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专门介绍企业的杂志?这个很难说。。。中国企业家 环球企业家 都是介绍企业家。当然,说人肯定会说到 企业。另外,商界,销售与市场也会介绍企业的发展与战略,营销,很不错,你倒可以一看。还有,经营者 也是讲企业经营的。还有,〈川商〉〈浙商〉等。




《当代企业家》 杂志社成立于1999年,由广东省政府关心下一代工作委员会主办,是中国进出口商品交易会指定读物。《当代企业家》杂志(国内刊号CN51-1114/I、国际刊号ISSN1006-026X)创刊之初就受到了各级领导的关怀——原广东省委书记任仲夷亲笔提写刊名,原国务院副总理吴桂贤、原广东省省长卢瑞华担任名誉会长。该刊主要宣传国家部委的企业政策,介绍全球经贸、金融、科技信息、港台信息、广东经济走势以及国内外企业管理的成败得失,致力于加强企业、政府、媒体间互动,是在国内外公开发行的财经人物类杂志。《当代企业家》自创办以来,凭借南方经济发达的优势,致力于企业及企业家新闻和形象的采访和传播。十多年来,成功地创立了《行业精英》、《人物春秋》、《南粤大地》、《军旅生涯》、《艺术收藏》、《法律生活》、《客家风情》等十余个知名栏目,先后报道了数十个著名人物(如李嘉诚、刘永好、张兰、吴长江、曹德旺、何永智、王祥林、涂辉龙、邹国营、李辉、冼笃信、周玉书、邓建国等)深受广大企业家的欢迎,在同类刊物中享有较高的声誉。

专门介绍企业的杂志?这个很难说。。。中国企业家 环球企业家 都是介绍企业家。当然,说人肯定会说到 企业。另外,商界,销售与市场也会介绍企业的发展与战略,营销,很不错,你倒可以一看。还有,经营者 也是讲企业经营的。还有,〈川商〉〈浙商〉等。









财经 《财经》是一本密切关注中国经济制度变革与现代市场经济进程的新闻性刊物。秉承“独立立场、独家报道、独到见解”的理念,《财经》全面观察并追踪中国经济改革的重大举措、政府高层的重要动向、市场建设的重点事件,及时予以分析和评论,对于资本市场在中国的成长变化更给予特别关注;对于海外发生的重大经济、时政要闻,《财经》亦经常派出记者现场专访,其报道以新闻的独家性和权威性见长。 《财经》主要读者为中国的中高级投资者、政府管理层和经济学界。1998年4月创刊,杂志的领衔栏目“封面文章” 因深度报道堪称具有史实记录价值。其他重要栏目如“经济全局”、“资本市场”、“财经观察”、“观点评述”、“产业纵深”、“公司透视”等,每有真知灼见迸发,为业内好评。 环球财经 《环球财经》杂志创刊于2001年4月,以“提升中国公司全球价值”为己任,重点研究发达市场和新兴市场的产业对接,对国际经济领域热点、难点进行全景追踪,进行独家、权威分析;对知名公司全方位、课题式调查采访。是一本研究中国企业国际化的大型财经月刊。 《环球财经》在充分报道国际经济领域的热点、难点问题同时,格外关注中国企业国际化和进入中国的跨国公司,通过它们的成败得失来反映、影响中国经济生活的变化,并通过对这种变化的深入解读和深刻分析,帮助城市主流人群找寻商机、提供理念型价值服务。 《环球财经》注重财经事件的专业化、课题化研究,高超的策划者、事件的当事者、权威的研究者,“三合一”的特色,将为读者提供全球背景下的一流财经故事和独到的见解,以及全球化发展思路,搭建全球市场与中外公司沟通的平台。 《环球财经》由国务院发展研究中心主管,每月5日出版,发行量为8万册/期。此外,由其主唱并在运筹的“中国民族产业论坛”正逐步被打造成商业精英研讨国际化问题的理想平台。 核心价值 使命:提升中国公司全球价值 关注:全球财富视野,本土价值创新 视点指向:国际化中的中国企业;极具竞争力的成长型中国企业;以及已经进入或准备进入中国市场的全球500强企业。 报道风格:“全视角国际报道、公司个案调查、专家中立研判”是《环球财经》的三大优势。区别于其他同类刊物,《环球财经》侧重从微观角度直面国内外优秀企业和企业家,并从全球产业链大背景下予以分析,同时并重文章的可读性和观点性。 中国企业家 创刊于1985年,中国主流商业财经杂志公认的领导者。 20年来,《中国企业家》秉承“国力的较量在于企业,企业的较量在于企业家核心理念”,倡导企业家精神,致力使企业家阶层成为中国社会最受尊重的主流人群。 “本土商业,全球价值”,《中国企业家》杂志将伴随着中国企业的全球化步伐,做华人商业伦理与管理哲学的总结者与代言人,促进华人商业文化成为全球主流商业文化之一,使中国企业家成为全球商业惧乐部中受尊重的人群。 新财经 《新财经》杂志于2000年9月创刊,主管单位为中国物流协会 《新财经》是国内唯一专门为中国投资人服务的大型投资类财经杂志,主要面向素质较高、具有敏锐市场洞察力和强大消费能力的成功人士主流读者,包括海内外机构投资者、企业家、高级职业经理人、高级行政人员和城市白领群体。现已成为中国最有影响力的财经杂志之一。 财经界 《财经界》杂志简介 《财经界》杂志于1983年创刊,业界认为《财经界》杂志是新理念的第一推力,新财富的在手利器。 《财经界》杂志为大型财经月刊,旨在介绍国家宏观经济政策、经济环境、经济信息和分析经济热点问题,向读者报告中国市场,产业和行业的发展趋势。杂志面向各级政府决策层、财经高管人员、研究机构的专家学者、资本拥有者、企业白领和企业企划人员、高校相关专业的教师和研究生,以及一切关心中国经济改革和社会进步的人士。




