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华中科技大学英文版官网上的简介(overview):The Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is a national key university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education of P R China, and is among the first Universities joining the national “211 Project” and “985 Project” It was founded on May 26, 2000 as a result of the merger of the former Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Tongji Medical University and Wuhan Urban Construction IAt present, the University has eleven disciplines: engineering, medicine, management, science, philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history and agriculture, offering a variety of degree programs, including 86 undergraduate programs, 256 graduate programs, 181 PhD There are 31 post-doctoral research centers, 7 national key disciplines, 15 national key HUST covers an area of over 1,153 acres with picturesque environment, elegant surroundings and has 72% greenery coverage, which has been honored as the “University in the Forest” It offers its students and staff first-class logistic service, efficient network service and abundant library HUST has also entered into partnerships with more than 100 renowned universities and research Annually over 100 famous scholars and experts come to visit HUST and give Now the University has over 1,000 professors and 1,300 associate professors, including 24 academicians, 65 professors receiving funds from the Cheung Kong Scholars program, 36 winners of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 36 listed in the “National Talents Project” and 135 young scholars listed in “New Century Outstanding Talents Project” of the Ministry of E In recent years, with the implementation of “New Century Education Reform Project”, HUST has built up a course system based on such major disciplines as information, mechanics, civil engineering and environmental studies, electrical engineering, medicine, management, humanities, It has greatly promoted the reform of credit system and English learning program for non-English majors, strengthened its education base and practical education reform, and built 13 student innovation In addition, HUST has been awarded more than 10 national prizes for education reform, with 37 courses honored as the National Quality Courses and 126 excellent coursebooks listed in the National 11th “Five-Year Key Coursebooks” HUST built various national advanced talents training bases, including the “National Exemplary Software Faculty”, the ”National Base of Life Science and Technological Talents”, the ”National Base of IC Talents”, the ”National Education Base of Basic Science Course”, “National Experimental Exemplary Base of Electronic Electrician Education”, The Tongji Medical College achieved excellence in the national education evaluation on seven-year medicine program and succeeded in the application for the eight-year medicine And HUST students won prizes in various competitions of their own disciplines, such as the “Sony Cup” in the National Electronic Design Competition of University Students in 2003 and 12 first prizes in 2005 outnumbering other universities, the golden prize in the fourth “Challenge Cup” of College Students Entrepreneurship Contest in 2005, various prizes in the National Mechanical Creation Design Competition in 2006, surpassing other universities in the As a university taking the lead in promoting quality education, HUST established the national base of quality education and the system of quality education with a distinctive character, and has been sponsored over 1,200 lectures to expand students’ knowledge of liberal arts and humanities, which is renowned