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Repeat Bidding on Internet-Based Multiple-Item "Name-Your-Own-Price" A  Authors: Gupta, Abhimanyu1   Abbas, Au E2 du  Abstract:Name-Your-Own-Price (NYOP) auctions have gained recent popularity on the I In many NYOP settings, the auction firm displays multiple bidding items for the bidders (such as multiple options of airline tickets) and restricts them to place a single Recent studies have, however, shown that the Internet environment enables many customers to engage in repeat Our purpose in this paper is: 1) to analyze the consumer value gained by repeat bidding on multiple-item NYOP auctions under different-bidding strategies; 2) to derive an upper bound on the value gained by repeat bidding when multiple items are present; and 3) to analyze the multiple-item NYOP auction from a consumer-firm We use Monte Carlo simulation to discuss the effects of various auction parameters on the firm's expected profit, and show that the presence of multiple bidding items provides a win-win situation for both the auction firm and the In particular, we show that multiple items increase the expected value for the consumers and also help firms mitigate potential losses due to repeat   Slow Dutch auctions; Carare, O; Rothkopf, M Management Sci; 2005 V 51 Issue 3, p365-373, Document Type: Article Citation; (AN MSEACFECARARESDA) [Citation Record]  PDF Full Text (130KB)  Add to folder Remove from folderTimes Cited in this Database: (7) Order S Order Statistics; David, HA; 1981 : Wiley (2nd edition) Document Type: Book Citation; (AN OSDAVIDWILEYAIHA) [Citation Record]  Add to folder Remove from folderTimes Cited in this Database: (47) Reverse pricing: The Impact of Sophisticated Consumers, Seller Commitment, and C Reverse pricing: The Impact of Sophisticated Consumers, Seller Commitment, and Competition; Fay, S Working Paper; 2007 : University of F Document Type: Book Citation; (AN WPFAYUNIVERSITYOFFLORIDABJJG) [Citation Record]  Add to folder Remove from folderTimes Cited in this Database: (1) Partial-repeat-bidding in the name-your-own-price Partial-repeat-bidding in the name-your-own-price channel; Fay, Scott Marketing S; 2004 V 23 Issue 3, p407-418, Document Type: Article Citation; (AN MSBCDJGFAYPNC) [Citation Record]  PDF Full Text (169KB)  Add to folder Remove from folderTimes Cited in this Database: (7) The social cost of cheap The social cost of cheap pseudonyms; Friedman, E; Resnick, P J E Management Strategy; 2001 V 10 Issue 1, p173-199, Document Type: Article Citation; (AN JEMSAJAGCFRIEDMANSCCP) [Citation Record]  PDF Full Text (654KB)  Add to folder Remove from folderTimes Cited in this Database: (28) Measuring frictional cost of online transaction: The case of a NYOP- Measuring frictional cost of online transaction: The case of a NYOP-retailer; Hann, I H; Terwiesch, C Management S; 2003 V 49 Issue 11, p1563-1579, Document Type: Article Citation; (AN MSDIAEFCHANNMFCOTC) [Citation Record]  PDF Full Text (233KB)  Add to folder Remove from folderTimes Cited in this Database: (19) An exploration of the adoption of e-auctions in supply An exploration of the adoption of e-auctions in supply management; Hartley, JL; Lane, MD; Hong, Y IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; 2004 V 51 Issue 2, p153-161, Document Type: Article Citation; (AN ITEMEAAECHARTLEYEAESM) [Citation Record]  Add to folder Remove from folderTimes Cited in this Database: (12) Value of information Value of information lotteries; Howard, R A IEEE T S S C; 1967 V SSC-3 Issue 1, p24-60, Document Type: Article Citation; (AN ITSSCSSCBDHOWARDVIL) [Citation Record]  Add to folder Remove from folderTimes Cited in this Database: (1) Auctions on the internet: What's being auctioned, and how? 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The case of name-your-own-price Does the internet promote better consumer decisions? The case of name-your-own-price auctions; Spann, M; Tellis, G J Journal of Marketing; 2006 V 70 Issue January, p65-78, Document Type: Article Citation; (AN JMGJFESPANNDIPBCD) [Citation Record]  PDF Full Text (188KB)  Add to folder Remove from folderTimes Cited in this Database: (8) Online haggling at a name-your-own-price retailer: Theory and Online haggling at a name-your-own-price retailer: Theory and application; Terwiesch, C; Savin, S; Hann, I Management S; 2005 V 51 Issue 3, p339-351, Document Type: Article Citation; (AN MSEACCITERWIESCHOHNRTA) [Citation Record]  PDF Full Text (185KB)  Add to folder Remove from folderTimes Cited in this Database: (6) When should a service provider employ a "name your own price" channel? 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