NEW YORK (FORTUNE) - It's pretty incredible to look back 30 years to when Microsoft (Research) was starting and realize how work has been We're finally getting close to what I call the digital workstyleIf you look at this office, there isn't much paper in On my desk I have three screens, synchronized to form a single I can drag items from one screen to the Once you have that large display The screen on the left has my list of e- On the center screen is usually the specific e-mail I'm reading and responding And my browser is on the right-hand This setup gives me the ability to glance and see what new has come in while I'm working on something, and to bring up a link that's related to an e-mail and look at it while the e-mail is still in front of At Microsoft, e-mail is the medium of choice, more than phone calls, documents, blogs, bulletin boards, or even meetings (voicemails and faxes are actually integrated into our e-mail in-boxes)I get about 100 e-mails a We apply filtering to keep it to that level梕-mail comes straight to me from anyone I've ever corresponded with, anyone from Microsoft, Intel, HP, and all the other partner companies, and anyone I And I always see a write-up from my assistant of any other e-mail, from companies that aren't on my permission list or individuals I don't That way I know what people are praising us for, what they are complaining about, and what they are We're at the point now where the challenge isn't how to communicate effectively with e-mail, it's ensuring that you spend your time on the e-mail that matters I use tools like "in-box rules" and search folders to mark and group messages based on their content and I'm not big on to-do Instead, I use e-mail and desktop folders and my online So when I walk up to my desk, I can focus on the e-mails I've flagged and check the folders that are monitoring particular projects and particular Outlook also has a little notification box that comes up in the lower right whenever a new e-mail comes We call it the I'm very disciplined about ignoring that unless I see that it's a high-priority Staying focused is one issue; that's the problem of information The other problem is information Being flooded with information doesn't mean we have the right information or that we're in touch with the right I deal with this by using SharePoint, a tool that creates websites for collaboration on specific These sites contain plans, schedules, discussion boards, and other information, and they can be created by just about anyone in the company with a couple of Right now, I'm getting ready for Think W In May, I'll go off for a week and read 100 or more papers from Microsoft employees that examine issues related to the company and the future of I've been doing this for over 12 It used to be an all-paper process in which I was the only one doing the reading and Today the whole process is digital and open to the entire I'm now far more efficient in picking the right papers to read, and I can add electronic comments that everyone sees in real Microsoft has more than 50,000 people, so when I'm thinking, "Hey, what's the future of the online payment system?" or "What's a great way to keep track of your memories of your kid?" or any neat new thing, I write it Then people can see it and say, "No, you're wrong" or "Did you know about this work being done at such-and-such a place?"SharePoint puts me in touch with lots of people deep in the It's like having a super-website that lets many people edit and discuss梖ar more than the standard practice of sending e-mails with And it notifies you if anything comes up in an area you're interested Another digital tool that has had a big effect on my productivity is desktop It has transformed the way I access information on my PC, on servers, and on the I With larger hard drives and increasing bandwidth, I now have gigabytes of information on my PC and servers in the form of e-mails, documents, media files, contact databases, and so Instead of having to navigate through folders to find that one document where I think a piece of information might be, I simply type search terms into a toolbar and all the e-mails and documents that contain that information are at my The same goes for phone numbers and email Paper is no longer a big part of my I get 90% of my news online, and when I go to a meeting and want to jot things down, I bring my Tablet PC It's fully synchronized with my office machine so I have all the files I It also has a note-taking piece of software called OneNote, so all my notes are in digital The one low-tech piece of equipment still in my office is my I always have nice color pens, and it's great for brainstorming when I'm with other people, and even sometimes by The whiteboards in some Microsoft offices have the ability to capture an image and send it up to the computer, almost like a huge Tablet PC I don't have that right now, but probably I'll get a digital whiteboard in the next Today, if there's something up there that's brilliant, I just get out my pen and my Tablet PC and recreate Days are often filled with It's a nice luxury to get some time to go write up my thoughts or follow up on meetings during the But sometimes that doesn't So then it's great after the kids go to bed to be able to just sit at home and go through whatever e-mail I didn't get If the entire week is very busy, it's the weekend when I'll send the long, thoughtful pieces of e- When people come in Monday morning, they'll see that I've been quite busy?they'll have a lot of e-mailarea, you'll never go back, because it has a direct impact on

