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1,《学前教育(家教版)》(月刊)创刊于1980年,由北京教育音像报刊总社主办。先后荣获华北地区十佳期刊、北京市社科优秀期刊、首届北京市优秀出版物奖“优秀期刊奖”、“全国抗震救灾宣传报道先进期刊”等荣誉和奖项。以更细的话题、更宽的视野、更大的容量、更多的信息,使2~6岁幼儿家长育儿生活的全部烦恼和希望,尽在知己知彼中。2,《莫愁》(旬刊)创刊于1985年7月,是由江苏省妇女联合会主办的江苏省社会影响力最大、最受读者喜爱的综合类文化期刊之一。《莫愁》通过邮局面向全国发行,并通过中国国际图书贸易总公司向国外发行,发行量居江苏省同类期刊之首,并在美国、法国等有一定的订阅量。 《莫愁》历年来先后被评为全国双效期刊、华东地区优秀期刊、江苏省期刊方阵双十佳期刊、江苏省优秀期刊,入选中国精品期刊资料库和《中华百年报刊大系•当代现行卷》,进入中国期刊方阵,多次参加在国外举办的中国期刊展。国内重要的图书机构大都收藏《莫愁》。3,幼儿教育·家教版本刊以幼儿家长及幼儿为主要读者对象,兼顾幼儿园教师(便于教师做好家长和家园共育工作)。普及先进的幼儿教育科学知识,帮助家长了解幼儿园、托儿所教育工作和幼儿身心发展规律,帮助家长树立正确的育儿观念,交流家长育儿的甘苦与感悟,探讨家园共育的途径与方法,并为家长提供保教咨询服务。一、教育名著1、《陶行知文集》陶行知,江苏教育出版社,2001年3月2、《新教育之梦》(朱永新)人民教育出版社,2002年7月版3、《中国古代教育论著选读》(已经编好)4、《苏霍姆林斯基选集》[苏]苏霍姆林斯基著译 者:蔡汀王义高祖晶主编,科学出版社出版。2001年8月5、《教育的经济价值》【美】舒尔茨著《教育的经济价值》,吉林人民出版社,1982年版,[影响现代比较教育类理论]6、《终身教育引论》[法]保罗"郎格朗《终身教育引论》,中国对外翻译出版公司出版,1985年版[教育管理专业必读书目]7、《明日之学校》(杜威著,赵祥麟、王承绪编译,华东师范大学出版社1981年1月第一版)8、《民主主义与教育》(写于1916),[美]杜威,王承绪译,人民教育出版社, 1990年10月第1版9、《教育和美好的生活》杨汉麟译,作者:(英)伯特兰"罗素出版社:河北人民出版社,出版日期: 2001年6月10、《爱弥尔》[法]卢梭,李平沤译,商务印书馆, 1978年版11、《教育过程》(美国,布鲁纳)邵瑞珍译文化教育出版社1982年2月12、《教育过程最优化》[苏]巴班斯基吴文侃等译教育科学出版社2001-0113、《课堂中的皮格马利翁——教师期望与学生智力的发展》[美国]罗森塔尔、雅各布森著,唐晓杰、崔允潡译,人民教育出版社 14、《孩子们!你好!》苏联,阿莫纳什维利著,朱佩荣先生翻译,教育科学出版社出版,2002年2月,(《孩子们,你们好!》、《孩子们,你们生活得怎样?》、《孩子们,祝你们一路平安!》学校无分数教育三部曲)15、《学习,别听学校的》(德国,菲拉"费"毕尔肯比尔著,江苏人民出版社,2000年9月注:此书为德国中小学教师必读书)16、《和老师的谈话》(赞科夫)[苏]JIB赞科夫著杜殿坤译,教育科学出版社出版、发行17、《多元智能》 [美国]加德纳著,沈致隆 译,新华出版社出版18、《斯宾塞的快乐教育》(英国)斯宾塞著颜真译海峡文艺出版社出版19、《教育诗》[苏] 马卡连柯著磊然译人民文学出版社1957年版。(三七作家,专门在2003-02-13的《南方周末》上推荐此书)20、《大教育论》1957年,[捷克]夸美纽斯,人民教育出版社加以修改,用《大教学论》的书名重新出版。影响历史进程的一百本(社会科学类)21、《普通教育学》[德]赫尔巴特:《普通教育学/教育学讲授纲要》,北京,人民教育出版社,1998年。22、《教育科学与儿童心理学》,皮亚杰著,文化教育出版社1981年,傅统先译。





the importance of family education With the development of economy and technology, the quality of life has become better and As a result, children today are experiencing more and more At the same time, family education are particularly important AS far as we known,the problem of spoiling children has been common these It is obvious family may have great influence to a On one hand, the parents of children up is stimulative From the following four aspects:political thought,system,and On the other hand, parents also play a negative Like indulgence, domestic violence, and so on, the emergence of the education that parents caused by the This shows, good family education how important it is! In my opinion, family education is necessary to forming an excellent However, the family education should not be carried out Under proper guidance, family education can only be

Confidence is a successEducation is a famous say: let every child to raise head to "Head" means to oneself, to the future, and to things to do with Any one person, when he heads held high, striding forward, in his heart, there are many of his works, "I can do", "I can achieve the goal", "I'll do well", "small setback for me nothing" If every student, have this attitude, can progress, become the good student all-round However, in fact, there are quite a number of children lack of confidence, lack of progress of courage, originally can have very motivation, also only six points or In the long run, it is difficult to cheer up, become a pall of Not only will delay progress, and may even pessimism, behave even more badly, it is very Why will appear this kind of phenomenon? This is the external and internal interaction From the external said, may be influenced by the negative evaluation too much, without the chance of success, poor situation, From the internal said, may be damaged, self-esteem, self-confidence, lack of self-control and For example, a child in the class is not in the collective, no expression ability, teachers, parents, or in front of criticism, accused by too much, even irony, sarcasm, or by some setbacks (as) after the test scores of guidance and help will hurt the child's self-esteem, self- Then, the poor performance, and can cause new disdain, a vicious Anyone who respect and pride, children are no While some respects, self-esteem, self-confidence, is the first psychological So how to cultivate children's self-confidence family?We must first respect children's Respect personality is regardless of time, place, regardless of is more advantages than shortcomings If a parent in children have grade respect him, when problems arise not respect him, arbitrary, it has done Parents might think method with psychological transposition, oneself have shortcomings and errors, hope others how to treat Children are eager to be respected, first by parents and teachers with