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经济学论文参考文献  [1] 卢孔标,李亚培 我国对外贸易对国内物价影响的实证分析[J] 河南金融管理干部学院学报 2007年05期  [2] 刘华,王仁祥 人民币汇率与通货膨胀的关系问题思考[J] 特区经济 2007年04期  [3] 钱峻峰 谨防进出口贸易引发通货膨胀[J] 中国国情国力 2007年03期  [4] 张大路 论我国进出口贸易对国内通货的影响[J] 商场现代化 2006年22期  [5] 曹伟 中国经济增长、汇率变动与对外贸易关系的实证研究[J] 海南金融 2005年09期  [1] 林娟娟,王勋铭 甘肃省进出口贸易与经济增长的协整分析[J] 消费导刊 2007年08期  [2] 张庆君 辽宁省对外贸易与经济增长关系的实证分析[J] 大连海事大学学报(社会科学版) 2007年01期  [3] 吴锦峰 基于FTD的湖北GDP增长实证分析[J] 工业技术经济 2007年03期  [4] 戴德锋 甘肃省对外贸易与经济增长关系的实证分析[J] 甘肃政法成人教育学院学报 2007年01期  [5] 陈淑芸,尉浩,马江波,王青志 天津市对外贸易与经济增长关系的实证分析[J] 价格月刊 2007年02期  [6] 张冰,金戈 进口贸易与经济增长的研究综述[J] 国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报) 2007年02期  [7] 王正儒 宁夏对外贸易与经济增长关系实证分析[J] 宁夏大学学报(自然科学版) 2006年04期  [8] 张洪峰 我国对外贸易对经济增长作用的实证分析[J] 统计与咨询 2006年05期  [9] 张玉明,聂艳华 对外贸易对辽宁老工业基地振兴的牵动作用分析[J] 大连理工大学学报(社会科学版) 2006年03期  [10] 杨海水,赵大平,范方志 进、出口对我国经济增长作用的比较[J] 统计与决策 2006年12期  [1] 唐海燕 进出口贸易与经济增长:作用机制与风险度量[J] 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 2008年06期  [2] 周帅,于淼,杨宜勇 我国价格传导机制的实证分析[J] 中国物价 2008年09期  [3] 沈学桢,黄帅 美国经济下行变动对我国港口(对美)净出口的影响[J] 港口科技 2008年07期  [4] 陈丹丹,任保平 需求冲击与通货膨胀——基于中国的经验研究[J] 当代财经 2008年06期  [5] 林剑平 中国历次通货膨胀的原因与启示——基于货币因素和体制因素的双向视角[J] 世界经济情况 2008年06期  [6] 温浩 论贸易对中国通货膨胀的影响[J] 金融发展研究 2008年05期  [7] 周望军,葛建营,王小宁,侯守礼 价格传导问题综述及量化分析[J] 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版) 2008年02期  [8] 薛迎春 中国货币市场失衡与国际储备波动联系——基于1994年~2004年的实证分析[J] 上海经济研究 2007年10期  [9] 程国平,方苏立 关于我国边际消费倾向的探讨[J] 商业时代 2007年26期  [10] 魏杰 探求流动性过剩的化解之道[J] 中国金融 2007年17期  [11] 熊仁宇 成本推动型通胀考验央行调控智慧[N] 21世纪经济报道 2008 (013)  [1] 唐海燕著 中国对外贸易创新论[M] 上海人民出版社, 2006  [2] 吴莹等著 中国进出口贸易预测与分析[M] 科学出版社, 2005  [3] (美)杰弗里·萨克斯(JeffreyDSachs),(美)费利普·拉雷恩(FarrainBLarrain)著,费方域等译 