NEW YORK (FORTUNE) - It's pretty incredible to look back 30 years to when Microsoft (Research) was starting and realize how work has been We're finally getting close to what I call the digital workstyle If you look at this office, there isn't much paper in On my desk I have three screens, synchronized to form a single I can drag items from one screen to the Once you have that large display The screen on the left has my list of e- On the center screen is usually the specific e-mail I'm reading and responding And my browser is on the right-hand This setup gives me the ability to glance and see what new has come in while I'm working on something, and to bring up a link that's related to an e-mail and look at it while the e-mail is still in front of At Microsoft, e-mail is the medium of choice, more than phone calls, documents, blogs, bulletin boards, or even meetings (voicemails and faxes are actually integrated into our e-mail in-boxes) I get about 100 e-mails a We apply filtering to keep it to that level梕-mail comes straight to me from anyone I've ever corresponded with, anyone from Microsoft, Intel, HP, and all the other partner companies, and anyone I And I always see a write-up from my assistant of any other e-mail, from companies that aren't on my permission list or individuals I don't That way I know what people are praising us for, what they are complaining about, and what they are We're at the point now where the challenge isn't how to communicate effectively with e-mail, it's ensuring that you spend your time on the e-mail that matters I use tools like "in-box rules" and search folders to mark and group messages based on their content and I'm not big on to-do Instead, I use e-mail and desktop folders and my online So when I walk up to my desk, I can focus on the e-mails I've flagged and check the folders that are monitoring particular projects and particular Outlook also has a little notification box that comes up in the lower right whenever a new e-mail comes We call it the I'm very disciplined about ignoring that unless I see that it's a high-priority Staying focused is one issue; that's the problem of information The other problem is information Being flooded with information doesn't mean we have the right information or that we're in touch with the right I deal with this by using SharePoint, a tool that creates websites for collaboration on specific These sites contain plans, schedules, discussion boards, and other information, and they can be created by just about anyone in the company with a couple of Right now, I'm getting ready for Think W In May, I'll go off for a week and read 100 or more papers from Microsoft employees that examine issues related to the company and the future of I've been doing this for over 12 It used to be an all-paper process in which I was the only one doing the reading and Today the whole process is digital and open to the entire I'm now far more efficient in picking the right papers to read, and I can add electronic comments that everyone sees in real Microsoft has more than 50,000 people, so when I'm thinking, "Hey, what's the future of the online payment system?" or "What's a great way to keep track of your memories of your kid?" or any neat new thing, I write it Then people can see it and say, "No, you're wrong" or "Did you know about this work being done at such-and-such a place?" SharePoint puts me in touch with lots of people deep in the It's like having a super-website that lets many people edit and discuss梖ar more than the standard practice of sending e-mails with And it notifies you if anything comes up in an area you're interested Another digital tool that has had a big effect on my productivity is desktop It has transformed the way I access information on my PC, on servers, and on the I With larger hard drives and increasing bandwidth, I now have gigabytes of information on my PC and servers in the form of e-mails, documents, media files, contact databases, and so Instead of having to navigate through folders to find that one document where I think a piece of information might be, I simply type search terms into a toolbar and all the e-mails and documents that contain that information are at my The same goes for phone numbers and email Paper is no longer a big part of my I get 90% of my news online, and when I go to a meeting and want to jot things down, I bring my Tablet PC It's fully synchronized with my office machine so I have all the files I It also has a note-taking piece of software called OneNote, so all my notes are in digital The one low-tech piece of equipment still in my office is my I always have nice color pens, and it's great for brainstorming when I'm with other people, and even sometimes by The whiteboards in some Microsoft offices have the ability to capture an image and send it up to the computer, almost like a huge Tablet PC I don't have that right now, but probably I'll get a digital whiteboard in the next Today, if there's something up there that's brilliant, I just get out my pen and my Tablet PC and recreate Days are often filled with It's a nice luxury to get some time to go write up my thoughts or follow up on meetings during the But sometimes that doesn't So then it's great after the kids go to bed to be able to just sit at home and go through whatever e-mail I didn't get If the entire week is very busy, it's the weekend when I'll send the long, thoughtful pieces of e- When people come in Monday morning, they'll see that I've been quite busy?they'll have a lot of e-mailarea, you'll never go back, because it has a direct impact on


