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It provides a sound theoretical background as well as good practical exposure to students in the relevant It is intended to provide a modern, industry oriented education in applied computer It aims at producing trained professionals who can successfully meet the demands of the information technology

We build computer to solve Early computer solved mathematical and engineering problems,and later computers emphasized information processing for business T- oday,computers also control machines as diverse as automobile engines,robots,and microwave A computer system solves a problem from any of these domains by accepting input,processing it,and producing F 1-1 illustrates the function of a computer Computer systems consist of hardware and Hardware is the physical part of the Once designed,hardware is difficult and expensive to Software is the set of programs that instruct the hardware and is easier to modify than Computers are valuable because they are general-purpose machines that can solve many different kinds of problems,as opposed to special-purpose machines that can each solve only one kind of Different problems can be solved with the same hardware by supplying the system with a different set of hat is,with different undefined


Java正在使快速开发Internet上通讯与协同工作的通用程序成为可能。这里,我们不仅是谈论字处理、电子数据表,而且是能 够处理销售、客户服务、记帐、 数据库和人事资源管理的应用程 序一一它们是公司计算的基础。 Java也使争论中的一类新的、称 之为网络计算机(即NC)的便 宜计算机成为可能,SUN IBM、Apple和其它公司希望这 种计算机将在公司和家庭中普及 开来。  Java工作的方法简单。与那些要占用PC机硬盘多兆字节的普通应用软件不一样,java应用程序,即小应用程序,是很小的程序,它常驻在网络中集中式的服 务器上。只有当你需要这种应用 程序时,网络才把它们送到你的机器上,山于小应用程序比常规 程序小得多,故下载不需很多时间。  比方说,你要检查一下西南地区的销售结果,利用Internet浏览器找到能提交则一务数据的公司内部Web站点,再用鼠标器击一下或两下,便可以调这些数字。 服务器将不仅快速给你数据,而且显示它所需要的销售分析小应用程序。这些数字在Java数据表 中将浮现在你的屏幕上,因而你能即兴地使用它们,而不是麻烦 地将它们调入你自己的数据表程序中。  为用图形显示这些数字,你可以一调入作图表的小应用程序,让你漂漂亮亮地打印出报表来,而所有这些不必离开浏览器。你也始终能得到最新最好的小应用 程序版本:因为这种软件只存储 存一才\地方,公司的技术人员可 较答易地使其保持最新。  然而,Java语言的真正优点是具有让用户省钱的能力,因为它大大简化了应用程序的开发与部署使用。而且让它们保留己有的“传统”计算机和软件。  Java程序一旦写好了,就能在任何一种计算机(PC机、 Macintosh机、Unix工作站、甚至是大型机)上无需修改就能运行。基本的操作系统是没有差别的。Java实际上给予了那些较旧的专用的计算机(有变成废品风险的产品)新的生命。  在不到一年的时间内,Java己成了微软的PC操作系统Windows系列的主要挑战者,比DOS和WINDOWS挑战传统的大型机和小型机的速度还要快。 Java也在成为最重要的Internet软 件标准的道路上迅跑,使Sun超 过Netscape和微软成为Internet计 算的领袖

个人计算机的奇妙结构【内容提示】学校要出壁报,约你用英语写一篇介绍个人计算机的文章。内容包括:①计算机的工作过程与人的大脑的思维过程相似,所以又叫电脑。②从外观看,个人计算机有三部分:主机、键盘和显示器。③从计算机的工作过程看,计算机系统是由软件和硬件组成的。硬件好比人的躯体,软件好比人的灵魂。④控制计算机的技术叫做软件,计算机及其各种设备本身叫做硬件。⑤计算机的工作就是通过其软件,利用计算机的各种资源,指挥硬件实现无所不能的奇妙用途。【作文示范】The Wonderful Structure of a Personal ComputerIn Chinese, a computer is popularly known as an “electrical brain”, for the working process of a computer is similar to a human brain very In appearance, a personal computer has three simple and clear parts: the main frame①, the keyboard② and the display③ In other words, if you own these three parts, you would exactly have a A computer system is made up of software and hardware considering its working If we compare the hardware to a human body, then, the software would be the Just as a driver cannot drive a car without driving skills or the car it self, you cannot control a computer without controlling techniques or the computer The controlling techniques are called software, while computers themselves and related devices④ such as a mouse⑤ are called The work of a computer is just making full use of various resources by a software set in the computer, and directing the hardware to realize marvelous omnipotent⑥ 【词语解释】①main frame 主机(箱)②keyboard[’ki:b&:d]n.键盘③display 显示器④related devices 相关部件⑤mouse 鼠标⑥omnipotent[&m’nip t nt]a.无所不能的【写法指要】1)本文是知识介绍说明文,或构造介绍说明文。文章主要介绍了计算机结构的简单知识,顺便提及了它的功能。在正文里,作者采用空间顺序写法,由外部结构写到内部结构。最后用类比法(analogy)将计算机操作同驾驶汽车作了比较。2)类比法是一种逻辑推理方法,人们在文章中经常用到。英语中表达类比的方式有多种,本文用到的有“be similar to”,“compare…to…”,“just as”等。但是,类比法有或然性,须慎用。



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还不错 ,单位订了。里面有很多应用技巧,另外介绍一些软件。版面费审稿不清楚 呵呵



Computer and Application

contribute 他经常向一家物理杂志投稿。He contribute regularly to a physics




We build computer to solve Early computer solved mathematical and engineering problems,and later computers emphasized information processing for business T- oday,computers also control machines as diverse as automobile engines,robots,and microwave A computer system solves a problem from any of these domains by accepting input,processing it,and producing F 1-1 illustrates the function of a computer Computer systems consist of hardware and Hardware is the physical part of the Once designed,hardware is difficult and expensive to Software is the set of programs that instruct the hardware and is easier to modify than Computers are valuable because they are general-purpose machines that can solve many different kinds of problems,as opposed to special-purpose machines that can each solve only one kind of Different problems can be solved with the same hardware by supplying the system with a different set of hat is,with different undefined

We live in the"computer age"Computers become very important because they can work faster than men and make fewer Computers can help people do a lot of For example,writers use computers to write,teachers use them to teath, students use them to study and children use them to play People in the office use them to search Computers also remember what you put into Computers are very useful and They are our good 我们学这儿时老师让我们抄的范文,你看看用得上吗?


