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你可以先去【绘学霸】网站找“绘画/美术”板块的【免费】视频教程-【点击进入】完整入门到精通视频教程列表: /web/AppWebClient/AllCourseAndResourcePage?type=1&tagid=301&zdhhr-11y04r-2270135959811801268 想要系统的学习可以考虑报一个网络直播课,推荐CGWANG的网络课。老师讲得细,上完还可以回看,还有同类型录播课可以免费学(赠送终身VIP)。自制能力相对较弱的话,建议还是去好点的培训机构,实力和规模在国内排名前几的大机构,推荐行业龙头:王氏教育。 王氏教育全国直营校区面授课程试听【复制后面链接在浏览器也可打开】:/course/shcoursemobile/?zdhhr-11y04r-2270135959811801268 在“绘画/美术”领域的培训机构里,【王氏教育】是国内的老大,且没有加盟分校,都是总部直营的连锁校区。跟很多其它同类型大机构不一样的是:王氏教育每个校区都是实体面授,老师是手把手教,而且有专门的班主任从早盯到晚,爆肝式的学习模式,提升会很快,特别适合基础差的学生。大家可以先把【绘学霸】APP下载到自己手机,方便碎片时间学习——绘学霸APP下载: /Scripts/html

On art history, the study of Chinese traditional Chinese painting has had many domestic, or about the southern dynasties is the Ming and qing dynasties periodic history research is also many, but we found that the wei jin southern and northern dynasties linked with traditional Chinese painting in the Ming and qing dynasties research, analysis of the image behind the cultural connotation is little research, but the research for the development of China's traditional Chinese painting is very important, therefore, I hope I can comb through my research work, for future related research have the effect of a 点击手机右上角给个好评吧!




什么意思? 你要我回答什么




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中文名的英语写法是Liu L,Zhang W 为了免于出错你可以把所有名字都写上,或者用代替吧,不过这种方法很少见啊,你知道答案的话我也学习一下哈。




徐坚中山大学历史学系教授。毕业于北京大学考古学系,后赴美国普林斯顿大学艺术考古系和英国牛津大学东方学部学习,曾担任美国巴德学院访问助教授及法国高等人文和社会科学基金会爱马仕学人。研究领域包括东亚及东南亚青铜时代考古学、考古学理论和考古学史、早期文明比较研究、工艺美术和小艺术传统、濒危档案、文化和族群研究。 著有《暗流:1949年之前安阳之外的中国考古学传统》等,译有《阅读过去》《考古学思想史》和《理解早期文明》等作品。


The main category of Chinese traditional Speak from the angle of art history, the Chinese painting of before the Republic we all know together as a thou to China the painting has no assurance name in ancient times, calling it as history generally, mainly what to point is painting on the 绢 , painting paper, silks and take in to mount of roller for scrolls Wait a foreign painting but call it as China to draw for the oil painting(call western painting again) which discriminates between a western importation since near modern, call "Chinese painting"It is use China possess singly of Chinese brush-pen, water 墨 and pigment, according to manifestation and art rule that long-term becomes and then create the painting The Chinese painting presses its usage material and expresses a method, and then can subdivide into a water 墨 painting, heavy colourful and shallow 绛 , delicate strokes, comfortable, white copy ;Press its topic someone a thing and draw, landscape painting, flowers and birds painting The painting of the Chinese painting the form is more diverse, horizontal launch of have long book(call hand book again), horizontal cover with, launch lengthways of have a , medium hall, the 盈 Chinese foot size has volume page, 斗 square, painting at there are folding fan, round on the China draws in thoughting contents and art to create, reflecting the social consciousness of Chinese nation and appreciating beauty interesting aspect, concentrating a body now Chinese to the nature, society and with it related allied of politics, philosophy, religion, morals, literature of


according to 一般是指“根据。。。”而show则表示表明了。。。


文献研究 literature search另外一个我就不知道了

第二种是直译 第一种显得语言有水平 老师批卷的时候比较喜欢第一种


