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这是2013年一份杂志上的,虽然主题是讲如何在公司运营中运用社交工具,但你仔细看看,facebook twitter等社交工具等特性都有提到,参考价值比较大,自己消化转换一下就可以做演讲了。而且这篇文章用了很多设问句,其实蛮符合演讲的情景的,我这还有这篇文章的mp3,如果需要的话我发你,可以模仿一下里面的语气。Getting real about getting social; Social media is all about powerful communication toolsSource:Accounting T 8 (A 1, 2013): p48Are you a social firm? That is, do you and your staff harness the power of social media to push out information about your firm and your brand overall? If not, it's time to embrace this powerful platform to get the word out about who you are and why you are For many firms, it's no longer about just "doing" social media, but rather making it part of the firm's DNA - a standard element of Are you there yet?No doubt you are well aware of the social movement and the cadre of "crazy" practitioners who are celebrating a new way of doing This group of professionals is calling for others to redefine their firms (and lives) by moving away from the traditional business model and incorporating elements like social media into firm No matter the media format - Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or YouTube - these communication tools are being applied within the "new firm" Progressive firms are using these tools to collaborate with clients and communicate with the community in It is also how clients are providing their information to firms - in real- Overall, it is how these firms are staying relevant and keeping the outside world consistently informed and educated about what goes on within their four Becoming a social firm can be accomplished in many Not all social media channels need to be tackled at one That can be simply Consider a few examples of how a firm might use social media channels:Facebook to consistently send out marketing campaigns and attract new YouTube to send proposals to A combination of Facebook and LinkedIn to attract new, qualified Twitter to announce key dates, like quarterly estimate payments And any social media channel to foster regular, positive internal staff The list could go on and Social media outlets can be used alone or in any The key takeaway here is that social technologies hold the power to fundamentally change the way your firm broadly communicates, and how you and your staff interact with one another, clients and Communicating with the outside world is no longer restricted by traditional media outlets those that must first elect to pick up your "news" and then push it Today, you are in control of communications and have the ability to push out information as often as you like - instantly and at any time (the days of 9-to-5 are over!)All of this, of course, means that social media must be understood and used Social media could disrupt processes if the proper controls are not put in Just consider a few statistics:Twitter is most active after 9 and before 9 Facebook is most active after All social media channels are up and running 24/7!Understanding that social media is an "always-on" platform, firm leaders must understand how it works and have a clear set of objectives in From there it is important to assign guidelines for communicating via social media to meet objectives and ensure proper Remember, if clients and prospects can "see" you 24/7, your communications must be on target, professional, and engage your audience in an appropriate You also can't forget to assign the proper staff to oversee your social media efforts and consider how to compensate these employees for handling this "always-on" communication It's important to note that for some firms, there is the perception of being too It is true that a lot of what you are doing is available online when you actively apply social You have to make sure you are okay with this, but you also have to understand that it's not so much a business-to-business world We are living in a business-to-individual world, where more companies are putting it all out there and sharing information with clients and prospects to appeal to them on a "friend" This helps to build rapport, trust and Consumers want to get to know those they are doing business with; it just feels In other words, it's okay to get And I believe the ability to get personal is what makes social media so It's a matter of ensuring that communications are appropriate and contain the right message in order to draw individuals closer to Based on all that's been discussed here, have you noticed that social media isn't so much about marketing as it is about the pace of information-sharing and the deeper level of communication? This is what has rocked the boat and disrupted the old firm model, because old ways of doing business simply don't meet today's customers' Consumers are social - they research products and services via social media Consumers are hungry for information and they find it within the social Social media and how to apply it in today's new firms is one of my favorite topics for discussions because I know it is where the new generation of clients "" Social media is a powerful tool; firms just need to invest the time in figuring out how to use social networking so that it is a good, positive fit within their firm Follow me to learn more about social media and the power it offers today's fast-moving Find me on Twitter @jodypadarcpa and we will work to figure it out together!Jody Padar, CPA, MST, is CEO and principal of New Vision CPA Group, as well as an adjunct professor at Oakton Community C She is part of the Intuit Trainer Writer Network and speaks nationally on various technologies and By Jody Padar

这个提问有问题。communication是article的一个类别。同一个括号内,是同一概念的不同英文表述。某一SCI期刊中的论文(article/paper),分为很多类别:(Regular paper/Regular article/Full paper/Full article)(Express paper/ Express article/Express letter/Letter/Report/Communicate)(Review paper/Review article/Review)


其实两者都是指同一个事物,SCI期刊中,相对短小的原创论文。但其实,有些期刊的letter已经达到5000字的规模,比很多full paper还要长。所以,一篇SCI的重要性,并不是长短决定的。


nature communications是英国nature集团旗下的子刊,Nature Communications 是一个仅在网上出版的多学科杂志,专门发表生物学、物理学和化学等各领域的高质量研究论文。《Nature》网站涵盖的内容相当丰富,不仅提供1997年6月到最新出版的《Nature》杂志的全部内容,其姊妹刊物《Nature》出版集团(The Nature Publishing Group)出版的8种研究月刊,6种评论杂志,2种工具书。扩展资料杂志简介定位:兼顾学术期刊和科学杂志,即科学论文具较高的新闻性和广泛的读者群。论文不仅要求具有“突出的科学贡献”,还必须“令交叉学科的读者感兴趣”。自然出版集团出版的Nature系列刊物有三类:(NaturePublishingGroup)1、综述性期刊,对重要的研究工作进行综述评论;2、 研究类期刊,以发表原创性研究报告为主;3、临床医学类期刊,对医学领域重要的研究进展做出权威性解释,并促进最新的研究成果转变为临床实践。参考资料来源:百度百科-nature

