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致长跑运动员 你是否感到,烈日的照射那是烈日对你的祝福 ?你是否感到,彩旗的摇摆那是彩旗对你的呐喊 ?人们的注视那是人们对你的希望,祝福在你身边 , 呐喊在你耳边 ,希望在你心中 !赞五千米运动员 迎接你的,是五千米跑道等待你的,是漫漫征途勇敢的冲吧,勇士们不要畏惧对手的强大你的对手只有自己勇敢的冲吧! 五千米算不得什么付出的汗水就要得到回报胜利的泪水就要顺颊而下 秋风会为你喝彩阳光会为你庆功,掌声就要为你响起。 赞三千米运动员 你是运动场的心脏,跳动梦想;你是漫长路的精神,激励辉煌;你们是将上下求索的人!风为你加油,云为你助兴,坚定,执着,耐力与希望,在延伸的白色跑道中点点凝聚!力量,信念,拼搏与奋斗,在遥远的终点线上渐渐明亮!时代的强音正在你的脚下踏响。致百米运动员 起跑线上 你们一字排开 健美的肌肉蕴含着爆发力量 坚定的目光中充满了自信 枪响了 你们开始了并不长的征程 笔直的跑道上 有你们稳健的足迹 不远的终点 将留下你们冲刺时矫捷的背影 加油吧 掌声将为你响起 加油吧 胜利和鲜花终将属于你们 致短跑运动员 踏上跑道, 是一种选择。 离弄起点, 是一种勇气。 驰骋赛场, 是一种胜利。 朋友, 用你的实力, 用你的精神, 去开拓出 一片属于你的 短跑天地。 致200M运动员 200M,有一个人生的起点 200M,有一个人生的弯道 200M,有一段人生的冲刺 200M,有一个辉煌的胜利 200M,只刹那一瞬间 却成就一段永恒的胜利 200M,只弯过一个转折 却折出多少汗水 冲向你那光辉煌的胜利吧 跨过那一瞬 转过那道弯 胜利在向你招手 飞翔 --致200米运动员 夏日的操场 竟是如此美丽 美丽地几乎令人绝望 你蹲在起跑线上 每一块肌肉都固执得顶起 像一尊雕像 慢慢地 慢慢地 你抬起了头 坚毅的目光中透出了贪婪 汗湿的发丝终于飞了起来 冲吧 冲吧 化作勇敢的苍鹰 去寻找我心中的太阳 百米跑 惊天枪后疾如飞 勇往直前不后退 风驰电掣似闪电 勇士出发何言诲 致100米运动员 枪声伴你踏上征程,你昂着自信的头,带着必胜的信念, 冲去,奔去。 那一刻时光仿佛都为你停住,你的勇气振动了一切, 震撼了每一个人的心灵。终点。你赢了。 虽然只是那短短的十几秒,但你在我们心中留下了永恒。 瞬间的成败 —致百米运动员 红色的跑道,承载着多少汗水,一条红线,记载着多少成败。 一次起跑,是瞬间的爆发,成败,即决定其中。 瞬间的瞬间,闪电的闪电,即是成功的起步。 致百米运动员 枪声响了,你们冲向前,不为别的,就为班级一马当先,没有昔日的汗水,怎见今天的胜利?相信自己,鼓励自己,超越自己。为太阳的光辉在添上永恒的一笔!要的就是坚持到底,不是华丽。冲吧!向着那未来,进行到底。 致百米运动员 最想目睹的是你的风姿, 最想倾听的是你的呼吸, 最想感觉的是你呼啸而过的骤风, 今天,你们是焦点; 今天,你们是骄傲; 今天,我们看你们创造辉煌。 致百米运动员 跑道上,无数次站在雪白的起跑线上, 无数次抬眼望着前方,无数次品位失败的苦涩, 无数次品尝胜利的甘甜。这就是你??百米运动员。 辉煌的背后是汗水,成功的背后是艰辛, 为了这短短的一百米, 你曾无数次的起跑与冲刺。 这一片天地属于你,百米运动员。 致100米的运动员 一声枪响班着飒爽的秋风, 你们亮出自己的风采, 在这短短的100米中, 你们与时间争分夺秒, 只为了??那最后的冲刺。 不管结果如何,你们都是胜利者。 因为,你们曾与时间竞赛。 致长跑运动员 磨炼的是非凡的毅力, 较量的是超常的体力, 拼搏的是出类拔萃的耐力 把长长的跑道跑成一段漫漫的征途, 听!呼啸的风在为你喝彩, 看!猎猎的彩旗在为你加油, 加油吧! 为了到达终点时那一刻的辉煌! 致中长跑运动员 倘若力量来自呼吸,呼吸来自生命 生命的真谛注释力量的永恒 呼吸的瞬间注释生命的价值 南无呼吸的艰难,力量的渐逝在此刻都可得到最美的解释 将这美坚持到底,即使失败,也觉得无怨无悔 将这美永驻心底,即使深锁,也永不会退色 所有的这一切,都将在心灵的空中,如彩虹一般 留下美的而永恒的瞬间 此生无悔


生活中,我们每天都在尝试尝试中,我们走向成功品味失败,走过心灵的阴雨晴空运动员们,不要放弃尝试假如你成功了这就是下一次尝试的动力假如你失败了就总结经验,吸取教训,继续努力无论失败与否 重要的是你勇于参与的精神付出的背后是胜利无论是否成功我们永远赞美你你们永远是我们的骄傲努力吧,运动员!2是种子就该有绿色的希望是种子就该有金色的梦想不要躺在封闭的暖房怕什么秋日薄薄的风霜既然已走上了运动场心里就不要多想跑道已洒满阳光不要羞涩、不要紧张听秋雁在空中为你歌唱快去拾取片片金黄充满信心,就有希望盼望已久的运动会在一片锣鼓声中终于拉开了帷幕。我们全校同学高兴地欢呼着。运动会开始了。运动员们个个摩拳擦掌,都拿出自己最好的成绩来应战。跳高场地的运动员在标志杆下像鲤鱼跳龙门一样一跃而过,精彩极了!再看跑步场上,运动员们一听到裁判的枪响,一个个像离弦的箭一样向前飞跑。虽然我没有被选作运动员,但我真佩服这些为班级争光的运动健儿,我要学习他们勇于向上,敢于拼搏的精神。今天烈日当空,火辣辣的太阳照射着大地,也是我们学校一年一度的亲子运动会,大家都很高兴,因为能和自己的爸爸妈妈一起努力来为各自的集体争光。到了我们要去的运动会体育中心,同学们在老师的带领下有条不紊的进入会场,我们班的同学个个精神抖擞,斗志高昂心中只有一个心愿:希望这次运动会能拿全年级第一名。运动会开幕仪式开始了,校长在广播里发言说:“同学、老师、家长们,你们好,今年一年一度的亲子运动会现在开始了!”全校同学身穿整洁的校服,排着整齐的队伍,在运动场地走起了方块队,口里喊着自班的口号,我们班的口号喊得特别的雄武:“1234、1234!四五四五能文能武,第一第一非我莫属!”结束了方块队仪式,紧张的运动会开始了!今天的运动会项目可丰富了,有家长跳长绳,有家长和孩子越过障碍物接力比赛,还有长跑60米到800米的跑步最精彩的项目是家长和孩子越过障碍接力比赛,唐老师的枪声一响比赛了,只见我们班的韦亮宇同学紧握接力棒,跨过障碍物,把接力棒传到下一位家长,我们班的拉拉队也在一旁加油助威,同学们的呐喊声此起彼伏,比赛在紧张的进行着,忽然,一位家长因跑得过快失去重心摔到在地。‘不好,这可怎么办,比赛还可以继续吗?’在一旁的同学都愣住了,只见这位家长并没有气馁,忍住伤痛继续坚持比赛,加油!加油!同学们喊得更响亮了,比赛结束了!我们班同学和家长通过努力取得了第二名的好成绩。汗水和笑容流淌在他们的脸上,荣誉传动在大家的心里,虽然这次运动会大家都非常的累,但大家都非常的高兴。今天清晨,太阳刚刚露出赤红的笑脸,我们班的同学们就兴高采烈地向北苑小学出发,参加第十一届育才小学校运动会。运动会的项目真多,有长跑、垒球、跳高、跳远、接力……比赛开始了,操场上顿时热闹起来。操场西边的跑道上是跑60米的,只见运动员们像一只只疾奔的小鹿,快速地在跑道上你追我赶,努力拼搏。看台上的同学挥动着手,高喊着:“加油!加油!”帮他们呐喊助威。最后,我们班的余浩誉得了第一名,章景涛得了第二名的好成绩。在跳远的场地上,我们班有三位跳远选手,其中有一位是我。由于我在跳远中发挥出最好状态,跳出了01米的好成绩,取得了年级第二名,为班级争得了荣誉。运动会在沸腾声中结束了。在运动会中,大家感到充实和有意义,同学们都期待着下一届运动会的到来。

男子:100米跑、200米跑、400米跑、800米跑、1500米跑、5000米跑、10000米跑、马拉松、3000米障碍跑、110米跨栏跑、400米跨栏跑、跳高、撑竿跳高、跳远、三级跳远、铅球、铁饼、链球、标枪、十项全能、20公里竞走、50公里竞走、4×100米接力跑、4×400米接力跑; 女子:100米跑、200米跑、400米跑、800米跑、1500米跑、5000米跑、10000米跑、马拉松、100米跨栏跑、400米跨栏跑、跳高、撑竿跳高、跳远、三级跳远、铅球、铁饼、链球、标枪、七项全能、20公里竞走、4×100米接力跑、4×400米接力。 共46个项目,其中男子24项,女子22项。 比赛场馆与赛程:除马拉松和竞走外,2004年雅典奥运会的田径比赛都将在雅典奥林匹克体育中心的雅典奥林匹克体育场举行,时间是10天,从8月18日到29日举行,期间19日休息一天。 以下为田径各分项目介绍: [编辑本段] 短距离跑(Dash) 简称短跑。跑是人类与生俱来的基本能力,自古以来就是一种比赛形式,几乎每个国家的文献中都有描述。据史料记载,短跑是公元前776年古希腊奥运会惟一的竞技项目,距离为27米。现代短跑起源于欧洲,最早被列入正式比赛是在1850年的牛津大学运动会上,当时设有100码、330码、440码跑项目。19世纪末,为规范项目设置,将赛跑距离由码制改为米制。初为职业选手的表演项目,后逐渐扩展到业余运动员。运动员比赛时必须使用起跑器,听信号统一起跑,必须自始至终在自己的跑道内跑动。奥运会比赛项目男、女均为100米跑、200米跑和400米跑,其中男子项目1896年列入,女子100米跑和200米跑1928年列入,400米跑1964年列入。 中距离跑 简称中跑。最初项目是880码跑和1英里跑,从19世纪中叶开始,880码跑和1英里跑项目逐渐被800米跑和1500米跑项目所替代。有的学者认为,中跑项目最早的正式比赛是1847年11月1日在英国伦敦举行的比赛,英国的利兰(John Leyland)以2分01秒的成绩获得800码跑冠军。原为职业选手的表演项目,后逐渐扩展到业余运动员。