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In December 1937, Nanjing fell to the Japanese Imperial A The Japanese army launched a massacre for six According to the records of several welfare organizations which buried the dead bodies after the Massacre, around three hundred thousand people, mostly civilians and POWs, were brutally Over twenty thousand cases of rape were Many of the victims were gang raped and then The figure did not include those captives who were sent to army brothels (the so-called "comfort stations") The actual Memorial Hall is built to commemorate the The actual Hall is located in Jiangdongmen (The Gate on the Eastern Bank of the River), one of the sites where countless human bones of the victims of the Massacre were It is just one of those "wan ren keng" (pit of ten thousand corpses) which can be found in many Japanese occupied areas in China during the The building housing the skeletons excavated in JEntrance The Hall is built in the eighties when a number of Japanese politicians and writers claimed that the Massacre had never ocurred and history textbooks were rewritten by the authority describing the Massacre as a minor It must be reminded that contrary to Germany the Japanese government has never made any formal or official apology to the Chinese people for their crimes committed during the Instead, a number of Japanese politicians and writers denied not just the Massacre but any of their wrong doings in the Second World W They claimed that they had "liberated" Asian peoples from Western The Nanjing Massacre is one of their so-called "liberations" This WWW Memorial Hall is created to expose their lies and to preserve the historical Let the victims of the Massacre be remembered but not buried in

On December 13, 1937, after the Japanese invading army invaded Nanjing under, directed in Japanese Central China front army commander loose well Shi Gen and 6th division Division Commander Gu Shoufu, carried on more than 40 day-long rank smell of blood slaughters in the entire city, the use collective has gunned down, buries alive, the knife divides, burns down and so on the extremely tragic method, killed the Chinese common people and is captured the serviceman to reach 30 ten thousand On December 13 the morning, Japanese forces Gu Shoufu the 6th division by the brilliance gate, the rain flower gate enters the city, treats as immediately the street on refugee guns down the goal, in the street streets and alleys immediately the flesh and blood in confusion, the corpse vertically and Under Nanjing massacre executioner - - loose well Shi Gen sends under escort in the military police goes to the court to stand trial On April 26, 1947, Nanjing massacre executioner Gu Shoufu is detained goes to the execution grounds On 14th, the Japanese forces large unit inrushes in the city, continues to search for kills in the streets and alleys the refugee; And in the Zhongshan wharf, the Hsiakuan station and so on place to the refugee who gathers the waterfront fire crazily, guns down tens of thousands of On 15th, the Chinese common people and disarmament's serviceman 9000 people have been detained toward the torpedo camp On 16th, Japanese forces date both sides both acknowledged has the neutral status “the safe area” in to hunt down and arrest tens of thousands of youths, ties up goes to the Hsiakuan coal port to gun down, again thrusts the corpse in the On 18th, the Japanese forces float the suburb refugees and the war 70,000 people drive to the Hsiakuan straw sandal canyon, with the machine gun strafe, then in on the corpse which piles up falls on the petroleum to set on fire burning Hereafter, also starts “the clear street movement” in the late December and “the refugee registration” causes the up to ten thousand number of people The Japanese forces slaughter innocently, the method is brutal, makes the blood Some irrigate the gasoline first toward the refugee body on, latter with the gun strafe, a bullet person, the flame ignites along with it, is attacked burns down the refugee, struggles the tuck dive, side of the painful, the Japanese forces applauds laughs After some kills the refugee cuts the number of people, selects on the gun, strolls the street corner, the laughter seeks Japanese forces besides brutal slaughter innocent, but also rapes, the mass rape Chinese women After an occupation month, in Nanjing has 20,000 about to rape the event, including eight, nine year-old young girl and over 70 year-old old women all cannot escape by Many women after suffer devastating to suffer Follows is slaughtering and rapes is large-scale robbing and sets on fire the The Japanese forces are driving the automobile, enters each big company, the store straight, plunders each kind of cargo transports spatially After robs, the Japanese forces everywhere set on fire, the cause major street big building is burnt all Under the catastrophe, in former days the downtown lively the Six Dynasties ancient capital has become a corpse everywhere, the remnant of destroyed building, everywhere the miserable death After the Sino-Japanese War wins, directs Nanjing massacre the executioner loose well stone velamen far east international military tribunal to execute by hanging, Gu Shoufu is extradited to give the Chinese government