Respect your child, cannot to degrading, wound self- "For you", "you hopeless," "your brain is pig brains", "I was disappointed in you completely," "your this virtue, you shouldn't", "you are my face lost" These words from the parents should be in the Secondly, often encourage children to help The success of any small, can enhance the person's A child, when he wrote a word, to do a problem, a red flag, wash a pair of socks, make a dish, a button, wipe a floor, he had the joy of achievement, can expect to do better next As a parent, child, let him to help a bit of successful experience, and not how difficult This is both honeset In a little success in a Teach children learn more positive To do the children lack confidence, especially those of children, inferiority in tiny progress, affirm them out of their education, also in their faces difficulties and setbacks, positive self hint: "I can do", "I'll effort will do", "I will not be intimidated difficulty"In addition, cultivate children's self-confidence and teacher, make to children at the school also get the chance of success, encouragement and not Second, the importance of cultivating non-intellectual factors of childrenIn real life, some students in school, had considered superior intelligence, but nothing after The fact proves, high intelligence can become not hidden in fact, the truth behind the talented person is: except for certain mental factors and social conditions outside, still depends on a number of non-intelligent Generally thought that intelligence factors including six aspects: attention, memory, imagination, observation, SiWeiLi, Non-intelligent factors, and no direct relationship to the emotion, will, interest, personality, need, motivation, objectives and ambitions, beliefs, outlook, These non-intelligence factor in the growth process, the talented person having the effect that cannot A high level of intelligence, if he's non-intellective factor not well developed, often without much Instead, one of the average intelligence, if he's got a good development non-intelligent factors, can obtain success, make greater Psychologically speaking, emotion, will, interest, character, needs and goals, ambition, and intellectual development outlook, etc, are the internal Through the internal A man of non-intelligent factors have good development not only helps the full development of intelligence, but also other aspects for the Conversely, if people lack will ease, and influence the development of Third, from children to logical thinking ability of developmentLogical thinking ability is the key factor of A person's mind level, mainly through logical thinking Family should have a correct understanding and education in the child process consciously measures, let children become Thinking is usually say, "thinking", "think", "think", is one of the brain's ability to process the objective SiWeiLi, is a person of thinking Thinking level, reflect a person's intelligence activity It is shown from the different aspects:Independence: SiWeiLi strong person, must be adept at independent In the study, meet difficulties in life can be independent thinking, looking for Even if he ask others to access information, also is the premise of independent Flexibility and agility: SiWeiLi strong man, quick and flexible to always melon, hidebound, can compare quickly, solve the Logic: strong, want to SiWeiLi closely and scientific problems, not forced analogy, don't fragmented, conclusions have sufficient reason, clear evidence that Comprehensiveness: SiWeiLi strong, see a problem, can not one-sided view from different angles, the whole Creative SiWeiLi: strong, can put forward the creative ideas for questions, others thought, he can Cultivate the habit of independent Young children encounter difficulty, always hope that parents give him the They really put some parents tell their children, and then answer the question solution, but in the long run, no benefit for child intelligence For parents, children often do parents must rely on the answer, but not yourself to find the answers, and not likely to develop the habit of independent Parents of children, facing the brillant, told the children to find a Also is a problem should inspire children, how to think, to use his analysis, how to learn the knowledge and experience, how to read, how to check reference material, When your child, he will get the answer with achievement, thinking ability raise and produce new The question remains, is thinking, the brain problems often face When children love