运动员比赛时不使用起跑器,听信号统一起跑。奥运会比赛项目男、女均为800米跑和1500米跑,其中男子项目1896年列入;女子800米跑1938年列入,1500米跑1972年列入。 长距离跑(a long distance running or race ) 简称长跑。最初项目为3英里、6英里跑,从19世纪中叶开始,逐渐被5000米跑和10000米跑替代。据记载,现代最早的正式长跑比赛是1847年4月5日在英国伦敦举行的职业比赛,英国的杰克逊以32分35秒0的成绩夺得6英里跑冠军。奥运会比赛项目男、女均为5000米跑和1000米跑。男子项目1912年列入;女子5000米跑1996年列入,10000米跑1988年列入。 跨栏跑 起源于英国。由牧羊人跨越羊圈栅栏的游戏演变而来。跨栏跑最早使用的栏架是掩埋在地面上的木支架或栅栏,1900年出现可移动的倒T字形栏架。1935年有人将T形栏架改成L形栏架,L形栏架支脚的另一端朝向运动员的跑进方向,稍加阻力即可向前翻倒,减轻了运动员过栏时的恐惧心理。奥运会比赛项目分男子110米跨栏跑、400米跨栏跑(1896年列入);女子100米跨栏跑(1932年列入,当时为80米跨栏跑,1972年改为100米跨栏跑)、400米跨栏跑(1984年列入)。男子110米跨栏跑的栏高为106厘米,400米跨栏跑的栏高为4厘米;女子100米跨栏跑的栏高为84厘米,400米跨栏跑的栏高为2厘米。比赛时,运动员必须跨越10个栏架,除故意用手推或用脚踢倒栏架外,身体其他部位碰倒栏架不算犯规。 接力跑 田径运动中惟一的集体项目。以队为单位,每队4人,每人跑相同距离。其起源有多种说法,有的认为起源于古代奥运会祭祀仪式中的火炬传递,有的认为与非洲盛行的"搬运木料"或"搬运水坛"游戏有关,也有的认为是从传递信件文书的邮驿演变而来。 奥运会比赛项目分男、女4×100米接力跑和4×400米接力跑。1908年第4届奥运会首次设立接力项目,但4名运动员所跑距离不等。1912年第5届奥运会改设4×100米接力跑和4×400米接力跑。女子4×100米接力跑和4×400米接力跑分别于1928年、1972年被列入奥运会比赛项目。接力跑运动员必须持棒跑完各自规定的距离,并且必须在20米的接力区内完成传接棒。 障碍跑 19世纪在英国兴起。最初在野外进行,跨越的障碍是树枝、河沟,各障碍间的距离也长短不一,19世纪中叶开始在跑道上进行。有的研究报告指出,19世纪时障碍跑的距离不统一,具有很大的随意性,短的440码,长的可达3英里。 1900年第2届奥运会首次设立障碍跑,分2500米和4000米两个项目。从1904年第3届奥运会起将障碍跑的距离确定为3000米,并沿用至今。女子障碍跑开展很晚,国际田联1997年才开始推广。全程必须跨越35次障碍,其中包括7次水池。障碍架高1~7厘米,宽96米,重80~100公斤。400米的跑道可摆放5个障碍架,各障碍架的间距为80米。运动员可跨越障碍架,也可踏上障碍架再跳下,或用手撑越。国际田联直到1954年才开始承认其世界纪录。 马拉松 马拉松原为希腊的一个地名。公元前490年,希腊军队在马拉松平原击退波斯军队的入侵。传令兵菲迪皮德斯(Pheidippides)从马拉松跑到雅典城,在报告胜利的消息后,因体力衰竭倒地而亡。1896年举行首届奥运会时,顾拜旦采纳了历史学家布莱尔(Michel Breal)以这一史事设立一个比赛项目的建设,并定名为"马拉松"。比赛沿用当年菲迪皮德斯所跑的路线,距离约为40公里。此后十几年,马拉松跑的距离一直保持在40公里左右。1908年第4届奥运会在伦敦举行时,为方便英国王室人员观看马拉松赛,特意将起点设在温莎宫的阳台下,终点设在奥林匹克运动场内,起点到终点的距离经丈量为26英里385码,折合成195公里。国际田联后来将该距离确定为马拉松跑的标准距离。女子马拉松开展较晚,1984年才被列入第23届奥运会。 1896年首届奥运会后,马拉松赛在世界各地广泛举行,美国从1897年起举行波士顿马拉松赛,至2000年已举办了104届,成为世界上历史最悠久的马拉松赛。马拉松在公路上举行,可采用起、终点在同一地点的往返路线或起、终点不在同一地点的单程路线。比赛时,沿途必须摆放标有已跑距离的公里牌,并要每隔5公里设一个饮料站提供饮料,两个饮料站之间设一个用水站,提供饮水或用水。赛前需经身体健康检查,合格者方可报名参加比赛。因比赛路线、条件差异较大,故国际田联不设世界纪录,只公布世界最好成绩。 竞走 起源于英国。19世纪初,英国出现步行比赛的活动。19世纪末,部分欧洲国家盛行从一个城市到另一个城市的竞走旅行。1866年英国业余体育俱乐部举行首次冠军赛,距离为7英里。竞走分场地竞走和公路竞走两种。场地竞走设世界纪录;公路竞走因路面起伏等不可控因素较多,成绩可比性差,故仅设世界最好成绩。运动员行进时,两脚必须与地面保持不间断接触,不准同时腾空,着地的支撑腿膝关节应有一瞬间的伸直,不得弯曲。比赛时,运动员出现腾空或膝关节弯曲,均给予严重警告,受3次严重警告即取消比赛资格。1908年首次进入奥运会,当时的距离是3500米和10英里。此后几届奥运会距离有所不同,有过3000米、10公里等,从1956年奥运会起定为20公里(1956年列入)、50公里(1932年列入)。女子竞走于1992年才被列入奥运会,距离为10公里,2000年奥运会将改为20公里。 跳高 起源于古代人类在生活和劳动中越过垂直障碍的活动。现代跳高始于欧洲。18世纪末苏格兰已有跳高比赛,19世纪60年代开始流行于欧美国家。1827年9月26日在英国圣罗兰博德尔俱乐部举行的首届职业田径比赛中,威尔逊(Adam Wilson)屈膝团身跳越575米,这是第一个有记载的世界跳高成绩。跳高有跨越式、剪式、俯卧式、背越式等过杆技术,现绝大多数运动员都采用背越式。跳高横杆可用玻璃纤维、金属或其他适宜材料制成,长98~02米,最大重量2公斤。比赛时,运动员必须用单脚起跳,可以在规定的任一起跳高度上试跳,但第一高度只有3次试跳机会。男、女跳高分别于1896年、1928年被列为奥运会比赛项目。 撑竿跳高 起源于古代人类利用木棍、长矛等撑越障碍的活动。据记载,公元554年爱尔兰就有撑越过河的游戏。撑竿跳高原为体操项目,流行于德国学校。1789年德国的布施跳过83米,这是目前世界上有据可查的最早成绩。作为田径运动项目首先在英国开展,1843年4月17日英国职业选手罗珀在彭里斯越过44米。19世纪末开始流行于欧洲国家。撑竿最早使用木杆,最高成绩为30米;1905年开始使用重量较轻、有一定弹性的竹竿,最高成绩达到77米;1930年出现较为坚固的金属竿,运动员无撑竿折断之虑,可以提高握竿点,加快助跑速度,最好成绩达到80米;1948年美国设计制造出重量更轻、弹性更强的玻璃纤维竿,目前使用该竿已突破了6米的高度。撑竿跳高的横杆可用玻璃纤维、金属或其他适宜材料制成,长48~52米,最大重量25公斤。撑竿的长度和直径不限,但表面必须光滑。运动员一般都自带撑竿参加比赛。比赛时,运动员必须将撑竿插在插斗内起跳;起跳离地后,握竿的手不得向上移动;可以在规定的任一起跳高度上试跳,但每一高度只有3次试跳机会。男、女撑竿跳高分别于1896年和2000年被列为奥运会比赛项目。 跳远 源于人类猎取或逃避野兽时跨越河沟等活动,后成为军事训练的手段。为公元前708年古代奥运会五项全能项目之一。现代跳远运动始于英国,1827年9月26日在英国圣罗兰博德尔俱乐部举行的第一次职业田径比赛中,威尔逊越过41米的远度,这是第一个有记载的世界跳远成绩。跳远的腾空动作有蹲距式、挺身式和走步式。20世纪70年代出现前空翻跳远,因危险性大,被国际田联禁用。最初运动员是在地面起跳,1886年开始采用起跳板。起跳板白色,埋入地下,与地面齐平,长22米,宽20厘米,距沙坑近端不少于1米。起跳板前有起跳线,起跳线前有用于判断运动员起跳是否犯规的橡皮泥显示板或沙台。运动员必须在起跳线后起跳。比赛时,如运动员不足8人,每人可试跳6次,超过8人,则先试跳3次,8名成绩最好的运动员再试跳3次。以运动员6次试跳的最好成绩排列名次。男、女跳远分别于1896年和1948年被列为奥运会比赛项目。 三级跳远 起源于18世纪中叶的苏格兰和爱尔兰,两者跳法不同。苏格兰采用单足跳、跨步跳、跳跃,而爱尔兰用的是单足跳、单足跳、跳跃。现规定必须使用苏格兰跳法。最早的正式比赛可以追溯到1826年3月17日首次举行的苏格兰地区运动会,比蒂(Andre Beattie)创造了95米的第一个纪录。比赛时,运动员助跑后应连续作3次不同形式的跳跃,第一跳为单足跳,用起跳腿落地;第二跳为跨步跳,用摆动腿落地;第三跳为跳跃,必须用双脚落入沙坑。男子三级跳远于1896年被列为首届奥运会比赛项目,女子三级跳远于20世纪80年代初逐渐广泛开展,1992年被列为奥运会比赛项目。 推铅球 起源于古代人类用石块猎取禽兽或防御攻击的活动。现代推铅球始于14世纪40年代欧洲炮兵闲暇期间推掷炮弹的游戏和比赛,后逐渐形成体育运动项目。铅球的制作经历了用铁、铅以及外铁内铅的过程。正式比赛男子铅球的重量为26 公斤,直径11~13厘米;女子铅球的重量为4公斤,直径为5 ~11厘米。早期推铅球没有固定的方式,可以原地推,也可以助跑推;可以单手推,也可以双手推;还出现过按体重分级别的比赛。最初采用原地推铅球技术,后逐渐发展到侧向推、上步侧向推。20世纪50年代,美国运动员奥布赖恩发明背向滑步推铅球技术,该技术被称为"铅球史上的一场革命"。