both home and HUST also holds science festivals, cultural festivals and various campus culture activities in order to build up a distinctive atmosphere of humanity, culture and In recent years, with growing social impact, HUST has enrolled more high quality HUST graduates have been enjoying popularity among employers in the job market, and the employment rate has reached above 95% During the construction of “211 Project” and “985 Project”, HUST has broken traditional discipline boundaries, integrated multi-disciplinary resources, played an active role in developing the national innovation system, built the high level and cross-disciplinary scientific innovation platform, and the innovation base of philosophy and social Meanwhile, all the 11 innovation platforms are under full development, including Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, the base of digital manufacturing of equipment and technology, the base of gravitation research, the base of transplantation medicine, the base of environment and health, the base of national defense science and technology, as well as the philosophy and social science base featured with “scientific development and humanism”In accordance with the policy strengthening a coordinated development of both basic research and applied research, HUST founded a three-level vertical system of scientific and technological innovation, including a basic research level with national & provincial laboratories as its core, a hi-tech research level with the national engineering research center as its leader, and a technological development level with the national technology transfer center and the joint laboratory as its Nowadays, the Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, supported by HUST, is now under full Meanwhile, the pulsed high magnetic field facility, which is a major science and technology infrastructure project, has been Besides, the University has four national key laboratories, two national specialized laboratories, one key national defense laboratory, one national engineering laboratory, thirty-seven provincial key laboratories, three key laboratories of the Ministry of Education (Level B), six national engineering(technology) research centers, eight provincial(technology) research centers, three cooperative research centers of the Ministry of Education and four provincial humanities and social science research In recent years, the university receives increasing research funds, and its number of publications accepted in SCI, EI, ISTP was among the top ten universities in C Sticking to the principle of “Securing Support through Service, Pursuing Development by Contribution”, HUST actively promotes commercialization of technological achievements, expands the coverage of education and in return enjoys satisfactory social and economic By establishing cooperative ties with other provinces including Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, and Guizhou, HUST has strengthened its collaboration with the local government and large And HUST has been making contribution to the regional economic development through the establishment of research institutes and industrialization base and the promotion of scientific Now it has become one of the seven national technology transfer Focusing on combining learning and research with manufacturing and considering technology innovation and promotion as its task, HUST has established a group of advanced science and technology enterprises with “HUAGONG TECH CO, LTD” as a gleaming The University Science Park becomes the national “863” industrialization base, and the University science and technology enterprise incubator is honored as the “National