全球视角的宏观经济学[M] 上海三联书店, 2004  [4] 范从来等著 通货紧缩国际传导机制研究[M] 人民出版社, 2003  [5] 李杰等编著 通货膨胀和通货紧缩[M] 中国财政经济出版社, 2003  [6] 程祖伟,韩玉军编著 国际贸易结算与信贷[M] 中国人民大学出版社, 2001  [7] 唐海燕编著 国际贸易学[M] 立信会计出版社, 2001  [8] 李晓西著 现代通货膨胀理论比较研究[M] 中国社会科学出版社, 1991  [1] 乐平 2008年中国汇率大观[J] 中国自行车 2008年04期  [2] 党明灿 人民币币值高估或低估的标准分析[J] 河南机电高等专科学校学报 2006年05期  [3] 叶莉,郭继鸣 利率平价的人民币汇率与利率关系的实证研究[J] 河北工业大学学报 2003年02期  [4] 宋磊 浅析我国人民币升值的影响因素[J] 硅谷 2008年16期  [5] 周义,李梦玄 我国汇市和股市相关性的实证研究[J] 科技与管理 2009年01期  [6] 任兆璋,宁忠忠 人民币汇率预期的ARCH效应分析[J] 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) 2004年12期  [7] 王颖 我国通货膨胀与通货紧缩影响因素的计量分析[J] 哈尔滨理工大学学报 2005年03期  [8] 焦桂梅 通货膨胀的原因及解决的措施[J] 硅谷 2009年08期  [9] 张根能,张栓兴,扈文秀 人民币汇率对中国向美国出口影响的实证研究[J] 西安理工大学学报 2009年04期  [10] 叶雪梅 通货膨胀与我国的银行信贷管理[J] 鹭江职业大学学报 1995年Z1期  [1] 毛海棠 进出口贸易对通货膨胀的影响模型分析[J] 数学理论与应用 2009年02期  [2] 吴春明 进出口贸易对我国国内通货膨胀的影响[J] 商场现代化 2006年03期  [3] 张大路 论我国进出口贸易对国内通货的影响[J] 商场现代化 2006年22期  [4] 林德峰,闫波 进出口贸易对我国通货膨胀的影响及对策[J] 山西科技 2007年01期  [5] 钱峻峰 谨防进出口贸易引发通货膨胀[J] 中国国情国力 2007年03期  [6] 刘华,卢孔标 进出口贸易与通货膨胀的国际传导——基于中国数据的实证检验[J] 金融与经济 2007年10期  [7] 温浩 论贸易对中国通货膨胀的影响[J] 金融发展研究 2008年05期  [8] 吴昊明 进出口贸易对通货膨胀的影响分析[J] 合作经济与科技 2008年16期  [9] 温浩,朱建勋 我国进出口贸易对国内通货膨胀的影响[J] 黑龙江对外经贸 2008年08期






[1] 舒沁沁 对我国区域经济发展战略的再思考[J] 新西部(下半月), 2009,(11) [2] 杨金凤 关于加速我国城镇化建设的几点思考[J] 中国建设教育, 2006,(05) [3] 周园 以循环经济助推区域经济发展[J] 环境保护与循环经济, 2009,(11) [4]我国区域经济未来发展趋势[J] 现代焊接, 2009,(09) [5] 刘运动,宋守君 从区域经济发展背景下谈城市竞争力[J] 中国建设教育, 2007,(03) [6] 肖光荣 论区域经济发展观的新发展[J] 湖南商学院学报, 2009,(05) [7] 王翔 城镇化发展问题与制度体系创新研究[J] 湖北生态工程职业技术学院学报, 2006,(04) [8] 朱允卫,阮建青 非农经济、产业集聚与区域经济发展[J] 国际学术动态, 2006,(01) [9] 沈锋 区域经济合作与西部经济发展研究[J] 现代营销(学苑版), 2009,(11) [10] 汪剑平,程启智 区域经济发展中的趋同和趋异及其制约因素[J] 求索, 2009,(10) 