70年代,苏联运动员巴雷什尼科夫发明旋转推铅球技术,由于旋转后难以控制身体平衡,至今只有极少数运动员使用。比赛时,运动员应在直径135米的圈内,用单手将球从肩上推出,铅球必须落在落地区角度线以内方为有效。男、女铅球分别于1896年和1948年被列为奥运会比赛项目。 铁饼 起源于公元前12~前8世纪三希腊人投掷石片的活动。公元前708年第18届三代奥运会列为五项全能项目之一。铁饼最初为盘形石块,后逐渐采用铜、铁等金属制作。现代奥运会史上,曾有过双手掷铁饼的比赛项目(左手+右手)。掷铁饼技术经历过原地投、侧向原地投、侧向旋转投、背向旋转投几个发展过程。铁饼可用木料或其他适宜材料制作,男子铁饼重2公斤,直径22厘米;女子铁饼重公斤,直径1厘米。比赛时,运动员应该在直径50米的圈内将饼掷出,铁饼必须落在40度的角度线内方为有效。男、女铁饼分别于1896年和1928年被列为奥运会比赛项目。 链球 起源于中世纪苏格兰矿工在劳动之余用带木柄的生产工具铁锤进行的掷远比赛,后逐渐在英国流行。链球的英语词意即铁锤。19世纪后期,成为英国牛津大学和剑桥大学运动会的比赛项目。当时使用的器械是将木柄的铁球,后为便于投掷,将木柄改为钢链,链球由此而来。掷链球最初采用原地投,后逐渐改进为侧向投,旋转一圈投、两圈投、三圈投,现运动员多采用四圈投。男子链球重26公斤,总长5~5厘米,女子链球重4公斤,总长0~5厘米。比赛时,运动员必须在直径135米的圈内用双手将球掷出,链球必须落在40度的角度线内方为有效。圈外有U形护笼,确保投掷安全。男子链球于1900年被列为奥运会比赛项目,女子链球将于2000年列入。 标枪 起源于古代人类用长矛猎取野兽的活动,后长矛又发展成为作战的兵器。公元前708年被列为第18届古代奥运会五项全能之一。现代标枪运动始于19世纪的瑞典、希腊、匈牙利和芬兰等欧洲国家。1792年瑞典的法隆开始举行标枪比赛。最初运动员使用的木制标枪前后一样粗,20世纪50年代初,美国标枪运动员赫尔德(Franklin Held)研究出两端细、中间粗的木制标枪,延长了标枪在空中飞行的时间,因而被称为"滑翔标枪"。60年代瑞典制造出金属标枪,使标枪的滑翔性能更强,大幅度提高了运动成绩。1984年民主德国运动员霍恩(Uwe Hohn)以80米的成绩打破世界纪录。国际田联为保证看台观众的安全,1986年将男子标枪重心向枪尖方向前移4厘米,以降低飞行性能,1999年又将女子标枪重心向枪尖方向前移3厘米。标枪可用金属或其他适宜的类似材料制作。男子标枪重800克,长260~270厘米;女子标枪重600克,长220~230厘米。比赛时,运动员必须单手将标枪从肩上方掷出,枪尖必须落在投掷区角度线内方为有效。男、女标枪分别于1908年和1932年被列为奥运会比赛项目。 全能




致运动员 不为掌声的诠释, 不伟刻意的征服, 只有辛勤的汗水化作追求的脚步。 心中坚定的信念, 脚下沉稳的步伐, 你用行动诉说着一个不变的真理。 没有比脚更长的路, 没有比人更高的山, 希望在终点向你招手。 努力吧!用你坚韧不拔的意志, 去迎接终点的掌声, 相信成功属于你。 致运动员 一个盼望出发, 一个盼望到达。 烈日骄阳下的奔驰, 蓝天白云下的拚搏, 总想为你高声呐喊, 却怕被天空误解。 总想为你放声歌唱, 却又怕惊动了白云。 把内心最美的祝愿挂在跑道线上, 微风中每一次振动是又一次的衷心祝愿。 加油吧! 胜利源于希望,胜利就在眼前! 五言 跑步,跳跃,透支,项项夺冠。 获奖,颁奖,领奖,个个欢喜。 参赛,助威,拟稿,人人努力。 冠军,淘汰,输赢,重在参与。 世事我曾抗争 ——成败不必在意 加油,小奥林匹克星 昨夜, 我们为奥林匹克梦而欢呼! 今天, 我们为班级荣誉而呐喊! 看, 小奥林匹克星在加油, 他们为更高更快更强的精神而拚搏! 他们以和平友谊公正的原则而奋斗! 加油吧!小奥林匹克星们! 为自己的梦想向前冲吧! 致运动员 愿将希望折成一只小船, 沿着溪流送到你的身边; 愿把鼓励扎成一束清水, 满怀微笑地递到你面前; 愿将友谊织成一条毛巾, 轻轻的拭去你辛苦的汗水; 愿让热情燃烧成一片鲜花, 献给你,到一声: “辛苦啦,运动员!” 天净沙——赞运动员 落日轻风彩霞。 红旗人潮鲜花。 呐喊欢呼足下, 冠军谁家? 明日功成华夏。 刹那 永恒 块块红,点点绿 世界因你更美丽 风儿在轻颂 成功,自由 鸟儿说 我陪你一起追求 额上的寒珠 折射的 不仅是阳光 还有一种希望 它,来自播种 你看 看台上一双双注视着你的眼睛 分明在说:无论你成功与否 刹那属于你 而你,一定属于永恒 致运动员 力量的拼搏 耐力的考验 默契的展现 面对这些 你毫不畏惧 勇往直前 加油吧! 同学们在呼唤 努力吧! 老师们在等待 跑道 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。"在经过一个月的辛苦的训练,今天,你终于站在了跑道上,通过不断的自我加压,练习中不断的超越自我,挑战极限,你自信满满,甚至在长跑的过程中不慎跌倒,你也毫不犹豫地爬起,继续。看着你那坚定的步伐,我们不禁想送你一首诗。 常记朝朝暮暮, 天天不忘跑步。 苦练为参赛, 长征一里路,加速,加速! 昂首挺胸阔步。 努力吧,运动健将们,在终点,我们等着你。 拼搏 "拼却老红一万点,换将新绿百千重", 拼搏的永远是勇者, 成功也永远属于勇于拼搏的强者。 接力棒传递的是一种精神,一种力量, 更传递一种无畏、所向披靡的意志。 每个健儿们都在拼,拼体力,拼意志。 把自己青春活力尽情挥洒在长长短短的跑道上。 拼搏吧,健儿们, 用我们的精神去书写我们的青春风貌去展现我们的青春! 为生命喝彩 冲吧!跳吧! 拼出你顽强的毅力,展现你矫健的身姿。 慢慢征程就在脚下,胜利歌声属于拼搏不息的生命。 激情荡漾,我们演绎人类凯歌, 喊吧!唱吧!吼出你心底的歌声,唱出你远大的宏图。 心中的目标终成现实, 胜利歌声属于每一颗激动的心。 为生命喝彩,向青春举杯。 这儿——杭电体育场 我们——新世纪的大学生 共通向胜利进军,向人类极限挑战, 人类生命之念因之而永远向前。 为生命喝彩,更为年轻的生命喝彩! 因为有你 赛场上,无数飞扬地红色生命,无数威武的骑手,无数干枯的与蓝天对吻的草儿,映动着一个个跃动的生命。 因为有你,初冬的阳光撮成煦暖; 因为有你,终点的线条色彩斑斓; 因为有你,掌声才显现出非凡的意义; 2 我找到的,大家顶下哦(精品) 因为有你,杭电才更矫健活泼富有朝气; ………… 人生辉煌与鳌首独占,大地沸腾与凌空飞跃。 因为有你,惊鸿一瞥中,一种竞技的姿态悄然抵达生命的主题; 因为有你,生命遂变得丰韵而伟大。 运动者赞 没有虎一样的强壮, 却有夸父追日般的执着; 没有豹一样的速度, 却有愚公移山般的坚定; 没有鹰一样的迅捷, 却有泰山崩于前的沉着。 怀有必胜的信念, 一次又一次向自我发出挑战。 胜不骄,败不馁, 直面一切困难与挫折。 年青的岁月,我们追求卓越; 年青的我们,拥抱成功; 年青的赛场,洒下泪与汗…… 为你喝彩,心中的英雄。 铿锵玫瑰 或许会有人认为赛场是男生的天下,但在赛场上却活跃着许多女生的身影。他们与男生一样驰骋赛场,拼搏赛场,也与男生一样拥有了胜利的喜悦,拥有了令人羡慕的掌声与鲜花;他们的飒爽风姿引人注目,在他们身上折射出有如女足运动员般的坚定新年与不屈精神,他们是盛开在赛场上的铿锵玫瑰,他们是一朵朵充满生命力 的铿锵玫瑰,是一朵朵洋溢着青春朝气的铿锵玫瑰。 祝愿每朵铿锵玫瑰都能怒放在人生的道路上。 祝愿每朵铿锵玫瑰都能傲立在拼搏的赛场上。 你是我心中的英雄 有人说,运动场上狂奔的男儿, 是一匹匹黑色的骏马。 有人说,运动场上活跃的巾帼, 是一道道亮丽的风景。 我说,你们都是我心中的英雄, 你的飒爽英姿,你的顽强拼搏, 你的永不屈服,你的自我挑战, 都深深地烙在每个人的心中, 你的精神在大家心中凝聚成了一股强大的力量, 这力量源源不息, 只因你是我心中的英雄。 拼搏者 拼搏者,你是赛场上最亮的点。在你的眼中,不在乎胜利的欢乐和失败的眼泪,完全只是为了展示生命跳跃的节拍。 拼搏者,你是生命乐章中最响的音符。在你的心中,只有不停拼搏的信念,用自己坚实的步伐去迈开人生新的旅程。 场上的拼搏者,你是我们永远的骄傲! 激情青春,勇者胜 一位名人曾经说过:“风采来源于精神。”那么运动真正的风采理应来源于拼搏,不断超越自我的精神和那种“友谊第一,比赛第二”的运动品质。 还记得奥林匹克的口号吗?更高、更快、更强,正是因为有了动力,才让我们的运动变的精彩,变的绚丽,变的引人。大家记忆尤新的永远是最有风采的一面,乔丹的灌蓝,巴乔的射门。这所有的一切都让我们深深感受到一种精神的存在,那是勇攀高峰的精神,那是不断超越的精神,更是人类挑战极限的精神。 除了超越的精神外,还有一种风采感动着我们,那是运动最本质的品格,也是人类在竞争中的最真实,自然的情感流露。那是一种团结奋进的精神,它让本来残酷的竞争带上了人为的印记,捎上了一片真情。它让运动除了成绩外多了一种品质值得歌颂,相信那才是最感人的东西,它长存于我们运动史,深烙在我们思想中。 江城子 运动场上争英雄 那相逢 却匆匆 携手同行 风雨亦融融 未闻若辛余几许 为集体 赴峥嵘 赛场菊月气氛浓 展才能 显芳荣 回首征程 友谊伴其中 欲寄奋斗钱挥汗 掩不住 愉悦中 英雄! 成亦英雄,败亦英雄。你永远是我们心目中真正的英雄,第一个冲过终点的人当然是我们的偶像,而尚在跑道上为了奥林匹克精神奋力拼搏的,更值得我们敬崇、永不放弃,永不服输、终点并不是真正的终点,体育必将冲破人类的极限。 或许失败对于你来说是一种耻辱,是一种希望的破灭。几个月的艰辛训练和满怀的希望在一刹那间付诸东流,令你沮丧,令人悲伤,但看看你用尽全力奋力拼搏的一刹那。眼眶中含着泪水的我们不这么想,你是勇敢的,你是坚强的,你用你那顽强的意志完成了你的任务。看成败人生豪迈,我们应从头再来,为你感到了骄傲。 爱你 蔚蓝的天空下,有你矫健的身影,热闹的操场上,有你坚定的步伐,美丽的鲜花后有你辛勤的汗水,我们的喝彩中,有你的自豪与骄傲! 体育健儿们,我们知道你们的辛勤,我们了解你们的辛苦,加油吧!不论你是成功还是失败,我们都是你们坚强的后盾,胜也爱你,败也爱你,我们永远支持你,你们永远是“最特别的存在”。