两者都是SCI期刊中的原创报告性论文。一般而言,full paper长度大于等于communication/letter。但是,有些2/3区SCI期刊的communication/letter已经达到5000字的规模,自谦为"communication/letter",其实比很多其他期刊的full paper还要长。某些研究成果没有选择full paper,而投communication/letter,主要可能是2个原因: 研究课题属于前沿,变动快,竞争强,为了抢占前沿课题的发表先机时。 某一研究课题,目前的成果较少,不足以构成full paper,但也有充分的学术价值时。a情况就是领域内的大牛。b情况也很常见。总而言之,一篇SCI的重要性,并不是靠长短,而是被引用次数,和所在的JCR分区。举一个例子吧,地球物理学领域,有很多重要的communication/letter。比如美国的《Geophysical Research Letters》,名字就是“letter”,是该领域顶级的1区SCI期刊,全部收录看似“短小”的communication/letter,但实际上每一篇都是5000字级别的重要paper。

英文意思是 交流,沟通


Advanced materials的communication投稿里有下列几项的解决方式如下:The table of contents entry should be fifty to sixty words long, written in the present tense, and refer to the chosen 文章中的图也行,不能用光谱图,那么小的尺寸,要考虑清晰度Keyword (see list)关键词不能随便写,从list里面挑C Author-Two, D E F Author-Three, A B Corresponding Author*(( same order as byline))第一作者,其他作者,通讯作者(标星号)Title ((no stars))文章标题,别加那两个星号了TOC figure ((55 mm broad, 50 mm high, or 110 mm broad, 20 mm high))和1是一个图,长宽按要求作图。PS:下载模板照着改就可以了。里面要求啊顺序啊什么的都有。

其实两者都是指同一个事物,SCI期刊中,相对短小的原创论文。但其实,有些期刊的letter已经达到5000字的规模,比很多full paper还要长。所以,一篇SCI的重要性,并不是长短决定的。

论文投稿时short communication和letter的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同short communication释义:短通信。letter释义:信。例句:There's a letter for you from your 有你母亲的一封来信。二、用法不同short communication用法:短篇论著,字数少一点,一般少于2000字,格式和论著差不多。不过有些杂志的短篇论著要求不用小标题。letter用法:letter的格式简单一些。一般少于500字,有少数可以放宽到1000字以内。三、侧重点不同short communication解析:指一些篇幅比较短(一般是4页以下),内容比较少但是具有一定的原创型和新颖性的文章。letter解析:更侧重对前人研究的内容进行评论,更侧重个人的观点和看法。


919Nature Communications属于Nature出版社,是Nature系列子刊。Nature Communications于2010年创刊。从现有的记录来看,Nature Communications的2019年影响因子(JCR2018)是878,2018年影响因子(JCR2017)是353。期刊名: Nature Communications。期刊名缩写:NAT COMMUN。国际刊号:2041-1723。2021年影响因子/JCR分区:919/Q1。出版国家或地区:England。出版周期:Bimonthly。出版年份:2010。年文章数:4316。是否OA开放访问:Yes。影响:《自然—通讯》和《科学报告》是自然出版集团(NPG)旗下增长最快的两本刊物。《自然—通讯》和《科学报告》分别在2010年和2011年推出,这两本期刊在2013年6月双双实现发表论文数量达到2000篇的里程碑,同时两份刊物的论文投稿数和发表数继续快速增长。以上内容参考:百度百科-自然—通讯

矩阵通信论坛移动通信在线国内 通信学报,电子学报,电子信息学报国外IEEE Transactions on communicationIEEE Transactions on wireless communicationIEEE Transactions on Information TheoryIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsIEEE Communications Magazine


NC2011年获得第一个影响因子为396,2012年影响因子上涨到10分档,后续一直在10分以上。 Nature Communications是一本开放获取期刊,论文接收后,版面费为5380美元,较往年上涨了180美元。Nature Communications (以下简写为NC)是首个冠名“Nature”品牌的纯开放获取刊物。2010年创刊时为混合型期刊,出版开放获取及订阅形式的论文。从2016年1月起,该刊转为全部开放获取。意义影响因子并非一个最客观的评价期刊影响力的标准。一般来说影响因子高,期刊的影响力就越大。对于一些综合类,或者大项的研究领域来说,因为研究的领域广所以引用率也比较高。比如,生物,和化学类的期刊,这类期刊一般情况下就比较容易有较高的影响力。影响因子虽然可在一定程度上表征其学术质量的优劣,但影响因子与学术质量间并非呈线性正比关系,比如不能说影响因子为0的期刊一定优于影响因子为0的期刊,影响因子不具有这种对学术质量进行精确定量评价的功能。以上内容参考:百度百科-影响因子

919Nature Communications属于Nature出版社,是Nature系列子刊。Nature Communications于2010年创刊。从现有的记录来看,Nature Communications的2019年影响因子(JCR2018)是878,2018年影响因子(JCR2017)是353。期刊名: Nature Communications。期刊名缩写:NAT COMMUN。国际刊号:2041-1723。2021年影响因子/JCR分区:919/Q1。出版国家或地区:England。出版周期:Bimonthly。出版年份:2010。年文章数:4316。是否OA开放访问:Yes。影响:《自然—通讯》和《科学报告》是自然出版集团(NPG)旗下增长最快的两本刊物。《自然—通讯》和《科学报告》分别在2010年和2011年推出,这两本期刊在2013年6月双双实现发表论文数量达到2000篇的里程碑,同时两份刊物的论文投稿数和发表数继续快速增长。以上内容参考:百度百科-自然—通讯


