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every succesful man can not travel in two ways, Jay dosen't make the exception as we know, he is born talent of we can say his study is not good enough, but he indulged himself in the world of with his extraodinary style of creating music, he becomes one of the greatest musician in but we can not just see his glory but ignore his formidable way to gain the golden he was born in a poor family, which shocked him a lot, this also gives him the spirit to think his his hard working can not be under the pressure of study, he overcome all the baffle, derives his nothing-to-compair every mountain has a peak, every valley has its low point, life has its ups and downs, its peaks and no one is up all the time, nor are they down all the problems do they are al resolved one shall we also learned something from Jay?





every succesful man can not travel in two ways, Jay dosen't make the exception as we know, he is born talent of we can say his study is not good enough, but he indulged himself in the world of with his extraodinary style of creating music, he becomes one of the greatest musician in but we can not just see his glory but ignore his formidable way to gain the golden he was born in a poor family, which shocked him a lot, this also gives him the spirit to think his his hard working can not be under the pressure of study, he overcome all the baffle, derives his nothing-to-compair every mountain has a peak, every valley has its low point, life has its ups and downs, its peaks and no one is up all the time, nor are they down all the problems do they are al resolved one shall we also learned something from Jay?

1、《中学生英语》2、《中华少年》3、《中学课程辅导》4、《未来英才》5、《求知导刊》6、《读书文摘》7、《知识窗》8、《课外语文》9、《语文天地》10、《作文成功之路》11、《新课程导学》12、《高中数理化》13、《校园英语》14、《英语广场 》15、《小作家选刊》16、《好家长》17、《数学大世界》18、《启迪与智慧》19、《数理化学习》20、《中学物理》21、《成才之路》22、《新校园》23、《中学化学》 The Adroit Journal在The Adroit Journal审阅评选文章的人是谁?和你一样的年轻人!这份杂志由高中生、大学生和崭露头角的作家运营,出版的类别分为“21岁以上”和“21岁以下”两类,你的作品会和各个年龄阶段作家的优秀作品出现在同一版面。这份杂志接受的作品包括小说和诗歌,还有艺术和摄影作品。 Alexandria Quarterly这份期刊既有电子版也有纸质版,刊登了不少精妙的视觉艺术作品和文学作品。Alexandria Quarterly推崇多样化的艺术,因不以年龄论优秀作品而闻名。这份期刊每年会授予一名17岁以下的艺术家或作家“新人艺术家/作家”奖项。 AGNI这份颇具声望的杂志由波士顿大学创办,既有电子版也有纸质版。AGNI的投稿人不限于高中生,但这份杂志以刊登很多新人作家的作品而闻名。如果能够在AGNI发表作品,那么你就向成为真正的作家迈进了一大步! CicadaCicada不仅接受小说、纪实和诗歌作品,还刊登漫画。虽然在这份期刊发表作品的作家来自各个年龄段,但期刊本身的目标读者是年轻人(高中生)。这份古怪但专业的期刊还声称自己对关于维京人的笑话情有独钟。在这份受欢迎的期刊发表作品是一项了不起的成就! The Claremont Review这份国际杂志刊登来自世界各地的英文作品。这份杂志上所有作者的年龄都在13至19岁之间。对于首次尝试在专业平台发表文章的年轻作家而言,Claremont Review是一个不错的机会。这份杂志还在自己的年度写作比赛中设置了奖项和奖金。 EmberEmber是一份十分出彩的期刊,每年只发行两期。但这份充满梦幻色彩的期刊涵盖了诗歌、小说和创意纪实作品,对各个年龄阶段的读者都具有吸引力。这份期刊不只发表年轻作家的作品,但它尤其鼓励10至18岁的作家和艺术家投稿。 The Louisville Review这份全国性的文学杂志主要是成年作家和知名作家竞技的平台,但它创立的“儿童角”一栏接受幼儿园至12年级作家的投稿。虽然这个栏目的名字可能对严肃的高中作家缺乏吸引力,但是向这份高质量杂志投稿还是值得一试的。如果你的作品被接受了,那么你将获得一次在专业平台发表作品的经历! Polyphony HS这份期刊十分看重高中生的作品,宗旨是将该期刊打造成优秀高中生作家的摇篮。正如他们在网站上所说的,Polyphony HS的职员和编辑们相信,“当年轻作家用精确而强有力的语言描绘生活时,他们能够更好地理解自己作为人的价值。”他们对年轻作家和崭露头角作家的关注,反映了这一宗旨。 Teen Ink这是提供给高中生的最受欢迎、最多样化的写作平台之一。这份在线杂志设置了多个类别的栏目,反映出了它推崇的写作多样化。除了传统的诗歌、小说和纪实作品,其他类别还包括:社区服务、旅游与文化、环境问题、健康问题、电视剧和游戏点评、大学作文。 Young Adult Review NetworkThe Young Adult Review Network是一份在线期刊,目标读者是青年成人。和这份列表中其他的期刊不一样,它还发表著名作家为年轻读者创作的作品。因此,作为新人和青少年作家,如果你的作品被选中,你会发现自己的作品将和最优秀的作品一同被展示。