海量资料 致裁判员老师 A致裁判员老师 也许,震天的呼声于你们无缘, 但,挚起那片欢呼声的是你们的目光! 也许,炙热的高阳不曾怜悯你们, 但,烈阳底下是你们高大的身影。 也许,赞美与期盼总于你们擦肩而过, 但,真正的感激未尝不在每个人心中流淌。 无声的话语化作一声: 老师,荣誉有你的一份。 ------------------------------------ B致大会裁判员 同样的教养, 同样的暴晒, 没有热烈的欢呼, 没有激烈的喝彩。 但你仍用精密的仪表 和细致的耐心, 记录着运动的辉煌。 我们为你自豪, 辛苦了, 敬爱的老师们! ---------------------------------------- C致裁判员老师 也许,震天的呼声于你们无缘, 但,挚起那片欢呼声的是你们的目光! 也许,炙热的高阳不曾怜悯你们, 但,烈阳底下是你们高大的身影。 也许,赞美与期盼总于你们擦肩而过, 但,真正的感激未尝不在每个人心中流淌。 无声的话语化作一声: 老师,荣誉有你的一份。 -------------------------------------------------------- D致裁判员 再这竞赛的操场上, 有掌声,有着运动员们的动“美”, 有着啦啦队员们的助威, 当然还有我们辛勤的裁判员们, 汗水浸渍着汗衫,烈日灼烧着躯体, 在这里,那边,在运动员的每份成绩中, 殊不知裁判员们付出了多少, 两条锁不住热情的腾飞, 热浪击不溃执著的意念, 是他们造就了我们,正在造就着, 已经造就着,将来造就着…… 啊,Thank you, 我们的裁判们, 我们会用自己的行动去博取冲击, 为此换来一点良知的欣慰, Let’s go,运动员们, 啦啦队员们, 让我们为敬爱的裁判员们也来一些掌声吧。 --------------------------------------------- E致裁判员 良好的开始是成功的一半, 然而您们--裁判员老师, 更是我们到达终点的关键。 您们的公平是我们用于走路的脚 ; 您们的耐心是我们迈过的步; 您们的认真是我们走过的路。 天平似的公正显视出您们正直无私的性格。 请让我再说一次: 裁判员老师,您辛苦! ------------------------------------------- F无人喝彩 ---致大会裁判员 同样的骄阳, 同样的暴晒, 没有热烈的欢呼, 没有激动的喝彩。 你用精密的仪表, 和细致的耐心, 记录着运动员的辉煌。 我为你们自豪, 辛苦了, 敬爱的老师 ----------------------------------- 规则 是无私的利剑 你是公正的法官 脚踏一方热土 头顶一片青天 风沙,烈日 口裂,唇干 你以雕塑的屹立 站成一道风景 你以旗手的执著 撑起赛场晴空一片 3、阳光总在风雨后——致运动场上暂时的失败者 真的,人生要是能有一个草稿,能再誊写一次,那该多好!我们会绝对认真地叙写自己的人生,也许不一定比别人写得更好,但肯定要比自己第一次写得漂亮。 或许,人生不可能像自己想象的那样美好,一生的路也不可能都是平坦的,人的心情也不会永远静如止水。 在生活中,有成功,也会有失败。因此,我们要放飞生命,也许远方很渺茫,也许我们要被“倾覆于人生的荆棘”刺伤,但我们仍无怨无悔。放飞,即使是黄昏,也必然布满歌唱的流霞,因为我们坚信,不经过战斗的舍弃是虚伪的,不经过劫难磨炼的超脱是轻佻的,逃避显示的明哲是卑怯的。 阳光不会永远灿烂,没有一成不变的幸福,磨难或许是上苍赐予我们的礼物,用来考验我们的意志,如果是这样,就让我们微笑着面对生活。 4、将信心进行到底 诺大的竞技场期待着你矫健的身影 瑟瑟的秋风为你送来爽朗的气息 朋友,在你踏上跑道的那一刻 告诉自己----将信心进行到底 无论成功与否 请微笑着跑完全程 只要年轻的心还在蓬勃的跳动 就要大声告诉自己----将信心进行到底 5、完美的一切 热情地释放光芒的红日,被阵阵此起彼伏的加油声震撼,慌张地投入到乌云的怀抱那群北飞的候鸟却因为热火朝天的场面而盘旋在运动场上,留恋着这里与寂静的天空截然不同的热闹围绕在运动场边的树木,在秋风的频繁光顾下奏鸣出悦耳的树叶的交响曲,仿佛是为了配合场上的拉拉队,为奋斗的运动员们加油鼓劲 这是个非同寻常的日子场上的学子们正在这个不同寻常的舞台上尽情的展示自己的风采而周围的一切?一切的一切都在为之锦上添花,染她的存在显得更辉煌,让她的生命之花绽放得更加灿烂,这是完美的一切,值得庆祝,就让我们为之喝彩吧 6、交错的瞬间 丑小鸭渴望着有一天它能拥有一对洁白的羽翼;乌鸦期待着有一天它也能发出夜莺般动听的叫声;或许,没人能感受到它们对不可企及的愿望有几多的幻想,又有几多的失落。 向来与运动会无缘的我,做场外观众的我,只为运动员呐喊助威的我,心中也有这样一个梦想:有一天,我能飞奔在跑道上;有一天,第一名的奖牌也能挂在我的胸前。 一直是让老师担心能否达标的我,自然不可能作为运动员,代表班级,代表院系参加项目的角逐。撰写通讯稿,一直都是我最光荣的任务。我把我的激情,我的渴望统统用文字表达出来。成为拉拉队的一员,一直都是我最愿望干的事情。从这个场地到那个场地,为自己院系、班级的运动员鼓气加油,他们的发挥紧紧牵系着我的情绪。 我憧憬着第一个越过终点线的人是我,我幻想着广播是播的是我夺得了第一名 此时此刻,虽然脑海里浮想联翩,但我仍然安静地坐在大本营,写着通讯稿,仍然站在场边扯破嗓子地喊"加油" 没有获得荣誉的喜悦,我仍一脸灿烂的微笑,因为这样的天气,这样好的憧憬 7、一切都是美丽的 校运会的召开,牵动着全校师生的心。校运会是展现文理风采的舞台。是检验文理素质的天平。校运会使大家汇聚一堂,谱写着文理人的拼搏进取之歌,团结协作之歌和奉献扶持之歌。 无疑,运动场上运动员成了宠儿,成为我们关注的焦点。当然,运动员们也不负众望:“重在参与”展现着他们的积极状态,“为系争光”则蕴含着他们的集体主义情怀,“虽败犹荣”更是深含着他们乐观向上的情操。运动员展现在我们面前的永远是朝气蓬勃、永不言败的战斗豪情,因为他们坚信:“运动着是美丽的。” 红花艳,有了绿叶的扶持,将是相得益彰。我们也不要忘记在运动员身后的后勤服务者。他们表达自己的心愿:赛场上展现你的英姿,赛场外编织我的梦想,愿你的英姿能圆我的梦想。任劳任怨是他们的工作态度,勤勤恳恳是他们的工作作风,他们乐为他人作嫁衣。因为他们深信:“服务着是美丽的”。 比赛,需要公平公正,而担当这一角色的非“裁判”莫属。他们的职责是神圣的,他们的任务是艰巨的。他们践行着他们的承诺——严肃、公正、准确力争不出差错。一丝不苟是他们的工作态度,兢兢业业的是他们的敬业精神,他们正是沿着“纪律”和“效率”的双轨进行着。因为他们明白:“工作着也是美丽的”。 运动会中,一幅幅画面,一个人镜头,都跳跃着我们青春的身影,让人感奋、激动。我们会发现,运动会的一切都是美丽的 8、瞬间的凝固 一年一度的运动会如期而至。“沙场秋点兵”的壮阔,想必给了我们难以言喻的激情。于是,我放下手中的笔,去感受脉搏与心跳的激烈。 在期盼中,在意料中,是悲是喜,是欢是狂,都未可知,但可知的是我们拥有这样一场运动盛会。我们曾经不计成本地付出都将在这和梦碰撞的季节里得到肯定和兑现,结局并不重要,让我们的智力、体力得以平等竞争,在竞争中透出我们执着的精神、自信的精神。我们渴望,我们支持,我们为登上领奖台的英雄喝彩,我们也为失败者鼓掌。因为,短短的一瞬间可以凝固成永恒的画面,述说不老的追求,演绎勇敢的品质。 9、激情燃烧的时刻 在“碧云天,黄叶地,秋色连波”的日子里,学校第*届运动会缓缓地拉开了帷幕。在这里,你可以触摸到跳跃的青春音符,感受到燃烧的激情,体会到四射的光芒。 《十日谈》中有这样一句话“攀缘的艰辛就换来了加倍的快乐。”运动会前期,我们计算机学院文艺部、实践部、自律部等各部人员干得热火朝天,如火如荼,正如巴金在散文《生》里写到:“将个人的生存放在群体的生存里,群体绵延不绝,能够继续到永远,则个人亦何尝不可以说是永生。”人人都在努力,醉心于集体的欢乐,宣传部:出会刊、拉横幅、做宣传板,风风火火,好不热闹。实践部:蓄势待发,做好会前会后的各种准备工作……上下齐心,势如破竹,铸就崭新的一页。“团结就是胜利”、“友谊万岁”、“拼搏奋斗”的运动精神在这里已经得到了很好的体现。 信念的坚定,可以使死亡转化为复活,使瞬间转化为永恒。为了心中的信念、自我的实现与塑造,看,当朝阳的光芒带来了新的生机,我们的运动员就早早地起来锻炼了。 在沉寂和悄然中,他们已经为我们栽种了火种,相信在今年的运动会上,我们与时俱进,开拓创新,在运动精神的鼓舞下,一定会赛出好成绩的! 