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Write(compose) manuscript(articles) for the School Magazine(Journal )

Dear Chief Editor, I like reading our school newspaper very much and I'm glad to hear that we'll have a new edition this Here is my adivce on the new here i have some first of all i hope our school newspaper published a period of a because most of our students are free at weekend,they can read it and inrich their second we should put three parts in it:study,life and in study part,we can provide some learning method for in life part,we can record some students's hird part we can write some fun in the last of all we can make some measures to encourage students to submit a piece of writing for i think it is not only inrich their learning life,but also they can found their ability of that's all,thank i hope i can read the the new editionnn yours, Li Ling

本人英语专业,保证正确,得体 subjec:(主题) From: To: cc:(摘抄,如果没有可以不写) bcc:(暗送,如果没有可以不写) Dear +Miss/M+ 人名 (如果不确定那人叫什么,就写Sir,这是比较正式的格式) 正文(注意要简单明了) Sincerely yours, 名字

write articles for the school paper


Wi-Fi (pronounced /ˈwaɪfaɪ/) is a trademark of the Wi-Fi A It is not a technical However, the Alliance has generally enforced its use to describe only a narrow range of connectivity technologies including wireless local area network (WLAN) based on the IEEE 11 standards, device to device connectivity [such as Wi-Fi Peer to Peer AKA Wi-Fi Direct], and a range of technologies that support PAN, LAN and even WAN Derivative terms, such as Super Wi-Fi, coined by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to describe proposed networking in the former UHF TV band in the US, may or may not be sanctioned by the A As of November 2010 this was very

write articles for the school paper

On the WiFi script to the school the college magazine

contribute for our college journal 回答者: heracer - 一派掌门 十二级 10-21 09:05毫无疑问的最佳答案


school journalcampus paperschool publicationschool magazine再加上英语就行了

首先我们来了解一下英语论文投稿信的内容:  投稿信是作者和编辑就文章内容沟通的好机会,因此应该避免形式和过场,为应付和合规而撰写投稿信。  如果不能更用心,至少应该像撰写论文内容一样用心。因为,投稿信会影响到期刊编辑能否将你的稿件送出进行同行评议。  那么投稿信都应该包含哪些内容呢?  1、介绍自己的基本情况  2、你的稿件为什么非常适合刊发于该目标期刊;  3、强调稿件中最重要的研究成果和发现;  4、说明你的稿件中不存在抄袭、二次发表、一稿多投等违反科研诚信的内容;  5、多作者情况需与编辑确认所有作者均同意投稿  6、希望对方对稿件提出宝贵意见等;  7、客套、祝福话语等  当然,如果论文质量过硬,被送外审的可能性依旧非常大,但是投稿信可以说是编辑在看到你论文前对你形成的第一印象,那么为什么不给编辑留下个好印象呢?  接着我们了解一下投稿信结构:  撰写投稿信类似于写标准的商业信函。正式称呼编辑的姓名(如果您知道编辑的名字)。同时也给出您的联系信息。目标期刊的在线提交系统中,可能会有您的联系信息,但是在投稿信中给出联系信息也很必要。  投稿信的起始段,应当说明稿件题目及作者姓名。您也可说明所提交稿件的类型(研究论文、综述、个例研究等)。在此第一段中及接下来的段落,说明您研究的基本原理及主要成果。如果您之前发表过的文章与本稿件直接相关,可以提及该文章。  然后,用一个短段落来解释您的稿件为什么非常适合该目标期刊。切忌笼统地说,自己的稿件“是对该领域有意义的”或“新颖的”。应强调该目标期刊的宗旨和范围声明中的具体方面。  如果目标期刊表示对临床应用研究感兴趣,则必须强调自己的文章在临床意义方面的重要性。如果目标期刊提到其专注于纳米结构材料,那么您应当说明自己的文章如何与此类材料相关。  即使您的文章并非绝对适合此目标期刊,也要确保提及宗旨和范围声明中的某些内容,并解释清楚您的文稿为何会让该期刊的读者感兴趣。  最后,用简短段落结束投稿信,其中应包括下列各点:  1、稿件的原创性(例如,您亲自撰写,没有抄袭)  2、稿件中不含已被发表过的任何内容,您也没有将任何部分同时投递给任何其他期刊  3、没有需要披露的利益冲突  4、列出可能的审稿人(仅在该期刊有要求的情况下提供)  5、提出不应审阅您稿件的任何研究人员投稿信模板  所有信息结合起来,投稿信应当让编辑确信,您的稿件值得考虑在其期刊上发表,而且您对其期刊特别感兴趣。  最后再来了解一下其他注意事项:  1、投稿信的用语,可以比摘要或引言更文辞华丽、给人更深刻的印象,来更好地抓住编辑的注意力;  2、利用投稿信强调您文稿的亮点,并说明此文为什么会激发该期刊读者的兴趣;  3、切勿在投稿信中谈论有关您竞争对手的负面信息,或提到任何研究人员派系关系问题。应当专注于您文章的优势,以及其会吸引读者阅读的原因;  4、投稿信可能带来不同结果,可能是一开始就被退稿,也可能是稿件被发出进行同行评议。花些时间撰写投稿信,并在发出前让同事帮助校对检查。请记住,目标期刊名称和任何物种名称,应使用斜体字;  5、还应留意某些可能的错误,包括无关资料(比如引用某些您先前进行的与现在文稿不相关的研究)、干扰性细节(比如列出样本大小和 p 值)及信息重复等。  (以上内容来源于学术堂)