The Way to Success First成功之路 No one has the exclusive way to Some say Some say Others say a house, a car, a child, a degree from a top university—but all are of these are only outward ways to show others that we’re People think that they must have these things before they can be happy, but Scott Achor in “The Happiness Advantage” says that the opposite is Achor, who is a professor at Harvard University and who has been teaching the “Happiness Course” for fifteen years, recently wrote this book to show that happiness breeds success, not the other way When I read it, it struck a chord with me and I realized that truly positive, happy people always seem to love what they do and who they are Even if times get tough, they don’t knuckle They persevere and overcome all 没有人的成功途径是唯一的。有人说是钱。有人说是爱情。还有人说,房子,车子,孩子,顶尖大学学位,但所有这些都只是显示自己成功了的外表。人们认为他们必须拥有这些东西后才会开心,但斯科特•阿克尔在“幸福的优势”中说反过来也是正确的。阿克尔是哈佛大学教授,他教了十五年的“幸福课”,最近写的一本书中表明快乐孕育着成功,而不是其他的方法。当我读它的时候,它打动了我,我也意识到真正积极的,快乐的人似乎总是喜欢他们所做的事以及他们身边的人。即使面临困难的时候,他们也不屈服。他们坚持不懈地克服所有的障碍。

The Way to SuccessThere is a famous remark from Abraham Lincoln “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the " That's to say, sharpening your knife won't waste your time for cutting your If your axe is blunt, it will seriously affect the speed and efficiency of cutting Even though sharpening the axe before chopping down a tree takes you sometime, the speed and efficiency of it will be improved a lot, and you will spend less time cutting down the same Similarly, if we want to succeed, we'd better improve ourselves What should we do to achieve success? Many of us have set lofty goals, but we had better start by preparing to confront difficulties, and proceeding with the very Just stop talking and get down to With the exception of perseverance and diligence, it is extremely necessary for us to have some useful Just remember, haste makes Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a To gain success, we should choose the right methods, and make enough preparations, and then we are on the way to 成功之路有一句名言,亚伯拉罕林肯的“给我六个小时砍倒一棵树,我会先花四小时磨斧头。”这就是说,磨练你的刀不会浪费你的时间,减少您砍的柴火。如果你的斧头钝了,会严重影响砍伐树木的速度和效率。在砍到一棵树前,去磨斧头,即使会花一点时间,砍伐的速度和效率会提高很多,但是你会花更少的时间,减少花在同一棵树上的时间。同样的,如果我们想成功,我们最好先提高自己。我们应该做什么来取得成功呢?我们很多人都树立远大的目标,但我们应有更好的准备来面对这些困难,和进行重要的准备基础。只是不说话,踏踏实实的工作。除了毅力和勤奋,对我们来说有一些有用的方法是十分必要的。只需记得,欲速则不达。良好的工具是成功执行工作的先决条件。为了获得成功,我们应该选择正确的方法,并做好充分的准备,那么我们就在成功的路上了。