10、运之蕴 天 清凉着 秋风徐来 让人神清气爽 水气云雾氤氲扩散 满赛场 铺开、浸润,甚至渗透 运动的气息 沐浴着拼搏的轮廓 反射着生命的律动 记录着永不消逝的影子 绷带 缠紧扭伤的痛处 纯净水 轻按着局促不安的脉搏 热毛巾 品味你额头的细汗 我用沉醉的方式永恒地定格在你 那矫健飒爽的一跃 那潇洒利索的一挥 那永不言败的气势 汲取运之蕴 来 润色我们的生活 激励我们的人生 11、致啦啦队 你们说 好想和我们一样 在运动场上挥洒青春的汗水 为班级增光添彩 可是 有些事总是心有余,而力不足 于是 你们把所有的热情和希望 都倾注在我们身上 在跑道旁挥舞着双手 提高了嗓门 奔波忙碌着 到处都有你们辛勤的身影 却又默默无闻,毫无怨言 淡然如水 却又热情似火 衷心地道声“谢谢” 因为我们的成功 也有你们的一半 12、这里充满了爱 时值秋暮冬初,虽然已过了今秋十月,然而初冬的雾日依然暖阳高照,校运动会这样风和日丽的天气里如期举行了。 清晨六时左右,已有不少同学在运动场上锻炼热身了。尽管清晨冷风袭袭,好不清凉,可是运动场上的朝气勃勃着实让观众暖心。到了八时,运动场便已是人头攒了。在简短而庄重的的开幕式以后,运动员们便纷纷集中到各自项目所在场地准备工作了。 很快百米短初跑便开始了。在崭新的塑胶跑道两旁啦啦队们也近如歇斯底里地加油喝彩了。裁判们认真地执法记录。这亦动亦静的欣欣场面好生让观众怦然心动。紧接着的400米、800米、1000米的长跑就更是体现队友爱的大项目,长跑运动员用近乎完美的姿势让两条强健有力的腿在跑道上奔跑前行,用无比顽强的意志在想自己的目标挺进。而从旁陪跑的同学、朋友更是将友谊展现地淋漓尽致,他们气喘吁吁,还在不停为自己的队员们加油打气,当运动员到达终点后,又赶忙递上毛巾,送上饮料并扶持着在跑道上慢跑。。。。。。田径场上的场景,处处是竞争,却又处处充斥着友爱的气息。 此外,还有铅球、标枪、跳远、跳高等多项运动。学校为大学生组织着一场如此气势浩大,场面恢宏的运动会,旨在锤炼大学生甚至必须积极参加学校组织的各项活动,为打造自身综合素质以适应中国建设社会主义的需要,成为一代强势人群! 13、致校运会 雄鹰翱翔在天空,用它雄健的双翼与天空搏斗,因为他具有青春;嫩草生长在地,用它柔弱的身躯与大地抗争,因为它具有青春。青春并不承认沙漠,只要勇敢地往前走,总会有飞向蓝天地时候,即使前面重峦叠障,暴风骤雨;是嫩草,就必有冲出大地的一天,即使前面困难重重,运动场上的健儿们利用青春,坚忍勇敢地冲向蓝天,使一只雄鹰吧! 校运会,就像一个刚离开母亲的孩子投入异地的另一个家中,开始了创立事业的第一步,带者一份不可须知。也许是许多人的努力是你已经不是婴儿,但是新环境新气氛来说毕竟有一种陌生感。你在艾诗,焦急地艾诗……艾诗着。运动健儿们为你抒写新的开始,为你挥洒激情。他们用汗水洗清前进的道路,用努力为你铺就前进的基石。因为有了他们,你长大了,他们辛勤的拼搏即将为你塑造一个崭新的开始,成功的开始。 14、拼!拼!拼! 生命需要运动,世界需要自动。 *的运动员们,我们是雄心勃勃的一代我们是勇争第一的一代。 人生能有几回搏,此时不搏待何时。 拼!拼!拼! 拼出我们的豪情,也拼出我们斗志昂扬的气概。在赛场上,我们英姿飒爽! *加油!*必胜! 15、因为你最棒 成功了!终于成功了!我们为你喝彩,我们为你欢呼!你是最棒的,因为你相信自己,你是最厉害的,因为你有实力。你也是最可爱的,因为你展现着自己的风采。你,梁青青,自动化的自豪 ,你为自动化拉开夺分的序幕,也为运动员们拉开了竞争的氛围。GO!向前冲!你站着是一座丰碑,向前跑起更是一面旗帜。 向前冲!胜利属于你。Because we believe you 16、竞技人生 此文献给校运会,以及一切热爱运动,竞技的人们。 轰轰烈烈地投身于运动会中,无论是竭尽全力地冲刺,还是声嘶力竭地呐喊,无论感到欣慰、满足、成就感,或是自豪、钦佩、崇拜,都是一种体能的释放,一种心灵的洗礼。 人生仿佛巨大的竞技场,随着四季更替,伴随日升日落,在生活点滴,在危急时刻,或风和日丽,或暴雨倾盆,为成长,为立业,为欢乐,为伤悲,为自己,为他人……每个人都面向不同的对象,以不同的心态拼搏着,周而复始,循环不止。 或许,有意无意之间,你已陷入一场惊心动魄的争夺之中,即使天崩地裂,日月无光,你毫无怨言,永往直前。既然心中已锁定目标,就抛却一切,以智慧、体魄为羽翼,以坚韧、刚强为动力,扶摇直上,挣脱束缚,跨越障碍,在终点处先拔头筹,在磨砺中超越自我。 在竞技场上,你付出汗水,释放光芒;辛勤耕耘,收获成果;为别人喝彩,以努力拼搏激励自己,感动他人。 在竞技场上,你证明自我,交朋结友,让生活更丰富,使生命更精彩。 接受挑战吧,你会更坚强;直面困难吧,你将更自信。愿我们在竞技中成熟,用真正的实力创造美好的未来! 17、你--运动会 轻轻的你来了,正如你轻轻的扣动我们的心弦,使我们产生无尽的渴望,你是那样的有吸引力,令我们怦然心动,积极踊跃报名参加,你是那样多姿多彩,我们都期待着你的到来,一睹你面纱下的芳容;你是花枝招展的姑娘,在不远处的前方留下清纯的微笑,吸引我们向着你的方向前进,即使脚下有绊石有荆棘,我们也毫不畏惧,因为我们是年轻人!有火一般的热情钢一般的决心,山一般的勇气!为了你我们可以起早贪黑,在每一个黎明的清晨,傍晚的黄昏留下清晰的脚印挥洒的汗水;为了你,我们如此不辞辛劳,只为在跟你相遇的一刹那展现我们的才华;以得到你满意的微笑,肯定的点头或亲切的奖赏;即使只与你擦肩而过,没有留下值得我们永远珍藏的记忆,我们也会毫不吝啬的挥洒我们的汗水----只为你,拼搏努力的过程即是一笔宝贵的财富,无论结果如何,我们无怨无悔。 你--运动会,在我们心中永远是最美丽的! 看!那一面面迎风飘舞的彩旗, 是一朵朵盛开的鲜花; 听!那一阵阵惊天动地的欢呼, 是回响在耳边胜利的风声。 运动场上的你们,是胜利的标志, 运动场上的你们,是青春的赞叹。 去吧!去迎接那伟大的挑战, 去吧!去做一名追风的少年。 你们代表的是----东,西,南,北----风! 夸夫迫日惊华夏, 平步青云塔黄沙。 毓文男儿集力聚, 气贯神州傲中华。 百米跑道虽不长, 运动健儿志高扬。 摸拳擦掌跃欲试, 分秒必争勇夺魁。 高三七班有勇女, 巾帼岂将须眉让。 古有木兰冲杀场, 今有郎萍跑百米。 立志创新校记录, 勇夺奥运第一枚。 迎接你的,是五千米跑道 等待你的,是漫漫征途 勇敢的冲吧,勇士们 不要畏惧对手的强大 你的对手只有自己 勇敢的冲吧 五千米算不得什么 付出的汗水就要得到回报 胜利的泪水就要顺颊而下 秋风会为你喝彩 阳光会为你庆功 掌声就要为你响起 柳树抽出新芽,怎能忘了春风的吹拂? 小草钻出泥土,怎能忘了春雨的滋润? 花儿绽开美丽笑脸,怎能忘了太阳爱抚? 孩子们的成长更不能忘记老师的培养。 今天,我们成绩的取得, 怎能忘记您,公正无私的裁判员老师 给予的越多 收获的越多 奋斗的越多 收获的越多 坚韧的毅力 坚定的信念 收获闪光的金牌 不为掌声的诠释 不为刻意的征服 只有辛勤的汗水化作追求的脚步 心中坚定的信念 脚下沉稳的步伐 你用行动诉说着一个不变的真理 没有比脚更长的路 没有比人更高的山 希望在终点向你招手 努力吧用你坚韧不拔的毅志 去迎接终点的鲜花与掌声 相信成功属于你 你是运动场的心脏,跳动梦想; 你是漫长路的精神,激励辉煌; 你们是将上下求索的人! 风为你加油,云为你助兴, 坚定,执着,耐力与希望, 在延伸的白色跑道中点点凝聚! 力量,信念,拼搏与奋斗, 在遥远的终点线上渐渐明亮! 时代的强音正在你的脚下踏响。 漫漫长路,你愿一人独撑, 忍受着孤独与寂寞, 承受着体力与精神的压迫, 只任汗水溶于泪水, 可脚步却从不停歇。 好样的,纵然得不了桂冠, 可坚持的你,定会赢得最后的掌声。 协和浑厚的声音传来了, 这是三七班60米同步运动员。 四人齐心勇向前, 勇争第一不畏坚。 这是三七的实力, 这是三七的信心! 团结就是力量, 最强是三七!! 泥泞的路走过无数 累了,告诉自己:快了,再坚持一会儿 身上的伤流出血来 疼了,告诉自己:别哭,会好的 摔到了,告诉自己:快爬起来,世上很少有坦途 深深的呼吸,等待你的是艰难的5000米。 相信胜利会属于你们。 但在这征途上,需要你用勇敢的心去面对。 我们在为你加油,你是否听到了我们发自心中的呐喊? 困难和胜利都在向你招手,去呀,快去呀,不要犹豫。 快去击败困难、快去夺取胜利! 相信你会送给我们一个汗水浸湿的微笑! 广播里听不到您的声音,领奖台前看不到您的身影,您说:“这是应该的”。 但是,如果没有您的认真和公正、严谨与洒脱,就不会有那么多成功的喜悦,也不会有那么多凯旋而归。 您,才是真正的奉献者,相信经您之手,会有更多的胜利者涌现出来,才会有更多的冠军向我们走来。 一切感激的话都显得苍白无力,唯有向您道一声“您辛苦了,尊敬的裁判员”。 祝贺大会胜利召开 十月的阳光 十月的朝霞 一个灿烂明媚的十月 一个丰收吉祥的十月 欢歌笑语 彩旗飘飘 运动会开幕了 内心的喜悦无法用语言来表达 千万个美丽的词汇也无法描述 昔日的努力要在今天得到考验 来吧! 让今天的成功谱写新的未来 您是运动场上正义的化身, 您是比赛场中公证的使者, 您手中挥动的令旗, 为比赛增添一道亮丽的风景线! 我们为你高歌, 我们为你欢唱, 我们衷心地道一声:“辛苦了,敬爱的裁判。” 如海上的浪花, 似浪花上的云燕。 灵巧的速跑, 轻轻的一跃, 落下的是小小的横竿, 升起的是不屈的信念。 一只标枪天上飞, 裁判打车往前追, 不知是谁这般猛, 七班王欣闪光辉。 生活中,我们每天都在尝试 尝试中,我们走向成功 品味失败,走过心灵的阴雨晴空 运动员们,不要放弃尝试 假如你成功了 这就是下一次尝试的动力 假如你失败了 就总结经验,吸取教训,继续努力 无论失败与否 重要的是你勇于参与的精神 付出的背后是胜利 无论是否成功 我们永远赞美你 你们永远是我们的骄傲 努力吧,运动员!