读后感写作方法指导 内容:把你看过的书本、电影、电视、课文,看后,你对所看内容的感受、想法写下来;把所受的启发、所受的教育写下来。 一、题目: 1、把你所看书本、课文的名字当成题目。通常是,读《······》有感。如:读《她是我的朋友》有感。 2、直接把你对所看书的内容的感受当成题目。如:伟大的友谊读《她是我的朋友》后的感受) 二、开始:(第一段)简单介绍你所看的书或课文是什么名字,看后的总体感受。 如:我了《她是我的朋友》这篇课课文后,感慨万千。 三、过程(第二段,可以是多段) 内容:边写文章内容,边写这一段内容的感受。边叙述内容边抒发感情。 1、首先对文章内容做个概括叙述。 2、接着可以写对文章的总体内容的感受;或哪句话的内容的感受;或写对文章写法的感受;或几句话、一句话的感受。注意:1、文章不以内容为主,而以作者的感受为主。2、文章不要求我们面面俱到,你只需要取最能打动你的一点,加以展开,甚至可以抓住作品的一句话、一个细节,写出自己的想法。 3、感受就是看后你的想法。 四、结果:(最后一段) 读完书或课文后,你对自己今后的学业、生活的感触、信心;对现在社会的一些呼吁、思考。


四十万三千零七十一位,倒在鲜红的血中,倒在机枪的扫射下,倒在一把把刺刀下,倒在空中落下的炸弹下,我们为那四十万三千零七十一位人感到悲伤,我们对在我国进行多次屠杀的日本军队感到痛恨。日本军队,这丧心病狂的恶魔,你们可真是心狠手辣。  回想那一次次的屠杀,每一个都使我们后人想那杀了几千人的指挥刀,至尽不肯回改的日本帝国主义。在一次又一次的屠杀中,南京大屠杀是最使人感到可怕,不堪回首。而我今天,走进了一九三七年,看见了南京大屠杀的情景,那不讲信用的日本鬼子,说什么绝对捕杀俘虏,可是他们言而无信,我们的南京人民都投靠于日本,可是,上部传来了命令,把所有南京来的俘虏人民一一杀死,结果,那几千人又白白的身亡了!那时主席是蒋介石,他拥有很多得人力,拥有飞机、战车、坦克……可是,蒋介石不出兵,下令不要阻止日本人,其中,有八十人,挺身而出,可是没有援兵,始终无能为力。我们痛恨日本人,痛恨日本军队,痛恨日本帝国主义。  所有的中国人民,我们国家不是一只永远沉睡的狮子,我们是后来人,要努力,相信,我们这只亚洲雄师的吼声,可以震撼整个地球,不用受别国的屈辱,为这个目标,我们要好好学习,天天向上,自强勤奋,博爱健康。  中国人民,为着这个目标前进吧!





