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动物医学: Veterinary Medicine 上面这种说法是比较专业的,学术的。animal medicine也可以使用

Based on the analysis of the traditional production animal medicine majors the problems in practice teaching, practice teaching reform deepening production introduced the measures to improve the professional production internship Keywords animal medicine; Production practice; Teaching reformArticle analyzed AbstractThe move in different showing benefit life-time veterinary way in reading, deepen reform introduced to move in exactly a practical production, so as to have different try of the Key specific wordsveterinary way; Different production; We reformProduction practice is an important practical animal medicine professional teaching Through production practice, can achieve consolidated the knowledge, cultivating and improving students' creative thinking and practice ability The quality-oriented education production practice is to strengthen students' practical ability and the key link of cultivating [1], can increase the students in their professional and relate,2 strengthening teachers team constructionThe teacher leading practice to the production practice plays a key When students for enterprises, and various processes and animal various clinical diagnosis method is not familiar, teachers should guide the practice field, teacher's site ability should meet the need of In order to ensure the production practice teaching quality, improving practical effect, should strengthen the construction of teachers who Since some professional limitation, part of the teachers especially young teachers rarely had time to production, the actual production experience front-line in the practice when rich enough experience can be chosen relatively rich old teacher and young teacher combination, old teacher does not only has abundant professional knowledge, but also the each link of production practice, a familiar!






现在的人基本上认为这是个冷门专业,没前途。但是熟悉这行的都知道就业率很高的。而且就其以后的发展空间也很巨大,一般比较繁重的活出来跑业务搞销售,这是个自我增值的职业,关键还得靠自己。要是想轻松稳定的话只能是事业单位,畜牧局什么的,不太好进哦。还有就是进公司的管理层当然是中层管理,也得用时间来熬。我个人认为先读个研然后再做更深层次的了解,要是实在不喜欢这行的可以考虑改行,跨专业考研比较容易改点。 (吉林农业大学) 我现在是工作了,看你的名字应该是个女生吧,就我自己的经历而言,女生找本专业的工作很难,我们同学中有的去做了化验员,但其实化验员只要高中学历,本科根本就用不着,待遇的话也就1000多,而且想突破也不容易,大部分女生已经转战其他专业的工作比如说做幼师,营销,房地产等等,我也有位舍友在动物园,但其实条件也相对较艰苦,而且这种单位只招临时工,转不了正。 至于饲料推销这方面,基本上公司都不需要女的,他们都招男孩子,但我很多男同学做了半年不到都转行了,这个职业太苦了,整天在乡下推销,市场基本已经成型,很难拓展新业务。他们后来有的去了超市,房地产,学电脑软件技术等等,反正很多吧。 至于考研方面,我帮不了你,你可以问下我好友里的桂丹同学,她是我舍友,现在在读研一,但他也是转成了水产。 南京农大) 我不知道你是大几的学生,但是我也曾经有过这样的迷茫,认为动科没有什么前途的,但是我认为他至少给我我们一条出路,如果真的想在科研领域有所作为的话,我认为还是应该继续读书的,就是说读博士,千万不要读到本科或者研究生就毕业了,真真正正的把本专业作好,可以从现在开始好好学习,多看些外国的文献,对专业英语有很大的提高,要是想本科毕业就找工作的话,那恐怕不是太好说了,无非是做销售或者兽医之类的东西,但是尽管这个专业名声不怎么响亮,但是做好了还是有前途的,我有的同学上了三年大专,现在还不是已经做老板了,自己开兽药公司的,还有的做兽医的女孩一个月也拿2000左右的我的同学有三条出路:读研,从事本专业,还有就是家里有关系的就是进入一些好的部门或者是当老师!(河南科技学院) 主要是去饲料公司,生产生物添加剂生物酶(如新华扬等)的公司去工作,也有去生产饲料机械的公司(如广州天地,江苏牧羊等),去生物技术公司,去食品公司,去工作的,本科生去了一般都是从营销做起,工作岗位有多种(武汉工业学院) 本科共120人,毕业后,与专业相关的,有一半多人,加盟一些饲料公司(大中小型都有,看能力),做技术或销售,月薪15002500,25人左右;读研的,40人左右;有出国读研的,5人左右;公务员,3个。 与专业不相关的,有做村官的,10人左右;转专业考研,15人左右;转专业工作,5个左右。其他,不详 我目前是研究生,营养的硕士博士出来较好,我现在就读的饲料工业中心(院长的研究机构)。出来后,可出国,或是进外企,大型民企,职业起点较高,硕士月薪3000-6000,博士5000-10000。 总的来说,还不错,就是名字不太好听,农业,但在整个生物相关领域,是非常有钱途的专业。 (中国农业大学) 我是学动物科学的,毕业之后主要从事畜牧养殖方面的工作,工作的主要单位是饲料厂、养殖场,我们学院还有动物医学、生物工程,草业科学,动物检疫,药物制剂,这几个专业。研究生待遇还算不错,具体的话,不同的单位有不同的要求,待遇也不是太一样。 如果是女孩子,一般不要报牧医工程学院,女孩子从事这些行业的不多,不过要是喜欢这个行业的的话,挺有发展前景的,现在的畜牧业发展还是蛮不错的。其实你不要过早的为他们操这心,等高考结束了,再和他们聊聊爱好,兴趣,再填报志愿,我们专业的到最后都想转行,不过是迟早的事。 (河南农业大学) 我们这个专业一般你只要是想干就都会找到工作!一般男生跑销售比较挣钱,基本工资提成车贴,还有其他的一些东西一个月四五千没问题,就看你一个月下来能省下多少了!干上一两年做到区域经理的位置那时候就比较轻松了!一开始可能会受点苦,话说回来干什么也不容易,先苦后甜嘛!女生可以做个技术员,化验员什么的,一个月2000左右,女生干的不错的大有其人,也有跑销售的,优秀的连男生都比不过!(山东农业大学)