英语校园报道作文格式模板可以这样子去编写,比如就可以先介绍一下,今天是星期几,具体的日期是什么然后介绍一下自己,并且是很荣幸能够为大家报道关于校园的新闻这样子的一个过程以及内容。比如具体的编写,就可以这样子去写hello everyone ,it is october 11st,I am very pleasure to stand here To Give your diary report。然后这样子的一个句子就可以作为英语校园报道,作文格式模板的开头。然后在后续就可以加入一些相关的介绍以及在报道校园新闻的时候的先后顺序,都是可以把它放进去的。然后在作文里面就具体根据新闻的时效性去放入不同的作文内容、新闻内容。


write articles for the school paper


Dear Chief Editor, I like reading our school newspaper very much and I'm glad to hear that we'll have a new edition this Here is my adivce on the new here i have some first of all i hope our school newspaper published a period of a because most of our students are free at weekend,they can read it and inrich their second we should put three parts in it:study,life and in study part,we can provide some learning method for in life part,we can record some students's hird part we can write some fun in the last of all we can make some measures to encourage students to submit a piece of writing for i think it is not only inrich their learning life,but also they can found their ability of that's all,thank i hope i can read the the new editionnn yours, Li Ling

补充一点点,contribute后面用tocontribute to shool journal


基本格式(除了标题)是:The basic format (except the title) is:1、先把事件中最重要的部分在导语中简明地体现出来。First, the most important part of the event is concisely reflected in the 2、在第二段进一步具体阐述导语中的这个重要部分,形成支持,不至于使受众在接受时形成心理落差。因而,第二段实际上是一个过渡性段落。In the second paragraph, this important part of the introduction is further elaborated to form support, so as not to make the audience form a psychological gap when Therefore, the second paragraph is actually a transitional 3、按照事件发展的时间顺序把“故事”讲下来。Tell the story in chronological 扩展资料实例——一场别开生面的考试A new test本报通讯员 xxxOur correspondent: XXX3月12日下午3点,一场别开生面的考试在xxx省xxx市政府五楼会议室举行。At 3 on March 12, a special exam was held in the conference room on the fifth floor of XXX municipal government, XXX 能容纳500多人的会议室里,端坐着全市49名乡镇党委书记、乡镇长,他们将通过闭卷考试获得任职“科技资格”。In the conference room, which can accommodate more than 500 people, there are 49 township party secretaries and township heads in the They will pass the closed book examination and get the "science and technology qualification"主考官:分管农业的市委副书记xxx和副市长xxx。Examiner: Deputy Secretary of the municipal Party committee and deputy mayor in charge of 主监考:市委组织部长。Chief invigilator: Organization director of the municipal Party

Yesterday, I felt very When I was in class, I felt sleepy and could not listen to the teacher And I did not want to eat anything at I went to bed This morning, I felt dizzy and my head was My mom said I had a She took me to see a He gave me some medicines and told me to have a good rest at It was not too I hope I can be good