中国博士学位论文全文数据库 共找到 55 条 [1] 严汉平 西部经济发展中制度因素分析与制度创新主体角色定位及转换[D] 西北大学, 2004 [2] 李文星 地方政府间跨区域经济合作研究[D] 四川大学, 2004 [3] 马克继 云南回族农商文化传统与经济变迁[D] 中央民族大学, 2005 [4] 沈月琴 天保地区森林资源保护与经济社会协调发展的机理和模式研究[D] 北京林业大学, 2005 [5] 梁志杰 联合补充库存问题的模型及算法研究[D] 西南交通大学, 2005 [6] 黄文芳 大城市郊区农村的价值研究[D] 复旦大学, 2005 [7] 杨筠 生态建设与区域经济发展研究[D] 四川大学, 2005 [8] 吕勇斌 中小企业发展的区域差异性研究[D] 华中农业大学, 2005 [9] 刘拓 中国土地沙漠化及其防治策略研究[D] 北京林业大学, 2005 [10] 陈文福 西南喀斯特地区经济可持续发展研究[D] 四川大学, 2005 >>更多 中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库 共找到 254 条 [1] 仲雷 GIS支持下的安徽省区域发展均衡性分析[D] 安徽师范大学, 2004 [2] 赵全超 我国三大经济圈城市群能级分布研究[D] 天津大学, 2004 [3] 介小兵 陇南山区经济发展及其产业、空间结构优化研究[D] 西北师范大学, 2004 [4] 李燕 东西部区域经济合作研究[D] 西北师范大学, 2004 [5] 林琳 区域人口发展决策支持系统的分析与设计[D] 大连理工大学, 2004 [6] 李玮娜 山东省旅游资源非优区及开发研究[D] 青岛大学, 2004 [7] 李晓萍 基于区间判断的AHP理论与应用研究[D] 南京理工大学, 2004 [8] 闫卫阳 城市体系空间布局的模型化与智能化方法研究[D] 武汉大学, 2004 [9] 杨忠臣 区域空间布局的理论与方法——以江苏省高淳县为例[D] 南京师范大学, 2004 [10] 胡丽 三峡库区小城镇资源集聚与配置途径研究[D] 重庆大学, 2004 >>更多 中国重要会议论文全文数据库 共找到 10 条 [1] 林奇胜 城市用地扩张控制的思考[A] 节能环保 和谐发展——2007中国科协年会论文集(二)[C], 2007 [2] 马丽卿 浙江海洋旅游产业区位分析及空间重构[A] 中国海洋学会2007年学术年会论文集(下册)[C], 2007 [3] 陈德广,乔卫科 改革开放以来我国省际区域经济分异研究[A] 第十届中国科协年会“新时期河南土地供需态势与城乡统筹发展”论坛文集[C], 2008 [4] 薛领 海淀区主导产业选择与空间布局研究[A] 全国经济地理研究会第十二届学术年会暨“全球化与中国区域发展”研讨会论文集[C], 2008 [5] 肖春梅 论乌鲁木齐城市功能定位及其实现途径[A] 全国经济地理研究会第十二届学术年会暨“全球化与中国区域发展”研讨会论文集[C], 2008 [6] 刘镇 金融危机的反思与区域经济研究对象的再认识[A] 全国经济地理研究会第十三届学术年会暨金融危机背景下的中国区域经济发展研讨会论文集[C], 2009 [7] 阚兴龙 基于循环经济的快速发展地区产业可持续发展研究——以东莞市为例[A] 2007中国可持续发展论坛暨中国可持续发展学术年会论文集(3)[C], 2007 [8] 闫卫阳 第四章 城市体系分析与布局的理论模型[A] 中原城市群科学发展研究[C], 2008 [9] 侯希望,舒华英,方旭 遗传算法在城市空间结构分析中的应用研究[A] 第十一届中国管理科学学术年会论文集[C], 2009 [10] 黄家骅 论非均质空间的经济分析[A] 社会主义经济理论研究集萃——纪念新中国建国60周年(2009)[C], 2009 麻烦采纳,谢谢!


