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回答 中国保健营养杂志是一本国家级期刊,是由中华人民共和国卫生部主管,全国卫生产业企业管理协会主办的国家级医学类综合学术刊物。 中国保健营养杂志于1992年创刊,以广大医学工作者为主要读者对象,报道医学领域领先的科研成果和临床经验,以及对临床有指导作用且与临床密切结合的基础理论研究。 不是 提问 医学类一类期刋能不能说几个?河南的 回答 文章著作权归期刊之家网所有。转载请注明出处网址! 稍等 更多7条 

是的 国家级期刊期刊名称 中国保健 期刊CN号 11-3377/R 主管单位 卫生部 主办单位 全国卫生产业企业管理协会 文种 汉文 发行范围 公开

回答 方法很简单,看期刊的主管和主办单位,其中只要有一个是国家级单位,那么这个期刊就是国家级期刊,否则就是省级期刊,而主管、主办单位,只要去国家新闻出版总署查询一下便知。 1、主办单位的区别,国家级期刊一般由党中央、国务院及所属各部门主办,省级期刊由各省、自治区、直辖市及其所属部、委办、厅、局主办,期刊上注明为全国性期刊的也算是国家级期刊,另外核心级期刊也是国家级的。 2、主管单位的区别,省级期刊的主管单位一般是省级单位,国家级期刊的主管单位一般是国家级单位,比如教育部。 3、期刊性质的区别,省级期刊的性质一般是公开发行的期刊,而国家级期刊的性质则是国家级重点刊物,国家级期刊的地位和价值更高一些 希望我的回答能够帮助到您,如果您方便的话,可以给我一个赞哦,祝您生活愉快! 更多3条 



是的 国家级期刊期刊名称 中国保健 期刊CN号 11-3377/R 主管单位 卫生部 主办单位 全国卫生产业企业管理协会 文种 汉文 发行范围 公开

属于正规期刊!《中国保健营养》杂志是中华人民共和国卫生部主管,全国卫生产业企业管理协会主办,国内外公开发行的国家级医学综合性学术期刊!国际标准刊号:ISSN 1004-7484、国内统一刊号:CN 14-1172/R、邮发代号:82-911!zgbjyyzz @


回答 方法很简单,看期刊的主管和主办单位,其中只要有一个是国家级单位,那么这个期刊就是国家级期刊,否则就是省级期刊,而主管、主办单位,只要去国家新闻出版总署查询一下便知。 1、主办单位的区别,国家级期刊一般由党中央、国务院及所属各部门主办,省级期刊由各省、自治区、直辖市及其所属部、委办、厅、局主办,期刊上注明为全国性期刊的也算是国家级期刊,另外核心级期刊也是国家级的。 2、主管单位的区别,省级期刊的主管单位一般是省级单位,国家级期刊的主管单位一般是国家级单位,比如教育部。 3、期刊性质的区别,省级期刊的性质一般是公开发行的期刊,而国家级期刊的性质则是国家级重点刊物,国家级期刊的地位和价值更高一些 希望我的回答能够帮助到您,如果您方便的话,可以给我一个赞哦,祝您生活愉快! 更多3条 




回答 中国保健营养杂志是一本国家级期刊,是由中华人民共和国卫生部主管,全国卫生产业企业管理协会主办的国家级医学类综合学术刊物。 中国保健营养杂志于1992年创刊,以广大医学工作者为主要读者对象,报道医学领域领先的科研成果和临床经验,以及对临床有指导作用且与临床密切结合的基础理论研究。 不是 提问 医学类一类期刋能不能说几个?河南的 回答 文章著作权归期刊之家网所有。转载请注明出处网址! 稍等 更多7条 



国家级: national level省级: provincial level市级: municipal level县级: county level




绝对原创In the past, there have been many endangered Now they are Does it matter? Has our environment been affected bytheir absence? Has the quality of our own life been changed? The answer to these questions is "Y" It does matter if we destroy anendangered species habitat to develop more farmland, housing or industrial There is a delicate balance of If one small part is removed, it will affect all the other For example, if certain trees are cutdown, bats will have no place to If they cannot roost, they cannot If there are no bats, there will be no animal, or bird to eatcertain insects that plague our Our environment has been affected by the absence of certain Certain flowers arepollinated by butterflies which migrate from Canada to M Some of the breeding grounds of these butterflies were Now these flowers are disappearing from certain We will no longer be able to enjoy their The quality of our life hasbeen America used to be covered with giant Now we have to visit them in one small Rainforests around the worldare being cut down to make room for We will never be able to see or study this fragile I would encourage ushumans to look for other alternatives for our farmlands, housing, and We have alternatives; the animals do

Protection of animals, is what we all want to do, many people go to hunt animals, arbitrary, though now that you want to protect animals, but there are many people who do not listen to stubbornly continues to hunt animals, humans take animals to the ornamental, sell, make coats of skins, but have you ever thought, if you were an animal, but suffered a human Hunt, what would you think that you like it, you will be hunted? you definitely do not like, some people say: "I'm not an "But you, have you ever thought about how animals think? now widely hunted animals, animals will be reconciled? no, no, They are not willing to die at the hands of They are willing to be your slave? no, they won't have a thousand, ten thousand to ten million, a reluctant some people even know how to love animals, but they will only go to educate other people hypocritically, while they are still just as harmful to the environment, with a taste of the Take the Indian Ocean, Mauritius Islands on the life of the Dodo, because of its flesh is very tasty, so that human predation of large, in the 17th century has been But if the people have the awareness of animal protection, would not have caused the extinction of the There are whales, whales do not mean random killing of whales were killed, a dead end, not as small as a tiny shrimp and fish, if we put the whale kill, our children and grandchildren, they do not see a whale this animal? Now, some animals have died out, while the fierce crocodile, but human beings more Just because some animals organ has outstanding economic value, thus become the object of human depredation, become a major factor in the Crocodile with sharp teeth, and a huge appetite for food, and we all said crocodile, a crocodile more terrible fear of humans, in a human eye, crocodile leather can be made into suitcases, handbags, purses, shoes and other articles, crocodile, has now become almost extinct The Golden footprints, this article is about the shotaro home caught a little Fox, two old Fox tried to rescue the little Fox, shotaro sympathize with little Fox, he secretly to the delivery of food, so the old Fox, they established a close relationship, trust, and then save the two old Fox shotaro, little Fox's return to nature, the two old Fox is so happy this article praising the human and animal trust each other, help each other, harmony, demonstrated that strong family We're going to learn that he shotaro help animals, animals also save him, this is not very good? why people or kill animals? In this, I urge people not to destroy the plants and trees in nature, not randomly a bird a beast, to refrain from killing our friend, to protect all creatures in Eradication of animal, in the eradication of human beings If one of the world's animals disappeared, that humans can survive? to protect animals, cherish the nature of each Friends, the animals are invaluable for human nature, it is our human They multiply died off and our human life are closely A lot of destruction of animals to humans will have serious adverse consequences caused ecological imbalance, thus enabling human living Let us today, starting, animal protection, make the world a better place to live!, for the protection of animals is to protect ourselves!