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Animal Medicine


Vet Medical Science

动物医学: animal zoological medicine


In 2012,July toSeptember,I worked as an intern inYinchuanAcademy of Agricultural Sciencespet hospital,involved in the treatment ofcanineurinarycalculi in 6 cases,including3 cases of vesical calculus,3 cases of Diagnosis ofthediagnosis and treatment ofurethral calculiIparticipate indogs,treatment is doneto sum up and

Based on the analysis of the traditional production animal medicine majors the problems in practice teaching, practice teaching reform deepening production introduced the measures to improve the professional production internship Keywords animal medicine; Production practice; Teaching reformArticle analyzed AbstractThe move in different showing benefit life-time veterinary way in reading, deepen reform introduced to move in exactly a practical production, so as to have different try of the Key specific wordsveterinary way; Different production; We reformProduction practice is an important practical animal medicine professional teaching Through production practice, can achieve consolidated the knowledge, cultivating and improving students' creative thinking and practice ability The quality-oriented education production practice is to strengthen students' practical ability and the key link of cultivating [1], can increase the students in their professional and relate,2 strengthening teachers team constructionThe teacher leading practice to the production practice plays a key When students for enterprises, and various processes and animal various clinical diagnosis method is not familiar, teachers should guide the practice field, teacher's site ability should meet the need of In order to ensure the production practice teaching quality, improving practical effect, should strengthen the construction of teachers who Since some professional limitation, part of the teachers especially young teachers rarely had time to production, the actual production experience front-line in the practice when rich enough experience can be chosen relatively rich old teacher and young teacher combination, old teacher does not only has abundant professional knowledge, but also the each link of production practice, a familiar!

Diagnosis and treatment of canineurethralcalculiAbstractIn 2012,July toSeptember,I worked as an intern inYinchuanAcademy of Agricultural Sciencespet hospital,involved in the treatment ofcanineurinarycalculi in 6 cases,including3 cases of vesical calculus,3 cases of Diagnosis ofthediagnosis and treatment ofurethral calculiIparticipate indogs,treatment is doneto sum up and 你可以自己找百度在线翻译

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