Hi-Tech Innovation Service Center” The “four step jump” pattern for science and technology incubation and industrialization has won acclaim from other universities across the National leaders, such as Hu Jintao, Li Changchun, spoke highly of the university’s achievements in hi-tech industry during their visit to HUST The Affiliated Union Hospital and Tongji Hospital are large modern comprehensive hospitals integrating the function of medical service, education, scientific research and As the medical centers of Hubei Province and even South Central China, the hospitals boast a large number of sophisticated medical equipments, like advanced level superconductive magnetic resonance devices, X knife They also maintain leading positions in organ transplantation, cardiovascular surgery, hematologists, ENT, orthopedics, urology and other fields within the The affiliated Liyuan Hospital specializes in presbyatrics and is the research center of Geriatric Conditions of Hubei P Although the HUST did make a great progress in the past, it will keep on stepping forward with full vigor and vitality, aiming to gain its name as a world top-ranking university and create a brilliant




一、调查记录 调查研究是一项很细致的工作,要按照调查提纲一步一步地进行调查,提纲要包括调查对象各个方面的情况。 如果在研究中你采用的调查方法,建议你使用下面的记录表。 表1、学生调查研究计划表 年月日 课题名称 调查目的、意义 调查内容 调查对象 调查时间、地点 调查方法与手段 调查步骤及日程安排 组织领导及人员分工 审批意见 年月日(章) 备注 如果在研究中你采用的调查方法是专访某一个人,建议你使用下面的记录表。 表2、学生访谈记录表 课题题目: 访问日期: 访问者(学生): 班级: 同行者: 被访问者: 职务(职称): 专长: 工作单位: 访问地点: 访问方式(电话、书信、面对面、其他): 访问主题: 访问记录(问答式): 记录者: 结论(专家意见、建议): 访问时间: 分钟 专家签名: 二、调查报告的结构与组成要素 调查报告具有以调查过程和结果来说明现象的特征。它一般包括题目、署名、摘要、关键词、前言、正文、结论和建议、参考文献、附录这九个部分。 表3、调查报告的结构与组成要素 题目 指明主要研究问题; 可加副标匙,补无说明主标题。 署名 调查报告的实际作者。 单位 作者的单位、作者的籍贯及作者单位所在地的邮政编码。 摘要 对全文有—个大致的了解。 关键词 起决定作用的词语。 前言 1、调查动机与背景; 2、调查目的和意义; 3、有利和不利因素的分析。 正文 1、调查内容:主要研究问题; 2、调查方法:时间、地点、对象、范围、取样及调查方式; 3、通过叙述、调查图表、统计数字、有关文献资料表述研究内容。 两种不同的写法: 1、把调查的基本情况分成几个并列的项目进行写作; 2、按照逻辑顺序、演变过程加以排列,层层深入地进行写作。 结论和建议 1、概括某一现象的特点,规律和形成原困; 2、提出新的见解,新的理论和参考意见。 参考文献 在报告最后列出重要的参考文献。 附录 各种调查表格、原始数据、研究记录等。 三、调查报告协作的一般格式 调查报告的格式决定于研究成果的内容。研究成果因学科不同、选题不同、性质不同、研究方法以及实验过程、逻辑推理和结果的表现形式的不同而各有差异。具体撰写时的一般格式包括如下几个部分: 1、标题 标题是对调查报告的高度概括,是研究成果的集中体现,常用一个动宾词组去表达,基本要求是确切、简洁、醒目和避免雷同。调查报告的题目可直接揭示论点,也可点明论述范围。标题可用判断句、陈述句,也可用疑问句。标题一般不要超过15个字,太长的标题可分出副标题来。标题的构思十分重要,好的标题能引人入胜,能使人抓住调查报告的中心议题。 2、署名 署名的目的有三个:一是表明作者付出了辛勤的劳动代价;二是表示作者要对文章负责;三是便于同行或读者与作者联系。为文章署名,只有文章的实际作者才应该署名。是个人写作的,署个人的姓名;是集体的成果,署集体的名字,也可以在集体的名义下,分署参加者个人的名字。 3、单位 单位包括作者的单位、作者的籍贯及作者单位所在地的邮政编码。在署名下一格打上括号,在括号里写上作者的单位,隔一个字写上作者的籍贯,再隔一个字写上作者单位所在地的邮编。 4、摘要 摘要是调查报告基本思想的缩影,是调查报告的简单介绍,是浓缩了的情报信息,目的是使其他人对全文有—个大致的了解。 5、关键词 关键词是指文章中最关键、起决定作用的词语。它是文章内容、观点、涉及的问题和类别等方面的标志和提示。一篇文章关键词的个数根据文章内容需要可多可少,一般3—8个为宜。 6、前言 前言亦称引言、引论、绪论、序论或导论,是调查报告的开头部分即开场白。主要内容是提出问题、明确中心论点或阐明研究的原因、目的和方法,或介绍研究的背景、范围及意义,以使其他人对论述的内容先有个概括的了解。 7、正文 正文又称本论,即调查报告的核心部分,它是展开论题,对论点进行分析论证,以表达你的见解和研究成果的中心部分,占调查报告的绝大篇幅。正文的内容一般包括实验方法、理论依据、实验结果、分析与讨论等。一篇报告只有想法、主张是不行的,必须经过科学严密的论证,才能确认观点的合理性和真实性,才能使别人信服。因此,报告主题部分的论证是极为重要的。 8、结论 结论是调查报告的结束部分,即解决问题的部分,它起着画龙点睛的作用,是整篇调查报告的归结。但不是实验结果的简单重复,而是经过综合分析,将各种数据材料连贯起来,思索判断,逻辑推理,形成总体论点。结论是去粗存精、由表及里、抽象出共同的、本质的规律,它与正文紧密衔接,与前言相呼应,使调查报告首尾呼应。它还要求结论写得措词严谨、准确、鲜明。 9、参考文献 在报告最后列出重要的参考文献目录目的有三个:第一,表示对他人劳动成果的尊重;第二,可加大报告的信息量,提高报告的学术价值;第三,他人可以以此为线索查阅资料原文。凡是在调查报告写作或研究过程中起到参考作用的文献资料,都属于参考文献之列。 10、附录 各种调查表格、原始数据、研究记录等。 就中学生的调查报告来说,必须具备题目、署名、前言、正文、结论和建议、附录这六个部分,其他不作统一要求。

回答 您好,您的问题已收到,正在为您整理答案,请稍后 1、工作年限 工作年限一定要写,这是企业判定一个应聘者是否具备岗位资格的重要条件之一。如果是应届生,没有工作经验,也可以写上与应聘岗位相关的实习经验,这也说明求职者的态度。 2、工作时间段 工作时间段,即在一家公司工作的开始与结束时间,企业一般对频繁跳槽的求职者不太认可,因此,工作时间段如果在2年以上,会受到重视,3-5年是在一家企业的最佳工作时间。在一家企业连续工作超过5年,跳槽后,适应新公司会产生一定的困难。 3、工作单位 一定要写全称,无论你所在的企业多么知名,写全称也是必要的,如果可以要附上企业的简单介绍,企业最好能在网上查到,这样会增加简历的可信度。 4、担任职务 在企业担任的职务可写最后的一个职务,也可分别填写担任的不同职务,以便企业了解你的职业发展轨迹,这通常有利于企业对你的认识与了解。 由于各个企业对同一职务的要求不同,要详细罗列在该职务下,你所做的工作及项目。项目经验可专门详细介绍。如果担任的职务与应聘岗位不匹配,可尽量使工作细节向应聘岗位靠拢。 5、主要业绩 这是大部分求职者忽略的一个部分,其实这部分是非常重要的 能帮到您是我的荣幸!祝您生活愉快!如果您觉得对您有帮助的话,请辛苦点一下赞哦!谢谢! 更多5条 