[1] 舒沁沁 对我国区域经济发展战略的再思考[J] 新西部(下半月), 2009,(11) [2] 杨金凤 关于加速我国城镇化建设的几点思考[J] 中国建设教育, 2006,(05) [3] 周园 以循环经济助推区域经济发展[J] 环境保护与循环经济, 2009,(11) [4]我国区域经济未来发展趋势[J] 现代焊接, 2009,(09) [5] 刘运动,宋守君 从区域经济发展背景下谈城市竞争力[J] 中国建设教育, 2007,(03) [6] 肖光荣 论区域经济发展观的新发展[J] 湖南商学院学报, 2009,(05) [7] 王翔 城镇化发展问题与制度体系创新研究[J] 湖北生态工程职业技术学院学报, 2006,(04) [8] 朱允卫,阮建青 非农经济、产业集聚与区域经济发展[J] 国际学术动态, 2006,(01) [9] 沈锋 区域经济合作与西部经济发展研究[J] 现代营销(学苑版), 2009,(11) [10] 汪剑平,程启智 区域经济发展中的趋同和趋异及其制约因素[J] 求索, 2009,(10) 中国博士学位论文全文数据库 共找到 55 条 [1] 严汉平 西部经济发展中制度因素分析与制度创新主体角色定位及转换[D] 西北大学, 2004 [2] 李文星 地方政府间跨区域经济合作研究[D] 四川大学, 2004 [3] 马克继 云南回族农商文化传统与经济变迁[D] 中央民族大学, 2005 [4] 沈月琴 天保地区森林资源保护与经济社会协调发展的机理和模式研究[D] 北京林业大学, 2005 [5] 梁志杰 联合补充库存问题的模型及算法研究[D] 西南交通大学, 2005 [6] 黄文芳 大城市郊区农村的价值研究[D] 复旦大学, 2005 [7] 杨筠 生态建设与区域经济发展研究[D] 四川大学, 2005 [8] 吕勇斌 中小企业发展的区域差异性研究[D] 华中农业大学, 2005 [9] 刘拓 中国土地沙漠化及其防治策略研究[D] 北京林业大学, 2005 [10] 陈文福 西南喀斯特地区经济可持续发展研究[D] 四川大学, 2005 >>更多 中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库 共找到 254 条 [1] 仲雷 GIS支持下的安徽省区域发展均衡性分析[D] 安徽师范大学, 2004 [2] 赵全超 我国三大经济圈城市群能级分布研究[D] 天津大学, 2004 [3] 介小兵 陇南山区经济发展及其产业、空间结构优化研究[D] 西北师范大学, 2004 [4] 李燕 东西部区域经济合作研究[D] 西北师范大学, 2004 [5] 林琳 区域人口发展决策支持系统的分析与设计[D] 大连理工大学, 2004 [6] 李玮娜 山东省旅游资源非优区及开发研究[D] 青岛大学, 2004 [7] 李晓萍 基于区间判断的AHP理论与应用研究[D] 南京理工大学, 2004 [8] 闫卫阳 城市体系空间布局的模型化与智能化方法研究[D] 武汉大学, 2004 [9] 杨忠臣 区域空间布局的理论与方法——以江苏省高淳县为例[D] 南京师范大学, 2004 [10] 胡丽 三峡库区小城镇资源集聚与配置途径研究[D] 重庆大学, 2004 >>更多 中国重要会议论文全文数据库 共找到 10 条 [1] 林奇胜 城市用地扩张控制的思考[A] 节能环保 和谐发展——2007中国科协年会论文集(二)[C], 2007 [2] 马丽卿 浙江海洋旅游产业区位分析及空间重构[A] 中国海洋学会2007年学术年会论文集(下册)[C], 2007 [3] 陈德广,乔卫科 改革开放以来我国省际区域经济分异研究[A] 第十届中国科协年会“新时期河南土地供需态势与城乡统筹发展”论坛文集[C], 2008 [4] 薛领 海淀区主导产业选择与空间布局研究[A] 全国经济地理研究会第十二届学术年会暨“全球化与中国区域发展”研讨会论文集[C], 2008 [5] 肖春梅 论乌鲁木齐城市功能定位及其实现途径[A] 全国经济地理研究会第十二届学术年会暨“全球化与中国区域发展”研讨会论文集[C], 2008 [6] 刘镇 金融危机的反思与区域经济研究对象的再认识[A] 全国经济地理研究会第十三届学术年会暨金融危机背景下的中国区域经济发展研讨会论文集[C], 2009 [7] 阚兴龙 基于循环经济的快速发展地区产业可持续发展研究——以东莞市为例[A] 2007中国可持续发展论坛暨中国可持续发展学术年会论文集(3)[C], 2007 [8] 闫卫阳 第四章 城市体系分析与布局的理论模型[A] 中原城市群科学发展研究[C], 2008 [9] 侯希望,舒华英,方旭 遗传算法在城市空间结构分析中的应用研究[A] 第十一届中国管理科学学术年会论文集[C], 2009 [10] 黄家骅 论非均质空间的经济分析[A] 社会主义经济理论研究集萃——纪念新中国建国60周年(2009)[C], 2009 麻烦采纳,谢谢!


China's foreign trade strategy for the re-positioning mode Can not be denied that foreign trade and exports as part of international trade, a country or a regional basis and the opening up of the carrier, its change of China's past the closed state of the economy, opening up a new situation, learn new knowledge, access to new things, Earner of foreign exchange and balance of payments, because of the international division of labor and access to the formation of comparative advantage and promote national economic growth, have played a certain However, exports to China's economic growth and the positive effects of the imagination of people not as 20 reform and opening up nearly 10 percent of the rapid economic growth, play a leading role is not foreign trade and exports, the main contribution should always work in terms of domestic market Before the Asian financial crisis, China's domestic investment demand and consumer demand are great, so several times a national economy "overheating", for which the central government had to use the abuse of administrative, economic and legal comprehensive means to limit the scale of investment and Consumer groups, economic overheating "" It is this huge domestic market and expansion of China's rapid economic growth has played a major and crucial role in foreign trade and exports is the role played by the indirect, is only to provide fuel economic growth, instead of "" Although the expansion of export trade to China's economic growth played a certain role in stimulating, but its negative effects have gradually emerged, and paid a very high First, as exports continue to expand the scale of China's economy is dependent on external deepened (throughout the 1990s before the nine-year total imports and exports to GDP ratio of more than 30 percent in some years reached 6%) As a result of a result: the second half of 1997 when the Asian financial crisis suddenly fell, the rapid decline of economic growth in Asia, China's foreign trade growth also fell, the total import and export volume in 1998 compared with the previous year had a negative