至200米运动员 百米跑道虽不长, 运动健儿志高扬。 摸拳擦掌跃欲试, 分秒必争勇夺魁。 实验学校有勇女, 巾帼岂将须眉让。 古有木兰冲杀场, 今有郎萍跑百米。 立志创新校记录, 勇夺奥运第一枚。 至800米运动员 迎接你的,是800米跑道 等待你的,是漫漫征途 勇敢的冲吧,勇士们 不要畏惧对手的强大 你的对手只有自己 勇敢的冲吧 800米算不得什么 付出的汗水就要得到回报 胜利的泪水就要顺颊而下 至长跑运动员 泥泞的路走过无数 累了,告诉自己:快了,再坚持一会儿 身上的伤流出血来 疼了,告诉自己:别哭,会好的 摔到了,告诉自己:快爬起来,世上很少有坦途 致200米运动员 200米,有一个人生的起点 200米,有一个人生的弯道 200米,有一段人生的冲刺 200米,有一个辉煌的胜利 200米,只刹那一瞬间 却成就一段永恒的胜利 200米,只弯过一个转折 却折出多少汗水 冲向你那光辉煌的胜利吧 跨过那一瞬 转过那道弯 胜利在向你招手 致200米运动员 夏日的操场 竟是如此美丽 美丽地几乎令人绝望 你蹲在起跑线上 每一块肌肉都固执得顶起 像一尊雕像 慢慢地 慢慢地 你抬起了头 坚毅的目光中透出了贪婪 汗湿的发丝终于飞了起来 冲吧冲吧 化作勇敢的苍鹰 去寻找我心中的太阳 致100米运动员 枪声伴你踏上征程,你昂着自信的头,带着必胜的信念, 冲去,奔去。 那一刻时光仿佛都为你停住,你的勇气振动了一切, 震撼了每一个人的心灵。终点。你赢了。 虽然只是那短短的十几秒,但你在我们心中留下了永恒。 致长跑运动员 磨炼的是非凡的毅力, 较量的是超常的体力, 拼搏的是出类拔萃的耐力 把长长的跑道跑成一段漫漫的征途, 听!呼啸的风在为你喝彩, 看!猎猎的彩旗在为你加油, 加油吧! 为了到达终点时那一刻的辉煌! 致400米运动员 400米的跑道上,你正在飞驰,面对如此遥远的路途, 你也许腿脚发麻,你也许有些茫然。 但你可知道,在你身后,有同学们一双双期待的眼睛; 在你身后,是你日日苦练的汗水。鼓起勇气,奋勇向前吧! 致铅球运动员 手里紧握那沉重的铅球,那铅球上凝集了你的希望, 你的理想,汇集全身的力量,推出理想, 推出希望,铅球在空中闪亮,理想在空中发光 —致铅球运动员 一道优美的弧线划过眼前,我不禁浮想连篇,这精彩的弧线啊,凝结着多少辛勤的汗水, 无伦的弧线啊,寄托着多少热切的期盼。它是这般自然,又是如此完美, 没有什么遗憾,只会留下一片美的体验。我要永远将你留下让我的心中印上一条弧线 —致跳高运动员 在阳光的照耀下,跳高的比赛场地格外辉煌, 运动健儿们,用那矫键的身躯,冲刺着一个又一个的高度。 没有尝试,怎会知道自己是否为强者,超越自己,也许会创造一番新天地! 运动健儿们加油吧,去创造一份份奇奇迹,去创造一份份惊喜! 致跳高运动员 一根细细的杆子横放在半空中, 它细,然而却像你生命中的坎, 不可怕,不要怕, 只要你有决心, 只要你有信心, 这又算得了什么? 没有经历过坎坷就不会有成功的喜悦, 一次次的战胜, 一次次的超越自己, 加油吧,努力跳过这挡在你前面的坎。 去燃烧你的青春! 致跳远运动员 离弦箭似的助跑, 蚂蚱似的起跳, 空中的走步表演, 引起阵阵惊叹, 落地的瞬间, 你触到了沙的柔软, 不管怎样, 荣誉永远属于你。 致跳远运动员 蚂蚱似的起跳,空中的走步表演, 引起阵阵惊叹,落地的瞬间,你触到了沙的柔软, 不管怎样,荣誉永远属于你。 致1500米运动员 你是否感到,烈日的照射,那是烈日对你的祝福 你是否感到,彩旗的摇摆,那是彩旗对你的呐喊 人们的注视,那是人们对你的希望 祝福在你身边,呐喊在你耳边希望在你心中 致长跑运动员 在那一瞬间,你们像离了弦的箭 似流星, 如闪电 。 运动场上你们最坚韧,不懈地追求,无悔地跑 运动场上你们最风采,你追我赶到终点 随着一阵热烈的掌声,比赛胜负已分出 。 胜者继续加油,败者不要气馁互取长补短 ,相信你们都会收获,加油吧! 致800米运动员 你和红色的地面有个约定,那上面,总有你奔跑的身影; 你与绿色的草坪有个约定,那上面,有着你辛劳的汗渍。 你与我们有个约定,说你一定要赢,也一定会赢 枪声响了,八百米,几秒, 却又像几个世纪 迈开大步,跨过世纪! 致四百米运动员 依然是蓝色的天空,依然是金色的阳光, 依然是绿色的草地,依然是红色的跑道, 依然是你, 勇敢的你,坚强的你。 不同的是,天空更加蔚蓝,阳光更加灿烂,草地更如翡翠一般,跑道更加的鲜艳, 而你,定会更加的自信,你的成绩,必然更加辉煌。 致跳高运动员 一根细细的杆子横放在半空中,它细,然而却像你生命中的坎, 不可怕,不要怕,只要你有决心,只要你有信心,这又算得了什么? 没有经历过坎坷就不会有成功的喜悦,一次次的战胜,一次次的超越自己, 加油吧,努力跳过这挡在你前面的坎。去燃烧你的青春! 致跳远运动员 蚂蚱似的起跳,空中的走步表演, 引起阵阵惊叹,落地的瞬间,你触到了沙的柔软, 不管怎样,荣誉永远属于你。 致1500米运动员 你是否感到,烈日的照射,那是烈日对你的祝福 你是否感到,彩旗的摇摆,那是彩旗对你的呐喊 人们的注视,那是人们对你的希望 祝福在你身边,呐喊在你耳边希望在你心中 致长跑运动员 在那一瞬间,你们像离了弦的箭 似流星, 如闪电 。 运动场上你们最坚韧,不懈地追求,无悔地跑 运动场上你们最风采,你追我赶到终点 随着一阵热烈的掌声,比赛胜负已分出 。 胜者继续加油,败者不要气馁互取长补短 ,相信你们都会收获,加油吧! 致接力运动员 这是一根普同的木棒 红白的对比刻画出它们的公正与刚毅。 它握在你们-- 我们的接力运动员的手中。 冰冷变为热情, 刚毅溶进柔和。 今天我们握它在赛场上飞奔, 明天我们将与它共同 踏上奥运征程。



Your sweat sprinkles in the runway, is watering the success You laugh heartily fly upwards in the athletic field, bringshonor for the class counts you to be Runs, pursues in thisbroad athletic field, you resemble the steed to resemble to the Runs, pursues you to be fiercely stronger than the tiger theleopard Tagore said in the poem that, the sky does not have the wingthe shadow, but I had flown; Ai Qing said to the friend that, perhapssome people could not arrive the other shore, but we had the Perhaps you do not have the prominent result, but in theathletic field has left behind your Perhaps you do not have theprize, but in our heart has left behind the form which you strives All diligently all is for greet this flash, all strives forsuccess all is issues an order for 你的汗水洒在跑道,浇灌着成功的花朵开放。你的欢笑飞扬在赛场,为班争光数你最棒。跑吧,追吧 在这广阔的赛场上,你似骏马似离铉的箭。跑吧,追吧你比虎猛比豹强 泰戈尔在诗中说,天空没有翅膀的影子,但我已飞过;艾青对朋友说,也许有人到达不了彼岸,但我们共同拥有大海。也许你们没有显赫的成绩,但运动场上留下了你们的足迹。也许你们没有奖品,但我们心中留下了你们拼搏的身影。所有的努力都是为了迎接这一刹那,所有的拼搏都是为了这一声令下。

When you got swallow the cloud And the ambition let everything down Shrilling are over the seventh sky All cause the infinite itch When the frame of the gun scattered Rushing towards the aim like a arrow They are fighters in their fate Dream match never ends 18Cheering for success will Be fast changing Suffering from failure will Be ever hovering Don’t ask me what life is It is joys and sorrows in heart yet Hardly smearing Having no latter winter How come spring is such a beauty and How come life is so challenging

Your sweat sprinkles in the runway, is watering the success You laugh heartily fly upwards in the athletic field, bringshonor for the class counts you to be Runs, pursues in thisbroad athletic field, you resemble the steed to resemble to the Runs, pursues you to be fiercely stronger than the tiger theleopard Tagore said in the poem that, the sky does not have the wingthe shadow, but I had flown; Ai Qing said to the friend that, perhapssome people could not arrive the other shore, but we had the Perhaps you do not have the prominent result, but in theathletic field has left behind your Perhaps you do not have theprize, but in our heart has left behind the form which you strives All diligently all is for greet this flash, all strives forsuccess all is issues an order for 你的汗水洒在跑道,浇灌着成功的花朵开放。你的欢笑飞扬在赛场,为班争光数你最棒。跑吧,追吧 在这广阔的赛场上,你似骏马似离铉的箭。跑吧,追吧你比虎猛比豹强 泰戈尔在诗中说,天空没有翅膀的影子,但我已飞过;艾青对朋友说,也许有人到达不了彼岸,但我们共同拥有大海。也许你们没有显赫的成绩,但运动场上留下了你们的足迹。也许你们没有奖品,但我们心中留下了你们拼搏的身影。所有的努力都是为了迎接这一刹那,所有的拼搏都是为了这一声令下。

You sweat into the runway, they fostered the success of the flowers Your laughter filled track, winning glory for a few of your best Run, chase it in this broad field, you might like horses from the arrow- Ann, you recover it than tiger leopard-than-meng Waving your arms full force watching solid ball into a beautiful arc in mind, I admire you put your dished out his best level A small wooden connecting the solidarity and fraternity a little wooden sticks, transfer the courage and strength of a small wooden interpretation of the struggle and hard work refueling! Let this exciting moment, has been echoed in our hearts! Set foot on the runway, is a From the starting point, is a Gallop Games is a Campaign to master, using your strength, using your spirit, and develop out of a run of your world! Warm sunshine into the game, man B javelin competition is about to Field, a beautiful arc Road will flash across the sky and Athletes hands of the javelin with the authority to launch a distance and a Javelin lightweight gesture in the air, the athletes are strong and skilled force with Who in this fierce competition won? Let us wait and see, let us they cry, cheer! Only by combining forces with skills who can win the title! How many times sweat, the pain has swollen memory, only because always believe to be fighting He always encouraged by the successful efforts to Track blood boiling, rising giant They believe that you will win and create miracles; They believe, dreams in your hands, this is your After all the past, you will be the They believe that you will go beyond the limit, go beyond Believe themselves, refuel it, the athletes, I believe We filled confident young, youthful flavor as born in Chaoyang, the buoyant force of the sun as artificial At this moment, the runway is our wonderful arena, the sound is refueling our highest awards! On DR successful, how can honor, only one conviction in mind: hard work! Escape the autumn wind, you can not stop provoking the drive, Broader latest death is a stage erected for Publicity it, the young hearts, we will always cheer you! Tagore said in the poem, the shadow of the sky without wings, but I have flown; Ai Qing's right friends, some people may not reach the other side, but we share the Perhaps you have not distinguished achievements, but the playing field, leaving your Perhaps you no prizes, but our hearts you left struggling on the All our efforts are to meet this moment, all this hard work is to give an Like the flowers for the spring, autumn, winter and summer is to Hongtoushan Like snowflakes through the spring, summer and autumn is to clean the entire Crouching, head high, the lightly starting a knee, it affects the whole look of sporty and pressure wave hands, it will meet a wordless Despite Chaoyang, you dance away, carrying hope, we wait for your Meteor may not uncommon, but it burning moment, leaving the world's most beautiful memories! Perhaps smiling face is not uncommon, but the joy of victory, left the World Federation of exciting instant! Yes, those who did wonderful things for only the blink of an eye, but the most glorious moment in what has left the Victory was pursued by every person, the joy of victory, the victory is a turning point and start again, victory is a new beginning! Not long long time distance needed is wholly dedicated input, you always have to fight at this moment, most of you at the moment scenery, both adhere to the victory of several confidence, as long as run down, you are heroes Time passes, the track extension of the successful unfolding before your heart beat, blood boiling in, in your glory at the foot of mold filling it, the athletes, This is the will to This is the speed Victory in waving to you / You call to victory Not flowers around, not for the glory moment, only the persistent belief kept running into their hearts burning dream, at the foot of the incessant pace, You operations in the city, what's important, not the end of endless, not impossible climb Xian, carrying hope in the end you smile, struggling! Experience is a wonderful, With all your energy, your success is the portrayal of Although you in a very short time to market, but you figure still remain in people's minds, because you are games most lovable person No applause for the Notes not deliberate failure to conquer not only the pain of hard sweat into successful footsteps Hearts firm conviction, and steadily at the foot of the pace of action you tell us one of the same reasons, I could not finish did not take the road can never Hill, success is the high end directed at you waving with your indomitable will to the efforts to meet the end of the flowers and applause, I believe success will belong to you, Firm, perseverance, endurance and hope that the extension of the runway of the little white unite! Power, faith, hard work and struggle, in the distant finish line, gradually bright! The strong tone times you are at the foot of the riding Follow in the spring of life, lightweight fashion footsteps, we ushered in the long-favored G Here is the self-display We yearn for the mountains grounded, we are anxious sea profound and, we more obsessed with the speed of your Come fully release your Every time you sprint, the call of our heart; Every time you cross, we have attracted the attention; Every time you take off, we are taut We cry for you, for your pride, your The pace of youth, and youth speed, youthful vitality, and the enthusiasm of young people will be in your body fully Self-meet challenges of self-defeating self-! We believe that you will be able, filling it, athletes! In the immediate end! Sweat and tears; Laughter, singing; We fully artificial At the opening ceremony, the playing field, we fully displayed, the number of hardships, the number of hardship, we bravely Because young, because publicity, because we know the following: Using today's exchange sweat tomorrow's smile The road of life, there are smooth, but also bumpy, done years, laughter, but also bitterness and tears fell onto told me a story, so I sweat more than a heavy, how many After all, different from the ideals and reality, failure is a part of life, no one can choose, unable to resist, to struggle in life to own and struggling, in the storm and Moshe Rao not go Crying is not lost, wandering is not confused by the failure to overcome the success belongs to those with perseverance, the courage to pursue the dream of It refueling, athletes! Drawing strong pace, the sound started cheering, the sport shed our youth Flag shake, Drum Sound, here is help deter youth vitality; Gunfire sounded "prepared Start" help is twice the athletes fiery like Personal heroes, the clear victory, and again vowed to stay in the athletes of high Friends, who cheered for athletes, the sports cheers! Market brilliant, the air saturated with every one molecule of Sophomore (9) class I of a shouting: "Here unlimited wonderful! 