南京大屠杀的死伤人数至今仍有争议,其中远东国际军事法庭认定至少20万以上,中国学者考证为30万以上,而日本学者则众说纷纭,日本国会议员提出的最新数据为两万。 究竟有多少中国人成为南京大屠杀的死难者?根据南京大屠杀的幸存者描述,中国学者考证为30万以上。中国认为,日军侵占南京期间强奸了成千上万的妇女,仅因强暴致死的可能超过近万宗。中国认为日本否认历史事实只会导致日本在国际社会越加孤立。 日本政府一开始面对南京大屠杀死难人数时称:“我们认为不能否认当时存在杀害非战斗人员及掠夺财物等行为。但具体数字尚有较多争论,政府很难做出断定。”后来,日本民众以及日本国会议员组成的“思考日本前途和历史教育的议员之会”最新提出的人数是两万。日本认为日军进入南京城后城内人口仅20万人;日本认为有不少的书面记录都显示,日军进入南京后南京并未成为空城,没有屠杀的迹象;另外日本提出,有国民党军便衣兵假冒日军犯罪被国际安全委员会发现的事情;他们也提出“部分照片造假,有些照片的加害者并非日方。因为秉持观点与政治立场不同,不同日本人对南京大屠杀有不同的解读与看法,就其中死亡人数这一争议,就有二十多万人、四万、数千、数百乃至于完全否定者等各种说法。

读后感写作方法指导 内容:把你看过的书本、电影、电视、课文,看后,你对所看内容的感受、想法写下来;把所受的启发、所受的教育写下来。 一、题目: 1、把你所看书本、课文的名字当成题目。通常是,读《······》有感。如:读《她是我的朋友》有感。 2、直接把你对所看书的内容的感受当成题目。如:伟大的友谊读《她是我的朋友》后的感受) 二、开始:(第一段)简单介绍你所看的书或课文是什么名字,看后的总体感受。 如:我了《她是我的朋友》这篇课课文后,感慨万千。 三、过程(第二段,可以是多段) 内容:边写文章内容,边写这一段内容的感受。边叙述内容边抒发感情。 1、首先对文章内容做个概括叙述。 2、接着可以写对文章的总体内容的感受;或哪句话的内容的感受;或写对文章写法的感受;或几句话、一句话的感受。注意:1、文章不以内容为主,而以作者的感受为主。2、文章不要求我们面面俱到,你只需要取最能打动你的一点,加以展开,甚至可以抓住作品的一句话、一个细节,写出自己的想法。 3、感受就是看后你的想法。 四、结果:(最后一段) 读完书或课文后,你对自己今后的学业、生活的感触、信心;对现在社会的一些呼吁、思考。


不容忘却的史实  南京大屠杀指1937至1945年中国抗日战争期间,中华民国在南京保卫战中失利、首都南京于1937年12月13日沦陷后,日军于南京及附近地区进行长达数月的大规模屠杀。其中日军战争罪行包括抢掠、强奸、对大量平民及战俘进行屠杀等。屠杀的规模、死伤人数等没有世界共同认可的数字,但一般认为死亡人数超过30万。  在中国,南京大屠杀往往是民族主义的重要关注点。而在日本,公众对南京大屠杀的认识存在着广泛不同的情绪及观点,尤其是日本部份极右份子,认为南京大屠杀是被夸大、甚至是凭空捏造的反日本外交工具,也有人认为否认南京大屠杀是历史修正主义、否认主义的表现。由于日本人对南京大屠杀的意见着广泛的分歧,因此视乎讲话者的观点,南京大屠杀可能被称为“南京大虐杀”、“南京虐杀”、及“南京事件”等。对南京大屠杀的认识,是中日外交及人民关系中存在的问题之一。  而在欧美等西方国家,南京大屠杀一般英译为Nanjing Massacre(南京屠杀)或Rape of Nanjing(南京的洗劫、南京的强奸)等字眼,但总体上人民对其的认知往往远不如对纳粹的种族灭绝过程的认知。  亲历和目睹“南京大屠杀”的中国人和日本人尚健在的已经不可多得了,能作见证的人亦即将与时俱逝。但是,这个中国历史上空前的惨案还悬而未决,让我们活着的,尤其是作为这段历史的见证人的一代,有责任把“南京大屠杀”这件在第二次中日战争中最突出的惨绝人寰的日军罪行,彻底澄清,以对祖先,以儆子孙,更为“南京大屠杀”中死难的34万同胞伸冤。


