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上面几位说的都很对了,外教的意思是说:在论文的‘结论’部分,应该有三个步骤,第一步是总结你的论点,第二步就是根据上面的论述得出结论,最后第三步要提出一个新的问题。 比如说我们研究‘中国人移民法国的原因’时,各种论证,完了之后提出一个新的问题‘中国人移民法国是因为法国更发达,主要是经济原因。那么如今有很多法国人想要移民美国,实现他们的美国梦,又是什么原因呢?’






上面几位说的都很对了,外教的意思是说:在论文的‘结论’部分,应该有三个步骤,第一步是总结你的论点,第二步就是根据上面的论述得出结论,最后第三步要提出一个新的问题。 比如说我们研究‘中国人移民法国的原因’时,各种论证,完了之后提出一个新的问题‘中国人移民法国是因为法国更发达,主要是经济原因。那么如今有很多法国人想要移民美国,实现他们的美国梦,又是什么原因呢?’





O J Simpson murder case辛普森杀妻案The O J Simpson murder case has been described as the most publicized criminal trial in history,[1] in which O J Simpson, former American football star and actor, was brought to trial for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald G Simpson was acquitted in 1995 after a lengthy trial, the longest jury trial in California [2]Simpson hired a high-profile defense team led by Johnnie Cochran and F Lee B Los Angeles County believed it had a solid prosecution case, but Cochran created in the minds of the jury the belief that there was reasonable doubt about the DNA evidence (then a relatively new type of evidence in trials),[3] including that the blood-sample evidence had allegedly been mishandled by lab scientists and [4] Cochran and the defense team also alleged other misconduct by the Los Angeles Police D The televising of the lengthy trial riveted national attention on the dramatic By the end of the criminal trial, national surveys showed dramatic differences between most blacks and most whites in terms of their assessment of Simpson's [5]Later, both the Brown and Goldman families sued Simpson for damages in a civil trial, which has a lower standard of proof for determining [citation needed] On February 5, 1997, the jury unanimously found there was a preponderance of evidence to find Simpson liable for damages in the wrongful death of Goldman and battery of B In its conclusions, the jury effectively found Simpson liable for the death of his ex-wife and Ron G[6] On February 21, 2008, a Los Angeles court upheld a renewal of the civil judgment against 这个案子很经典,上面的一段是wiki上的英文案例,你可以找一些关于这个的中文资料,然后选择一个角度(比如种族歧视与陪审团制度的矛盾、毒树之果原则、媒体和舆论与司法公正的矛盾等等),或者一篇参考的中文文章(很多中国的法律人也会研究这个案子,发表一些观点),自己写或者翻译一篇英文论文出来就是了。下面引用一段英文资料,有个人在提问,为什么法院在刑事诉讼中判决辛普森无罪,但是在民事诉讼中又判决他赔偿自己妻子死亡赔偿金。 Jeralyn Merritt对这个问题进行了简略的回答。我想你大一的论文,字数要求不会太多,所以参考一下他这段答复吧。如果字数不够就把上面wiki的资料加一些进去,简单的交待一下案情。Q I am a high school government student, and I have a question that has been bothering me that my teacher refuses to In the OJ Simpson case I know that the state jury did not find him guilty on the charge of murder, but the federal court did on the charge of wrongful What is the difference and why were they able to do that? -- Geni A OJ Simpson was charged with first degree murder in the state court in C The jury found him "Not G" A "not guilty" verdict means the state failed to prove the charges "beyond a reasonable doubt", which is the standard of proof in all criminal Criminal cases are brought on behalf of the citizens of a particular state or federal district, not by the victims or their After OJ Simpson was found not guilty in the criminal case, the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman sued him in the state (not federal) court in California for wrongfully causing their Civil lawsuits for wrongful death are tried for money damages, not to put the defendant in Civil cases are brought in the name of individuals, not in the name of the SDifferent evidence was introduced in the OJ Simpson civil and criminal For example, although OJ Simpson denied it, evidence was presented in the civil trial that OJ Simpson owned a pair of Bruno Magli shoes that matched shoeprints left at the murder OJ Simpson exercised his constitutional right against self-incrimination and chose not to testify in the criminal All defendants in criminal cases have this In the civil trial, OJ no longer had such a right because he had been found not guilty of murder and could not be tried again for He had to testify when the opposing side called him as a Thus, the jury in the civil case got to hear OJ's testimony while the criminal jury did In the criminal case, the jury got to see that the glove left at the scene of the crime did not fit OJ S This experiment was not repeated for the civil The jury in the criminal trial got a far stronger portrayal of the problems with the DNA and other scientific evidence in the case, and the poor management of the crime scene, than did the civil And the criminal jury got to hear the false testimony of Los Angeles police officer Mark Furman, who later admitted lying and pleaded guilty to Finally, the burden of proof in criminal and civil cases is In criminal cases, the standard is "proof beyond a reasonable " There is also a presumption of innocence that stays with the defendant until and unless the jury returns a guilty In civil cases, the standard of proof is "by a preponderance of the evidence," which essentially means "more likely than not," or put another way, proof by 51% or The jury's verdict in the civil case was not that OJ Simpson was guilty of murder, but that he was liable for (which essentially means responsible for causing) the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron GIn light of the different evidence presented, burdens of proof and ultimate issues the juries were called upon to decide, the verdicts in the criminal and civil trials were not really all that -- Jeralyn Merritt