to carry all sorts of problems with your child, parents should discuss these problems, and explain the parents of children positive Especially parents don't understand of ask others, and access to information, thought, this process is a complete answer can improve the ability of Two years later, some children don't ask questions, parents should be offered some problems are discussed, including some knotty problem Sometimes, parents should be put down to the boy ask some shelf, they don't understand the problem of development, these practices, are good children In the child's life, the study on family life, often appear all sorts of problems to Parents should guide their children and together with your child to discuss, design solutions of problems, and put into In this process, the needs analysis and induction, need to imagine, reasoning, and to solve the method and procedure To improve the ability of thinking and the ability to solve practical Four children are good at learning, the churchWith such a law: the best student learning is the most diligent, more often than not, in other words, even if your child to study hard, also can become the most outstanding student, why? Here is a good learning At present, in the primary and middle school students study fatigue is more widespread Students learn in continuous learning is tired after a physiological, psychological condition, its performance is: the brain unresponsive, pain, numbness or head distraction, stagnant, emotional upset or thinking, interested at Good at learning is to overcome the study of fatigue, improve the learning Firstly, alleviate the burden Some teachers teaching methods, according to the problems of the relevant departments requirement not leave homework, but often make "the sea of exams tactics", "study hard" children, struggling to keep But some parents of talents, also can own ready-mix child the teacher, layer upon layer the assignments, and add some exercise, or in the weekend report a class for children and a class, "listen than not hear " Like the food, every eat too many, still a stomach to fill in, can not tired? So the family and school should cooperate closely together, "the sea of exams tactics" is not suitable for every student, according to different students, the teacher must have different Secondly, the brain science, combining A study time like shoulds not be too long, school arrangement, break Hugh in homework among Learn how long, in accordance with the appropriate every child, but must study section, the interval for 10-15 Rest also should adopt positive way, in the sports activities, such as slight a brisk walk, deep breathing, do a gymnastics, enlarge bosom movement, or listen to music and sing a song in two poem recitation, Anyhow, the brain rest and relax, more oxygen If the child cannot control themselves, alarm clock, parents can timely Thirdly, the change of rigid study methods, cultivate good habits of Some children learn by rote, only know, no serious difficulty Learning without YiDingZhiGui hectic, A study for a long time, more than mental Often, the efficiency is not high, dawdle too long, lack of sleep, the brain is not sufficient Results could Fourth, cultivating students' A branch of a few families or are not interested in learning, not listening to lectures, homework, but also must not do homework to do, crustily skin of head, both physical and mental fatigue more cause No pleasure in Fifth, strengthen cerebral Mental activity is advanced neural activity, must assure nutrition, protein, vitamins, sufficient oxygen is Even eat high protein, on the table for too long a time, shortness of breath, oxygen supply, also can make the brain


国内家庭教育类的刊物比较多。通过邮政报刊处查询到以下资料。这些刊物都可以通过邮政报刊订阅。1,《学前教育(家教版)》(月刊)创刊于1980年,由北京教育音像报刊总社主办。先后荣获华北地区十佳期刊、北京市社科优秀期刊、首届北京市优秀出版物奖“优秀期刊奖”、“全国抗震救灾宣传报道先进期刊”等荣誉和奖项。以更细的话题、更宽的视野、更大的容量、更多的信息,使2~6岁幼儿家长育儿生活的全部烦恼和希望,尽在知己知彼中。 2,《莫愁》(旬刊)创刊于1985年7月,是由江苏省妇女联合会主办的江苏省社会影响力最大、最受读者喜爱的综合类文化期刊之一。《莫愁》通过邮局面向全国发行,并通过中国国际图书贸易总公司向国外发行,发行量居江苏省同类期刊之首,并在美国、法国等有一定的订阅量。 《莫愁》历年来先后被评为全国双效期刊、华东地区优秀期刊、江苏省期刊方阵双十佳期刊、江苏省优秀期刊,入选中国精品期刊资料库和《中华百年报刊大系•当代现行卷》,进入中国期刊方阵,多次参加在国外举办的中国期刊展。国内重要的图书机构大都收藏《莫愁》。 3,幼儿教育·家教版,本刊以幼儿家长及幼儿为主要读者对象,兼顾幼儿园教师(便于教师做好家长和家园共育工作)。普及先进的幼儿教育科学知识,帮助家长了解幼儿园、托儿所教育工作和幼儿身心发展规律,帮助家长树立正确的育儿观念,交流家长育儿的甘苦与感悟,探讨家园共育的途径与方法,并为家长提供保教咨询服务。资料来源:学术资讯网如果我们的回答能够帮到你一点,请及时采用给分。

《家庭教育研究》期刊正规。《家庭教育研究》杂志是经国家新闻出版广电总局批准,由天津出版传媒集团有限公司主管、天津人民出版有限公司主办的家庭教育综合类专业学术理论期刊。国内统一刊号:CN 12-1470/G4,邮发代号:6-78。主要栏目:主要栏目:家教信息、家教论著、教育论坛、教学案例、家教经验、教育管理、理论探讨等。《家庭教育研究》杂志是研究探索家庭教育在人类生活中起源、发展、进化作用的综合性教育刊物。