以“如果我掌握了克隆技术”为题,写一篇作文If I have mastered cloning technology, I think for the benefit of mankind, there is a need for the patient to clone their required human Entering the hospital ward, a patient groaned in pain, I went into their clone The first patient to clone a I use the machine to check his heart gene and shape, and then in the computer drawing of a heart with him as like as two peas, I was not to be Because the heart is all the most critical organs, can not tolerate But I think before doing so many cloned cardiac operation, he is confident to Half an hour later, cloned cardiac completed, then the task is more formidable, I put the oxygen input in And then through the advanced equipment to his heart and I clone good heart phase exchange, will I am a little It is also useful in cardiac patients, only the degeneration of cardiac So I went through the device will heart storage is good, wait until the next patients in need of a heart, can come in I wish I could master the cloning technology, then I must realize this great 假如你是李华,你的朋友Peter来信咨询如何学好英语,根据以下要点回信: 参加中文学习班 看中文书刊、电视 学唱中文歌曲 交中国朋友

Everything has two sides,so the modern technology also has its advantages and First of all,it makes our life more For example ,buses save up us a lot of Besides,it provides us more safe food just like "green food"What's more,it makes us learn much more about our humanbeings and the However,it brings the pollution for us ,It also makes some of us be lazy because life is too Above all,we should make full use of the technology and do our best to help the earth and ps:小生拙作,很久没动笔,看看吧~~

一、以“如果我掌握了克隆技术”为题,写一篇作文 答:这是一篇完全开方式的作文,英语作文目前还没有这种形式。下面是小学生的作文,供参考: 假如我掌握了克隆技术,我想为人类造福,为有需要的病人克隆出他们所需的人体器官。 走进医院,病房里一位位病人痛苦地呻吟着,我挨个为他们克隆器官。第一个病人需要克隆的是心脏。我用机器查看他的心脏的基因和形状,然后在电脑中绘画出一个与他心脏一模一样的,我不由地捏了一把汗。因为心脏是所有人最关键的器官,可容不得马虎。但想想我以前做过那么多的克隆心脏手术,便对自己信心十足。   半小时后,克隆心脏完成了,接下来任务更加艰巨了,我把氧气输入体内。然后通过先进的设备将他原来的心脏与我克隆好的心脏相交换,就成功了。我松了一口气。那患者的心脏还有用,只是心脏功能退化了。所以我又通过设备将心脏储藏好,等到下一个患者需要心脏,就可以派上用场了。   真希望我能掌握克隆技术,那时我一定要实现这个伟大的理想。      二、假如你是李华,你的朋友Peter来信咨询如何学好英语,根据以下要点回信: 参加中文学习班 看中文书刊、电视 学唱中文歌曲 交中国朋友Dear Peter, I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese Here are a few First, it is important to take a Chinese course, as you’ll be able to learn from the teacher and practice with your fellow Then, it also helps to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever Besides, it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you’ll learn and remember Chinese words more You can also make more Chinese They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn C Try and write me in Chinese next Best wishesLi Hua三、假如你是李华,你的新西兰笔友Nick将于8月来四川旅游,询问景点,依要点回信: 旅游资源:许多世界著名风景名胜,如九寨沟(海子,清澈见底,色彩斑斓) 都江堰水利工程(1000多年历史仍在发挥作用) 相关信息:气候宜人,交通方便Dear Nick,First of all, allow me to extend to you my warmest Sichuan is a charming province with many places of interest, including Lyla and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System, which are among the sights of the Since they are really worthwhile to pay a visit to, I strongly recommend that you should not miss What is more, you know, the virtue of living in Sichuan is that the weather is so It will be neither too hot nor too You could even feel the sound of I believe that never in your life will be so close to experience the beauty of Besides, the very convenient transportation will bring you an extremely new You have to appreciate the progress of a city while admiring the palmy In conclusion, you will have a good time here!Sincerely yours,Lihua 上面两篇是参考范文,仅供参考。别指望会有人给你原创写三篇作文。给100元RMB或许有人会写。