27, lengthening strides, let us speeding in the red on the runway, with our tears and blood, change the historical record, it rose, singing! For our Warriors Come on! Losers of the fallen, how can we survive life! Mothers figure that the resistance can live stormy If you an indomitable soul, at the foot of one party only solid Yesterday's failure over, and victory is not only a good By athletes, the stadium is on the migration of flames, the pace is going to climb, the wind in the air leaves the golden light refraction to be interpreted athletes excited The pace of the lightweight wings like birds, then burst of gunfire resounded through the sky, and then uses it effectively raised the desire for starting, accelerating, passing, sprint, step by step extension to the dawn of That is our competition, the quality of competition is pomegranate tree, perform the Beyond opponent, beyond ourselves, is our goal, our beliefs, in the cool early winter, in the noisy track, You lit a rousing the enthusiasm, regardless of success or failure, we are proud of you, you will always be our pride! In today's game, I am just a courtside O I used eye witness to the non-game success with a spiritual feelings of anger He insisted completed the course, I learned a valuable insisted, he slipped to stand up again, I have learned to fear failure Each field a bit, so the shock of my In today's game, I am just a courtside Onlooker, but I have learned a lot Gunfire sounded in the moment when you lose - thorn out of the runway at the end of the squandered you strive for your shot landed in the farthest point you - let us know what is hard work, their passion is the glory is to refuel it to all the people who have witnessed the moment you win an instant, Let all the people are proud of you Entitled rainbow in the sky, it's in the sky after the rain dazzling beauty, life also has a rainbow, that is movement, he would let rich and colorful Full of the vitality of our youth, and youth lives, the youth movement, so that our hearts flying, young, without fail, regardless of success or failure, our movement is the rainbow of life Feather autumn wind, the cooler weather being But this autumn in today's more glamorous, not because it's cool, not because it was bright sunshine, because today's children were more beautiful Look! The scenes on the playing field, a Unit, both crying is smiling, city - is sad, which are integrated into their sweat and They are truly off, the playing field is the arrogance infants, but our hearts Filling! Heroes! Each have a hard harvest, and each time the pain are happy, not all of a Scream forces We have a big wave of bold waves, so you do not have to care about the tranquil Xiaohe here, we have a sunny spring day, they do not need to envy the winter die-qiong chaos, we are of a rain umbrella, is a bowl of cold winter in the Carbon fire, the warmth is not only you and me, but everyone's The athletes on the playing field, the applause belongs to you, flowers belongs to you, success is also belongs to you! Through the Olympic Dongfeng greet the audience cheered, we campaign, running in the runway, let us work together to run, run, toward the end of the victory A runway to four individuals to create a vision that four individuals struggling to trust each transfer is the transfer of each transition are eternal support Lives of the Review 500, to meet today's exchange, Chong! Toward the end of a four individuals toward the common goal! Today you mores, today's your vibrant, today's your They believe you are the best! Do not give up, not to Success will always belong to 100 meters athletes ah! Ah refueling Your sport has displayed its heroic posture, with your hard work on the playing field, the presence, in the face of the long journey, you have fear and retreat, the sweat watch back, crawling tired of the whole body, still catching up from only one goal, only a conviction for the winning classes , fighting it, I cry for you, refueling, Market Yingzi significant pride in the pace at the foot You are You are proud of your Symphony of the runway, in the face of red runway, you refined sensitivity, fear crushed focus Faced with the difficult journey, you have no fear, the baton in your hands convey a collective effort, listening, we cry for you, your interpretation of the Olympic spirit, you are the pride of our hearts, deep breath and wait for you is difficult 800 That victory will belong to you, but in this journey, you need the courage to face the We refueling for you, do you hear our heartfelt cry, and the difficulties in the victory beckoning to you, Quya, do not hesitate, enjoy beat difficulties traveling to win victories, I think you will send us a sweat wetting smile Sea so Hao-miao, Drum how wonderful, athletes, you will not like peacetime as insignificant, our prayers silently, proud of you, we will always applaud you, , In the front end, listening, for your classmates The courage to forge ahead with the honor you give us Look! That the economy flags fluttered in the breeze, a Duo-duo blooming flowers; Listen! The earth-shaking shouts of joy and victory is echoed in the ears of the The sport you, the victory signs, the sport you are youthful Go! To meet the great challenges, Go! Herd done a The road of life, there are smooth, but also bumpy; Done years, laughter, but also bitterness and tears fell onto told me a story, so I sweat more than a heavy, how many After all, different from the ideals and reality, failure is a part of life, no one can choose, can not To own life to fighting and struggling in the wind and rain late in the indomitable forward, "on the financing of each section are not regret leaving Crying is not lost, wandering is not confused by the failure to overcome the success belongs to those with perseverance, the courage to pursue the dream of It refueling, athletes! What is the sincere wish opportunity? Not to be missed is Scream? All of a sudden it is the sincere Refueling refueling sure you have heard the sound that cry you certainly look forward to seeing that both eyes that you definitely feel heartfelt wishes No applause for the interpretation, not deliberate conquest, the only hard sweat into the pursuit of the pace, he firm belief steadily at the foot of the pace of action by telling you of an unchanging truth, no feet longer than the road were higher than the mountains, hope to finish and waved to you to use it you indomitable Yi-chih, to meet the end of the flowers and applause, I believe you are successful, You are the heart Stadium, beating dream; Your spirit is a long road, incentive brilliant; You will search all people! Wind your refueling, Super Cloud for you, the firm, perseverance, endurance and hope that the extension of the runway of the little white unite! Power, faith, hard work and struggle, in the distant finish line, gradually bright! The strong tone times you are at the foot of the riding The end of the long road, you would like to hold a single person, endure loneliness and loneliness, endured physical and mental oppression, the only dissolve in tears, sweat, but never stopped The good kind, although lack of titles, you can adhere to, will win the final round of Muddy Road through countless tired, and tell ourselves: is quick, insist on the bleeding while bleeding to pain, telling myself: Jesse, good will were negative, telling myself: fast climb up the world rarely easy Deep breath, waiting for you is difficult 1,500 That victory will belong to But in this journey, you need the courage to face the We refueling for you, do you hear our cry from the heart? Victory in difficulties and waving to you, Quya, traveling oh, do not Did difficult to beat, giving victory to win! I think you will send us a sweat wetting smile! In life, every day we try to, we have to taste success of failure of the soul through space Linyuqing athletes who try not to give up regardless of whether or not the failure is important you dare to take part in the spirit of pay is behind victory whether or not they succeed, we always praise you, you will always be our pride, Ring runway lap and lap insistence, perseverance and spirit active in the meetings, the soaked clothing, the profuse sweat, struggling to catch up with the pursuit of unlimited, we jump cheering for you, we pride for


包含运动员、田径场、运动竞技项目、环境描写、心情描写等词语的都可以,还可以加上小故事。范文:cantabile sport, but there is no timeless you do not know when it would play, when will it drop; sports such as tender round, but there is no change of direction, you do not know when to go, when to stay, in this down, back and forth, stop-and-go, the life will be filled with no regrets, filled with your life will be sweet brilliant!Athletes, when you ride in the sports arena, you will conquer the others, you will conquer its station no longer that hard before the starting line, that is, the moment of success you dream yes, there is a lot of far-fetched dreams, but dreams can come has broken krylov said: "at this side of reality, the ideal at the other side, across the middle of the river efforts to frame action is on a bridge in " from the reality on this side and reach the other side of the ideal, focusing on efforts to focus on , and that more should be the spirit of our Eagle belong to the blue sky, white water belong to the sea, while our athletes are belong to the it is hoped that the place up, it will be come a stage sports athletes are confident that when you fight for the dream, in order to win time and sweat, but also for the glory of our liuyang Undoubtedly, in this highly competitive sports arena, there is success there is failure, it ran a successful flower-hyun rotten, and the failure of the snow is also same winds will favor, in fact, everyone wants to glory, but someone afraid of magma emitted burn themselves, select run, on the successful selection, they chose the injured; select high jump, on the win at select when they select a when the mussels force by pregnancy after suffering a dazzling crystal pearl, when the athletes are going through a painful after the creation of an astonishing clare said: "the people are some kind of faith in order to " hearts there is hope thatOnly the hearts of the road, has the hearts of the road will be down at the athletes, when you with the ideal and the sweat, through the painful ze chao will find a bright Will become exhausted, only to struggle a turn for the better, life will become humble and the great sport we have seen, through the sweat of your crystal, we have seen in eight liuyang hope that you crossed the pentium pace, we see hope, hope to see

Cheer for the sports meetStep at dawn are the bell for my training,Awaking my sleepy Street lamps at dust are my close netpanion,Watching me going ahead step by step by step I am not a robust athlete,But I hope to leave a healthy body to I am not eager for flowers,But I long for adding beautiful sights to I understand deeply,That it needs imitation of sweats,But every progress experience I relize clearly,That it needs arduous netpensation,But rainbow always appears after storm,So,I go ahead as ever,I look up to the sky with the first rays of sun,Those are not stars but the eyes of my dear I look back to myself in the evening,That is not my shadow butmy footprint of struggle!

