, we have five basketball here, seven tennis, volleyball, three three football, eight ping-pong, nine table tennis racquet, but there were no tennis racket, but this does not affect our Can also take a shower after motion is over, you want to join our sports club I enjoy the feeing of doing risky Besides, I have two years' experience of extreme sports and I often participate in the rocking If I have the honor to be a part of the club

我来自Australia(澳大利亚),而且_小xiao乐乐的回答中有N多个错误!!!!!!比如:PE teacher X the PE teacher


our school have a sports so we need a PE Do you like playing sport? Can you play basketball ? Can you play volleyball and soccer very well?can you swim? And,can you be good with kids? then come and joing us! call sb(某人) at 1234567

Sports club wantedHello! we need a PE teacher,Can you play basketball ?Can you play volleyball?and can you good with child? If you can,,join us Please call me Thank you





sport club