growth, exports Only a slight increase in the growth rate dropped substantially, resulting in China's economic growth rate of decline in the trend line for three consecutive years running, the GDP growth rate in 1997 was 8 percent in 1998, 8 percent in 1999, is expected to about 1% , The trend of declining year by It must be pointed out that in the Asian financial crisis struck, China's economic growth and foreign trade is not the same substantial drop, not a phenomenon of Southeast Asian countries and South Korea, the same rapid decline, because China's huge domestic market support R Secondly, the international market because of the limited, as well as countries in the world trade protection of universality, some of China's industries and products such as clothing, footwear, textile exports have been largely limited scale, resulting in a massive backlog of inventory, ordered by the Central Government to , Minimizing the scale of production, such as the limited number of spindles of cotton textile production is one example, to a certain extent, related to damage China's light industry At the same time, some countries or international organizations such as the European Union and North America and other developed countries frequently used anti-dumping and other means to limit the access of China's labor-intensive products, and these countries increased trade Again, and is similar to other large developing country, China's regional imbalance in economic development greater extent, the eastern part of a higher level of development, particularly in central and western regions is a relatively low level of development of the western Reform and opening up 20 years in national economic development and made remarkable achievements at the same time, China's regional economic disparities and residents in the expanding gap between rich and poor, tend to exacerbate economic The emergence of this situation, of course, are many reasons, but the export trade to encourage and promote export-oriented model in which played a role in adding fuel to the China's strong economic base in eastern coastal areas, advanced production technology, scientific and technological level of higher education, labor quality better developed financial sector and capital more abundant, strong technological innovation capability, a higher degree of market economy, since reform and opening up the enjoyment of Many of the countries under the preferential policies, but the energy, mineral and land resources relative The central and western regions of the district intelligence and the eastern region compared to the contrary, in addition to energy rich mineral resources, vast land area, the low quality of the labor force more affluent, the other aspects such as economic development level, culture, education technology, labor quality and availability of funds , The ability of technological innovation, economic development in the market, have fallen far behind the eastern Geographical division of the economic situation is: the eastern region is a major production and export of finished, and deep processing of additional high-value products, while the central and western regions is the major production and export of natural resources and primary processed China's reform and opening up the initial structure of export commodities are agricultural and pastoral products and processed products mainly in primary industries, the proportion of finished products do During this period the central and western regions larger proportion of exports, also benefit from However, export-oriented model of the finished products instead of primary commodities for export purposes and objectives of the state's policy to encourage the exports of manufactures is to stimulate exports, restrictions on the export of primary commodities, such as the Export-Import Bank of China is dedicated to the Electrical and Mechanical and complete sets of equipment The export of capital goods, such as providing loans and risk guarantees and the establishment of At the national foreign trade policy-induced, China's export commodity structure fundamental changes have taken place from the previous mainly primary products, manufactured