
> 论文期刊知识库

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您的查询应该包括关于你提出的文章的简短概括总结并提供你怎样实施这篇报道的方法。 建议你附上跟过去相关作品的链接。 我们检阅每个查询,但只会做出慎重考虑做出下的回复。我们不再接受书写的申请,请邮寄电子邮箱到

来稿字数不限格式不限 欢迎各系学生踊跃投稿works are supposed to be different in styles and number of wordsworks from all departments are appreciated and wanted

译文:There are no requirements for length or Students from all disciplines are welcome to contribute

各位供稿、翻译高手,《英语广场·美文》杂志社(原文《美丽英文》)的小编这厢向你们讨稿了!!!  Foreword 开卷·珠玑小语:优美、精悍的小段文字。100字以内。  Warm-up 暖场·每月一帖:当今流行话题、热点、焦点评论。500字以内。  Inspirational Stories 感动·金故事:故事无需太长,最好不超过2000字。  Who Said What 美语·言犹在耳  妙语Cute Quotes:顾名思义要突出“妙”字,要反映出新时代的潮流  格言Words to Live By:书籍、名著名篇的精选摘抄  星语Star Speak:名人明星个性宣言  台词Memorable Lines:新近上映影片的经典中英文对照台词  歌典Song Lyrics:好听流行前沿的英文歌曲  演讲Speech:有趣的演讲,杜绝重复乏味教条  Words of Wisdom 智慧·菩提树下  语丝Bits & Pieces:能够反映出为人处事规则的信条、法则。500字以内  思Thoughts:小故事蕴含的大智慧。500字以内。  寓言Parable:新颖的寓言故事  Heart for Love 情感·爱无迹:故事、散文、诗歌凡是歌咏亲情、友情、爱情、人间真情的文章,不局限于形式,重在感情真挚。  Classic Pieces 品读·西窗听雨:名篇名著选段,经典诗歌、散文、小说、书信,大家之作,须配赏析文字。  Talk Show 神侃·脱口秀  名人秀 Celeb Interview:当红明星惊天话语  怪话连篇 Smart Answer:绝妙提问、绝妙回答  Cool Play  耍酷·玩转英语:时下最流行的语言文字游戏,说得酷,玩得酷  酷语IN Expressions  热贴HOT Messages  稿费:我们的杂志开本为16开,稿费按照印刷书样的面数计算,60元/开  难度大、质量高的,稿费还可以再商量!  要求:严禁投递一些陈词滥调及反复刊登的英文稿件,内容一定要新颖,最好是首译  我们会与同类杂志互相交换,所以坚决禁止一稿多投,一旦发现,永不录用。  我们会在半个月之内给予回复,如果没有回复稿件可以自行处理。欢迎各位高人踊跃抛砖!!!  投稿联系人 Miss sunshine  E-mail:  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  收英语的杂志不多,我只知道这个,由于探路的人也少,所以也不知道这个编辑还在不在收= =  楼主可以试下,更多的可以查询  %D3%A2%D3%EF


译文:There are no requirements for length or Students from all disciplines are welcome to contribute

来稿字数不限格式不限 欢迎各系学生踊跃投稿works are supposed to be different in styles and number of wordsworks from all departments are appreciated and wanted

dear teachers and students I am the speaker of the school Radio ur school ur school Radio have lots of nice radio news of our school from 7: to 7:30 and at the same time,we will give you some intersting English In the afternoon from 5:00 to 6:00we will give you English songs and at Daliy English, we will invite students from some classes and we hope you can give us you nice passage,and we can read your Welcome everybody to join

solicit contributions“Since my” the fence family life" in the magazine has published, Receives reading public's attention and the high praise, in order to unfold the differ in thousands of ways family life, Altogether creates the harmonious family atmosphere, We especially collect the manuscript to the reading public, Contributions are


Contributions are welcome Workshop Proceedings

您的查询应该包括关于你提出的文章的简短概括总结并提供你怎样实施这篇报道的方法。 建议你附上跟过去相关作品的链接。 我们检阅每个查询,但只会做出慎重考虑做出下的回复。我们不再接受书写的申请,请邮寄电子邮箱到

contribute 他经常向一家物理杂志投稿。He contribute regularly to a physics

There are no restrictions for neither the style nor wordage of the Works from all departments are



"You are welcome to our newspaper"

1、标准答案是:Welcome2、但是口语也可以说:Nice(or glad) to meet -- 很高兴认识你3、欢迎你的英文:you are welcome参考例句:Hsin-mei said with a rueful smile, "I'll welcome you to Chungking in the latter part of the year辛楣苦笑道:“下半年在重庆欢迎你。Welcome home,dear Grandma!亲爱的奶奶,欢迎你回来!I welcome your kind 我欢迎你好意相助。You are welcome to bring your wife to the 欢迎你带你的妻子来参加聚会。You are welcome to come over to 欢迎你到我们这边来。"Sure, we do encourage you to come back and start an "是呀,我们是欢迎你回来办企业呀。We rolled out the red carpet for 我们铺开红地毯隆重地欢迎你。You know you are welcome to "你知道,我们欢迎你住下。"On behalf of my company, I would like to welcome you 我代表我们公司欢迎你来这里。" On behalf of my company, I would like to welcome you "我代表我们公司欢迎你来这里。welcome是什么意思: 欢迎,款待,愉快的接受,迎接 欢迎,迎接,接受;欢迎辞 受欢迎的,令人愉悦的,不受限制的 欢迎参考例句:Welcome you to the 欢迎您到交易会来。Whomever you invite will be 你邀请的任何人都将受欢迎。A constant guest is never welcome常客令人厌




There are no restrictions for neither the style nor wordage of the Works from all departments are

Contributions are welcome Workshop Proceedings

"We, the manuscript content to all students of university every aspect of life, the manuscript, any form of You are welcome to "


