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have you got any magazines about computers?

我们学校图书馆有各种各样的书和杂志There are all kinds of books and magazines in our school

There are a lot of magazines in


Today, let me feel happy and exciting for the begining of the new high And I go to the school library, I am so surprised that not only the high schhol library is bigger than middle school library, but also the high school library's books more than middle school library's At this time, I really enjoy reading boods at the school library, I even forget to go home and eat my because of my mom calls me and says, "Will you come for dinner?" I ask my mom, "What time is it?" Mom answers, " It's seven o'clock, my " I say, "What?"After three weeks past, I feel my new teachers are very friendly, and the new teachers teach methods are totally different from previously I like new teaching methods that leading me into another level and learning new extent reached and new 今天,让我感到高兴和兴奋为一个新高中学校的开始。我去学校的图书馆,我很惊讶的是,不仅高中学校图书馆比中学的图书馆要大,而且高校图书馆的书比中学图书馆的书要多。在这个时候,我真的很喜欢在学校的图书馆阅读书,我甚至忘了回家吃晚饭。因为我妈妈打电话给我说,“你能来吃晚饭吗?”我问妈妈,“现在是什么时间?”妈妈回答,“现在是七点,我的儿子。”我说,“什么?”三周过去后,我觉得我的新老师们都很友好,和新教师的教学方法和以前的教师的教学方法完全不同。我喜欢新的教学方法,它引导我到另一个水平和学习的新境界和新的生活。

School Library opened an English reading Please write an English reading room Books and magazines must be read in the reading room, not out of Read books and magazines are required to produce documentary evidence After reading books and magazines, set them back on the shelves Bags must be placed on the shelves of the reading room may not be brought into Ban on eating, may not make much noise in order to maintain a clean and quiet environment for reading Take good care of books and Graffiti may not arbitrarily or damage to books, in violation of these rules will be fined

There are a lot of magazines in


多少钱???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(亲亲)(亲亲)(亲亲)(亲亲)(那尼)(那尼)(那尼)(那尼)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)|????)っ? 喜欢你?

There is a library in our The students in our school enjoy reading in Now,I will talk to you about the school Firstly,the library only provides the teachers and students in our school the So you can read some books which are suitable for Secondly,you must keep quiet when you reading in the If you speak loudly in the library,you may disturb Finally,the school library borrows books only for three weeks and you must return the books in For further information ,you can contact

In my university has a school library。(在我的大学里有一座学校图书馆。)But very few people in this library。(但是这座图书馆里很冷清。)Some college students have almost no use in Library。(有的大学生几乎没有利用过图书馆。)I think this is because of the prevalence of Internet Culture。(我想这是因为网络文化的日渐流行。)There may also be because the network communication tools are becoming more and more popular and people 's lack of enthusiasm for books。(有可能也是因为网络通讯工具的越来越受欢迎和人们对书本缺乏热情。)I want the school to read, to enhance the students' enthusiasm for books。(我想让学校开展读书日,来提高学生们对书本的热情度。)


My Campus Life我的大学生活My campus life is rich and 我的大学生活是丰富多彩的。I go to attend class everyday morning excluding 除了周末,我每天早上去上课。weekend,in class i study and discuss all kinds of在课堂上我学习各种只是,knowledge with my teacher and my 并和我的老师和同学讨论问题。 After the class, ofen i go to play basketball 下课以后,通常我和我的朋友去打篮球或者羽毛球。or badminton with my In the evening,i have two hours for study by 晚上,我先去上两个消失的自习,oneself in scheduled time, and then go back to my 然后回到侵蚀上网。dormitory and surf on the At the weekend,i take part in some part-time jobs周末,我经常参加一些兼职工作,and go to the Einglish Corner 有时候去参加英语角。All in all,my campus life is beatiful and substantial

Today, let me feel happy and exciting for the begining of the new high And I go to the school library, I am so surprised that not only the high schhol library is bigger than middle school library, but also the high school library's books more than middle school library's At this time, I really enjoy reading boods at the school library, I even forget to go home and eat my because of my mom calls me and says, "Will you come for dinner?" I ask my mom, "What time is it?" Mom answers, " It's seven o'clock, my " I say, "What?"After three weeks past, I feel my new teachers are very friendly, and the new teachers teach methods are totally different from previously I like new teaching methods that leading me into another level and learning new extent reached and new 今天,让我感到高兴和兴奋为一个新高中学校的开始。我去学校的图书馆,我很惊讶的是,不仅高中学校图书馆比中学的图书馆要大,而且高校图书馆的书比中学图书馆的书要多。在这个时候,我真的很喜欢在学校的图书馆阅读书,我甚至忘了回家吃晚饭。因为我妈妈打电话给我说,“你能来吃晚饭吗?”我问妈妈,“现在是什么时间?”妈妈回答,“现在是七点,我的儿子。”我说,“什么?”三周过去后,我觉得我的新老师们都很友好,和新教师的教学方法和以前的教师的教学方法完全不同。我喜欢新的教学方法,它引导我到另一个水平和学习的新境界和新的生活。


There is a library in our The students in our school enjoy reading in Now,I will talk to you about the school Firstly,the library only provides the teachers and students in our school the So you can read some books which are suitable for Secondly,you must keep quiet when you reading in the If you speak loudly in the library,you may disturb Finally,the school library borrows books only for three weeks and you must return the books in For further information ,you can contact

have you got any magazines about computers?

Today, let me feel happy and exciting for the begining of the new high And I go to the school library, I am so surprised that not only the high schhol library is bigger than middle school library, but also the high school library's books more than middle school library's At this time, I really enjoy reading boods at the school library, I even forget to go home and eat my because of my mom calls me and says, "Will you come for dinner?" I ask my mom, "What time is it?" Mom answers, " It's seven o'clock, my " I say, "What?"After three weeks past, I feel my new teachers are very friendly, and the new teachers teach methods are totally different from previously I like new teaching methods that leading me into another level and learning new extent reached and new 今天,让我感到高兴和兴奋为一个新高中学校的开始。我去学校的图书馆,我很惊讶的是,不仅高中学校图书馆比中学的图书馆要大,而且高校图书馆的书比中学图书馆的书要多。在这个时候,我真的很喜欢在学校的图书馆阅读书,我甚至忘了回家吃晚饭。因为我妈妈打电话给我说,“你能来吃晚饭吗?”我问妈妈,“现在是什么时间?”妈妈回答,“现在是七点,我的儿子。”我说,“什么?”三周过去后,我觉得我的新老师们都很友好,和新教师的教学方法和以前的教师的教学方法完全不同。我喜欢新的教学方法,它引导我到另一个水平和学习的新境界和新的生活。