goods for the shop, for now the change mainly to manufactured goods, primary goods, supplemented From the macro interests of the national economy in terms of national policy to encourage export of such understandable, but the specific area of interest to the formation of the Kule uneven situation, because the production of manufactures in the eastern region of the advantages of the project, the state export-oriented policy As a result of the eastern region's exports and its profit ratio increased, the central and western regions and its profit ratio of foreign trade and exports As shown in Table 1, 1998 the eastern part of import and export volume and export volume in both the proportion of more than 90 percent, in the western region is less than 10 percent of the Figure plans) ( Should It is noteworthy that the eastern region because of its own with the special advantages and market-oriented reform and opening up an earlier time, but its extent greater, faster progress, has attracted foreign capital and advanced technology into large-scale, foreign Actual direct investment accounted for the vast majority of the country (see table 2), which enhance the economic strength of the east, raising its technical level and the level of production of manufactured goods more obvious advantages for export-oriented model of manufactured exports The encouragement of the eastern part of the export scale and a growing proportion, also benefit from greater and is conducive to the formation of the eastern part of a virtuous circle: → manufactured exports increased foreign exchange earnings, introducing advanced foreign technology and capital → enhance regional economic strength, → manufactures innovative technology development → manufactured exports The central and western regions are exactly the opposite, in the role of export-oriented mode of foreign trade and export of increasingly narrow, benefit from more and more This is in fact the eastern region and promote the economic gap between the central and western regions to expand and intensify its regional economic Figure plans) ( In neo-classical growth model, Solow (solow) has a well-known conclusion that the elements of the returns to scale, but the input is diminishing marginal utility, which could lead to long-term economic growth rate and the level of negative economic Start Related, and possibly different regions, between economic growth rate tends to convergence In 1952-1995, up from 44 in the development of China's long-term returns to scale and there is diminishing marginal utility, but the overall rate of economic growth and economic level and there was no obvious negative correlation between the regional economy not More convergence and integration, but in the eastern, central, and western economic zone within three Solow growth model showing a special phenomenon, namely the eastern, central and western regions in accordance with their different "trajectory center" development, three Zone within the provinces, cities, districts tend to convergence and economic development consistent correlation between economic zone but do This phenomenon is the emergence of reform and opening up after the beginning of the 1980s, the most convincing explanation is: foreign trade and exports to the implementation of the policy to encourage the eastern region more involved in the international economic cycle and embarked on a completely different In the central and western regions of the road to Along with the eastern and western regions of the economic gap between the dual nature of economic expansion and intensification of its households per capita income gap has widened From 1985-1995, although the various provinces, cities, districts have per capita incomes in absolute terms has greatly improved, increasing from 66 times to 50 times the range, but the relative level (for references to the country) The changes are showing a completely different trend, in addition to the eastern part of Liaoning Province, all other provinces, cities and districts of the relative levels of per capita income have increased, the performance of their relative levels of value for now, while the central and western provinces and autonomous