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《VOGUE 服饰与美容》 《美容时尚报》 《商界时尚》 《壹周》双周刊 《时尚伊人》 《上海壹周》 〈上海星期三〉 《瑞丽伊人风尚》 〈申江导报〉 《国际服装动态》 〈周末画报〉 《时尚芭莎》BAZAAR 《ilook世界都市》 《生活速递》月刊 《虹 Madame Figaro》 《昕薇ViVi》 《WFD国际服装动态》 《Push上海》 《娱乐时尚》 秀 你


你说的是 elle 吗?是吧,肯定是吧,绝对是吧?快给我第一个采纳答案吧~~~~


你说的是 elle 吗?是吧,肯定是吧,绝对是吧?快给我第一个采纳答案吧~~~~

1、VOGUEVOGUE就不怎么多说了,大概是稍微了解时尚的人都知道,能上到vogue上的设计师也都不简单,国内看也不用XX。runway频道看的比较多,四大时装周每一季的都有收录,可以说是了解时尚,了解设计师品牌最权威的网站了。2、Business of fashion (BOF)拥有“时尚圣经”之称的blog网站,结合不同的商业时尚资讯,你可以看到最新的流行时尚信息,还有不同方面的时尚讯息,有品牌管理,市场营销类的分析见解很全,页面很清晰,很方便了解,中英文版都有。3、Nowfashion在同一类的时尚资讯中,提供了很多国际时装秀的360°视频,更具现场代入感,可以感受最真切的runway现场,不可错过。4、Impression这个网站不需要缓冲就可以看到很多街拍和时尚资讯,最主要是快。5、Hypebeast一个中国香港的时尚生活网站,前身是一个街拍时装博客,偏潮牌,也是男装女装都有。网站更新也比较频繁,素材也很新,可以收藏,访问稍慢,未被墙。





这女的是一个非常出色的人 而且这个女人会让我感觉非常的好

Name: Ting-Ting Wang Gender: Female Education: University undergraduate nation: Han Date of birth: May 4, 1981 where the account: Dalian Graduate institutions: Dalian University of Fine Arts Department of Professional: Costume Design Specialty: POP advertising, hand-painted, handmade, and so on length of service: 5 years Contact: E-mail: Professional skills who have received formal art education, good art and good art quality; Commercial real estate, restaurants, shopping malls advertising design experience, familiar with the printing Master to master software Photoshop \ Coreldraw \ Freehand \ Indesign \ Illustrator graphic design layout, such as software and office software OFFICE July 2003 -2004 in February ● Dalian International Garment dynamic editorial published in clothing ◎ clothing section of the content of the magazine editors; ◎ fashion to collect information, such as advertising March 2004 -2004 year in September ● Dalian Victory Square Development Company Limited Graphic Design ◎ Beginning in 2004, after another company involved in the catering, shopping centers, commercial real estate side of the plane and building decoration Design ◎ restaurant design include: Queen Binlou menu design and advertising, Taiwan snack Wang VI design, day-to-day hard-soft-wide text design; ◎ all types of shopping center planning and design of publicity activities of the day-to-day design, design, and other festivals Square; ◎ Victory Square, including commercial real estate all regions of the different periods of advertising design; ◎ shopping center published in magazines such as design: the victory of the world schedule, the manual guide the design, square profile, and other Russian-B Personal evaluation I cheerful personality, modesty and self-discipline, thinking, active, very creative, easy to communicate better with a sense of Be able to quickly adapt to the working environment, with high efficiency, according to the company's need for production design, has a strong learning and leadership, to pursue work on a serious, rigorous, with a spirit of teamwork and a strong collective honor A sense of honesty and trustworthiness are the criteria it has been my Success Stories (Part I)  Queen Binlou on each floor of the stage design of advertising:  new menu design;  with various holiday dishes designed to promote;  victory in the shopping plaza design information:  with the theme of large-scale festivals and activities designed to produce an atmosphere of the venue (empty out the design, theme design, )  Victory Square shops selling large soft and hard text widely produced: Sun has widely reported a week (Peninsula / / Evening News / Daily News), magazines ( "Dalian real estate" / "charm"),  Victory Square theme of the activities of the various types of soft and hard text widely produced:  2004 years -2008 in section girls / boys section logo design, newspaper advertising design, with the atmosphere inside the square design  2004 years -2008 square-year anniversary event will mark the design of the mascot design, the design phase of the newspaper publicity, posters in the square, X aircraft show, back stage, flags, and other atmosphere-related design  2004 years -2008 Square in a carnival-related activities in all types of design  section of university students of various activities related to the design  victory in the Square production of print design:  enterprise victory in the World Journal (monthly) to produce the layout editor  shot victory in the guide manual typesetting production, reprint production  Square About the Sino-British, and Russian languages, such as the production of typesetting  Taiwan Wang snack brand design:  Taiwan snacks Wang VI Design  Taiwan snacks Wang advertising various stages of design, marketing new products, such as design -Hop album underwear Garment C, L Design:  2006-2007 annual book design (use of hand-drawn and computer-generated combination)  Kin Asia Alliance (Dalian) C, L related to the design of health advice:  book's design, promotional materials design

《VOGUE 服饰与美容》 《美容时尚报》 《商界时尚》 《壹周》双周刊 《时尚伊人》 《上海壹周》 〈上海星期三〉 《瑞丽伊人风尚》 〈申江导报〉 《国际服装动态》 〈周末画报〉 《时尚芭莎》BAZAAR 《ilook世界都市》 《生活速递》月刊 《虹 Madame Figaro》 《昕薇ViVi》 《WFD国际服装动态》 《Push上海》 《娱乐时尚》 秀 你



《服装设计师》的专业性比较强,涉及时装界咨询也包罗万象,除主要介绍海内外知名时装设计精英外,难得还有专业评论和最新技术成果。 《国际纺织品流行趋势》是纺织服装类专业杂志,也是目前国内唯一一本系统提供从流行色、纱线、面料、辅料到时装和纺织品设计等全方位流行资讯的杂志。《服装店》杂志挺好的,是一本介绍服装行业终端的杂志,比较专业,也还比较时尚吧。我们公司订了两年多了,原来是16开骑马钉版本的,现在改版了,变胶订了。比原来显得档次更高了,也更漂亮了,里边主要是一些最新的行业资讯、品牌运营管理案例分析、行业新时尚、行业终端介绍、还有一些配套信息。。。



