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中文名称:美国新闻与世界报道英文名称:US News & World Report[内容提要] "US News & World Report" is US one of three flash news weekly, has a more tremendous influence in theAmerican US News & World the Report Chinese name "美国新闻与世界报道", is US one of three flash news weekly(the first two flash news weekly is "Time" the weekly and Newsweek),in 1947 by "the American News" and "World Reported" merges becomes, atpresent 发行量 each issue of 8 million (1), have surpassed US'Stwo big newspapers in the release quantity "the New York Times" and"the Washington Post", former daily 发行量 is 19 million, latterdaily 发行量 is 850, "The American News And World Reported" themain report scope involves the American home and in world scopepolitics, the economy, the military and the culture, is a politicaleconomical comprehensive "American News And World Report" thereader surface quite is broad, this magazine is engaged in theinternational political economy and in particular the technicalculture work knowledge level public figure in the American societyhigher level has a more tremendous influence, is affecting theAmerican domestic part of person to the world politics economicalsituation and other country image view and the Said frompopularization surface and in the popular degree that, this magazineinfluence is inferior to "Time" the weekly and Newsweek, but said fromthe analysis question depth and influence dynamics, this magazinecertainly does not compare in American domestic populace prestige"Time" the weekly and Newsweek the

瑞丽 时尚 今日家具 华东家具 家具导刊 家具主流等。


时代啊 花花公子





中文名称:美国新闻与世界报道英文名称:US News & World Report[内容提要] "US News & World Report" is US one of three flash news weekly, has a more tremendous influence in theAmerican US News & World the Report Chinese name "美国新闻与世界报道", is US one of three flash news weekly(the first two flash news weekly is "Time" the weekly and Newsweek),in 1947 by "the American News" and "World Reported" merges becomes, atpresent 发行量 each issue of 8 million (1), have surpassed US'Stwo big newspapers in the release quantity "the New York Times" and"the Washington Post", former daily 发行量 is 19 million, latterdaily 发行量 is 850, "The American News And World Reported" themain report scope involves the American home and in world scopepolitics, the economy, the military and the culture, is a politicaleconomical comprehensive "American News And World Report" thereader surface quite is broad, this magazine is engaged in theinternational political economy and in particular the technicalculture work knowledge level public figure in the American societyhigher level has a more tremendous influence, is affecting theAmerican domestic part of person to the world politics economicalsituation and other country image view and the Said frompopularization surface and in the popular degree that, this magazineinfluence is inferior to "Time" the weekly and Newsweek, but said fromthe analysis question depth and influence dynamics, this magazinecertainly does not compare in American domestic populace prestige"Time" the weekly and Newsweek the


01《Vogue》(《时尚》)美国,1892年创刊。 。《ELLE》法国,1945年创刊。 《FHM》(《男人帮》)英国,1985年创刊。 《GQ》(《潇洒》)美国,1952年创刊。 《Visionaire》(《视觉》)美国,1991年创刊。 《Cosmopolitan》(《大都会》)美国,1886年创刊。 《W》美国,1972年创刊。/w/《NYLON》(《纽约龙》)美国。 《Harper’sBAZAAR》(《时尚芭莎》)美国,1867年创刊。 《Ray》(《瑞丽》)日本。


目前还没有权威的机构进行室内设计师的最终排名深圳市居众装饰[1] 设计工程有限公司总部设计院 院长 陈子建深圳水木空间设计公司 设计总监 梁志平深圳市德文设计有限公司 创始人 刘德文CTD森图设计顾问有限公司 总经理 阿森EMC(国际)室内设计公司 创始人 吴恙神州长城装饰深圳设计院 总经理 林兴仁中国·深圳品彦设计有限公司 创始人 杨彦深圳市辛视设计 设计总监 辛军深圳市汇锦呈空间设计有限公司 设计总监 彭伟这是IDCF2012第六届中国(深圳)国际室内设计文化节颁奖盛典获奖的十位。 还有很多比如高文安 洪约瑟 何周礼 何宗宪 梁景华 梁志天 关玉良 程允贤等

时尚杂志 ELLE VOGUE 这些杂志都在世界各国发行,有不同语言的版本~~!!!!!价格都是市价:20-25人民币


中南林学院的 家具设计东莞家具报东莞家具之前还看过一个蓝鸟家具主办的家具一般家协都会有专门杂志。


瑞丽家居 下电子书 省钱