regions in per capita The relative level of all income decreased trend, and its performance relative changes in the level of a negative 1985 per capita income in Shanghai is the largest per capita income of Gansu Province, the smallest of 96 times that of 1995 expanded to 75 According to World Bank estimates, China's Gini coefficient of 30 from 1984 up to 1995's 415, the data provided by the United Nations Development Programme is China has become the world's larger gap between rich and poor Thus, a comprehensive export-oriented economic development model in China's practice is not very successful, although the economic development it has a stimulating effect, but the negative impact is quite In general, less to the dense population in the small country (region) in the implementation of a period of import substitution policies, the level of economic development up to a certain extent, to the country's export-oriented economic development model is appropriate, that practice will be However, as China is a large population, vast developing country and should not be one-sided emphasis on the full implementation of export-oriented model and export-oriented economic strategy, as its own huge domestic market, and economic development must be primarily based on domestic, it is not necessary and can not Qugao the overall strategy of export-oriented, but also big developing countries are usually the region's economic development is very uneven, and its own comparative advantages and characteristics very different and therefore all regions of the mode of development can not simply apply the export-oriented However, this is not the opening to the outside world will not, not not to encourage exports, but should take all effective means to encourage and foster the development of export enterprises and the regional conditions to develop export-oriented economy, that is, export-oriented development strategy To actively and steadily increase in China's economic "outward-looking" So, China should not only encourage exports, expanding opening up, but also to developing the national economy, based on the domestic market demand, which are the "degree" how to » Location in the mode of foreign trade strategy where appropriate » The answer is: inward-looking open economy, that is, on the whole the "import substitution" gradual and partial "export-oriented" strategy of combining foreign This strategic model according to the Chinese market potential, rich resources relative to the characteristics of the main based on domestic resources development and explore the domestic market, continue to improve and strengthen the economic cycle, will expand domestic demand as the main driver of economic development, while positive foreign Away, the use of all possible conditions for expansion of foreign trade and exports, the development of export-oriented The significance of expanding foreign trade and exports is not how much occupied in the international market, not to a major market demand in foreign countries, but to earn foreign exchange through the introduction of advanced technology, equipment and personnel, and maintain a certain balance in foreign exchange savings , Through the expansion of foreign economic exchange, learn and master new knowledge and access to new things and new concepts, constantly expanding the economic cycle, and improve the economic cycle within the scope, quality and level, through economic, outside the circle of each other and promote national Rapid sustained and stable economic [References] [1] Xu Henin-Hardenne, such as: "China's foreign trade", World Book Publishing Company, [2] Malcolm Gillis, such as: "Development Economics" Economic Science Press, [3] for the National Bureau of Statistics: "China Statistical Abstract 1999," China Statistics Press, [4] DING Lin, such as: "one-China economic growth in all regions of the Empirical Study", "economic science", [5] Wei Houkai: "The Chinese people's income gap between the region and its decomposition," "Economic Research", 1996 (11) [6] Chen Guangyan: "overproduction and insufficient demand and solve the question", "Economics dynamic", 1999 (11)

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