引言是写在书或文章前面,类似序言或导言的部分。引言作为书的概述或感想,亦指座谈会、讨论会、研讨会的开场白,也经常作为科技论文的开端,提出文中要研究的问题,引导读者阅读和理解全文。  所谓的引言就是为论文的写作立题,目的是引出下文。一篇论文只有“命题”成立。写作引言要求开门见山,不绕圈子。言简意赅,突出重点。尊重科学,实事求是。引言的内容不应与摘要雷同,注意不用客套话,如“才疏学浅”、“水平有限”、“恳请指正”、“抛砖引玉”之类的语言;前言最好不分段论述,不要插图、列表,不进行公式的推导与证明。引言的篇幅一般不要太长,太长可致读者乏味,太短则不易交待清楚。一篇3 000一5 000字的论文,引言字数一般掌握在200一250字为宜。


论文引言是对背景的详细介绍,进而说 明本研究的重要性和创新性,在写作时,要介绍背景,整个领域的宏观背景到研究问题的小背景阐述研究的问题及其重要性简单介绍使用的方法的得到的结果直接列出文章的创新性和贡献(理论和应用)

1、引言作为论文的开头,以简短的篇幅介绍论文的写作背景和目的,缘起和提出研究要求的现实情况,以及相关领域内前人所做的工作和研究的概况,说明本研究与前工作的关系,目前的研究热点、存在的问题及作者的工作意义,引出本文的主题给读者以引导。2、引言也可点明本文的理论依据、实验基础和研究方法,简单阐述其研究内容;三言两语预示本研究的结果、意义和前景,但不必展开讨论。前言在内容上应包括:为什么要进行这项研究立题的理论或实践依据是什么拟创新点理论与(或)实践意义是什么3、首先要适当介绍历史背景和理论根据,前人或他人对本题的研究进展和取得的成果及在学术上是否存在不同的学术观点。明确地告诉读者你为什么要进行这项研究,语句要简洁、开门见山。如果研究的项目是别人从未开展过的,这时创新性是显而易见的,要说明研究的创新点。但大部分情况下,研究的项目是前人开展过的,这时一定要说明此研究与被研究的不同之处和本质上的区别,而不是单纯的重复前人的工作。一、前言  前言又称引言、绪论、导言或序言。它是论文的开头部分,主要交代课题的由来、目的、意义及其结论,文字应简明扼要。  (一)前言的主要内容  (1)课题研究目的、范围以及他人在相关领域的研究概况。  (2)课题的研究过程、方法及其理论基础与实验依据。  (3)研究结果及其意义。  (二)前言写作应当注意的事项  (1)开门见山,简明扼要,以200-300字为宜。  (2)顺序井然、条理清楚、表述客观。慎用“首创”、“开辟新领域”等字词,也不要写“不吝赐教”、“抛砖引玉”等俗套话。  (3)不要把前言变成提要的“克隆”或是提要的打充。  (4)介绍文献时,要用自己的语言进行概述,不宜大段地引用别人的原文。