When you got swallow the cloud And the ambition let everything down Shrilling are over the seventh sky All cause the infinite itch When the frame of the gun scattered Rushing towards the aim like a arrow They are fighters in their fate Dream match never ends 18Cheering for success will Be fast changing Suffering from failure will Be ever hovering Don’t ask me what life is It is joys and sorrows in heart yet Hardly smearing Having no latter winter How come spring is such a beauty and How come life is so challenging

You sweat into the runway, they fostered the success of the flowers Your laughter filled track, winning glory for a few of your best Run, chase it in this broad field, you might like horses from the arrow- Ann, you recover it than tiger leopard-than-meng Waving your arms full force watching solid ball into a beautiful arc in mind, I admire you put your dished out his best level A small wooden connecting the solidarity and fraternity a little wooden sticks, transfer the courage and strength of a small wooden interpretation of the struggle and hard work refueling! Let this exciting moment, has been echoed in our hearts! Set foot on the runway, is a From the starting point, is a Gallop Games is a Campaign to master, using your strength, using your spirit, and develop out of a run of your world! Warm sunshine into the game, man B javelin competition is about to Field, a beautiful arc Road will flash across the sky and Athletes hands of the javelin with the authority to launch a distance and a Javelin lightweight gesture in the air, the athletes are strong and skilled force with Who in this fierce competition won? Let us wait and see, let us they cry, cheer! Only by combining forces with skills who can win the title! How many times sweat, the pain has swollen memory, only because always believe to be fighting He always encouraged by the successful efforts to Track blood boiling, rising giant They believe that you will win and create miracles; They believe, dreams in your hands, this is your After all the past, you will be the They believe that you will go beyond the limit, go beyond Believe themselves, refuel it, the athletes, I believe We filled confident young, youthful flavor as born in Chaoyang, the buoyant force of the sun as artificial At this moment, the runway is our wonderful arena, the sound is refueling our highest awards! On DR successful, how can honor, only one conviction in mind: hard work! Escape the autumn wind, you can not stop provoking the drive, Broader latest death is a stage erected for Publicity it, the young hearts, we will always cheer you! Tagore said in the poem, the shadow of the sky without wings, but I have flown; Ai Qing's right friends, some people may not reach the other side, but we share the Perhaps you have not distinguished achievements, but the playing field, leaving your Perhaps you no prizes, but our hearts you left struggling on the All our efforts are to meet this moment, all this hard work is to give an Like the flowers for the spring, autumn, winter and summer is to Hongtoushan Like snowflakes through the spring, summer and autumn is to clean the entire Crouching, head high, the lightly starting a knee, it affects the whole look of sporty and pressure wave hands, it will meet a wordless Despite Chaoyang, you dance away, carrying hope, we wait for your Meteor may not uncommon, but it burning moment, leaving the world's most beautiful memories! Perhaps smiling face is not uncommon, but the joy of victory, left the World Federation of exciting instant! Yes, those who did wonderful things for only the blink of an eye, but the most glorious moment in what has left the Victory was pursued by every person, the joy of victory, the victory is a turning point and start again, victory is a new beginning! Not long long time distance needed is wholly dedicated input, you always have to fight at this moment, most of you at the moment scenery, both adhere to the victory of several confidence, as long as run down, you are heroes Time passes, the track extension of the successful unfolding before your heart beat, blood boiling in, in your glory at the foot of mold filling it, the athletes, This is the will to This is the speed Victory in waving to you / You call to victory Not flowers around, not for the glory moment, only the persistent belief kept running into their hearts burning dream, at the foot of the incessant pace, You operations in the city, what's important, not the end of endless, not impossible climb Xian, carrying hope in the end you smile, struggling! Experience is a wonderful, With all your energy, your success is the portrayal of Although you in a very short time to market, but you figure still remain in people's minds, because you are games most lovable person No applause for the Notes not deliberate failure to conquer not only the pain of hard sweat into successful footsteps Hearts firm conviction, and steadily at the foot of the pace of action you tell us one of the same reasons, I could not finish did not take the road can never Hill, success is the high end directed at you waving with your indomitable will to the efforts to meet the end of the flowers and applause, I believe success will belong to you, Firm, perseverance, endurance and hope that the extension of the runway of the little white unite! Power, faith, hard work and struggle, in the distant finish line, gradually bright! The strong tone times you are at the foot of the riding Follow in the spring of life, lightweight fashion footsteps, we ushered in the long-favored G Here is the self-display We yearn for the mountains grounded, we are anxious sea profound and, we more obsessed with the speed of your Come fully release your Every time you sprint, the call of our heart; Every time you cross, we have attracted the attention; Every time you take off, we are taut We cry for you, for your pride, your The pace of youth, and youth speed, youthful vitality, and the enthusiasm of young people will be in your body fully Self-meet challenges of self-defeating self-! We believe that you will be able, filling it, athletes! In the immediate end! Sweat and tears; Laughter, singing; We fully artificial At the opening ceremony, the playing field, we fully displayed, the number of hardships, the number of hardship, we bravely Because young, because publicity, because we know the following: Using today's exchange sweat tomorrow's smile The road of life, there are smooth, but also bumpy, done years, laughter, but also bitterness and tears fell onto told me a story, so I sweat more than a heavy, how many After all, different from the ideals and reality, failure is a part of life, no one can choose, unable to resist, to struggle in life to own and struggling, in the storm and Moshe Rao not go Crying is not lost, wandering is not confused by the failure to overcome the success belongs to those with perseverance, the courage to pursue the dream of It refueling, athletes! Drawing strong pace, the sound started cheering, the sport shed our youth Flag shake, Drum Sound, here is help deter youth vitality; Gunfire sounded "prepared Start" help is twice the athletes fiery like Personal heroes, the clear victory, and again vowed to stay in the athletes of high Friends, who cheered for athletes, the sports cheers! Market brilliant, the air saturated with every one molecule of Sophomore (9) class I of a shouting: "Here unlimited wonderful! 27, lengthening strides, let us speeding in the red on the runway, with our tears and blood, change the historical record, it rose, singing! For our Warriors Come on! Losers of the fallen, how can we survive life! Mothers figure that the resistance can live stormy If you an indomitable soul, at the foot of one party only solid Yesterday's failure over, and victory is not only a good By athletes, the stadium is on the migration of flames, the pace is going to climb, the wind in the air leaves the golden light refraction to be interpreted athletes excited The pace of the lightweight wings like birds, then burst of gunfire resounded through the sky, and then uses it effectively raised the desire for starting, accelerating, passing, sprint, step by step extension to the dawn of That is our competition, the quality of competition is pomegranate tree, perform the Beyond opponent, beyond ourselves, is our goal, our beliefs, in the cool early winter, in the noisy track, You lit a rousing the enthusiasm, regardless of success or failure, we are proud of you, you will always be our pride! In today's game, I am just a courtside O I used eye witness to the non-game success with a spiritual feelings of anger He insisted completed the course, I learned a valuable insisted, he slipped to stand up again, I have learned to fear failure Each field a bit, so the shock of my In today's game, I am just a courtside Onlooker, but I have learned a lot Gunfire sounded in the moment when you lose - thorn out of the runway at the end of the squandered you strive for your shot landed in the farthest point you - let us know what is hard work, their passion is the glory is to refuel it to all the people who have witnessed the moment you win an instant, Let all the people are proud of you Entitled rainbow in the sky, it's in the sky after the rain dazzling beauty, life also has a rainbow, that is movement, he would let rich and colorful Full of the vitality of our youth, and youth lives, the youth movement, so that our hearts flying, young, without fail, regardless of success or failure, our movement is the rainbow of life Feather autumn wind, the cooler weather being But this autumn in today's more glamorous, not because it's cool, not because it was bright sunshine, because today's children were more beautiful Look! The scenes on the playing field, a Unit, both crying is smiling, city - is sad, which are integrated into their sweat and They are truly off, the playing field is the arrogance infants, but our hearts Filling! Heroes! Each have a hard harvest, and each time the pain are happy, not all of a Scream forces We have a big wave of bold waves, so you do not have to care about the tranquil Xiaohe here, we have a sunny spring day, they do not need to envy the winter die-qiong chaos, we are of a rain umbrella, is a bowl of cold winter in the Carbon fire, the warmth is not only you and me, but everyone's The athletes on the playing field, the applause belongs to you, flowers belongs to you, success is also belongs to you! Through the Olympic Dongfeng greet the audience cheered, we campaign, running in the runway, let us work together to run, run, toward the end of the victory A runway to four individuals to create a vision that four individuals struggling to trust each transfer is the transfer of each transition are eternal support Lives of the Review 500, to meet today's exchange, Chong! Toward the end of a four individuals toward the common goal! Today you mores, today's your vibrant, today's your They believe you are the best! Do not give up, not to Success will always belong to 100 meters athletes ah! Ah refueling Your sport has displayed its heroic posture, with your hard work on the playing field, the presence, in the face of the long journey, you have fear and retreat, the sweat watch back, crawling tired of the whole body, still catching up from only one goal, only a conviction for the winning classes , fighting it, I cry for you, refueling, Market Yingzi significant pride in the pace at the foot You are You are proud of your Symphony of the runway, in the face of red runway, you refined sensitivity, fear crushed focus Faced with the difficult journey, you have no fear, the baton in your hands convey a collective effort, listening, we cry for you, your interpretation of the Olympic spirit, you are the pride of our hearts, deep breath and wait for you is difficult 800 That victory will belong to you, but in this journey, you need the courage to face the We refueling for you, do you hear our heartfelt cry, and the difficulties in the victory beckoning to you, Quya, do not hesitate, enjoy beat difficulties traveling to win victories, I think you will send us a sweat wetting smile Sea so Hao-miao, Drum how wonderful, athletes, you will not like peacetime as insignificant, our prayers silently, proud of you, we will always applaud you, , In the front end, listening, for your classmates The courage to forge ahead with the honor you give us Look! That the economy flags fluttered in the breeze, a Duo-duo blooming flowers; Listen! The earth-shaking shouts of joy and victory is echoed in the ears of the The sport you, the victory signs, the sport you are youthful Go! To meet the great challenges, Go! Herd done a The road of life, there are smooth, but also bumpy; Done years, laughter, but also bitterness and tears fell onto told me a story, so I sweat more than a heavy, how many After all, different from the ideals and reality, failure is a part of life, no one can choose, can not To own life to fighting and struggling in the wind and rain late in the indomitable forward, "on the financing of each section are not regret leaving Crying is not lost, wandering is not confused by the failure to overcome the success belongs to those with perseverance, the courage to pursue the dream of It refueling, athletes! What is the sincere wish opportunity? Not to be missed is Scream? All of a sudden it is the sincere Refueling refueling sure you have heard the sound that cry you certainly look forward to seeing that both eyes that you definitely feel heartfelt wishes No applause for the interpretation, not deliberate conquest, the only hard sweat into the pursuit of the pace, he firm belief steadily at the foot of the pace of action by telling you of an unchanging truth, no feet longer than the road were higher than the mountains, hope to finish and waved to you to use it you indomitable Yi-chih, to meet the end of the flowers and applause, I believe you are successful, You are the heart Stadium, beating dream; Your spirit is a long road, incentive brilliant; You will search all people! Wind your refueling, Super Cloud for you, the firm, perseverance, endurance and hope that the extension of the runway of the little white unite! Power, faith, hard work and struggle, in the distant finish line, gradually bright! The strong tone times you are at the foot of the riding The end of the long road, you would like to hold a single person, endure loneliness and loneliness, endured physical and mental oppression, the only dissolve in tears, sweat, but never stopped The good kind, although lack of titles, you can adhere to, will win the final round of Muddy Road through countless tired, and tell ourselves: is quick, insist on the bleeding while bleeding to pain, telling myself: Jesse, good will were negative, telling myself: fast climb up the world rarely easy Deep breath, waiting for you is difficult 1,500 That victory will belong to But in this journey, you need the courage to face the We refueling for you, do you hear our cry from the heart? Victory in difficulties and waving to you, Quya, traveling oh, do not Did difficult to beat, giving victory to win! I think you will send us a sweat wetting smile! In life, every day we try to, we have to taste success of failure of the soul through space Linyuqing athletes who try not to give up regardless of whether or not the failure is important you dare to take part in the spirit of pay is behind victory whether or not they succeed, we always praise you, you will always be our pride, Ring runway lap and lap insistence, perseverance and spirit active in the meetings, the soaked clothing, the profuse sweat, struggling to catch up with the pursuit of unlimited, we jump cheering for you, we pride for


